Big Beach Brawl

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On Again, Off Again
This game mode is not always available to be played in-game. It is only available sometimes. It is currently not available.

Big Beach Brawl is a Thymed Event that ran from June 8, 2023 to June 17, 2023. This event features the return of Ducky Tubes.

Big Beach Brawl has 15 levels, and beating various levels grants the players a reward.


See Big Beach Brawl/Dialogue.


Level Plants Zombies Flags Tide covers
Notes Prize
1 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png
Pre-placed plant: Four Lily Pad2.png One Peashooter2.png One Wall-nut2.png
Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Conehead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Two Five Starts with 275 Sun N/A
2 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Tangle Kelp2.png
Pre-placed plant: Seven Lily Pad2.png One Wall-nut2.png
Pompadour Zombie2.png Bikini Zombie2.png Bikini Conehead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Three Six Starts with 125 Sun N/A
3 SeaFlora2.png Tangle Kelp2.png
Pre-placed plant: Two SeaFlora2.png
Beach Flag Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Two Nine Starts with 800 Sun 2,500 coins
4 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Toadstool2.png
Pre-placed plant: Five Lily Pad2.png
Bikini Zombie2.png Bikini Conehead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Three Six Starts with 500 Sun N/A
5 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Tangle Kelp2.png Bowling Bulb2.png
Pre-placed plant: Eight Lily Pad2.png One Bowling Bulb2.png
Pompadour Buckethead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Three Seven Starts with 625 Sun N/A
6 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Ghost Pepper2.png Rotobaga2.png Lily Pad2.png
Pre-placed plant: Nine Lily Pad2.png Two Peashooter2.png One Rotobaga2.png
Fast Swimmer Zombie2.png Bikini Conehead2.png Bikini Buckethead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Two Nine Starts with 375 Sun N/A
7 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Guacodile2.png
Pre-placed plant: Five Lily Pad2.png Two Guacodile2.png
Fast Swimmer Zombie2.png Bikini Zombie2.png Bikini Conehead2.png Bikini Buckethead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Fisher Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Three Six Starts with 600 Sun 5 Seed packets for SeaFlora2.png
8 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Imp Pear2.png Dartichoke2.png
Pre-placed plant: Nine Lily Pad2.png One Dartichoke2.png One Imp Pear2.png
Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Conehead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Fisher Zombie2.png Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png
Summoned: Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png
Two Six Objective: Survive without planting on Dave's mold colonies
Starts with 1025 Sun
9 Choice
Endangered plants: Three Banana Launcher2.png
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png
Pre-placed plant: Seven Lily Pad2.png
Pompadour Zombie2.png Bikini Conehead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Two Six Save Our Seeds
Starts with 525 Sun
10 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Pokra2.png Tangle Kelp2.png
Pre-placed plant: One Pokra2.png Two Tangle Kelp2.png
Beach Flag Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Three Seven Starts with 450 Sun 5 Big Wave Brawl Piñata
11 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Snow Pea2.png
Pompadour Zombie2.png Bikini Zombie2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Three Six Starts with 675 Sun N/A
12 Choice
Endangered plants: Five Draftodil2.png
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png
Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Bikini Zombie2.png Bikini Buckethead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Fisher Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png
Summoned: Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png
Four Seven Save Our Seeds
Starts with 775 Sun
13 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Toadstool2.png
Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Conehead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Bikini Zombie2.png Bikini Conehead2.png Bikini Buckethead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Two Five Starts with 375 Sun N/A
14 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Buttercup2.png Guacodile2.png
Pre-placed plant: Five Lily Pad2.png
Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Conehead2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Three Seven Starts with 425 Sun N/A
15 Choice
Pre-selected plant: Lily Pad2.png Tangle Kelp2.png Guacodile2.png Banana Launcher2.png
Pre-placed plant: Eight Lily Pad2.png
Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Conehead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Bikini Zombie2.png Bikini Conehead2.png Bikini Buckethead2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Beach Flag Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Fisher Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Ducky Tube2.png Ducky Tube Conehead2.png Ducky Tube Buckethead2.png Three Nine Starts with 1025 Sun 50 Seed packets for SeaFlora2.png

Brain Busters

Save Our Seeds

Main article: Save Our Seeds

In the Save Our Seeds levels, the player has to protect the endangered plants marked by a striped tile and his or her house too. If the player lets one of them be eaten by the zombies or disappear in some way, they will lose. Otherwise, it is a regular level, which the player can choose the plants to protect the endangered ones.

It is playable on levels 9 & 12.


See Thymed Events.


In other languages

Please note that only official translations are used.

Language Name Description
United States of America English Big Beach Brawl
France French Baston des plages
Germany German Große Strandprügelei
Italy Italian Grande rissa sulla spiaggia
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Grande Duelo da Praia
Spain Spanish Gran pelea playera
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