Prime Mover is an achievement in Plants vs. Zombies 2. It requires the player to unleash the Gargantuar Prime. More specifically, the player must beat Far Future - Day 8. It is worth 25 points on Game Center for iOS devices, and 500 XP on Google Play Games for Android devices.
Strategies and tips laid out on the above level page should be followed. Day 8 of Far Future is relatively easy if the player keeps their plants relatively close to each other and in the first five columns. Replacing Wall-nuts and protecting Citrons is vital.
In other languages
Please note that only official translations are used.
Prime Mover
Simplified Chinese
The description incorrectly refers to the Gargantuar Prime as the "Far Future Gargantuar."
The term "Prime Mover" is one of the many aliases for a tractor unit pulling semi trailers.