
From Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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The template's main usage is to make adding PvZ2 seed packet files much easier on a user's user page.

How To Use

Simply go to the source editor and add the template along with the names of the PvZ2 plants whose seed packet files you'd like to add.
The template takes in as many arguments as you want, so you don't have to worry about screwing up too badly.

This Code:

{{Seeds|Boom Balloon Flower|Primal Sunflower|Celery Stalker|Grimrose|Winter Melon|Winter Melon|Winter Melon}}

Will Give:

Boom Balloon Flower Premium Seed Packet.png Primal Sunflower Jurassic Marsh Seed Packet.png Celery Stalker Neon Mixtape Tour Seed Packet.png Grimrose Seed Packet.png Winter Melon New Wild West Seed Packet.png Winter Melon New Wild West Seed Packet.png Winter Melon New Wild West Seed Packet.png

Note that even if you don't input proper plant names, it will still give you a blank seed packet. Make sure to look out for those when adding the template, to help you realize if you're doing something, if anything, wrong.
This Code:

Will Give:

Mystery Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png

This third example will just show how the previously mentioned error will look like, so look out for those.
This Code:
|Dusk Lobber|Inferno|Turkeypult|Zoybean Pod
|Twin Sunflower|Murkadamianut|Melon-pult|Garlic
|Spear-mint|Enlighten mint|Guacodile|Eectric Currant
|Lava Guava|Thyme Warp|Thyme Warp|Jalapeno
|Sticky Bomb Rice|Perfume-shroom|Puff-shroom|Gold Leaf

Will Give:
Dusk Lobber Seed Packet.png Inferno Premium Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Zoybean Pod New Premium Seed Packet.png Twin Sunflower New Ancient Egypt Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Melon-pult New Wild West Seed Packet.png Garlic Neon Mixtape Tour Seed Packet.png Spear-mint New Premium Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Guacodile Big Wave Beach Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Lava Guava New Premium Seed Packet.png Thyme Warp Neon Mixtape Tour Seed Packet.png Thyme Warp Neon Mixtape Tour Seed Packet.png Jalapeno New Premium Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Peashooter Seed Packet.png Cabbage-pult Seed Packet.png Kernel-pult New Pirate Seas Seed Packet.png Mystery Seed Packet.png Perfume-shroom Jurassic Marsh Seed Packet.png Puff-shroom Dark Ages Seed Packet.png Gold Leaf Lost City Seed Packet.png

Turkeypult is wrong. (Turkey-pult)
Explodeovine is wrong. (Explode-o-Vine)
Murkadamianut is wrong. (Murkadamia Nut)
Enlighten mint is wrong. (Enlighten-mint)
Eectric Currant is wrong. (Electric Currant)
Sticky Bomb Rice is wrong. (Stickybomb Rice)


<!-- Simply spell the plant's name correctly, and it'll work just fine. -->
{{Seeds|Turkey-pult|Explode-o-Vine|Murkadamia Nut|Enlighten-mint|Electric Currant|Stickybomb Rice}}

Turkey-pult Premium Seed Packet.png Explode-o-Vine Premium Seed Packet.png Murkadamia Nut Premium Seed Packet.png Enlighten-mint Premium Seed Packet.png Electric Currant New Premium Seed Packet.png Stickybomb Rice Premium Seed Packet.png