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Note: This page is (un)dead.

Sorry for not updating this page regularly. It is now outdated. I might try to add other stuff here soon though.

About me

...No clue what to put here.

Made my profile pic with Zombatar. Fairly easy.

Favourite Dinosaurs (PvZH)

  1. Apotatosaurus (Pun value = 999)
  2. Tricarrotops (Pun value = 99)
  3. Stompadon (Feed it cards and watch your hand go value mode. I don't have this card sadly)
  4. Bananasaurus Rekt's (Pun value = 9)
  5. Veloci-Radish (UNCOMMON? Pun value = 5)

I use this Hero and Deck a lot

link=Chompzilla 100px Heal to Win (created by Rsamsl103)

PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.png PvZH Solar Icon.png
With the addition of Lil' Buddy as a 0-drop collectible, Pepper M.D. has never been so strong early! If you didn't draw him, you can always Evolve an Elderberry in a Coffee Grounds for a quick...TEN damage to your opponent.
Lil' BuddyH.png x4 Umbrella LeafH.png x3 Coffee GroundsH.png x3 Pepper M.D.H.png x4 Vegetation MutationH.png x2
Water BalloonsH.png x2 2nd-Best Taco of All TimeH.png x2 FertilizeH.png x3 FlourishH.png x3 Venus FlytrapH.png x3
ElderberryH.png x3 HeartichokeH.png x2 Plant FoodH.png x1 Venus FlytraplanetH.png x3 Power FlowerH.png x2


My Plants vs. Zombies game(s)