User:Someone456/My Plants vs. Zombies Wiki History/2014-2015

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This is my third history page, created on 25th April, 2015. It records my histories in 2014-2015!

Don't read it in our wiki app.


Bold text indicates that user is a main character of my history in this year.

  1. 1Zulu
  2. 3primetime3
  3. A Graalian/CitronOrange/Psyduckfan
  4. A plant
  5. AbramR and sockpuppets
  6. Adagio and Espie
  7. Angry3456
  8. Ballistic Planet/MordecaiGP
  9. Bearjedi/Ninja Penguins
  10. Birdpool
  11. Brainulator9
  12. Buzzy Buzz
  13. Carp The Fish
  14. Cavia porcellus
  15. Charmande red321
  16. Cheetah-shooter/Cheese-shooter
  17. CoffeeCupProductions*
  18. CompliensCreator00
  19. Deathstrike2112
  20. DeathZombi
  21. Dekagamer7X9/GardenmasterXX
  22. Dr Crzzy Dave
  23. Drek'TharSuperSword
  24. Dung Dinh Anh
  25. Echoson
  26. Electric Plants
  27. Electromario2001
  28. ElPrimordial
  29. EMPeachy4
  30. FrostyMint
  31. Gargantuar333
  32. GrantVsZombies
  33. Gregory Exploit
  34. GWChamp
  35. Hoanganhminh
  36. Iamarepeater
  37. Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls
  38. JemCel03
  39. Knakveey
  40. Kieran937
  41. Lapis Lazulli/Revern
  42. LaserBean203
  43. Lily8763cp
  44. Magicwaterz
  45. Mathdude314
  46. Matt Hadick
  47. Maxus Overlord/Poopspyro7
  48. MeVsZombiesMeWin
  49. MignightHawk
  50. Milesprower2
  51. Mr. ESE
  52. Murabito/Crayonshinchan0203
  53. Nicko756
  54. Panlonglol
  55. Pepsicola45
  56. Philologia
  57. Pinkgirl234
  58. Pizzachu
  59. Plants vs. Zombies 2 = epic
  60. PnFforever
  61. PopCap Unofficial
  62. ProcastinatorMan*
  63. PuffyMuffins
  64. PVZ User
  65. Reapeageddon
  66. RedKnightHD
  67. RetroBowser
  68. Sannse
  69. HeavenlyMildCone
  70. Sinanco
  71. Slenderman54890
  72. Slytherin Potter/NapalmRosalina
  73. Someone456
  74. Squiddydumbo
  75. Starfruity
  76. Super Monkeys Rock!/ThePlanter556
  77. Thecoollittlepeashooter
  78. TheGreenNapalm
  79. TheHandsomePlant
  80. TheMostAwesomer
  81. ThePurplePi/Pranavvinc3
  82. TheZombiemelon
  83. ThisUserLikesOreo/Userbae
  84. Uselessguy
  85. Vectorgreg*
  86. Wikia
  87. Wilucas
  88. WinterMagnet
  89. Wintermelon43
  90. Xenons
  91. ZombieNinja723

  1. Someone456
  2. Slytherin Potter/NapalmRosalina
  3. ZombieNinja723
  4. Starfruity
  5. MignightHawk
  6. Wintermelon43
  7. Sannse
  8. Buzzy Buzz
  9. Uselessguy
  10. Milesprower2
  11. 1Zulu
  12. Cheetah-shooter/Cheese-shooter
  13. Brainulator9
  14. ProcastinatorMan*
  15. WinterMagnet
  16. Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls
  17. FrostyMint
  18. DeathZombi
  19. Bearjedi/Ninja Penguins
  20. PVZ User
  21. 3primetime3
  22. A Graalian/CitronOrange/Psyduckfan
  23. HeavenlyMildCone
  24. Iamarepeater
  25. Angry3456
  26. Vectorgreg*
  27. Mr. ESE
  28. Wikia
  29. Hoanganhminh
  30. EMPeachy4
  31. Lapis Lazulli/Revern
  32. RetroBowser
  33. Magicwaterz
  34. Xenons
  35. TheZombiemelon
  36. GrantVsZombies
  37. Echoson
  38. Reapeageddon
  39. JemCel03
  40. TheMostAwesomer
  41. Pepsicola45
  42. Matt Hadick
  43. Maxus Overlord/Poopspyro7
  44. ElPrimordial
  45. Murabito/Crayonshinchan0203
  46. Wilucas
  47. Carp The Fish
  48. Cavia porcellus
  49. MeVsZombiesMeWin
  50. Philologia
  51. CoffeeCupProductions*
  52. Gregory Exploit
  53. Slenderman54890
  54. Electric Plants
  55. A plant
  56. ThePurplePi/Pranavvinc3
  57. CompliensCreator00
  58. Ballistic Planet/MordecaiGP
  59. Super Monkeys Rock!/ThePlanter556
  60. Dekagamer7X9/GardenmasterXX
  61. PopCap Unofficial
  62. Birdpool
  63. PnFforever
  64. RedKnightHD
  65. Lily8763cp
  66. Electromario2001
  67. Squiddydumbo
  68. Thecoollittlepeashooter
  69. GWChamp
  70. Charmande red321
  71. Knakveey
  72. TheGreenNapalm
  73. Kieran937
  74. Plants vs. Zombies 2 = epic
  75. Pizzachu
  76. AbramR and sockpuppets
  77. ThisUserLikesOreo/Userbae
  78. Sinanco
  79. PuffyMuffins
  80. Gargantuar333
  81. TheHandsomePlant
  82. Nicko756
  83. Pinkgirl234
  84. Panlonglol
  85. Adagio and Espie
  86. Mathdude314
  87. Drek'TharSuperSword
  88. Dung Dinh Anh
  89. Dr Crzzy Dave
  90. Deathstrike2112
  91. LaserBean203

* indicates that user is only mentioned, not appearing.

August 2014

14th August, 2014. First day in my third year. NR apologized to ZN723. Their conflict seemed to be resolved.

We had a new b-crat Starfruity.

In contrast, we lost a b-crat too... Hawk left the wiki because he couldn't endure the current state. If you did not helped me, I would not have survived on the Plants vs. Zombies Wiki. Always miss you.

However, we discovered that he promoted Wintermelon to b-crat without any discussions.

15th August, 2014. It's illegal. We must remove Wintermelon's b-crat right. We contacted Sannse to do this.

Its not legal to jump to Bureaucrats, with ONE user's opinion!!! - Buzzy Buzz

Promoting like WM is highly againisting the staff member's rules. No one cannot self-promote. - Uselessguy


More proof that he needs demoting. - Milesprower2

Okay, I'm going to intervene here. It's clear that MignightHawk promoted Wintermelon43 in a way that is generally felt to be unfair. And as the normal thing here is to have a vote, I agree.

Because of that, I'm going to remove all the new rights. - Sannse

Of course, Wintermelon complained.


Raging in caps is NOT fine, it is a sign of immaturity. - Milesprower2

You are allowed by Hawk only, not by us.

You're promoted without any voting procedures. All promotions on the wiki need to be voted by us. This is a bad example and really unfair to all other users.

You keep cussing, even they're censored. This is one of the many reasons why you don't deserve b-crat. - me, Someone456

Seriously, with all this raging and swearing, you're just giving more reasons for the Wikia Staff to demote you. - Milesprower2

Okay, this is ridiculous. WM, YOU WERE VOTED DOWN FROM ADMIN!!!!! People were generous enough to allow you to be a Chat Mod again instead of a Rollback, but you DO NOT DESERVE THE ROLE OF BUREAUCRAT!!! - Starfruity

WM, you need to grow up - 1Zulu

He wasn't re-promoted.

18th August, 2014. Starfruity made a thread about staff reboot. I opposed but most of users supported.

Finally we decided to do it. But it was done after few months.

19th August, 2014. I met Cheese-shooter (called Cheetah-shooter now). He told me that he's a Hong Kong citizen too and his birthday is 21/7 (mine is 22/7). Oh, OK, not bad, another Hongkonger after NR.

21st August, 2014. BUL9 informed us something about PMan.

24th August, 2014. WinterMagnet asked for right again. Of course we opposed.

Usefulguy and Jack added many zombies with "XXX" speed/toughness. For the PvZ2 ones.

26th August, 2014. WinterMagnet was blocked by me.

how dare you delete my page >:( - FrostyMint

He made an article which is about the reasons of the premium plants are useless. He could do that in blog or thread, but he made the article instead. So I deleted it. He was rude to me so was blocked.

27th August, 2014. I made my eleventh talk archive.

28th August, 2014. Cleaning-up all Boss Mode-related pages. Also I created Boss Mode Template.

29th August, 2014. NR nominated Usefulguy to rollback. We supported but Usefulguy wanted to close it.

DeathZombi asked me that what he could do to help the wiki. I told him to add the infobox to Vasebreaker/I, Zombie pages.

I created the PvZ2 Vasebreaker page.

30th August, 2014. In order to solve the sockpuppet problems in this wiki. We needed to select checkuser.

I just only like editing on the wiki. Don't make me into these wiki issues. - me, Someone456

@Off-topic: That word "Someone" was almost successful in tricking me. I mean I was about meaning "Someone" is one of five bureaucrats, but actually it means his name "Someone456") *_* - Uselessguy

Now, no one gets this right, and it's fine if I get it.

31st August, 2014. Usefulyguy created a page to let other users say their opinions about him. I was the first one who commented.

Useful. - me, Someone456

September 2014

4th September, 2014. NP added a new category called Category:Plant variants, but he just added some of them. I had to finish the rest.

5th September, 2014. NR made a great change about PvZGW zombies. At first, Foot Soldier, Engineer, Scientist, and All-Star had the word "Zombie" behind their names. I noticed that but I didn't change them... because of laziness. Finally there's somebody who did it. So I was busy to change their names in other articles.

6th September, 2014. PVZ User, a sockpuppet of FrostyMint, who asked me to unblock his account.

Both of them were blocked forever by me.

Mile created a thread about unreleased upcoming content. First, 1 was winning, even I told them the consequences (not expected result, they really happened!). Fortunately, after Usefulguy's effort, most users changed their mind to 2. All non-publicly released content could only stay in concept page. And the weighting rule is extremely useful.

7th September, 2014. I made my twelfth talk archive.

Was he challenging me? NR made a vote to remove my chat mod right because I didn't go to chat often.

Generally when we have a user that's a higher rank than another, they have all the previous ones. - Starfruity

If you are an administrator, then you are automatically a chat moderator. If you want to take away his chat moderator rights, you will also need to remove the admin rights, which I strongly oppose. And no need to highlight something like this. - 3primetime3

I think this thread is pointless, totally pointless - Uselessguy

Of course my chat mod right was kept. I want to make it clear. I go to chat only when crises appear. (or request)

10th September, 2014. Stickerbook order.

This is the official order from the Garden Warfare Sticker Book... I think. - NapalmRosalina

You think? - me, Someone456

Second thing, I helped Psyduckfan (called A Graalian now) delete a page which was made by a spammer.

Thanks ur the best bureaucrat >:) huehue jk xD but you are the best - Psyduckfan

13th September, 2014. I had a new conflict with NR. He renamed "Pea Cannon (plant)" and "Pea Gatling (Potted Plant)". The former one stayed but the latter one was renamed to "Gatling Pea (Spawnable Plant)". Usefulguy also joined this battle.

First, he changed Pea Cannon (plant) to Pea Cannon (Spawnable Plant), no one said it's false. But plant is simpler and there's no another plant with the same name (Pea Cannon page was the primary weapon of Peashooter).

Now say clearly: Plant? Spawnable Plant? Are there really different? Does it have two variants? THEY ARE JUST THE SAME. - Uselessguy

Second, Pea Gatling (Potted Plant) was changed to Gatling Pea (Spawnable Plant). I could agree with it. Because Spawnable Plant is the official name and Pea Gatling and Gatling Pea were both mentioned in game.

Poor Gallery of plants and List of plants were also involved in this war.

14th September, 2014. Usefulguy made special archive for me.

Because you are my best friend! You are like my teacher here, that's why I became the 3rd ranked user. :P I cannot imagine how you did help me from the started, first I was useless, now I'm useful... - Uselessguy

Wintermelon left. He requested NR to block him forever.

That's correct if he really couldn't endure here, He should leave and forget about the wiki. Have a good real life.

Surviving on Plants vs. Zombies Wiki is not easy.

16th September, 2014. Typhoon! I had a free day to help the wiki. The abilities of a GW plant/zombie are completely the same. We used to copy all the stuff and put it to all the corresponding pages. But it's horrible if one of the pages was edited. So I created the abilities templates (for plants only), now we just need to update the template.

17th September, 2014. Renamed Potted Plants to Spawnable Plants, and changed those words in articles.

18th September, 2014. Psyduckfan was renamed to CitronOrange. Do you think that it ends? :)

21st September, 2014. Usefulguy had a great idea. But no one takes action...

23rd September, 2014. 3primetime3 nominated Usefulguy to admin. However, he didn't meet the requirements. But I believe that we could make an exception for him. Finally, that thread was closed by NR because of that reason. That's true.

28th September, 2014. I made my thirteenth talk archive.

NR was demoted. Cheetah made a thread to help NR appeal.

30th September, 2014. Having a party with schoolmates whole night. So I didn't make edit that day.

October 2014

1st October, 2014. For one thing I really dislike NR because he spammed (in my opinion) Boss Mode images (see Superb Zomboss Radar/Gallery and Zomboss Healing Station/Gallery, he created them). I told him that they're duplicate and unimportant.

As one of the badge's name says: "Every Perspective", I want others to see every side of it, from top to bottom, from left to right and from back to front. - NapalmRosalina

It's a funny argument. OK I didn't stop him.

HeavenlyMildCone asked me not to block him. Why? He was blocked by me in August because he uploaded an extremely scary image. He then changed his profile pic to Freddy Fazbear. It's not scary enough, so he didn't get blocked.

2nd October, 2014. Zombies abilities templates were created by me.

3rd October, 2014. DeathZombi told me that it's unfair to block HMC because he changed his profile to a beach girl image. He misunderstood, HMC uploaded a scary image instead.

5th October, 2014. Usefulguy and ZN723 had a conflict about difficultly. Usefulguy wanted Easy-medium but ZM723 wanted Easy - Medium. ZN723 asked me about this.

9th October, 2014. ZN723 requested to be admin. We all voted support. Never had I expected that this could turn into a huge issue.

11th October, 2014. I made my fourteenth talk archive.

I left a comment in Bowling Bulb about what hyperlink color should I use :P.

Multiple promotions by me! Iamarepeater and Angry3456 were promoted to rollback and Buzzy to chat mod.

12th October, 2014. NR made a thread to demote our co-founder, Vectorgreg, his idea was rejected.

Plants vs. Zombies Adventures was closed. BUL9 wrote a poem.

13th October, 2014. Locations category and areas category existed for ages. I thought they're almost the same and I wanted to remove one of them in 2012. Finally I did it now, the areas one was deleted.

ZN723 told me that he thought Usefulyguy was cheating Lucky Blover with the method used by 3primetime3 first. In my opinion, they just recorded the edits to know which one was the 1000th. They didn't have some methods to get the number of edits instantly.

This resulted many users changed their votes to oppose in his promotion thread. With the addition of NR's words, the situation was getting worse.

17th October, 2014. DeathZombi loved my history page!

PvZA was vandalized by Mr. ESE around 30 times in a row. Minh and Buzzy helped reverting them. That spammer was blocked by Minh.

21st October, 2014. BUL9 remade the top contributors in our almanac of records page, extending it to ten. I was the first one and he added Wikia to be the second one. It's not a real contributor, so I removed it.

23rd October, 2014. BUL9 made some almanac entries for staff few days ago. I didn't notice that until that day. I liked it and put it to my page.

24th October, 2014. EMPeach's edits had some problems. The links [[XXX]]s were changed to [[XXX|XXXs]] by him. It's really redundant. I asked him for reason, he said it should be a glitch. OK I believed him and recommended him to use Source Mode.

25th October, 2014. It's time to settle it. As I mentioned before, some users were having arguments about the format of articles. They're annoying, so I had to make this vote.

Seven kudos!

26th October, 2014. Multiple promotions again! Revern (called Lapis Lazulli now), RetroBowser and Magicwaterz to rollbacks. Cheetah to chat mod.

NR requested to be admin again. Most people opposed because he's rude. Finally he gave up.

On the other hand, NR changed his vote in ZN723's admin thread. He made we need to wait for three days again!

Oh, come on! - Brainulator9

NR was even saying Cantonese, Google Translate couldn't translate it. Most people just ignored it. I knew the meaning though.

27th October, 2014. Magicwaterz wanted to change Modificator to Modifier because the latter one was correct. We supported but no one took action.

31st October, 2014. Happy Halloween!

November 2014

1st November, 2014.

Titanic editor who isn't sellfish with his knowledge. - Xenons

Usefulguy earned 10000 edits! In 3 months! Well I asked him again to be a staff member. He still refused.

Also, ZN723 was promoted to admin. Congrats!

NR made his half-year review.

2nd November, 2014. Usefulguy added areas category again, I told him not to do it and my reason. We reached a consensus.

I made my fifteenth talk archive.

Finally it came... staff reboot.

BUL9 demoted all the rollbacks and chat mods. Then, highlights were everywhere. Well, all the active ones were re-promoted later.

I made a voting page, this could reduce the number of highlights. I sent this message to all the admins and b-crats. However, not all of them added their votes there, they voted on the threads instead.

3rd November, 2014. Buzzy told me that the Big Wave Beach part 2 plants were confirmed. He asked me whether should we create the pages.

No. PopCap didn't released their names and any information about them. So it's pointless to make a page without anything.

7th November, 2014. Few days ago, NP requested for admin. BUL9 disqualified all the votes which weren't admins'/b-crats'. Because only admins and b-crats were allowed to vote on the reboot, so other b-crats decided to ban all other users to vote on other promotion threads too (not now). This made NR really angry. Again, he was shouting in Chinese.

This is an English wiki. - ZombieNinja723

Only admins can vote is a really bad thing, because those votes seriously ignore the voice from the MAJORITY USERS of the wiki and this is really really bad. Apart from this, since all people are equal, all admin applications should be treated equally, it's not fair for all of us if NP can be only voted by admins. - NapalmRosalina

^ This is true, so that rule disappears now.

Most people here haven't experienced admin here, and they might Oppose for a reason that isn't true. - Ninja Penguins

Well, I never see that. Most users just support and support. - me, Someone456

After that, NR made a 不信任動議 (what he wrote, that means motion of no confidence) in order to demote BUL9. The content was Chinese too. In my opinion, this was a bad rule, but BUL9 was definitely not worth demotion.

Please Someone456 or Cheetah-shooter help me do the translation. - NapalmRosalina

FU_K that sh1t - Someone456's mind

BUL9 tried to translate it, it was nearly 100% correct. Well, I might translate it here.

I (NR) think that BUL9 was dereliction of duty seriously. The rules of the wiki were changed, but BUL9 as an admin not only didn't update the rule page, but also removed my vote secretly and gave an unrelated response on NP's promotion thread.

All users voted A (not demote), except NR of course.

This is an English wiki, say English for wiki management. Maybe this thread can be repealed. - me, Someone456

9th November, 2014. The page of Chinese PvZ2 was created. Well, I had clean it up and also the international one.

15th November, 2014. Because of the reboot, they decided to limit the number of staff too. Of course I hate this, see my first history page for details.

TheZombiemelon told me that he got more votes than other users, but he wasn't promoted due to the reboot. So he was seeking my help.

I understand those users' feelings. - me, Someone456

I made this.

Over the past few days, I have been making edits A LOT and helped make the BWB articles. Now, I almost have 200 edits like 192 or 193. But it's not fair if we can't have more rollbacks. I always wanted to be a Rollback. - CitronOrange

One day I wanna be a B-Crat like BUL9 or Someone. I have alot to learn, but I love this wiki. I think it's dumb how we have a limit on staff. It's nice to see that someone as important as Someone456 agrees with me. - GrantVsZombies

Some people opposed too. I don't think that there will be too much staff. Our rules are getting stricter and we always demote the inactive ones. Support won, finally.

19th November, 2014. NP had some ideas about rules for ranting. They weren't good enough, so I voted neutral. Then, this thread was getting off-topic because Echoson said especially when people insult ZackScott. ZN723 hated ZackScott. NR also joined. Endless argument started.

Why are we talking about ZackScott here? WE HAVE A TASK TO ACCOMPLISH, PEOPLE! - Brainulator9

22nd November, 2014. I had some conflicts with NP about the battle pages. He thought that we didn't need to have a question for each battle.

Did you see the previous battles only have "Which?", then which what? If you hate to add a question, just use which is better. - me, Someone456

23rd November, 2014. It's time to settle it 2, well this one was made by ZN723, not me :P. Again we had some minor conflicts about the format of the words.

24th November, 2014. HMC made a thread to block NR.

ZombieNinja723 want to demote me because he thinks my behavior is intolerable to him, I made demoting threads to BUL9 and ZN723 also because I think their behavior is intolerable for me. We did the exact same thing. If you wanna block me, BLCOK ZN723 FIRST, or I'll report to the wikia community central. - NapalmRosalina

BLCOK? XD - HeavenlyMildCone

Go ahead!!! We're not threatened!!! - JemCel03

Later, ZN723 blocked NR for 1 month.

27th November, 2014. Usefulguy told me that he decided to change his name into Someone123.

I disagree.

Also, I didn't tell him that Someone123 has already been registered (see my history page intro).

28th November, 2014. Cheetah helped NR again. The wars between ZN723 and NR never end.

December 2014

1st December, 2014. Reapeageddon sent a message to me, he wanted me to update the history more. I told him my school life was busy, I would update it during Christmas holiday (maybe).

2nd December, 2014. It's time to settle it 3, well this one was made by Usefulguy, not me :P. Again we had some minor conflicts about the format of the words. (lazy Someone456 just copies what he wrote before)

But there's one thing worth mentioning. Almanac Entry won in this vote. This caused some conflicts later.

8th December, 2014. Finally he started to think about it.

Not many vandals now, but there are lots of "stupid" users coming here like ghosts. I don't know what they do, still. Especially most of the new contributors didn't help the Wiki so much. - Uselessguy

This problem still exists now.

They are serious problems in this Wiki. If we don't correct our mistake soon, I think this Wiki will be dead, sooner or later. So in a few days left, I decide to become an admin. I can't stand with my "useless" right - a regular user - and look the Wiki going down.

I appreciate this enthusiasm.

I was like everyone here: Knowing nothing, making minor edits, chatting, commenting. But I has been completely changing since Someone456 encouraged me to stay here to contribute and protect this Wiki. I accepted and started to learn carefully what bureaucrats usually do. That explains why I knew what's a template, how the code works, what are colors' code,...

Thank you.

Plants vs. Zombies Wiki needs you. - me, Someone456

The world needs you. - JemCel03

9th December, 2014. He did it. Of course he got admin right successfully.

I think it's best not to tell my contributions. - Uselessguy

Everyone knew your effort.

10th December, 2014. Undo. OK, sleep, it was 23:21.

TheMostAwesomer, who disturbed me sleeping.

The game seems to treat them as Instants. - TheMostAwesomer

Do not kill, do not do 90 NDS. Seem is your reason? - me, Someone456

Then we kept undoing to 00:00. I couldn't sleep before 00:00, but I got a Lucky Blover as a consolation prize, well.

I gave him a last warning.

Just because you're top user doesn't mean everything you say is correct, by the way. - TheMostAwesomer

His last edit wasn't an undo, he modified it a bit. His summary didn't match his edit, by the way.

I can agree with your last edit. Congrats on not being blocked. - me, Someone456

12th December, 2014. Usefulguy was promoted to admin by me!

Standing Ovation.

Finally it came... The old PvZW Facebook page was inactive for year. NP discussed it.

According to one of the comments in one of the page's posts, the page's owner is Someone456. - Pepsicola45

Yes you're correct (see Dec 2012 of my history page).

I'm busy so I can't make it better. Also I tried to promote other users such as Jack and Miles to admin there. But that page had glitch. I gave up.

14th December, 2014. I gave CitronOrange a warning because he spammed. Ex: 1, 2. He did that on several pages.

I guess I'm really useless. Maybe I should leave this wiki.- - CitronOrange

That's what he sent to me.

He even made this. He said he was just editing.

16th December, 2014. A crisis about PvZ Wikis with other language. I didn't oppose.

18th December, 2014. Matt Hadick, a Wikia staff, who told me that the Plants vs. Zombies Wiki was selected to receive a dedicated community app.


20th December, 2014. I made my sixteenth talk archive.

I told the community about the app. We're happy.

24th December, 2014. Starfruity told me that the new FB page was created.

I deleted the old one then.

25th December, 2014. JemCel was promoted to b-crat by me. This was his Christmas gift.

27th December, 2014. I helped Poopspyro7 (called Maxus Overlord now) to restore his promotion thread because it's removed by a spammer. I told him he could restore it by himself if this of kind of thing happened again.

I already knew that, I just wanted to get your approval. - Poopspyro7

30th December, 2014. I saw this blog coincidentally. So I left my comment. I understood the difficultly and users' rant even if I hadn't played it.

What? Someone saying "damn"? THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!!!!!!!!!!! - Brainulator9

31st December, 2014. Usefulguy told me that he wanted to merge the plants and zombies templates from different games. After several days, we reached a consensus.

I have a condition. Do not add PvZO and PvZAS plants/zombies. They are so messy and the names are always being changed. Deal? - me, Someone456

Yes, I'm thinking the same as you. - Uselessguy

January 2015

1st January, 2015. First day of 2015. First edit of this year. It's the first time that it's not a mainspace edit.

2nd January, 2015. ElPrimordial asked me what should he do in order to improve the Chinese pages. He said that the page said it needed to be reorganized and he wondered what exactly staff wanted? Uh, he was so serious with those templates. I gave him advice.

5th January, 2015.

I don't think people like Someone456 would like the idea. - Ninja Penguins

I am your superior, be careful what you say. - me, Someone456

He disliked me because most of his ideas got rejected with my reasonable argument. And this idea was rejected too.

11th January, 2015. Usefulguy had made a new changes. He tried to change the plant/zombie links to small images in infoboxes.

I disliked the idea, because it added more images in a page, which could cause lag. Typing {{S|Name|Number}} was more trouble than just [[Name]].

It had an advantage though, the small images made the whole page shorter in appearance.

Finally I gave up because I didn't want to destroy this friendship. We still took months to change them.

13th January, 2015. Crayonshinchan0203 (called Murabito now) sent me a message to block a spammer. Also, he invited me to visit his userpage to see something awesome for me.

He made an almanac entry for me, then I put it to my page too! Thanks.

14th January, 2015. This again. Cheetah made a thread to decide whether NP should have admin right (in other words, demote him), but the result didn't match his desire.

17th January, 2015. Poopspyro7 created a new Brain Buster called Top 5, he made the category too. I reverted them because some of the other levels with other number of pre-selected plants. There would be unlimited Brain Busters.

19th January, 2015. Wilucas made many edit on that day but most of them broke the rules such as duplicate links and changing [[XXX]]s to [[XXX|XXXs]].

Someone, don't undo do all edit he did - Cheetah-shooter

What the hell? That meant we couldn't undo all the bad edits because they made many?

Poopspyro helped me revert it.

20th January, 2015. Cheetah requested to be admin. Most people opposed because they thought he shared his account with NR, or his edits and mindset were still room for improvement.

Finally, good man Usefulguy gave him advice and the thread was closed.

21st January, 2015. He even cut his hand because of the opposes.

22nd January, 2015. A vital news! BUL9 informed us about a new staff position - forum moderator.

NP had an idea about changing staff color.

Again, DeathZombi asked me what to do to help the wiki.

23rd January, 2015. ZN723 added forum mod power to me. I gave it to all the remaining admins (admin power should include this though).

I made my seventeenth talk archive.

28th January, 2015. Cheetah thought that we should rename upgrade ability to alternate ability in GW. This was correct and we supported it. However, he ended the discussion too early and even removed it. Uh, let admin close it.

31st January, 2015. After the new staff position was added, there're COUNTLESS requests = COUNTLESS highlights.

Some people thought that's annoying, so this thread appeared, but I thought it was just temporary. So I closed it.

February 2015

2nd February, 2015. More people thought the highlighted threads were annoying. They wanted to restrict it.

Carp approved as well. - CitronOrange

It's unavoidable and temporarily because we have a new position. No one can prevent a user to ask for his rights.

P.S. Carp approved? Who does he think he is? - me, Someone456

The proposal failed. And such situation doesn't happen again until now.

7th February, 2015. Crayon thought that each vote should have a reason. I thought that it's each voter's choice, so I closed it.

He talked to me, then we talked more things, including his hyperlink color. His is red instead of purple for forum mods. He said it was allowed by another b-crat. OK I didn't change it, but it made him look dead (red link).

8th February, 2015. Next morning:

Ok guys, SO456 allowed this. Vote continues! - Crayonshinchan0203

I didn't know why he misunderstood. In addition, more user voted oppose, I closed it again.

Finally I had time/remembered. I continued my PREVIOUS history page. It was outdated for over 1 year!!! I wrote Jan and Feb (2014) sections of that page, because the Jan section was extremely short.

Last time, we decided to use Almanac Entry, but BUL9 insisted to use entry. This is against the rules, other users undid his edits.

He remade the vote again.

Oh yeah, you may not prematurely end the vote because you do not like it. This means you, Someone456. - Brainulator9

I voted e last time and this time. Do some research first.

I did it because those votes are the most ridiculous ones, and there're some users who aren't familiar with the wiki will make harmful decision. As a veteran who specializes in mainspace management, I believe I can judge those threads and close them when necessary. - me, Someone456

Almanac Entry won.

9th February, 2015. Oppose won in this thread. Wintermelon tried to do that and failed. This time NP did the same thing. The result was the same too.

I wrote the Mar section of the previous history page.

12th February, 2015. Usefulguy made his history page too!

14th February, 2015. Hi, Someone. After seeing how good you made Uselessguy, I would like to know how to edit well as well. My edits are very bad. - TheZombiemelon

I gave him some advice, such as being familiar with the rules.

15th February, 2015. NP brought us YouTube player template! YAY!

16th February, 2015. ZN723 requested to be b-crat. I couldn't decide. I just reminded you guys that b-crat had to require 85% supportive votes. Unfortunately, the supportive percentage didn't reach 85%.

17th February, 2015. Cavia porcellus created Page Header template and used it for area pages. I approved, but I told him it had enough info, otherwise infobox would be useless. The image in the header was the main part.

I put one to my page.

BUL9 earned 10000 edits! Sorry for late message.

18th February, 2015. Cheetah asked me to unblock Wintermelon. He got that via Facebook. OK, as his block was self-request.

Another user's block was over too.

NP had an idea again. I saw tons of blind supporters there. Oh.gif

Wiki is not a kindergarten. We don't need a lot images like a children storybook. We know what it's, no need to put an image here. It is totally redundant. - me, Someone456

I showed how the trivia looked if we made an image next to the link. I reversed the situation. That's the power of Someone456.

Three months in a row, I added Apr, May and Jun sections to the previous history page. I modified the last sentence. Next month, Uselessguy (or Useful?) comes! Is he good or bad? instead of More Coming Soon!

Surprised! I'm really looking forward to it! - Uselessguy

19th February, 2015. I was added to a FB group chat (by Crayon, I guess). I chatted much within these days. However, there're many messages and I had no interest in most of things discussed, so many users (include me) left.

21st February, 2015. A little and secret story.

In Template talk:Welcome (yup, I know the changes of template talk pages), a user called Philologia pointed out some typos in the template.

Could a lovely authorized someone please fix the misspelling of permanent in this template? - Philologia

Fixed! Thanks for notifying. - me, Someone456

Thank you. How spooky that I accidentally used your name. Did it summon you or was it pure coincidence?

I am an admin and my hobby is checking changes, so I discovered your message.

Cool. Thanks.

22nd February, 2015. CitronOrange wanted to change the staff tag. However, it wasn't supported.

Mile got 10000 edits.

A great milestone! - me, Someone456

23rd February, 2015. New logo for the wiki? Well, it stayed.

ZN723 changed his avatar to a black image, mine is white. He was the opposite of me!

Uh... You're aware that you're also rivaling Citron and CCP right? :P - Crayonshinchan0203

I misunderstood what he said. I was thinking did I have conflicts with them?

Then I got it, their avatars were black too.

I added music to my page via YouTube player template. The first song was Eason Chan's Next Year Today. It's a touching song if you understand the lyrics.

I changed the song on every Sunday.

25th February, 2015. NP had an idea for us to review plants and zombies. I supported.

Major Supports, sorry Crayon Plus Someone supported... which is a good thing - Ninja Penguins

I made my eighteenth talk archive.

Gregory returned and sent a message to Usefulguy.

Thanks for the welcome! Congrats on becoming an admin (and changing your username), Someone! I hope you become a bureaucrat someday. Good luck! - Gregory Exploit

He thought Usefulguy was me. :P

26th February, 2015. Staff limit again?? Fortunately we wanted to limit chat mod and forum mod only. However, this doesn't happen.

Staff should be awarded based on contributions and attitude. Limiting the rest is unfair to new users who spend a lot of time to improve the wiki.

To be honest I hate it, because this almost killed Someone456. - me, Someone456

March 2015

1st March, 2015. In these days, I had heard that recently the wiki had a bad guy called Slenderman54890. He sent a message to seek help about gameplay and the wiki. I would still answer him.

3rd March, 2015. I closed Crayon's thread again. I believed my choice was correct, but this might hurt his heart again.

5th March, 2015. Electric Plants separated the international and Chinese sections in gallery pages. However, he capitalized version and forgot to initialize the game name. So I had to fix them.

Crayon took a break from this wiki. This was probably because Slender annoyed him and my strictness.

Especially, I felt useless under someone's eye.

I guess some people are happy because I left. :P.

No offenses to you, Someone, but do you hate me? And, no heart feelings? - Crayonshinchan0203

I don't hate you. He's just too outspoken, or sometimes a little bit rude to me.

You should remember Wiki is like a company, admins and b-crats are your superior. You should be more modest. - me, Someone456

6th March, 2015. Cheetah requested for admin again. I still opposed. He's still unfamiliar with the rules.

Dear Someone456, I followed the rules, right? - Cheetah-shooter

That's his summary of his edits. Sorry, still, wrong.

But he won.

A plant suggested to use tabbers for galleries. However, we still decided to choose separated page.

11th March, 2015. It's good that our wiki had a new speedy editor to fix mistakes. He is Pranavvinc3 (called ThePurplePi now). I recommended him to apply rollback.

12th March, 2015. Usefulguy made a promotion thread for him. He was promoted.

15th March, 2015. We decided to make promotional zombies page. Finally CompliensCreator00 did it, but the page was poor, I had to clean it up.

Cleaning up this page, renaming, deleting some pages, making some redirects, updating template, correcting links...

It's impossible that PvZ Wiki is without me. - me, Someone456

Thank you! - CompliensCreator00

16th March, 2015. Just feeling strange (now I think Shocked is a better title). Four staff members changed their names in 24 hours...It's a great record in our wiki's history (more users later).

Uselessguy: I'm going to rename my name to Usefulguy. - me, Someone456

LOL! I will right now! >:D - Uselessguy

I was the first one to be renamed. I guess they followed? - Bearjedi

The first time I've seen a blog post made by Someone. - Lapis Lazulli

Yup, the previous one was made in August the year ago.

17th March, 2015, I saw the fifth one. But...he renamed twice? He said it was a glitch.

I think I'm dedicated - A Graalian

Complete list in chronological order:

  1. Ninja Penguins to Bearjedi
  2. MordecaiGP to Ballistic Planet
  3. Crayonshinchan0203 to Murabito
  4. Revern to Lapis Lazulli
  5. CitronOrange to A Graalian
  6. ThePlanter556 to Super Monkeys Rock!
  7. Pranavvinc3 to ThePurplePi
  8. GardenmasterXX to Dekagamer7X9

19th March, 2015. Heated debates about merging rules. It's good to leave a link here for references.

21st March, 2015. Bearjedi requested to be b-crat. He listed some pros but almost all of them had nothing to do to the wiki.

I can make origami, should I be an admin? No. - Echoson

Also, EP requested to be admin. I opposed because his edits were still poor. However, he won, and I promoted him.

22nd March, 2015. I can't wait for the "Uselessguy Arc"! I just re-read it tonight. - Reapeageddon

He was talking about my previous history page. Thanks for supporting.

Cheetah had a proposal. He wanted to bring freedom of speech to this wiki. What's more, NR renamed his name to Slytherin Potter and returned.

23rd March, 2015. A Graalian asked me how to know some records in the almanac of records page.

Check it out, it has a lot of important information which every staff member should know. - me, Someone456

Alert! Reapeageddon got hacked! After several hours, we knew that his brother trolled him.

24th March, 2015. I started a discussion. Here were two pages which should be deleted. I succeeded.

After asking 3primetime3's permission. I created comments page. You can make your comments about me by using that system.

25th March, 2015. Murabito asked to demote Cheetah. Here's a user called PopCap Unofficial who knew what happened really well. He said he was hired by NR!? We thought he was a sockpuppet, but we didn't do anything yet.

Cheese? That's Cheetah's old name! A new user can't know about it! - Lapis Lazulli

Communicate with you guys, know what you're thinking, solve that problem, get money from NapalmRosalina, then I'm gone. - PopCap Unofficial

Finally, Cheetah requested me to remove his admin right.

Call me!

28th March, 2015. My blank avatar had stayed with me for over two years. I changed to the this image.

29th March, 2015. Usefulguy asked me about my avatar. You guys are curious too, aren't you?

His name is Kevin Cheng Ka-wing, an actor in Hong Kong. He has some KFC advertisements in HK. The slogan is "218五個0,call我啦" (218 five zero, call me!)

In his most recent drama, he wore a red clothes and said call me. So the netizens made many parodies, my avatar is one of them.

That's why Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time was changed to Plants vs. Zombies 2, and also the page names use abbreviation. I thought we would change all of them (that means words in articles) to short terms. Fortunately it doesn't happen.

Birdpool brought this idea again. It was decided in Oct last year. So I took action on the next day.

I spent few days to review the information, I found out some reasons and even learnt what meat puppetry is. Then I made a sockpuppet notice to judge PopCap Unofficial's (PU) fate.

Many users joined this. This situation looked similar to the community worked together to fight against Minh and MVZMW. PU replaced them this time.

Hmmm, I am always skeptical of PU (hehe, PU, lol). Maybe we can check the IP, and then we have evidence against PU. TBH, I don't know why NR was acting like this, but I agree he needs to stop. - PnFforever

I already told you all.. - Buzzy Buzz

I never had the guts to say these... - Murabito

Oh, just banning someone because you think he is the sockpuppet? Just because his actions are similar to that of NR doesn't mean he is a sockpuppet. Check the ip. - RedKnightHD

^ I was surprised that there was a user who tried to protect NR and PU.

30th March, 2015. Battle continued.

Besides, all I have to is done, I wrote my report, handed in to NR, I recieved my money, now I don't care if this account is blocked, do whatever you want Mr. KFC

I am not NR's friend. NR is by client, and I'm his "chess piece". - PopCap Unofficial

Oh my god, please I hope this is not the truth. It's crazy enough to burn the money for these actions.

I'm sorry, NR! You are now being evil. You are even being rude to Someone.

- Uselessguy

UG, he's not evil. Maybe 1% evil((d)emons) and 99% hot gas. - Brainulator9

It seems that nobody is listening to what i wrote.... - RedKnightHD

We have enough evidences. Even they may not be the same person, PU is a puppet of NR. - me, Someone456

31st March, 2015. The last day of the war.

I am like a house-elf serving NR, a puppet, but NOT SOCKpuppet, you can't block me for that. Even if I don't do it, NR will, community central - PopCap Unofficial your saying you ARE a puppet? Your starting to get a little funny. - Lily8763cp

Support won. My conclusion ended the war, that's my true heart feeling. I know some people who have read it.

Good bye NapalmRosalina, good bye slave PU. - me, Someone456

They were infinitely blocked by me.

Time to update the previous history page, I wrote the Jul section.

April 2015

1st April, 2015. We started to use short forms for page names. I was still a bit incensed, since it increased my workload a lot.

I finished my 2013-2014 history page. Finally.

2nd April, 2015. My first target (no second one though) was GW pages, I changed the links in plants and zombies pages. However, I still had insufficient time to correct the rest (maps, abilities, etc.), but my school was extremely busy, I rarely fixed the links in crazy speed again.

We had a discussion about inactive b-crats, and we used grey color for the inactive and important ones.

For the rest, actually we just removed their lime color, they still have b-crat right. No one contacts Wikia staff to do that.

In these days, Murabito was having many arguments with Slenderman54890. I went to chat with them and other users, finally I blocked Slenderman for one week because of rudeness.

I hate this... I opposed because the main points of the Plants vs. Zombies series are plants and zombies, but support won. It's good that the color links of worlds are optional now.

Bul9 called Uselessguy "Uselessb*tch". That is not a behavior I'm expecting from a bureaucrat. - Electromario2001

A thread called BUL9 appeared in the reporting station board?!

Ok, I must tell you all of the truth I have seen at Brainulator. I'm so sorry, but if this attacks him, demote me! - Uselessguy

I witnessed the ally power of BUL9, that's what I can say.

3rd April, 2015. Usefulguy removed his right, then requested me to promote him again.

Gallery tabber again? This time was made by Usefulguy. However, the majority still opposed with the same reason.

Strange. Squiddydumbo made a thread to demote A plant. He created his account to do this thing only, that's strange. He even said he's a sockpuppet, that's strange.

I blocked him.

4th April, 2015. Electromario2001 wanted to demote Bearjedi. I just unhighlighted the thread. I didn't know the details. This turned to a big issue later.

5th April, 2015. A user named Thecoollittlepeashooter gave me some trouble. He renamed Giga Gargantuar to Giga Gargantuar (PVZ:GW). Well, the PvZ 1 one is called Giga-gargantuar, so it's unneeded. Also, he renamed Yeti Imp to Yeti Imp (PVZ:GW), unneeded too. Because we merge PvZ 2 Yeti Imp.

Finally, this wiki used gender for zombies.

7th April, 2015. Quite happy, and surprised. There's a user named GWChamp who put an image of my school to his userpage. Then I told him we were in the same school! We told each other our class too.

10th April, 2015. I had a small conversation with Charmande red321, I told him "duplicate links" are allowed in different sections, because he removed the links in the pages within these days.

I made my nineteenth talk archive.

11th April, 2015. A discussion about stubs. You can take a look at it.

I made a thread to inform you guys the release of Wiki App, because a Wikia staff Knakveey informed me few days ago. Some people had known it already, some people didn't know until then.

13th April, 2015. Bearjedi added difficulty categories to many pages, I removed all of them.

14th April, 2015. TheGreenNapalm and Charmande red321 added them too, I couldn't tolerate anymore. I made this announcement.

A plant wanted to separate PvZA pages, this proposal failed.

Just make a template for sections of a page that are considered archived, don't make more pages that'll probably be too short. - Milesprower2

17th April, 2015. We made Plants vs. Zombies 2/Version 1.7 was created after this discussion.

After that, Bearjedi wanted to make pages for each update.

We decided to make 1.7 because it is the most major update in PvZ 2. It's often mentioned in different pages. - me, Someone456

It's just weird that 1.7 is the only update page. - Bearjedi

So, will you separate all the galleries just because you think that not having all is weird? - me. Someone456

18th April, 2015. Congrats! Xenons earned the No More Brains for the Zombies badge! Also, he earned it without losing one day since joining the wiki, like me.

20th April, 2015. NO again! So many colors!

Few days ago, Poopspyro7 changed pictures in staff templates, I undid them. Then he made this. No All Stars, please.

23rd April, 2015. I hate Kieran937! He renamed Spikerock to Topic namespace! It redirected to forum if you clicked to it. Finally I remembered we could click revert button to get Spikerock again.

24th April, 2015. Usefulguy decided to leave and demote himself because of the final exam and other reasons. Finally he stayed because many users didn't want him to leave.

25th April, 2015. In these several days, the war between Bearjedi and Electromario was getting more serious (the links don't link to their userpages, they're threads). I just joined a little part. So, I didn't know the details, don't ask me.

The highlights were annoying, Murabito left because of this.

As a result, we made a thread to demote them together.

Why did I have to be involved? - A plant

Finally, only Bearjedi demoted himself.

Apart from the war, there's something good! I created my third history page! That's why you're reading. Only Aug section was written, of course.

27th April, 2015. I wanted to make sure that whether GWChamp was my schoolmate, so I asked him who was his class teacher. However, he never answered this question.

28th April, 2015. ZN723 got b-crat right after his second try.

May 2015

1st May, 2015. So now you only have one more user to save this wiki, Someone456. - Bearjedi

Bearjedi actually quit.

You said you were leaving, but you made 11 edits after creating this. - ThePurplePi

First, I just ignored this blog, however, a user called Plants vs. Zombies 2 = epic made this comment:

wait? he was saving it? wasn't he being a bad role - model?

How was I being a bad role model?

Shut up if you don't know my importance and how much effort do I make for the wiki. - me, Someone456

Other users defended me, then that user kept saying that he meant Bearjedi, not me. Really? No one knows.

2nd May, 2015. Although the ditto template was deleted, their red links still exist there.

Bearjedi's all rights were removed, Murabito returned to this wiki.

I wrote the Sep section of this page.

3rd May, 2015. Bearjedi has an idea about wiki advertisement, but people thought that's unimportant, so it was rejected.

A new vandal appeared!(A? Then you're wrong) The worst one in the wiki's history. AbramR18, AbramR19 and his sockpuppets. He created around 20 accounts, and used them to vandalize the pages for days.

This isn't a simple case of swearing and sockpuppeting anymore. THIS IS A WAR ON TERROR. - Poopspyro7

Then ZN723 called Wikia staff.

Drama, Wikia staff told us that all the things were caused by PurplePi, he made the sockpuppets to destroy the wiki. He was temporarily globally blocked.

Who could predict this?

5th May, 2015. He was back. He created around 10 more socks to vandalize. This time he removed all the images in gallery because he wanted us to earn more badges by adding back images.

You losers thought you won over me yesterday? WRONG! THIS WIKI IS DOOMED. - AbramR21

I... I can't believe it! Can you tell me exactly what happened to him?! I swear he would never do that! - Uselessguy

I have around 500 ip addresses. - AbramR23

But (for all I know), you are only one human. - Pizzachu

Yeah, one filthy human who want's to destroy this wiki despite utterly failing. - Reapeageddon

He is very tricky. He has Abramr30 instead. We simply follow his pattern to stop him by checking Abramr or AbramR users. - Uselessguy

I had many school affairs on that day, so I couldn't stop him, but

It is glad to see you guys protect the wiki together! - me, Someone456


Woah, Wintermelon came back and left one reply. Here is one part of it:

NO, I AM NOT RETURNING - Wintermelon43

6th May, 2015. First time of merging Flaming Pea and Fire Peashooter. No common name, closed.

8th May, 2015. It was funny that ZN723 created this thread, he supported E in the first two times, and now he thought that entry should be correct grammar. We now use e.

9th May, 2015. I never expected this thing, and it was suggested by a normal user! However, even if I was a b-crat, I didn't support that because it had almost no differences with a dictator.

Well, Poopspyro7 and me were having moving war of frozen block, the capitalized B stayed. Some pages capitalized the first letter of each word, but some didn't. What can we do?

It's about time to... annihilate it's about time? This was mentioned in March, actually.

10th May, 2015. I wrote the Oct section of this page.

12th May, 2015. Plants vs. Zombies Wiki 6th Anniversary! However, Usefulguy wasn't so happy because I highlighted it.

13th May, 2015. HMC suggested to use genders for plants, I used my power to close that, well.

14th May, 2015. An incident on the wiki.(at first the proposal wanted swearing to be allowed on the whole wiki, then it was changed to chat only)

My guess is that he will close this early. Idk. - Murabito

He incensed me again, sorry, I didn't. And I gave my last warning.

Consider this as a threat and report me if you want. - me, Someone456

Read the quarrels by yourself, don't ask me how this mess ended.

15th May, 2015. That user added dot to image captions one by one (separated edit). I gave a warning to Userbae (called ThisUserLikesOreo now). He stopped.

I made my twentieth talk archive.

16th May, 2015. Userbae asked me how to rename, I answered. Then his name was changed to ThisUserLikesOreo.

18th May, 2015. We both have 25 lucky blovers! :P - A Graalian

WOW, he reached me! I had been the one with most Lucky Blovers for the most time, now we tied (later he surpassed me), so lucky!

Because we allowed swear words, then the wiki became a mess, Usefulguy couldn't tolerate anymore, he suggested some huge changes. Most users agreed with most of them except only admins could create threads.

Honestly, I am very tired of this Wiki. What Electro said now was completely right. Sigh... too many childish ideas and most of them don't help this Wiki at all. What's the deal with the emotions? Nonsense. Then why you want to highlight and show them? This board is NOT for the them. Think carefully again, this board is for important changes. - Uselessguy

I do agree with some of this stuff but there are other reasons why I disagree. One flaw I see is our promotion requirements. They don't cover stuff like how mature or capable you are. - DeathZombi

I, Someone and BUL9 will be the ones who decide these. - Uselessguy

In this proposal, TCLP and Sinanco strongly disagreed and raged.

Miserable, absolutely miserable. I beg you people, please do not destroy this wikia. I hardly believe uselessguy would say these if he wasn't an admin -_- This proposal is sick and it exactly projects my fears about it. THINK PEOPLE THINK! If only admins have the absolute power what would happen? Just look at it; we just held a Democratic vote abot swears, this way or that way allowing swears won and now he singlehandedly opposes it and wants to obtain power. You want dictatoship here? Ugh, you people are sickening me!

C'mon people, just check these up! "Only admins can create new threads on this board" Strait autoriterian, he wants ONLY ADMINS to hold power, given that he is one -_- - Sinanco

To be honest, his saying was partly correct, but overreacted.

And now what's next solution? This is the only way to stop this. If you don't want to let only admins do this, you will see the result. I don't care how you hate the changes, but I don't approve how the stupid ideas and mini-modding actions happened here. - Uselessguy

This is not a solution at all. And stop threathening us just because we don't agree with your justice norms. You created some problems in your head and implementing YOUR solutions, by (ab)using your powers, without asking the community in the first place. - Sinanco

It's up to the community to colaborate ideas to lean the wiki to each side corispondingly. Being an admin just means you can edit the css, promote, and have a nice tag on your userpage. Yea there are responsibilites, but it doesn't make you any more special than us. This wiki should be a democracy. - PuffyMuffins

I approve the others. But, please make a vote instead. As you see, there're still many users agree with most of the changes, they'll still support in the votes. This increases your credibility. - me, Someone456



And TCLP, those ideas were not worth a vote.

Anyway, I mostly agree with this. - Bearjedi

Stop arguing everyone! UG blocked himself. Even though I'm sad, TCLP did the right thing, SO DON'T RAGE AT HIM please. - Buzzy Buzz

I'm simply disappointed in him. Uselessguy only made this mistake once, and he (TCLP) immediately creates a demote thread.

Oh, and he got many people to urge Uselessguy to block himself. - Bearjedi

It's done now. R.I.P., Use(less/ful)guy. You will be forever missed. - Poopspyro7

Why did Usefulguy block himself? TCLP created a thread to demote Usefulguy, I saw the immature army here.

Uselessguy, while we apreciate all his contribution, has demonstrated a direct offence to our precious wikia by obtaining all the power and implementing his own rules without even asking the community's ideas on it. - Thecoollittlepeashooter

You should understand my works. There are other admins. I should do this. I live in 1 year, and I understand clearly how this Wiki is. One conclusion: immature and childish.

There are other admins! Why do you think I am a hungry power user and selfish? - Uselessguy

We don't think. WE KNOW - Thecoollittlepeashooter

Oh no...

He was just doing that for the good of the wiki. I may not agree with everything he said, but I do know he was trying to do it for the best. I don't think that deserves a full demotion, but just don't implement the changes. Uselessguy is a great editor and help to this wiki, and I would be quite dissapointed if he could no longer make some of his great edits. - Gargantuar333

^Great argument.

Sure, this wiki is supposed to be informative but we need to have lots of fun as well to make this feel like a pleasure and not a chore. I like you, UG, but I'm not sure if you can handle adminship without facing corruption and tyranny. So, in other words, I have no reason to support your demotion, but I have no reason to oppose it either. - EMPeachy4

Before leaving, I apologized you, ...... all of you helped me change my thinkings, although it might be very slow. Someone is my teacher, he is like my Math teacher, BUL9 is a new friendly friend, has brilliant thinkings that I misunderstood, JemCel was pushed by me so hard, TheMostAwesomer was trying to calm me down, TheZombiemelon is a good person who learns CSS well (I told you the truth, I was once annoyed because of you, but not it's okay), Bearjedi may have the same fate I have encountered. - Uselessguy

After that, he blocked himself, never had I expected he couldn't even reach one-year-old, thanks to TCLP and Sinanco.

Only this mistake (and it's not fully wrong), I believe he does this because he just wants to make the wiki improved. He just used a little inappropriate way.

His contributions cannot be denied, I don't think that such a good editor with exceptionally good contributions should be demoted. - me, Someone456

Just close this thread already. He blocked himself. Happy now? -_- - TheHandsomePlant

There's also one more thread, HMC was VERY angry.

I'm gone for ONE F***ING DAY, and there's now dictatorship from Uselessguy, stupid rules from him - HeavenlyMildCone

Why is all mad about UG? He wanted to do it for the best of this wiki, not for the dictatorship. Seriously, from one little proposition to demoting? Just vote "Oppose" if you don't like this idea and everything can move on. Just shame on us all. - TheHandsomePlant

He even highlighted it, I unhightlighted it soon.

My conclusion: Many users were overreacted, he had not implemented any new rules, and the b-crats (Someone456 and Brainulator9) didn't fully support either. This sounds arrogant, but we are sysops, our experiences of wiki management and skills are definitely better than those guys. Of course, Usefulguy had made some mistakes. As I said, making a vote could give a totally different feeling to others. This is also a skill. But I can see that he cares the wiki more than anyone does.

The incident ended, but the wiki paid Uselessguy as a cost.

19th May, 2015. ZN723 unblocked him.

21st May, 2015. Cavia's idea of promotion threads had been implemented. Now we defeated blind supporters!... in promotion thread only, but it's still so good.

22nd May, 2015. I saw there were users who spammed in NR's talk page, then I protected it. Was I too gentle man?

GWChamp asked me to change my song in that week. I said he couldn't interfere it. Also, his words were archaic (thou instead you), I disliked.

25th May, 2015. I asked GWChamp the same question.

Cheetah told me that we shouldn't expose real life stuff on the wiki. I did wrong asking you, and never in the future, and so do you. - GWChamp

How tricky.

26th May, 2015. BUL9 and me were having argument about template format. I used <br> to make a line break, but he didn't use that. I thought this could make the templates looked better.

I started the vote and listed out the pros and cons of each version.

Much easier to maintain. Big pro that outweighs the cons. - 1Zulu

I like it better because it is neat just like the other big wikis like Wikipedia, Bulbapedia, and MarioWiki. Although the line break starts after the dot - Magicwaterz

Someone456's version leaves a black space at the right of the template for users using Monobook:

BUL9's template format is automatically adjusted for all user skins. - Nicko756

I never thought about that, I admitted I was wrong.

Usefulguy was giving kudos to different comments.

Although I lose, I learn more. It's still worth making this discussion. - me, Someone456

In this thread, GWChamp spoke Chinese.

GWChamp, you're really similar to a blocked user, really. - me, Someone456

27th May, 2015. I wrote the Nov section of this page.

ZN723 started a vote to discuss the changes Usefulguy proposed before.

30th May, 2015. TCLP requested to be forum mod. After I left my comment, the green was changed to red.

Not mature enough, I don't think that you can handle the wiki issues. Rollback is enough for you. - me, Someone456

He failed.

31st May, 2015. Buzzy made a thread about GWChamp.

Outside the Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

Just asking

Usefulguy still cared about the wiki. I wasn't asking to bring him back, but I wanted to talk with him.

I'm just looking forward to those immature users, the small changes and the news about Lost City. I think TCLP and Sinanco are still immature, they just seem to forget everything easily like kids. - Uselessguy

I guess Lost City is one of the reasons to make him return.

On 31st, he officially came back.

Welcome back Usefulguy, let's continue our conversation on the PvZ Wiki. - me, Someone456

June 2015

2nd June, 2015. Let's go back to the GWChamp issue. Cheetah said something about Usefulguy and the story about how NR, Cheetah and GWChamp became friends. He claimed that Usefulguy was a sockpuppet of me, WOW.

After the discussions, Buzzy decided to create a thread to report him.

Too dramatic to be real.

Notice that Cheetah DOESN'T usually capitalize the correct letters and speak in this way. The so-written message by Cheetah IS written by NR.. - Buzzy Buzz

Bearjedi suggested to remove all hyperlink colors except the staff ones. Oppose won.

3rd June, 2015. Hi, it's me again (now you are probably thinking:ugh it's that rule breaker again). Can you add galleries of these zombies to their galleries? - ThisUserLikesOreo

I don't think that you're a rule breaker. Checking your edits, I can see that you know the basic editing skills and the rules of the wiki. Keep working! - me, Someone456

Thank you for telling me that! I don't feel like a bad person anymore. - ThisUserLikesOreo

Our friendship started.

4th June, 2015. New revolution on the Plants vs. Zombies Wiki! Cavia and Poopspyro7 had moving wars about the capitalization of articles. Then Caiva made his argument.

This makes us easier to insert a link. We use lowercase in articles, don't we? [[Normal damage shot]]s is more convenient than [[Normal Damage Shot|Normal damage shots]]. - me, Someone456

His idea was implemented. Cavia, Oreo, PurplePi and Usefulguy (with his bot) contributed a lot to update all pages and categories. Countless number of edits per day gave me headache in those weeks, but they're correct. I was responsible for checking whether they put the correct categories to new category pages and updating the links on articles.

What? ThePurplePi? Yup, his block was over and we gave him a second chance because the majority thought that he was hacked. He also stated that.

5th June, 2015. BUL9 told us that NR tried to frame me in Wikipedia. NR used one of my old FB images to accuse me to be underaged. I explained that to BUL9 and of course, everyone believed me.

Because of this, I gave a rage infinite block to GWChamp. Finally I removed protection of NR's talk page and I wouldn't care if it was vandalized again. Was I malicious?

6th June, 2015. Lily8763cp wanted to merge some armor pages, his idea was rejected.

11th June, 2015. GWChamp issue wasn't ended yet. Cheetah was trying his best to attack me. Of course, nothing changed.

12th June, 2015. Bearjedi wanted to remove user-made Zombatar in the article because they're unofficial. This meant gameplay and Zen Garden images should be removed too, so I opposed.

While I do agree with Someone, I still stand with my support. The other stuff he mentioned are quite useful, but we honestly don't need more than twenty user-made Zombatars displayed on mainspace. Only a few examples would be good. - Pepsicola45

^But it may rise another problem, users will have meaningless argument about which is better.

BUL9 separated the gallery to new page and this event ended.

A brilliant idea by Starfruity! He proposed Template:PromotionSupport to remind everyone to answer those two questions in promotion threads.

13th June, 2015. When Cavia was helping the wiki to update categories. He also created new ones but I disagreed with few of them. For example, he created chilling plants but I thought it was just a visual effect. slowing and immobilize plants were enough in my opinion. Bamboo plants category made by him was a bad one too. Categorizing plants by plant species had no special purpose in-game.

Nicko756 was promoted to admin, great job!

14th June, 2015. I met a new female user named Pinkgirl234, she requested me to add some codes.

BUL9 suggested to remove a part of badges. I opposed with various reasons. No one took action and they stayed. In addition, there would be an extra vote about badges, it proved the value of them.

What the? BUL9 returned Cheetah's admin right but we decided to remove it and no new thread to let him re-gain it.

He asked to be demoted and the demotion thread was during the time that NASA controlled CS. I interrogated him, and afterwards, I returned them. - Brainulator9

However, we still couldn't trust him. ZN723 demoted him.

16th June, 2015. That's crazy! Cheetah dared to undo my edit in GWChamp's userpage. An infinitely blocked user's page will be replaced by a template, right? ZN723 reverted it.

Panlonglol earned his No More Brains for the Zombies badge! He was the sixth one to achieve this. He was an old user who made good edits, but now he is inactive. :(

18th June, 2015. There was a ridiculous vote...

Here, I reopened this BS vote. Happy? - Brainulator9

Usefulguy suggested Template:ChineseTag to replace the old and bulky one.

19th June, 2015. There already is a rule for this. It has to be a month later as it stands, so I'll vote for that again. - Starfruity

Usefulguy misunderstood the meaning of this vote, I corrected it.

PurplePi asked me to promote Adagio and Espie and Birdpool (all the staff-related pages were updated though). Well, the rights management page was glitched for unknown reasons. No one could promote rollbacks, admins, or b-crats.

20th June, 2015. I made my twenty-first talk archive.

21st June, 2015. That's why the image in level infobox should be default background (for PvZ2).

My new avatar! Do you like it?

Did you changed your profile picture? It's too creepy... - ThisUserLikesOreo

It's funny, not creepy! BTW, congrats for being the first one to receive my message after I changed my avatar! - me, Someone456

It was 00:16 a.m. here (then it should be 22 June), I was going to sleep. Coincidentally, PopCap uploaded the trailer of Lost City Part 2. That uninvited guest encouraged me to upload it before I slept.

23rd June, 2015. helping someone remove cats. - ThePurplePi

Again, Cavia added many types of "Plants based on (species)" categories. I and PurplePi removed all of them.

I've said we never categorize plants by species, it's meaningless in the games. - me, Someone456

26th June, 2015. Thanks to these threads. Now the supportive percentage must be 65% or above to implement a new change, remember it. (except promotion threads)

27th June, 2015. Promotion Oppose template was proposed, but the community disagreed with it. The were a variety of opposite reasons.

29th June, 2015. Ask Usefulguy. Well, I just asked that question again.

July 2015

1st July, 2015. TCLP suggested to add voice actor to be one of the parameters in the infobox of plants and zombies. I did not think it was bad, but trivia was a more suitable place for such information, as it was irrelevant to gameplay. On the other hand, he was promoted to forum mod successfully with his second trial.

I wrote the Dec section of this page, 2014 was finished.

2nd July, 2015. I voted support in Oreo's rollback request. This guy really helped a lot. I thought he could be an excellent editor in the future.

This user is full of enthusiasm. Although the edits may be minor changes, they help.

However, try to make all the changes in a row. Don't cheat edits. - me, Someone456

3rd July, 2015. Continue his promotion thread, PurplePi removed my advice to Oreo. How dare?

BTW, he was promoted.

You will be promoted by a bureaucrat soon! Congratulations! - Uselessguy

4th July, 2015. Oreo told me that he wasn't promoted yet. I revealed the promotion glitch to him.

Suddenly, Lily sent a message to me.

I hate to be that person but ThisUserLikesOreo is already promoted... - Lily8763cp

Well, she misunderstood. The fact was only the pages were updated but Oreo didn't receive his right.

5th July, 2015. Usefulguy informed me a new danger on the wiki.

Wikilizer, the members would spam and vandalize on a wiki as much as possible, then the wiki was ruined. I thought they couldn't affect the whole system, right? Our sysops were always online and we could deal with the vandals by undoing their edits and blocking their accounts. I told Usefulguy not to be so nervous.

6th July, 2015. Wait wait wait, how could I didn't know that TCLP ended his voice actor discussion? He thought support won. However, the system was changed. The supportive percentage didn't reach 65%, oppose won.

Second time! Again, the no common name argument made Flaming Pea and Fire Peashooter separated.

7th July, 2015. You again.

The GWChamp account IS a sockpuppet - Cheetah-shooter

Thank you very much, he won't have any chance to revive. - me, Someone456

True - Brainulator9

The "Ask me" phenomenon was starting to be popular on the wiki. I decided to make mine, which is a long-lasting blog.

9th July, 2015. I didn't leave a reply there because I couldn't decide. If you ask me, I had thought of that idea for a long time, but I was just too busy so I didn't create that page. Bearjedi, you could make a personal page if you really want to records those users.

You again. You mistakenly thought I was the one who removed messages in GWChamp's talk page. You even dared to remove the block template in his userpages (thanks ZN723 for undoing that). You also added a new comment:

I don't even know NR made this blog, goodness. - Cheetah-shooter

He and NR were still sharing the same account, but strangely, I didn't give Cheetah a block for unknown reason.

People continued the Wikilizer stuff and requested to block PurplePi. Finally we confirmed it was a joke made by him. Sorry man, it's not funny.

12th July, 2015. I gave up to update my weekly userpage song. Here I would recommend some of them. It's better to watch the MV too.

14th July, 2015. There is no Wikilizer.

I knew it. - HeavenlyMildCone

I guess this issue had ended.

16th July, 2015. Everything Wrong With This Wiki, made by ZN723. I saw he didn't agree with BUL9 and Cavia. He also thought some users were power-hungry.

Cavia has created a lot of excessive and pointless categories such as "Plants that don't attack." Who the f**k needs a category like that? - ZombieNinja723

I agree about all these random f***ing categories like wtf! - Lily8763cp

Agreed, that's one of the few flaws Cavia made. I was so tired to clean them up.

18th July, 2015. WOAH, Wintermelon came back again to leave a comment in ZN723's blog.

NO, I'm not coming back. - Wintermelon43

So many "NO, I'm not coming back." - me, Someone456

TCLP suggested to use tabbers to merge pages. It's the third time! And it was successfully rejected three times.

Badges removing alert! Not part of them, this time was removing the WHOLE system. Usefulguy proposed this idea because he thought people were having conflicts (ZN723) and spamming for the badges (TCLP).

Ugh, the problem is those users, not the system, so I voted oppose.

Look, if this is what we do to things causing a problem, then chat wouldn't exist because of the people posting inappropriate things and spamming. The chat is a fundamental part of our community. I know this is just an analogy but it's not a bad one either! - Mathdude314

The badges aren't bad, the people spamming the badges are bad. They are marks of each user's contribution that they rightfully deserve to have and display. - Starfruity

The edit count system is cached, and therefore it's not reliable enough to count mainspace edits, while the badge edit counter system isn't, making it more reliable, since you can just screenshot the mainspace edit badge counter and put it here (useful for promotion purposes). Also, mainspace edits from deleted pages are not counted in the edit count, while the badge edit counter counts mainspace edits from deleted pages too, making it more reliable for promotion purposes. - Drek'TharSuperSword

The opposers are using different types of problems caused by removing badge system, rather than "badges are useless" said by supporters. Oppose won.

Good game, and close it now. It hasn't been closed yet. - Pepsicola45

19th July, 2015. Dung Dinh Anh asked me why 3primetime3 can earn the same badge multiple times. I honestly didn't know. it a trick used by him...(conspiracy? :O)

I made my twenty-second talk archive.

Dr Crzzy Dave made a demotion thread of himself. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

To be honest I hate this type of thread so much, just go ahead to request an admin to demote you. - me, Someone456

Bureacrat* - Thecoollittlepeashooter

Bureaucrat* - me, Someone456

He requested me to demote him. Finished.

20th July, 2015. PurplePi suddenly retired. He said it was because wiki was a distraction to deteriorate his academic process, but I thought the Wikilizer thing was also the major reason.

22nd July, 2015. I liked them. They made the wiki more colorful, energetic and advanced.

23rd July, 2015. Image period again. It's still confusing now.

25th July, 2015. PurplePi came back (what a short period!) and requested me to promote him again.

Cactus debate, began! The PvZ1 and PvZ2 versions would be merged.

I got 30000 edits! Before clicking this, make sure you have watched Gintama first because, it is very spooky!

26th July, 2015. ZN723 got his 365 days badge, but it was not a good news. He retired.

I have finally received the 365 day badge. I can't believe I got this far. But I managed to make an edit everyday for a whole year. As some of you know, I will be retiring. I might come back, maybe I won't. - ZombieNinja723

Good bye, ZN723.

I wrote the Jan section of this page.

27th July, 2015. We were going to make a page to contain all PvZ2 updates. It was supported.

The updates section in the PvZ2 page is becoming rather large - 1Zulu

I had the same idea, yet everyone opposed - Bearjedi

Oh please, when you made that thread in April, the update history was not long enough yet.

28th July, 2015. After I sent a mail to Wiki staff. Finally the promotion glitch was fixed! I gave Oreo, PurplePi and TCLP their rights.

29th July, 2015. Well TCLP tried to apply for admin. He was not mature enough, many users opposed.

August 2015

1st August, 2015. I saw reverted, reverted, and reverted.

I'm not trying to disagree with you Starfruity, but your thread left some troubles. Deathstrike2112 didn't know our community decision and started an edit war on Tallnut Cannon page. Finally I told him the reason.

Understood Someone456. I will let it rest for now. - Deathstrike2112

The birth place of Etymology section. It succeeded.

2nd August, 2015. PvZ plush or toy figure, do you have one? Lily8763cp suggested to remake the page. However, this idea was rejected. This wiki only consists of official stuff in mainspace articles. It's a difficult task to check all products' source.

4th August, 2015. GW badges. I believed that somebody would discuss them one day. Game badges weren't specific, so I opposed.

5th August, 2015. Oreo reached 10000 edits!...under half year? WOW, better than me.

I wrote the Feb section of this page.

6th August, 2015. Oreo asked me to demote himself. Really? He said that he would reduce his activity. I told him not to do such extreme decision, as he wasn't completely inactive.

He also mentioned how could I gain two 19500th m-edits badges. !!! That's what Dung Dinh Anh asked me about 3primetime3. Now I was one of the victims (really?) too! It happened few days ago, the wiki was lagging when I got that badge. I counted the sun, I received 100 extra sun. Such coincidental occurrence was not purely good. Although I can earn the coming badges normally, my badge counter is a mess now.

9th August, 2015. Oh we forgot that. LaserBean203 reminded us to create the update page of PvZ2.

Plants vs. Zombies 2/Update history

Page created. - me, Someone456

Another reminder, Pinkgirl requested to me to update the rule about post limit.

On this day, I added order of appearance list to all three history pages and wrote a part of Mar section.

10th August, 2015. I finished the remaining part of Mar section, which is about our final battle with NapalmRosalina. I thought I had gone crazy, I even updated half of Apr section on the same day!

Cavia spoke out what everyone thought.

So why are people creating these threads? The obvious, and probably correct answer, is pity. I am not calling out or offending anyone, but asking for pity oppose votes just to get back (or even boost) your self-eestem is pitiful by itself and shows that you're indecisive. - Cavia porcellus

No more self-demotion vote, just ask a b-crat!

12th August, 2015. I finished Apr section of this page.

Well, no one understood why Cheetah raged out regarding the name of Castle in the Sky.

If the movie never exist, this will not, and ever be translate to Castle in the Sky, It will be something like Sky City or even weirder name that you always HATE, WHY the RENAMING RIGHT EVEN ON YOUR HAND THAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW CHINESE! Are you Leo? ARE YOU SOMEONE? ARE YOU SOME OTHER PEOPLE ON THE WIKIA TO KNOW CHINESE? NO! THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS, last time I made a thread with the same rage and people agree with me, but NOW? THE SAME THING ALL OVER AGAIN! - Cheetah-shooter

"If" - me, Someone456

Why are you freaking out about this? - Cavia porcellus

No one says that we must translate 100% literally. It depends on the language to be translated and the theme and situation of the thing being translated. It's fight between plants and zombies, castle or city? Make your choice. - me, Someone456

My avatar was updated, now I will replace it monthly.

13th August, 2015. More minor issues. The second and third one were in need of discussions, but I couldn't understand the first one... Level 4-5 is a Night level! Level 4-5 is a Night level! Level 4-5 is a Night level!

It's still a Night level.

Sadly, I finished this page late (on 27/4/2016). Worse than the last year. Firstly, this page was updated in a wanted speed (up to April 2015 at my anniversary in 2015), but school greatly hinders my process (of course it's more important). Well.

To be honest, my least favorite area in PvZ1 is Night. In contrast, night in real life is better, more silent, and more mysterious. It's also nighttime here. I would like to watch the bright moon in the dark after I click the publish button.
