
From Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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Hello User!

I'm a friendly user on this wiki. You may know me for my obsession with music, Doom-shrooms, and Wiki consistency.

So, when exactly am I active?

Well, I’m not really active much anymore. I used to be a moderator on here and was active very frequently, but I left the wiki in 2017 in order to dedicate my life to college, my passion for music, and other stuff in my personal life. I still pop in from time to time, though. Usually for a trip down memory lane.


Dekagamer7X9 – "All we need to do is make sure we keep talking"
My word bubble.

Profile Pictures

Some Stuff

  • Birthday: June 4th, 1999.
  • Gender: Male
  • Real Name: Owen
  • Occupation: I unfortunately don't have one yet.
  • Favorite Band/Musical Artist: Too many to list.
  • Favorite Show: Seinfeld
  • Favorite Movie: The Incredibles
  • Favorite Video Game: Plants vs. Zombies (the original, from 2009)
  • Favorite Color: Maroon
  • Uh... I can't really think of anything else.

Doom-shroom2.png This user's favorite plant is Doom-shroom.
Starfruit2.png This user's favorite plant is Starfruit.
Cherry Bomb2.png This user's favorite plant is Cherry Bomb.
Magnifying Grass2.png This user's favorite plant is Magnifying Grass.
Snow Pea2.png This user's favorite plant is Snow Pea.
Kernel-pult2.png This user's favorite plant is Kernel-pult.
Infi-nut2.png This user's favorite plant is Infi-nut.
Stallia2.png This user's favorite plant is Stallia.
Grimrose2.png This user's favorite plant is Grimrose.
Snapdragon2.png This user's favorite plant is Snapdragon.
Pumpkin2.png This user's favorite plant is Pumpkin.
Acidic Lemon2.png This user's favorite plant is Acidic Lemon.
Thyme Warp2.png This user's favorite plant is Thyme Warp.
Laser Bean2.png This user's favorite plant is Laser Bean.
Anthurium2.png This user's favorite plant is Anthurium.
Primal Potato Mine2.png This user's favorite plant is Primal Potato Mine.
Primal Wall-nut2.png This user's favorite plant is Primal Wall-nut.
Grapeshot2.png This user's favorite plant is Grapeshot.
Primal Peashooter2.png This user's favorite plant is Primal Peashooter.
Twin Sunflower2.png This user's favorite plant is Twin Sunflower.
Escape Root2.png This user's favorite plant is Escape Root.
Gold Leaf2.png This user's least favorite plant is Gold Leaf.
Chomper2.png This user's least favorite plant is Chomper.
Landlord Bamboo2.png This user's least favorite plant is Lord Bamboo.
Sweet Potato2.png This user's least favorite plant is Sweet Potato.
Sap-fling2.png This user's least favorite plant is Sap-fling.
Electric Blueberry2.png This user's least favorite plant is Electric Blueberry.
Nightshade2.png This user's least favorite plant is Nightshade.

Octo Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Octo Zombie.
Troglobite2.png This user's favorite zombie is Troglobite.
Arcade Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Arcade Zombie.
Jurassic Bully2.png This user's favorite zombie is Jurassic Bully.
Turquoise Skull Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Turquoise Skull Zombie.
Blockhead Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Blockhead Zombie.
Imp Dragon Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Imp Dragon Zombie.
Dancing ZombieOld.png This user's favorite zombie is Dancing Zombie.
Zombie Yeti1.png This user's favorite zombie is Zombie Yeti.
Disco-tron 30002.png This user's favorite zombie is Disco-tron 3000.
Squash Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Squash Zombie.
Sloth Gargantuar2.png This user's favorite zombie is Sloth Gargantuar.
Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png This user's favorite zombie is Deep Sea Gargantuar.
Ski Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Ski Zombie.
Parasol Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Parasol Zombie.
Imp Porter2.png This user's favorite zombie is Imp Porter.
Punk Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Punk Zombie.
Breakdancer Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Breakdancer Zombie.
8-Bit Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is 8-Bit Zombie.
Excavator Zombie2.png This user's least favorite zombie is Excavator Zombie.
Fisherman Zombie2.png This user's least favorite zombie is Fisherman Zombie.
Gargantuar Prime2.png This user's least favorite zombie is Gargantuar Prime.
Mecha-Football Zombie2.png This user's least favorite zombie is Mecha-Football Zombie.
Bug Zombie2.png This user's least favorite zombie is Bug Zombie.
Han Bronze2.png This user's least favorite zombie is Han Bronze.
Glitter Zombie2.png This user's least favorite zombie is Glitter Zombie.
Hair Metal Gargantuar2.png This user's least favorite zombie is Hair Metal Gargantuar.

Gaze upon my terrible skill

Pyramid of Doom2.png This user has completed 26 levels in the Pyramid of Doom.
Dead Man's Booty2.png This user has completed 33 levels in Dead Man's Booty.
Big Bad Butte2.png This user has completed 29 levels in Big Bad Butte.
Terror from Tomorrow2.png This user has completed 42 levels in Terror from Tomorrow.
Arthur's Challenge2.png This user has completed 30 levels in Arthur's Challenge.
Tiki Torch-er2.png This user has completed 31 levels in Tiki Torch-er.
Icebound Battleground2.png This user has completed 22 levels in Icebound Battleground.
Temple of Bloom2.png This user has completed 36 levels in the Temple of Bloom.
Greatest Hits2.png This user has completed 11 levels in Greatest Hits.
LBT Icon Transparent.png This user has completed 29 levels in the La Brainsa Tarpits.
Highway to the Danger Room2.png This user has completed 18 levels in Highway to the Danger Room.

Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time (GMXX Version)

If you've met me, you probably know I'm a tad dissatisfied with the state that Plants vs. Zombies 2 is in. I feel there are many improvements that can be made to it, while incorporating both my own ideas, and ideas implemented from the Chinese version. Below is a wiki I've created in order to house those ideas. Keep in mind that this wiki is for observation purposes only and should not under any circumstances be edited without permission from myself.

Check out the wiki here.

Favorite Albums

I'm a fan of several bands and musicians. Below are some of my favorite albums, limited to one per artist. This was accurate at the time I did it (late 2016) but naturally isn’t accurate at all anymore. It’s a nice look at my music taste circa 2016, though.

My Plants vs. Zombies game(s)

Plants in PvZ 2 I have yet to obtain

And anything else added after that as the Apple Mortar update was around the time I stopped playing.