Dead Man's Booty

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I'd plunder that.

Crazy Dave

Dead Man's Booty before the 1.7 update
Dead Man's Booty after the 1.7 update

Dead Man's Booty is the second Endless Zone in Plants vs. Zombies 2. It is the Pirate Seas' Endless Zone. Before the 1.7 update, the level was unlocked after beating the last day of the Pirate Seas, while in the later versions, it is unlocked after beating Pirate Seas - Day 4.


(Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: Hi neighbor! Welcome to Dead Man's Booty!
Crazy Dave: I'd plunder that.
(Crazy Dave leaves)


Use the water to your advantage. It is advised to take plants like Spring Bean (to deal with Swashbuckler Zombies, Gargantuars and various others), Spikeweed, Spikerock, or Spear-mint (to deal with Barrel Roller Zombies and delay Gargantuars, Imps that are launched by the Gargantuar Pirates), Winter Melons (to slow down groups of zombies), and Kernel-pult (to deal with Seagull Zombies and delay Gargantuars) as quickly as possible. Gold Bloom is a good option to help generate sun to get up early defenses and sun production. Long ranged plants like Laser Bean, Fume-shroom, Repeater and Threepeater are great choices for offensive power. Snapdragon, Cold Snapdragon and Spikerock can be used to deal area of effect damage over a short area. Primal Peashooters can knock zombies into the water, and also synergies well with Blover, which is already quite useful due to the number of naturally occurring airborne zombies. Blovers can be used to blow away Swashbuckler Zombies, Seagull Zombies, and Zombie Parrots, as well as Imps fired from Imp Cannons and Gargantuars while mid-flight, and so the sooner you can get Blover unlocked, the better. Use that knowledge to your advantage to easily take care of Swashbuckler Zombies and Imp Cannons. Finally, Coconut Cannon, Strawburst, Banana Launcher, Cherry Bomb, Grapeshot and Bombegranate serve as the instant kills. As for the Imps launched by the Gargantuars, Spikerocks, Spikeweeds, and such are placed in the third column with bridges.

Additionally, Sun-shroom is also a good plant to bring on this level because its not only cheap, but it will somewhat hasten your sun production more quickly than using a Twin Sunflower for an exchange. This works best if you could combine both. One column of Sun-shroom and a few rows of Twin Sunflowers will also yield you a good sun production processing. With that, you can easily build as many Winter Melons as you can and some Magnifying Grasses. Primal Sunflower can be used in place of Sun-shroom, if one prefers them.

If you were to get a boosted Spring Bean, then that could prove itself extremely effective for dealing with all zombies, even the high health Zombies as in Pirate Seas levels the plant food effect of Spring Bean can bounce zombies off lanes with planks into nearby lanes with water (no planks), instantly killing them. This can defeat even Gargantuar Pirates with ease. Some weaknesses to this are: Imp Cannons and Seagull Zombies, which aren't affected by Spring Bean but Seagull Zombies can be blown away, the plank placement as if zombies appear in a plank lane in between two other plank lanes, the zombies will only be sent back but not killed due to there being no water to nearby to fall into, and the cooldown of Spring Bean that can easily be fixed with Imitater or knockback plants such as Chard Guards and Hurrikale to keep zombies back.

A notification upon reaching Level 10 in Dead Man's Booty

By Jinhaoooooooooo (Contains gemium content)

No $ premiums needed.

Note: This strategy does NOT work with Imp Cannons and a level with four rows of plank unless you have Iceberg Lettuce boost or Kernel-pult boost .

Plants: Sun-shroom2.png or Twin Sunflower2.png (if you have its boost) Winter Melon2.png Cherry Bomb2.png Blover2.png Hurrikale2.png Chard Guard2.png is required and anything else to fill in.

If you choose a level with Imp Cannons, then go to the garden and quit. Otherwise you will be ruin for yourself during the game.

Collect Blover as early as possible. Plant Sun-shrooms or Twin Sunflowers on the rows that do not have planks. Use Stunion to delay the first zombie and use Plant Food on Sun-shroom to gain more sun to plant Winter Melons.

When Gargantuar Pirates appears, try to plant another Winter Melon to slow him down and using Chard Guard plus Blover to defeat him quickly as possible.

HINT: If you see Swashbuckler Zombies, Seagull Zombies or Zombie Parrots, just use Blover to kill them fast.

You need at least two Winter Melons each rows that has planks. When you see a horde or Gargantuar Pirates, first, slow them down using Winter Melon or its splash damage, Stunion]] or Hurrikale, second, use Chard Guard plus Blover to kill them.(If it has Barrel Roller Zombie, use Cherry Bomb to kill it first then plant Blover to prevent the Imp Pirate Zombies thrown by Gargantuar Pirates to land.)

Hurrikale should be used when there is a horde of zombies to delay them.

Keep planting Winter Melons until your sun has run out or no more space left on the lawn.

This strategy can use all the way to Level 600+. More information, see gallery.

Oh Snap! (Contains gemium content)

Created by Jetpack33133

Before using this strategy, use a different strategy until you get the extremely needed plants and Magnet-shroom on the Endless Zone.

  • Required plants:
    • Snapdragon2.png (extremely needed)
    • Sunflower2.png (extremely needed)
    • Twin Sunflower2.png (extremely needed)
    • Magnet-shroom2.png (only for levels with Buckethead Pirates)
    • Stallia2.png (optional)
    • Blover2.png (extremely needed)
    • Endurian2.png (if you have seventh Seed Slot)
    • Ghost Pepper2.png (if you have eighth Seed Slot)

Start your Sunflowers column at the back, plant two or three Sunflowers to start. Slow down the first few zombies with Stallia, and defeat them with Snapdragons. By the last wave, you should have three columns of Snapdragons, but start in the third column with planting the Snapdragons.

Use Magnet-shrooms to remove buckets and occasionally, feed the Magnet-shroom with Plant Food. Once you're done with the Magnet-shroom, dig it back up. Note: the Magnet-shroom should drop 50 or 75 sun when dug up. If not, you are doing this wrong and must get at least 50% cost back of sun.

Use Blovers on Seagull Zombies, Zombie Parrots, and occasionally Swashbuckler Zombies. Endurians can be placed in front of the Snapdragons (in the fifth column). Use Ghost Peppers to attack zombies, especially Gargantuars. When Gargantuars are in two Snapdragons' area, then use Plant Food on both on them. Do not forget to finish your Sunflower column and replace them with Twin Sunflowers if possible. If you have your Plant Food bar full and there is another Plant Food floating, quickly use Plant Food on a sun-producing plant and collect the floating Plant Food. If there is no Swashbuckler zombies or Seagull Zombies, plant four columns of Snapdragons instead of three. If there is too much Barrel Roller Zombies in a Snapdragons' area, feed Plant Food to the Snapdragon.

The Real Invincible Armada!

Created by The Ancient Pult Ancestor

Unlike the Spanish Invincible Armada, which was a pathetic invader that ended in failure, this one is a defender that is meant to make the dead 'deader' (there is no such word, mind you)...provided you have quick reflexes, the ability to comprehend five overcrowded lanes all at once, and extreme carefulness despite your speed.

  • Required plants and their uses
    • Potato Mine2.png/Chili Bean2.png - The early killers for the early landlubbing zombies. Since a new zombie usually doesn't enter until the first one is killed or has walked half the lawn, it is best to put the Potato Mine/Chili Bean on the leftmost column. Chili Bean is recommended if a zombie, most especially a Barrel Roller Zombie, is expected to enter right behind the one you intend to kill, in order to stun them for a while. Potato Mine, on the other hand, can kill all zombies within a tile, and not just one.
    • Twin Sunflower2.png/Sun-shroom2.png - Best if you feed the first one you plant one plant food at the start of the level if no powerful zombies are around (don't worry, at least two plant food leaves come per level), otherwise, feed a Sun Bean instead if a Buckethead is around. Sun-shroom is only good for those who want to hurry up with their sun production, but in the end, the two are just the same, interchangeable and reliable.
    • Sun Bean2.png - feed the early zombies, and have them walk into Potato Mines or eat Chili Beans. Wait until you see a Buckethead Zombie, at which point you should feed it a Sun Bean which has been fed plant food. If the zombies start to increase, forget about Bucketheads, just feed your Twin Sunflower/Sun-shroom.
    • Blover2.png (the most important out of all the others) - If you forget Blover, you're screwed! Given the fact that raiding party after raiding party comes, you need to plant this guy every now and then (approximately every five to ten seconds in higher levels) in order to ward off those Swashbuckler Zombies, Seagull Zombies, Zombie Parrots, and occasionally, Imps bursting from barrels. Imp Cannons, on the other hand, should be destroyed with a Magnifying Grass.
    • Magnifying Grass2.png - Two or three taps is enough to destroy Imp Cannons, or any grounded Swashbucklers that are either too fast for you (or you might have just forgot to plant a Blover). Take note that Imp Cannons can overlap, so you might have to fire bursts from it nine times or more, for good measure.
    • Laser Bean2.png - The full-lane obliterator, beheads all the weak undead pirates in a lane, and most especially deals with the Barrel Rollers (if they are out of Winter Melon's range, or if you have insufficient sun to get Winter Melons). Once you've got enough sun, slowly replace them with Winter Melons, though alternating columns of these two plants can ensure destruction as well.
    • Winter Melon2.png - The heaviest weapon in the arsenal, he gets everyone slowed down that they collect within a 3x3 area, spreading out his splash damage even more. When extra plant food emerges, this guy is the first to deserve it, otherwise, feed your Twin Sunflowers.

Remember not to forget a single plant on the seed selection screen, most especially Blover. And keep exiting the level if a Gargantuar is there until it disappears (but if you choose to fight it, go on, I would love to see someone dare). Ignore both these precautions, and you're screwed.

Start by destroying the early comers with Potato Mines/Chili Beans, planted as much as possible on the leftmost lane. Feed the stronger zombies (e.g. a Buckethead) with a Sun Bean. The sun-producers can then fill the plankless rows, because they're safe from any form of attack (except from Imp Cannons, but if you have one Magnifying Grass per row behind all those sun-producers, the cannons can simply be blasted to mush) as long as you quickly plant Blovers when needed and/or predicted.

As for the lanes with planks, quickly fill them with Winter Melons at the back, Laser Beans in front of them. Conquer all the other tiles with these until there's nothing left of the lawn to conquer (if that is so, dig up one sun producer, and the empty tile it leaves behind will be where you plant Blovers). Slowly replace the Laser Beans with Winter Melons, until the whole lawn is full of them cyan melon catapults.

And once that happens, watch the undead lose their heads before they can even step on the lawn (I mean it!)! Watch the occasional dropping coins, sprouts, and, most especially, gems, which may fall from decapitated zombies. When you see an extra plant food that will not fit anymore in your full plant food bank, use it on a Winter Melon to witness mass destruction - a massacre!

Do not worry about using power-ups or spending 1000 coins for extra plant food if you make the wrong moves or if the level is too fast for you to even produce enough sun (but don't go overboard with it!).

Going on this same strategy over and over again is a bit boring...but if you want to survive (forever?) and remain a living human with a brain, just do it!

The zombie destroyer's strategy (Contains gemium content)

  • Required plants:
    • Blover2.png (crucial in removing Zombie Parrots, Swashbuckler Zombies and Gargantuars; Imps if you are fast)
    • Primal Potato Mine2.png (detonates group)
    • Moonflower2.png (or Primal Sunflower2.png if you have Plant Food)
    • Chard Guard2.png (crucial for removing Gargantuars)
    • Primal Wall-nut2.png (stalls Gargantuars and Imps when thrown)
    • Hurrikale2.png (havbes Imp Cannons' firing rate; blows zombies back to create an 3x3 slow opening for the next plant)
    • Winter Melon2.png (works in tandem with Hurrikale, it creates opening and Winter Melon chills surrounding zombies)

Step 1) Plant Moonflower. Use Chard Guard to push back first zombie.

Step 2) If next zombie is a Cone/Bucket, use Primal Potato Mine to destroy group. Chard Guard should have hurled first zombie with the others. Shovel Chard Guard. If Barrel Roller Zombie is the next, use Primal Potato Mine, Chard Guard on barrel and Blover (be fast or barrel will only be hurled backwards, not blown away)

Step 3) Plant Moonflowers in first two columns (or Primal Sun Flower) and third and fourth columns to have Winter Melons. Stall zombies with Chard Guard + Blover. When Gargantuars hurl Imps (in slow motion due to Winter Melon and Hurrikale), get ready Blover and plant it before he swings out his arm.

Step 4) Eliminate row by row first the plank-less rows, then the lanes with most Gargantuars, then stall remaining Gargantuars with Hurrikale.

This strategy is very reliable (no failing since level 40). I am now on level 118.

Hailin' Melons (Contains gemium content)

Created by Shrinto
  • Required plants:
    • Moonflower2.png - The most crucial plant for this strategy. Use them in order to create as much sun as possible. Place next to each other (four in a 2x2 space will create four powered ones.) for a powerful effect.
    • Primal Potato Mine2.png - An early start killer. Use these against zombies that get deployed at the beginning. Also an alternative to the Cherry Bomb when lanes are crowded. Covers three lanes at once and acts as an instant kill.
    • Iceberg Lettuce2.png - A staller for zombies at the beginning. Use these for delaying zombies that appear at the start. Use these in conjunction with the Primal Potato Mine for a more powerful effect.
    • Winter Melon2.png - The main offensive plant for this strategy. The second most crucial plant. Slows down zombies, while harming them and dealing 80 damage at the same time.
    • Spikerock2.png - A powerful support and staller. You can use them in two ways: A support for Winter Melons on plankless lanes. Harms Imps (launched by Imp Cannons) and Swashbuckler Zombies that land in the fifth column. When Gargantuars are present, they can be planted on the 3rd column (the spot where Imps land, and they land there 100% unless pushed by Hurrikale). Or a staller for Gargantuars. Takes three hits to get killed. Another use is for Barrel Roller Zombies, but it is not advised to do so because the imps released will screw you up, big time.
    • Blover2.png - A spectacular plant. Kills all Seagull Zombies, Swashbucklers (that are swinging), imps (that are either launched by cannons and Gargantuars or in the process of switching lanes due to explosion of barrels of Barrel Rollers), and any other zombies floating and flying.
    • Stunion2.png/Hurrikale2.png/Choice - Use Stunion when Gargantuars are not present. Use Hurrikale if there are Gargs. They both stall zombies and buys time for the plants to attack. If you don't have any of these, you can have any plant you want. Your choice, not mine.

Phase 1 - Grinding Sun:

1) Plant Moonflowers on the second, third, and fourth columns on the plankless lanes. Plant them on the third, and fourth if planks are present. If there are Gargantuars, avoid planting them on the third column because Spikerocks are planted there.

2) Use Primal Potato Mines for killing zombies in conjunction with Iceberg Lettuces and Stunions (if present).

3) Use Blover when Swashbucklers and Seagulls are coming.

Phase 2 - Winter Melons:

1) Plant Winter Melons on the first column. Plant extra on the second column if there are planks.

2) Plant on fourth, fifth and any other empty spots on the lanes with planks. However, do not get them killed. Keep the melons safe.

Phase 3 - Spikes

1) Plant them on the fifth column of lanes with no planks. These will serve as extra protection for your Moonflowers. Use in conjunction with Winter Melons on the first column.

2) Plant Spikerocks on the third column on lanes with planks if there are Gargantuars. This will provide extra protection for the Winter Melons at the back.

Phase 4 - Keeping It Up

1) Do not let zombies eat your plants.

2) When you know a plant is gonna die, use your shovel in order to get some sun back (only works when you have the shovel bonuses active).

3) Use Blover at the right time. These can clear out multiple Swashbucklers, Seagulls and zombies that are floating or flying at that moment. This will serve as an instant kill to those zombies affected.

4) Use Hurrikale to delay zombies in a lane. It will provide a lot of time for plants to attack and for you to build up more defenses and collect sun in the meantime.


1) Use Plant Food on Winter Melons when there is extra. The more zombies on the screen, the more damage the effect will deal.

2) Use cheap plants like the Moonflower to delay Gargantuars. Otherwise, use the Spikerock.

3) Hurrikale can kill zombies in plankless lanes.

4) Do not be afraid to use Power Ups when in trouble. It is natural. Power Ups on 1x speed is recommended so you have more time to clear the horde out. Use the Power Toss. It is probably the best one yet.

5) Only play at 2x speed if you are confident. If not, well, play on 1x speed. Playing on 1x speed will also provide more time for you to think.

6) If you want, you can use Tile Turnip.

7) You can use other premium plants if you want, just like the Cold Snapdragon, Grapeshot, Imitater, and the Power Lily. These can make the game way easier. But for this strategy, they are not really required.

Other Notes:

And that is basically it. It works perfectly for me, 100%. Whenever things do not work out like your planned, do not get frustrated. Patience is key to a lot of things.

Pirate Takedown in Dusk (Contains premium content)

This is done by Fairy27.

Used plants:

  • Gold Bloom2.png (To produce bunch of suns)
  • Moonflower2.png (Main sun producer)
  • Dusk Lobber2.png (Offensive shadow plants and must be boosted by Moonflower)
  • Cherry Bomb2.png (Why an explosive instant is a must)
  • Spring Bean2.png (Useful, it can bounce off zombies to the water)
  • Blover2.png (Some zombies are aerial, it can blow them away)
  • Option between Lightning Reed2.png (when no Gargantuars are present, it helps the splash damage), Phat Beet2.png (with Gargantuars, helps taking out the Gargantuars' Imps), or Guacodile2.png (Yet with Gargantuars but can be without them, used as an instant to take down some zombies in a lane)

Without Gargantuars

Start off planting Gold Bloom to get 375 sun as a headstart (575 if one chooses the card with 200 sun). Plant Moonflowers on the second column. Plant Dusk Lobbers when the first zombie appears on the first column. When a Swashbuckler Zombie comes on swinging or a Seagull Zombie comes flying, plant a Blover. Plant two more Moonflowers, one on the fourth column, second row, and the other on the fourth column, fourth row. Plant more Dusk Lobbers on the shadow aura Moonflowers possess to power them. Spring Beans can be used early on while waiting. When a lot of swinging Swashbuckler Zombies and Seagull Zombies appear, plant a Blover. When Gold Bloom is ready to be planted again, plant it when your sun is low. Plant Lightning Reeds on other tiles without Moonflowers' aura to help the splash damage. Cherry Bombs can be used to take down zombies in a 3x3 area.

With Gargantuars

Start off planting Gold Bloom to get 375 as a headstart (575 if one chooses the card with 200 sun). Plant Moonflowers on the second column. Plant Dusk Lobbers when the first zombie appears on the first column. When a Swashbuckler Zombie comes on swinging or a Seagull Zombie comes flying, plant a Blover. Plant two more Moonflowers, one on the fourth column, second row, and the other on the fourth column, fourth row. Plant more Dusk Lobbers on the shadow aura Moonflowers possess to power them except on the third column, which should be filled with Phat Beets or Guacodiles. When Gargantuars appear, and when they'll throw their Imps, the Phat Beets or the Guacodiles will deal them, but must be replaced. Use Plant Food on Spring Bean when badly needed. Cherry Bombs can be used to take down zombies in a 3x3 area.

This strategy may not work but hope this helps.

Flying good times  (Contains premium content)

By Iamarepeater.

You need the following: (so getting these as soon as possible will help)

  • Primal Sunflower2.png (or Sun-shroom2.png if you have not cleared Jurassic Marsh - Day 17 yet) (Main sun producer)
  • File:GOld Bloom2.png (to supplement your sun supply, especially if you chose Sun-Shroom)
  • Blover2.png (you will need it to kill all airborne zombies easily, including Gargantuars)
  • Cherry Bomb2.png (Trust me, there is a chance an imp might land at the third column and your blover timing is sightly off)
  • Winter Melon2.png (to slow down the zombie horde)
  • Primal Peashooter2.png (to push zombies back for Blover's death blow)
  • Primal Potato Mine2.png (kill off the early zombies)

Optional: If you can afford the real price, then replace Cherry Bomb with File:Grpeshot2.png and bring Power Lily2.png in the eighth slot.

Normal Cases

These levels have Barrel Roller Zombies, Seagull Zombies, Pirate Captain Zombies and Swashbuckler Zombies (and the basic trio) only.

Start by planting Primal Sunflower at the back two columns. Use Gold Bloom twice (use plant food on it once when you have planted the Gold Bloom). Kill the first few zombies with the Primal Potato Mines. (if they are airborne, use Blover instead) (If one of the early zombies is a Barrel Roller Zombie, plant a Winter Melon to take him out)

Place Winter Melons on the third column. For full rows, saturate the row with Primal Peashooters until the ninth column.

If Gold Bloom is fully recharged, use it again.

Remember to spam Blover as much as possible. There is chance Primal Peashooter might make a zombie airborne.

Imp Cannon

Treat the level like there were no imp cannons. When they do come, quickly plant some primal peashooters and winter melons to slow down the cannons and delay their explosions. In this case, the entire lawn is made mainly of winter melons and primal peashooters. You might have to dig up the primal sunflowers to make space for the primal peashooters.


Swap the positions of the Primal Sunflowers and Winter Melons on the full rows such that Winter Melons are on the second column and Primal Sunflowers are on the third column. That's all you need to remember. Otherwise, it's the same as the above two set-ups.

By Camwood777: Cold Snapdragon's Melon Shipments (Contains premium content)

Upgrades needed: Bonus Seed Slot2.png
Plants needed: Primal Sunflower2.png Cold Snapdragon2.png Melon-pult2.png Primal Wall-nut2.png Gold Bloom2.png Blover2.png Grapeshot2.png Power Lily2.png
Grapeshot can be replaced with an Imitater Gold Bloom

The Setup

Generally speaking, you will place majority of your Primal Sunflowers on the areas without the boardwalk to the lawn. Due to the fact that only Swashbuckler Zombies, Seagull Zombies, Zombie Parrots and the Imps from Imp Cannons can even reach there in the first place, and Blover is capable of taking out all of them, unless there is an Imp Cannon to be dealt with, you will only need a lone Cold Snapdragon to put up with the zombies that appear there, implying Blover is not enough to deal with them.

At the lanes with the boardwalks to the lawns, you can have a maximum of two columns at the very back with Primal Sunflowers, implying there are no Imp Cannons, and/or Gargantuars. Otherwise, only one column is good. Later on into levels with three to four flags, though, you can usually get away with having 0 Primal Sunflowers in the back, replacing them with Melon-pults.

At the front row of the boardwalks will be Cold Snapdragons behind Primal Wall-nuts. This will slow the zombies down, and maximize the efficiency of the Melon-pult barrage. Between the Cold Snapdragons and Primal Sunflowers are the Melon-pults, which are the main offense.

In the case of Gargantuars, you will usually want the third column from the left to have Primal Wall-nuts on the lanes with the boardwalks. A Cold-snapdragon is typically useful to help cover the imps, with at least one Melon-pult to help take them out. This safeguards against imps, in case Blover fails.

Instant-use plants

Generally speaking, Blover is the most important plant instant-use when it comes to simply using them. Seeing as Blover is capable of taking out so many zombies in Dead Man's Booty, it should be no surprise it would be so useful here. Good timing with Blover is key.

In a jam, and during huge waves of zombies, Grapeshot can help clear out groups of zombies. It also helps out greatly against Gargantuars.

Generally speaking, at the start of a level, the player should use Gold Bloom. If the player has the Instant Recharge upgrade, as well as leftover plant food, recharging Gold Bloom to get a free second use out of it is very useful. This is only make more useful if the player has Power Lily.

Created by Mognoxprox:Primal Pults (Contains premium content)

Upgrades needed: Bonus Seed Slot2.png
Plants needed: Primal Sunflower2.png Primal Peashooter2.png Winter Melon2.png Primal Wall-nut2.png Cherry Bomb2.png Jalapeno2.png Ghost Pepper2.png Power Lily2.png
Ghost Pepper can be replaced by an Imitater Jalapeno

The Setup

This is strategy is fairly simple, and has been tested in levels 25 and up. First, the player shall place their Primal Sunflowers in the leftmost column. The player should then place their Primal Wall-nuts in the last column with the full board. After that, the player should plant their Primal Peashooters during this time, possibly needing to boost the Primal Sunflowers to get more sun. Players might need to use Cherry Bombs and Jalapenos to destroy zombie threats.

Once you have placed your two columns of Primal Peashooters, you can then place your Winter Melons in each row. You might need to use Plant Food on your Primal Sunflowers to get more sun. Once you have filled up the full board, you can move the Primal Wall-nuts a space to the right, and add more Winter Melons. You can repeat this as many times as you need before the level ends.

How is this strategy useful?

This strategy both slows down, stops, and pushes back zombies, meaning zombies in the water lanes will get pushed off and killed. Zombies in the plank rows often get pilled up, meaning Cherry Bomb will destroy the group, and Winter Melon will freeze them. Ghost Pepper can be used for area damage, and Jalapeno can destroy crowded lanes. Power Lily will give you Plant Food to use on your plants.

By YershiBear: Sub-zero (and explosive!) Pirate Ship (Contains premium content)

Upgrades needed: Bonus Seed Slot2.png Extra Seed Slot2.png
Plants needed: Gold Bloom2.png Winter Melon2.png Cold Snapdragon2.png Grapeshot2.png OR Explode-O-Nut2.png OR Cherry Bomb2.png Power Lily2.png Primal Sunflower2.png OR Twin Sunflower2.png Imitater2.png Shrinking Violet2.png
(Using Imitater with Grapeshot, Cherry Bomb, Power Lily, or Gold Bloom is highly recommended.)

The Setup

This strategy uses mostly the five non-plank tiles on the board. First, use your Gold Bloom(s) to get a lot of Sun. Next, plant your Primal / Twin Sunflowers at the leftmost column. Then, use Plant Food on your Gold Bloom Seed Slot(s) to get even more sun. Now, after that is done, plant two columns of Winter Melons in the 2nd and 3rd leftmost columns, and two more columns of Cold Snapdragons in the 4th and 5th leftmost columns. You now should have a column of Primal / Twin Sunflowers, two columns of Winter Melons, and two columns of Cold Snapdragons, starting at the house and going right. (This means one column of Cold Snapdragons should be right behind the planks, and another column of the same Plant should be right behind it).

What does this do?

Using this strategy, you've created a foolproof defense for every Zombie that may come your way. The only thing you need to look out for are the many Gargantuars that will appear. When these come along, immediately use Shrinking Violet, and then a Grapeshot/Cherry Bomb. If many Gargantuars appear at one time, you'll either want LOTS of coins (to buy Plant Food) or Power Lily. You should then use the Plant Food you just got on your Grapeshots/Cherry Bombs, as Shrinking Violet recharges relatively fast. (Use it on Shrinking Violet if you seriously have to, though.) You won't need Power Lily as much if you packed Explode-O-Nut, however, as that has a quick recharge as well. If you packed Explode-O-Nut, then regularly replace them when they get destroyed or use Plant Food on them. Still, Shrinking Violet is a MUST for every level.

Created by Gjhikf: Spiky, Spicy & Cold Health Pills (Contains premium content)

Required plants:

  • Moonflower2.png (Level 2)
  • Gold Bloom2.png
  • Imitater2.png (Gold Bloom)
  • Blover2.png (Hurrikale2.png if there is only 1 plank-less lane)
  • Guacodile2.png (Level 2)
  • Winter Melon2.png
  • Pepper-pult2.png (Strangely effective with Winter Melon)
  • Spikerock2.png (Level 2)

If you have the extra seed slot, add Power Lily2.png or any instant use plants.

Step One:

Plant a Gold Bloom and a Moonflower. Kill the first zombie with a Pepper-pult or Spikerock. Keep planting Moonflowers until there are 6 of them, 2 powered. Attack the new swarms of pirates with Winter Melons. When Seagull Zombies fly in, use Blover. Keep this up until you have 2 columns of Moonflowers.

Step Two:

Plant another Gold Bloom and get 2 columns of winter melons on the 4th and 5th lanes (3rd and 4th of there are no Gargantuars). Plant Guacodiles on the 3rd lanes. Plant a single column of Pepper-pults. Now fill the rest of the space in with Spikerocks. If you want, you can plant Guacodiles right on the Gargantuars to finish them off.

Note: This has only been proven to work up to level 212. Try another strategy after level 200.

Another Dusk Lobber strategy  (Contains premium content)

Created by TTigerTT


  • Essential plants:
    • Dusk Lobber2.png It is the main attacking plant as well as an aid for the next plant. I find it specially useful for the three lanes it covers and its splash attack.
    • Moonflower2.png It'll make all the sun you may need. I find it useful for its mutualism with the plant above, giving it the ability to cover three lanes with its attack and it giving Moonflower the ability to produce more sun.
    • Winter Melon2.png It'll enhance the attack and slow down zombies as well.
    • Fume-shroom2.png It will also enhance the attack, specially killing any parrots released by any captains.
  • Expendable plants:
    • Stunion2.png As it should, it stuns zombies. I use it mostly at the beginning to have enough sun to combat before most zombies arrive, but also when in trouble, like 5 gargantuars in column four from left to right. Can be replaced by Stallia2.png, Iceberg Lettuce2.png and similar plants
    • Hurrikale2.png Useful to gain time to combat tough zombies when they go too far. It can also avoid imps from eating the Dusk Lobbers.
    • Blover2.png Mainly needed to defeat fired imps. Has other uses, but Dusk Lobber is good enough to reduce Blover's role to this.
    • Potato Mine2.png A starter plant that gives you time to set up sun production. Can be replaced with Chili Bean2.png and similars.


The set up depends on the planks where zombies will walk on. There are some cases I can list:

Note: You must use other strategies until you get the plants listed as essential above.

  1. 2 joined planks in one side, either up or down.
    • Step 1, Moonflowers: Start by placing a Moonflower in the second column from left to right in the row farthest to the planks. That row will be full of moonflowers that you will place as the level goes on. After that one you should put another one next to it, same row, but one column farther from the lawnmowers. The next one should change the row but remain in the second column. This way:


E stands for an empty section.

M stands for a moonflower.

P stands for a plank section.

O stands for the ocean.

G stands for a tile light by Moonflower's power.

PO stands for a tile that can be covered by the ocean or can be a plank.

  • Step 2, Dusk Lobbers: Continue by putting the main attack. The first one may contact all three Moonflowers, so it goes in first column, second row from bottom to top. Then you may cover the whole lawn because zombies may have begun arriving just a few seconds ago! You may want to stall the first one, which tends to be a basic one. Use Stunion or similars for this. Your next DL will go in first column, second row from top to bottom. Next to it you may add a Moonflower so you can cover the 5 rows. This way:

DL stands for a dusk lobber.

  • Step 3, adapt: Zombies are already coming, so plant as needed. Keep putting Lobbers around the Moonflowers already put, so they cover three rows each. Moonflowers may be put in the row that already have two of them. You may also remove the one next to this row and replace it with a Lobber. It may end up this way:
  • Step 4, Winter Melon: You may not feel sure to face a Gargantuar with just this, so you must add WM. Do this next to Lobbers in planked lanes. Lanes with o plank should be left like they were since last step until the level finishes. This way:

WM stands for Winter Melon.

  • Step 5, Fume-shrooms: This may just be the final hit zombies need to be defeated. You will add Fs next to WM so that parrots can be hit and other zombies receive more damage. You will add at least 4 of them, or cover the whole planks. This way:

Primal Peashooter Spam

by breakingamber

Required Plants:

  • Primal Peashooter2.png - It stalls zombies, deals decent zombies, and combos amazingly with...
  • Blover2.png - It blows away Raiding Parties, individual Swashbuckling Zombies, Seagull Zombies, and zombies lifted into the air by Primal Peashooter. Additionally, it can take care of Imps fired by Imp Cannons and Imps thrown by Gargantuars.
  • Puff-shroom2.png - It costs zero sun and does decent DPS. Spam it for the entirely of the beginning of each level.
  • Primal Sunflower2.png - I've found that this is the best sun-producer for this strategy. Feel free to try other ones that aren't Moonflower, though.
  • Winter Melon2.png - Slows zombies and takes care of hordes. Absolutely essential.

Your Choice:

  • You may want an insta-kill plant such as Cherry Bomb2.png or whatever premium equivalents you'd like. Good for speeding up the level a bit and using Plant Food on to recharge to clear out larger hordes.
  • You may want a stalling plant such as Stallia2.png or Iceberg Lettuce2.png. The former for making the zombies even slower than they will be and the latter for giving yourself more time at the beginning to farm sun.


  • Set-up for this strategy depends on two things: where the lanes are positioned and whether or not there are Gargantuars in the level.
    • If there are no Gargantuars, start the level by planting two columns of Primal Sunflowers in the very back. Use Puff Shrooms to kill all zombies that approach, making sure to double up on them on lanes with water in them. Once you've finished putting down the Primal Sunflowers, start replacing the Puff-Shrooms with Primal Peashooters until you've covered every lane with them. Start using Blover whenever you see Raiding Parties or large quantities of Seagull Zombies. Then replace the Primal Sunflowers in the first column with Winter Melons where you think they'll do the most good - usually on lanes without water in them. Start adding more Primal Peashooters to your defense. Spam Blover, use instakills whenever you'd like, use Plant Food to recharge your instakills. You should win the level easily.
    • If there are Gargantuars, things get a bit more complicated. At the start of the level, plant two lanes of Primal Sunflowers at in the back two columns. In lanes without water, place Primal Sunflowers in the back and third columns, leaving a one column gap in between. Again, use Puff Shrooms to kill zombies. The strategy proceeds as before now, but make sure to put Primal Peashooters in the gap between Primal Sunflowers this time.
    • If you decide to use instakills on Gargantuars, try to use Blover immediately afterward to blow away the Imps they throw. This frequently saves you quite a bit of hassle replacing Primal Sunflowers. Otherwise just spam it.
    • This strategy has been tested for levels 100 and above. The only issue with it is that it becomes difficult to deal with water lanes in the early game without using Blover, which is not major. Keep in mind that your Puff Shrooms may not be enough to deal with early enemies and you should be fine.

Electric Snap Vine (Contains Premium Plant)

Created by TheZombieFighter2

Note; Use this strat for the later levels when you have all these plants.

You need;

  • Primal Sunflower2.png
  • Gold Bloom2.png
  • Electric Peashooter2.png
  • Blastberry Vine2.png
  • Cold Snapdragon2.png
  • Ghost Pepper2.png
  • Hurrikale2.png

Set up;

Plant Primal Sunflowers in the 2nd and 3rd columns. Plant a Cold Snap Dragon on column 4, row 2 and another on column 4 row 4. Plant Electric Peashooters on column 1. Plant Blastberry Vines on the Electric Peashooters. Fill the rest of column 4 and column 5 lanes with a plank with Cold Snapdragons. Dig up the 2nd column and replace the Primal Sun Flowers with Electric Peashooter with Blastberry Vines. Use Ghost Peppers and Hurrikales to defeat and stall the first few zombies. (Optional, place Blastberry Vines on Primal Sun Flowers on rows with a plank)

No zombies should be a problem. the only zombie that make can it past column 6(later in the level, when all plants are set up) are the Swashbuckler Zombies and the Imps launch from Pirate Gargantuars and Imp Cannons.

Pokra is everything (Requires seedium content, Gemium and Money Premium content makes things easier)

Created by User:RNGSOMEONE

You need the following;

  • Sunflower2.png/Sun-shroom2.png/Primal Sunflower2.png (no Twin Sunflower2.png/Moonflower2.png)
  • Pokra2.png
  • An AoE stun/freeze plant (Stunion2.png, Ice Bloom2.png, Solar Tomato2.png etc)
  • A 0-25 sun early removal plant to remove early zombies (Puff-shroom2.png, some of the damaging Power Mints etc)
  • Laser Bean2.png (if the level has Imp Cannons)
  • Blover2.png (to remove Swashbucklers/Seagulls before your defense is ready)
  • Remaining slots can be filled with anything to make your life easier - Shrinking Violet2.png, Spring Bean2.png etc.

Set Up;

Immediately plant your sun-producers on the column closest to home. If you've got Gold Bloom, Enlighten-mint or Spear-Mint, use them now to get some extra sun (Spear-Mint spawns Spikerocks that can be dug up for sun or left behind to kill early waves) If Swashbucklers come before you're ready, use a Blover to remove them (make sure you always have 50 sun on hand to do so if needed) Use your low-cost removal plant to deal with the first few (in single digits) zombies that come while banking up sun. Once you have the sun, plant an entire column of Pokras on the third column from your house. This is so that any imps thrown by gargs will land on top of the Pokras and immediately get killed. The reason we don't plant the Pokras on the second column is so to avoid losing fast forward, and because we plan to plant a column of Laser Beans there. A single Pokra can solo an infinite supply of anything that is not a Garguantuar or Barrel Roller by herself - Forever! Parrots will get killed before they can steal her away and imps that land on top of them will die in just a few hits. Your next objective is to plant an entire column of Laser Beans between the Pokras and Sun Producers. If any Imp Cannons spawn, they will take care of them. Once this is set up, the only things of note are the following

  • Barrel Rollers can be dealt with by any of the following means:
    • Shrink it with Shrinking Violet
    • Break the barrel with a Spikeweed/rock/Cactus
    • Let it come in range of the Pokras, then immobilize it by Freeze/Stun
    • Kill the Barrel Roller before it gets close, either by Spring Bean PF or just high-leveled Laser Beans
  • Pirate Captains are generally not a threat as your Pokras are the rightmost targets for the parrots, and Pokras can easily kill said parrots
  • Garguantuars are the only zombies that require some special treatment. They can be dealt in any of the following ways:
    • Shrink it with Shrinking Violet. They don't have the bulk to reach walk all the way through Pokra's attack range.
    • Immobilize it while it's in Pokra's attack range. Pokra will demolish it.
    • Throw it off the ship by PF-ing a Spring Bean
    • Hit it with an Instakill such as Cherry Bomb or an equivalent (This includes PF-ing a Laser Bean!). Pokra has more than enough power to take out a weakened Garg.

By Soldier Rupert Price: No Wind Allowed (contains premium content)


  • Sun-shroom2.png
  • Fume-shroom2.png
  • Laser Bean2.png
  • Snapdragon2.png
  • Power Lily2.png
  • Grapeshot2.png
  • Tall-nut2.png
  • Spikerock2.png


  • Bonus Seed Slot2.png
  • Extra Seed Slot2.png
  • Wall-nut First Aid2.png

Lawn Arrangement 2 full columns

NOTE: assumes the plank is in the middle lane.

Laser Bean2.pngFume-shroom2.png

Laser Bean2.pngFume-shroom2.png


Laser Bean2.pngFume-shroom2.png

Laser Bean2.pngFume-shroom2.png

3 full columns

NOTE: assumes the plank is in the middle lane.






4 full columns

NOTE: assumes the planks are on lanes 2 and 4






The plants' usage

  • Sun-shroom2.png: main sun producer. As a cheap plant, allows quick defenses. Plant in 3 columns in the row(s) that have planks.
  • Fume-shroom2.png: main attacker. Used to deal with aerial zombies.
  • Laser Bean2.png: used to deal with aerial zombies with Fume-Shroom. As it is used in a 2-full column lawn, it allows more damage, since the Fume-shrooms can cover lanes 3 to 8, but not the 9th, which is a small but extremely important detail (trust me, it does a big difference).
  • Snapdragon2.png: used to deal extra damage to adjacent plankless lanes. Assuming the plank is in lane 4, lane 2 gets maximum coverage, as 3 Snapdragons are attacking it.
  • Power Lily2.png: produces Plant Food, which is important for: Fume-shroom, Sun-shroom and Spikerock.
  • Grapeshot2.png: used to deal with a lot of zombies.
  • Tall-nut2.png: used to allow more time for Spikerock to attack, or (in 4-full column strategy) to block any unwanted zombies in plankless lanes.
  • Spikerock2.png: used in the planks to attack groups of zombies, destroy Barrel Roller Zombie's Barrel, etc...


2-full column strategy

  • Go to Zen Garden until no Imp Cannons or Gargantuars are present.
  • Start by placing the cheap Sun-Shrooms at the rows with planks. It will allow you to quickly create Fume-Shrooms.
  • Fume-Shrooms go in column 2. Laser Beans go in column 1.
  • Power Lily is used to create early plant food for Sun-Shrooms. Feed them.
  • Place a Laser Bean in column 1 of the row(s) with plank(s), until you get Spikerocks.
  • Place Spikerocks in the plank(s), then Tall-Nut in coluumn 4 of them.
  • Grapeshot and Power Lily whenever needed, although you will shovel a Fume-Shroom to use 'em.
  • Barrel Roller Zombie and its Barrel should pose no threat to the Spikerocks. Pirate Captain Zombie and its Zombie Parrot doesn't stand a chance to the sheer damage of plants (if a Sun-Shroom/Tall-Nut is stolen, simply replace them and use a Power Lily for Plant-Feeding Sun-Shroom). Seagull Zombies may be a problem, but Laser Bean helps a lot.
  • Replace Fume-Shrooms if they die.

3-full column strategy

  • Go to Zen Garden until no Imp Cannons or Gargantuars are present.
  • Start by placing Sun-Shrooms, then Snapdragons on column 2, adjacent to the lane(s) with plank(s).
  • Work on Fume-Shrooms. they go on columns 1 and 3, allowing a Fume-Shroom to cover everything.
  • After that, do everything listed above (except Laser Beans).
  • The only change would be the Seagull Zombie, as no more Laser Bean is used.

4-full column strategy

  • Go to Zen Garden until no Imp Cannons or Gargantuars are present.
  • Work on Sun-Shrooms, feeding them, and a Fume-Shroom in the lane(s) with plank(s).
  • Put at least one Fume-Shroom in plankless lanes before Tall-Nuts.
  • After Tall-Nuts in plankless lanes, put one in the lane(s) with plank(s).
  • Spikerock first, then replace the Fume-Shrooms (in lane[s] with plank[s]) with Sun-Shrooms.
  • Then, add any Fume-Shrooms in the free spaces.
  • Seagull Zombies are easier since Fume-Shrooms cover most area now (the ones in the 3rd column cover all area).

Iamgennn's strategy aka Blover Spamming  (Contains premium content)

Plants needed (preferably leveled at least Level 2)

  • Cold Snapdragon2.png (Extremely necessary, used to slow down and damage hordes of zombies)
  • Blover2.png (The level will be instantly harder if forgotten)
  • Sun-shroom2.png / Primal Sunflower2.png (Sun-producing plant of choice, Twin Sunflower2.png and Moonflower2.png are not recommended because of their Mediocre recharge speed)
  • Laser Bean2.png (Countering Imp Cannons and lessen the horde)
  • Spring Bean2.png (Used as early defense to zombies that are close to water and Plant Food effect is used to act as an instant-kill)
  • Primal Peashooter2.png (Goes hand-in-hand with Blover2.png, helps push and blow away zombies, particularly used in levels with Gargantuar Pirates)
  • Cherry Bomb2.png (Instant-kill)
  • Any supporting plants of choice to replace Primal Peashooter2.png and Laser Bean2.png if the level doesn't spawn both Gargantuar Pirates and Imp Cannons

This strategy works regardless of the level having Gargantuar Pirates, Imp Cannons, both Zombies, and neither Zombies.


  1. Plant Primal Sunflower in the second column and instantly feed it Plant Food. After that, place Cold Snapdragons in the 2nd and 4th row in the 4th column.
  2. If a Pirate Buckethead Zombie spawns before a column full of Cold Snapdragons is completed, place a Spring Bean.
  3. Gradually add Primal Sunflowers and Cold Snapdragons until the 2nd and 3rd column is full of Primal Sunflowers and the 4th and 5th column is full of Cold Snapdragons.
  4. If a Barrel Roller Zombie and/or Imp Cannon spawns, place a Laser Bean in the first column.
  5. If a Gargantuar Pirate spawns, replace the Primal Sunflowers in the 2nd/3rd column with Primal Peashooter.
  6. The Primal Sunflowers can be placed in tiles within the rows without planks to make room for Primal Peashooters, as Seagull Zombie and Swashbuckler Zombie are easily handled by 2 columns of Cold Snapdragons. Laser Beans are placed on the aforementioned first column if Imp Cannons spawn in the lanes without planks.
  7. The first three columns are adjusted depending on the availability of Imp Cannons and Gargantuar Pirates and/or the placing of lanes with/without planks.
  8. Blover is spammed on the off-chance of blowing off Gargantuar Pirates and the huge numbers of Seagull Zombies and Swashbuckler Zombies.


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In other languages

Please note that only official translations are used.

Language Name Description
United States of America English Dead Man's Booty
China Simplified Chinese 死人狂欢派对
France French Butin du capitaine
Germany German Totenmannskiste
Italy Italian Spoglie del defunto
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Butim do Homem Morto
Spain Spanish Botín del muerto


See Endless Zone for more trivia.
  • Dead Man's Booty is a pun for Dead Man's Treasure.
  • There is a glitch that prevents the player from proceeding to the next level. It is obtained on levels where Imp Cannons are present. If the player Saves and leaves the level for a short while, then return, and destroys the Imp Cannons, the level will not be completed and the Imp Cannons will leave a thick, white smoke that cannot be removed. Only updating the game can fix this.