Jurassic Marsh - Day 18

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Flag Zombie 3.png
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Jurassic Marsh - Day 18 is the eighteenth level of Jurassic Marsh in Plants vs. Zombies 2. One of the new dinosaurs, T. Rex, is introduced here. After completing this level, the player receives a money bag.


The T. Rex is first shown off in this level. The T. Rex gains its threat the earlier into the level it is, as it speeds up all zombies in a lane until they reach a plant. What makes the T. Rex different than the other dinosaurs is that it leaves immediately after using its ability, unless charmed by Perfume-shroom. That being said, zombies come in early, as well as waves approach very quickly as well. The player should bring a defensive plant to stop the T. Rex's ability.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Dinosaurs Note(s)
1 Jurassic Zombie2.png2 Jurassic Zombie2.png4 None None
2 Jurassic Zombie2.png2 Jurassic Conehead2.png2 None T. Rex2.png2
3 Jurassic Zombie2.png2 Jurassic Zombie2.png3 Jurassic Buckethead2.png5 Jurassic Flag Zombie2.png None None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Jurassic Conehead2.png1 Jurassic Conehead2.png1 Jurassic Conehead2.png5 Jurassic Conehead2.png5 Jurassic Buckethead2.png2 Jurassic Buckethead2.png4 None T. Rex2.png1 T. Rex2.png5
5 Jurassic Zombie2.png1 Jurassic Conehead2.png5 Jurassic Buckethead2.png3 Jurassic Buckethead2.png3 None Pterodactyl2.png3
6 Jurassic Conehead2.png3 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png2 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png4 Jurassic Flag Zombie2.png Jurassic Imp2.png2 Jurassic Imp2.png4 None T. Rex2.png2 T. Rex2.png4 Second flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Jurassic Zombie2.png2 Jurassic Zombie2.png4 Jurassic Buckethead2.png1 Jurassic Buckethead2.png1 Jurassic Buckethead2.png3 Jurassic Buckethead2.png5 Jurassic Buckethead2.png5 Jurassic Imp2.png2 Jurassic Imp2.png2 Jurassic Imp2.png4 Jurassic Imp2.png4 None Raptor2.png1 Raptor2.png5
8 Jurassic Zombie2.png3 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png1 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png5 None None Carries 1x Plant Food.
9 Jurassic Zombie2.png3 Jurassic Conehead2.png3 Jurassic Buckethead2.png1 Jurassic Buckethead2.png1 Jurassic Buckethead2.png1 Jurassic Buckethead2.png2 Jurassic Buckethead2.png3 Jurassic Buckethead2.png4 Jurassic Buckethead2.png5 Jurassic Buckethead2.png5 Jurassic Buckethead2.png5 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png3 Jurassic Flag Zombie2.png Jurassic Imp2.png3 Jurassic Imp2.png3 None T. Rex2.png1 T. Rex2.png3 T. Rex2.png5 Final wave.



<poll> How would you rate Jurassic Marsh - Day 18's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>