Wild West - Day 29

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HD Imp Worker Wrench.png
They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Prior to the 7.4 update, Wild West - Day 29 was the 29th day of Wild West. It is a Save Our Seeds level, where the player must protect 5 endangered Magnifying Grass. Additionally, the player must produce at least 7500 sun. Upon completing the level, the player receives a money bag.

As of the 7.4 update, level expansions were removed from the world maps and placed into epic quests. Because of this, this level is no longer accessible from the map, and must be accessed when the epic quest is available.




The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Buckethead Cowboy2.png Prospector Zombie2.png None
2 Buckethead Cowboy2.png Prospector Zombie2.png Poncho Zombie2.png None
3 Buckethead Cowboy2.png Cowboy Rally Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png Zombie Bull2.png None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Conehead Cowboy2.png Buckethead Cowboy2.png None
5 Buckethead Cowboy2.png Cart-Head Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Conehead Cowboy2.png Cart-Head Zombie2.png Cart-Head Zombie2.png Cart-Head Zombie2.png Cowboy Rally Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png Pianist Zombie2.png None Second flag.
7 Cart-Head Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png None
8 Cart-Head Zombie2.png Zombie Bull2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
9 Cart-Head Zombie2.png Cart-Head Zombie2.png Cart-Head Zombie2.png Cowboy Rally Zombie2.png Pianist Zombie2.png Zombie Bull2.png Zombie Bull2.png None Final wave.


Strategy 1

Created by: Anonymous230385
  • Required plants:
  • This mission is extremely tricky, given you have 5 endangered Magnifying Grasses, and you must produce at least 7500 sun.
  • The main gimmick of this level is the sun production. 7500 sun is required to be produced, which is a lot. I conveniently used a boosted Primal Sunflower from Zen Garden, but any other boosted sun producing plant (Sunflower, Twin Sunflower, Sun-shroom) could also work (I don't know, I didn't test these).
  • By the end of the mission, it is possible you still may not have enough sun, so continually delay the zombies with whatever means possible. (This was the case for me, so I had to continually block a Carthead Zombie with boosted Primal Wall-nuts while it was still out of range of my Bonk Choy)
  • Very few Plant Foods are given in this mission, so be wary what you use it/them on.
  • So as long as you keep planting boosted Primal Sunflowers (or the boosted sun production plant of your choice) and Gold Bloom, the objective should be reached.
  • Zombies in this level are extremely tough, but boosted Primal Wall-nuts offer a lot of resistance to them. (Level 6 Bonk Choys are also quite powerful)
  • Be wary of Zombie Bulls, as their Imps can be launched past your defenses. However, the Imps land just short of the Magnifying Grasses, which can take them out with ease.
IMG 6465.png

Strategy 2

Created by: MartinUWH

Strategy 3

Created by: 8mega 42

Strategy 4

Plants required: Moonflower, Dusk Lobber, Squash (preferable level 3+), Iceberg Lettuce, Stallia, Primal Wall-nut, Blover

Plant Moonflowers in the second and third column. When the first two zombies come, Squash the Buckethead and use Blover to deal with the Prospector Zombie when it goes airborne. Next, freeze the prospector zombie in the second wave and plant Primal Wall-nuts to block the other zombies. You should have at least 4 Moonflowers and a Dusk Lobber in the first column, second row.

Keep building up your Moonflowers, Dusk Lobbers and Primal Wall-nuts but don't plant Dusk Lobbers in the first row. The zombie you will delay in the final wave will be here.

Keep using Stallias throughout the match, as well as blowing away Zombie Bull Imps with Blover as they jump.

During the wave before the final flag, there should be a Pianist Zombie in the top column. Squash it, then dig up the Squash if you can. When the final wave starts, dig up the Dusk Lobbers in the second column. You can also use a squash there if you like. There should just be a Cart-Head Zombie in the top column. This is the zombie you will stall. When there are no zombies left except it, dig up your Dusk Lobbers and keep planting Moonflowers until you have the sun limit. Primal Wall-nut and spamming Iceberg Lettuces on it should stall it enough. Once you have reached your sun target, kill it with the Squash, or any instant kill of your choice. (e.g. lawnmower)




  • Excluding Penny's Pursuit levels, this level has the highest requirement for the "produce at least x sun" objective in Plants vs. Zombies 2.
  • The position of the Magnifying Grasses are exactly the same as in Far Future - Day 20's Starfruits.

<poll> How would you rate Wild West - Day 29's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>