Modern Day - Day 5

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Modern Day - Day 5 is the fifth level of Modern Day in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Nightshade is pre-selected in a seed slot, thus showcasing it. This level does not feature portals. After completing this level, the player receives a money bag.


Nightshade is given to the player in this level. Nightshade is a plant that changes if powered. If non-powered, it hits three times with a powerful hit. If powered, it throws leaves at range infinite times, but at the cost of the damage the leaves do. Plant Nightshade strategically. However, the player does not need to use the given plant. Imps spawn first, so the player should bring in early defenses like Puff-shroom. Jurassic Imp is also present, so the player should take into account the increased speed and biting speed of him. The biggest threat here are the Breakdancer Zombies that pair with the other zombies. Taking out the Breakdancer Zombies helps in this level, to avoid him kicking dangerous zombies, like the Jurassic Imp, deep into defenses. Do not bring lobbed-shot plants unless they have splash damage, as the Parasol Zombie will deflect them.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png Jurassic Imp2.png None Rap plays.
2 Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png None
3 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png4 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png4 Breakdancer Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Parasol Zombie2.png2 Parasol Zombie2.png3 Jurassic Imp2.png1 None
5 Flag Zombie2.png Pharaoh Zombie2.png2 Pharaoh Zombie2.png4 Breakdancer Zombie2.png2 Breakdancer Zombie2.png4 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 None First flag.
6 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png5 Breakdancer Zombie2.png1 Jurassic Imp2.png5 None
7 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Parasol Zombie2.png2 Parasol Zombie2.png3 Parasol Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Jurassic Imp2.png1 None
9 Parasol Zombie2.png1 Parasol Zombie2.png4 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png2 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png3 Breakdancer Zombie2.png1 Breakdancer Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
10 Flag Zombie2.png Porter Gargantuar2.png3 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png1 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png2 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png3 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png4 Lost City Imp Zombie2.png5 Breakdancer Zombie2.png1 Breakdancer Zombie2.png5 Newspaper Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 None Final wave.


Strategy 1  (May contain premium content)

Created by DJViridian

Plant Moonflower scattered. Primal Potato Mine for the first few zombies. Nightshade on any available powered spot. Chard Guard and Primal Wall-nut for defense and Cherry Bomb for emergencies. No need for Plant Food.



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