Far Future - Day 30

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Prior to the 7.4 update, Far Future - Day 30 was the 30th day of Far Future. It is a Sun Bombs level. Additionally, the Blastronaut Zombie is first introduced in this level. Upon completing the level, the player receives a Far Future pinata.

As of the 7.4 update, level expansions were removed from the world maps and placed into epic quests. Because of this, this level is no longer accessible from the map, and must be accessed when the epic quest is available.


The Blastronaut Zombie is introduced in this level, a tougher variant of Jetpack Zombie that's extremely fast. The level is comprised of only a few types of zombies, however, they cannot be defeated as easily as the player would expect since Blover and Hurrikale are banned. Shield Zombies also appear in ambushes mid-way through the lawn frequently.

Arguably the best plant for the level is Draftodil, if owned, as she isn't banned. She is cheap, slows down all airborne zombies in her lane, and her attacks destroy them instantly, while her decently fast attacks can usually catch them all. Combine her with other support plants will make the level a breeze. Otherwise, you can rely on certain cheap powerhouses to deal with them.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None
2 Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 None
3 Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Mecha-Salt!
4 Robo-Rally Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png None First flag.
5 Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png None
6 Jetpack Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png2 Blastronaut Zombie2.png4 None
7 Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Mecha-Salt!
8 Robo-Rally Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Blastronaut Zombie2.png1 Blastronaut Zombie2.png2 Blastronaut Zombie2.png3 Blastronaut Zombie2.png4 Blastronaut Zombie2.png5 None Second flag.
9 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Blastronaut Zombie2.png1 Blastronaut Zombie2.png5 Shield Zombie2.png None
10 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png None
11 Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Mecha-Salt!
12 Robo-Rally Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png None Final wave.


Strategy 1: Parsnip Spam  (Contains premium content)

By Ballistic Planet
  • Required plants:
    • Gold Bloom2.png
    • Parsnip2.png
    • Imitater2.png (on Gold Bloom if you have it)
  1. Start by placing Gold Blooms down early, to build up sun.
  2. Once zombies start coming out, start planting Parsnips on the first column.
  3. Keep planting Parsnips until the first 3 column are full of Parsnips.
  4. Being instants such as Stallia to help slow down zombies and build up Parsnips.

Strategy 2: Dragon Age  (May contain premium content)

By Snapdragon717

This strategy will get you the Dragon Age achievement Though who hasn't by this point?

Essentials: Snapdragon2.png Tall-nut2.png Gold Bloom2.png

Recommended: Cherry Bomb2.png Spikeweed2.png / Spikerock2.png Stallia2.png Sun Bean2.png Imitater2.png (On Gold Bloom2.png)

  1. The strategy is simple: Use Gold Bloom(s) and place down Snapdragons on the last two columns, and Tall-nuts on the third column. After you get them all down, you win! Everything dies from the double Snapdragon combo. In addition, the Tall-nuts will keep Jetpack Zombies and Blastronaut Zombies at bay.
  2. Recommend bringing Cherry Bombs, Stallias, etc. in case Blastronaut Zombies cause any trouble during the first flag. Spikeweed and Spikerock can deal with Shield Zombies earlier than the Snapdragons.
  3. Don't be afraid to use the Sun Bombs to your advantage (I recommend only doing so after you set up 2 columns of Snapdragons).

Strategy 3: Bowling Time!  (Contains premium content)

By AngryBirds'sSuperFan
  • Required plants:
    • Gold Bloom2.png
    • Bowling Bulb2.png
    • Chard Guard2.png
As usual, plant Gold Bloom first and plant Bowling Bulbs in the two leftmost columns. Then Chard Guards in column 4. This will help you to take care the flying zombies. Try to plant as many Chard Guards as you can. And finally, good luck!

Strategy 4: "don't die lol"  (Contains premium content)

By Birdpool
  • Required plants:
    • Gold Bloom2.png
    • Imitater2.png
    • Chard Guard2.png
    • E.M.Peach2.png
    • Cherry Bomb2.png
    • Grapeshot2.png

HIGHLY Recommended: Infi-nut2.png Power Lily2.png

  1. Use Gold Bloom and its imitation ASAP when the level starts, and spam them.
  2. Use Plant Food on Infi-nut whenever you have the chance to block Blastronaut.
  3. Use Cherry Bomb and Grapeshot to take out shields and hordes. There's no Gargantuars so you can spread them out a little more, spatially.
  4. Use E.M.Peach whenever possible!
  5. This strategy takes advantage of Chard Guard's damage power.

Strategy 5: Lobbing Skills  (Contains premium content)

By The Planted AKEE
  • Required plants:
    • Gold Bloom2.png
    • A.K.E.E.2.png
    • Infi-nut2.png or Tall-nut2.png
    • E.M.Peach2.png

There are 2 options, you can boost Infi-nut or have Tall-nut.

  1. Use Gold Bloom when the level starts, giving you the 400+ sun to start your defense.
  2. Place the Tall-nut/Infi-nut to stall the Blastronaut. Place Infi-nuts to stall the other spots where the Shield Zombies and Jetpack Zombies are coming (if they are boosted).
  3. Start placing A.K.E.E.s in the back rows, they can take out the Shield Zombies when their shields are up.
  4. Use some Sun Bombs to take out the Blastronauts, and the others.
  5. Use E.M.Peach if your Infi-nuts are low on health.
  6. Replace Infi-nuts with Tall-nuts.

Strategy 6: The climate is...so....coool!  (Contains premium content)

By John amadeus
  • Required plants:
    • Cold Snapdragon2.png
    • Tall-nut2.png or Infi-nut2.png (boosted)
    • E.M.Peach2.png

Plant set-ups:

  1. Plant Cold Snapdragons on the second row.
  2. Plant Tall-nuts in front of Cold Snapdragons.
  • Legend:
    • C = Cold Snapdragon
    • T = Tall-nut
    • E = Empty

  1. Use Cold Snapdragons to resist Blastronaut Zombies' speed.
  2. Use Tall-nuts to block flying zombies.
  3. You can also use boosted Infi-nuts or feed them Plant Food to deal with flying zombies.
  4. Use E.M.Peaches to disable Shield Zombies (use this plant if you have plants that shoot projectiles).



<poll> How would you rate Far Future - Day 30's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>