Jurassic Marsh - Day 2

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Flag Zombie 3.png
This subject currently has no proper strategy associated with it. If you have figured out a good strategy, please add it or the zombies will eat your brains!
For the Chinese version of the level, see Jurassic Marsh - Day 2 (Chinese version).

Jurassic Marsh - Day 2 is the second level of Jurassic Marsh in Plants vs. Zombies 2. The first type of dinosaur, the raptor, are first introduced here. After completing this level, the player receives a money bag.


(Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Penny: This epoch is known for its unusual lifeforms, User Dave.
Crazy Dave: I know! Gymnosperms, right?
Penny: I was thinking more in terms of saurians, User Dave. Dinosaurs.
Penny: They won't attack us directly and we can't affect them.
Penny: However, they will definitely react to zombies. Be wary!


The first appearance of dinosaurs, the raptors in this level may troublesome players, as they can kick zombies to the third column with ease. Plus, with tough zombies like Jurassic Buckethead and Jurassic Fossilhead, they can easily tear through early defenses. However, Primal Peashooter is pre-selected, giving a slight counter to the raptors due to its random knockback. Additionally, use Blover to blow the zombies kicked by raptors, since they generally are in the air.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Dinosaurs Note(s)
1 Jurassic Zombie2.png None None
2 Jurassic Conehead2.png None None
3 Jurassic Zombie2.png1 Jurassic Zombie2.png3 Jurassic Zombie2.png3 None Raptor2.png5 Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Jurassic Zombie2.png2 Jurassic Zombie2.png4 Jurassic Zombie2.png5 Jurassic Conehead2.png3 None None
5 Jurassic Conehead2.png3 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png1 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png5 Jurassic Flag Zombie2.png None Raptor2.png3 First flag.
6 Jurassic Conehead2.png2 Jurassic Conehead2.png3 Jurassic Conehead2.png4 None None Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Jurassic Zombie2.png1 Jurassic Zombie2.png2 Jurassic Zombie2.png5 Jurassic Buckethead2.png4 None None
8 Jurassic Buckethead2.png2 Jurassic Buckethead2.png3 None Raptor2.png4
9 Jurassic Zombie2.png3 Jurassic Conehead2.png4 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png5 None None Carries 1x Plant Food.
10 Jurassic Zombie2.png1 Jurassic Zombie2.png1 Jurassic Zombie2.png1 Jurassic Zombie2.png2 Jurassic Zombie2.png4 Jurassic Zombie2.png5 Jurassic Zombie2.png5 Jurassic Conehead2.png3 Jurassic Buckethead2.png3 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png2 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png4 Jurassic Flag Zombie2.png None Raptor2.png5 Final wave.


Place Primal Peashooters in the first two columns and place as many sunflowers as possible. Jurassic Marsh zombies eat plants faster compared to the others, so use them as a shield. Raptors will kick zombies further in, which is countered by placing your offensive plants within the last few columns to the house. Use Sun Beans and Chili Beans on Bucketheads and Fossilheads. Save your Cherry Bombs for the flag Waves.



<poll> How would you rate Jurassic Marsh - Day 2's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>