Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 3

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For the Chinese version of this level, see Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 3 (Chinese version).

Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 3 is the third level of Neon Mixtape Tour in Plants vs. Zombies 2. It is a Special Delivery level. Cactus, the premium plant tied to Neon Mixtape Tour Side A, is showcased in this level. Once the punk jam starts, it plays until the level ends. After completing this level, the player receives a money bag.


Crazy Dave: I got a real Cactus feeling about this, Penny!
Penny: Indeed, Cactus has changed over time, User Dave. Now she fires a thorn for ranged damage, but hides for ground damage when zombies approach.
Crazy Dave: That's so Cactus... always varying her attack and defensive profiles!

Conveyor-belt plants


Plants Chance (%) Max Count
Cactus2.png 100% 15

Wave 3

Plants Chance (%) Max Count
Cactus2.png 80% 10

Wave 4

Plants Chance (%) Max Count
Cactus2.png 67% 10
Chard Guard2.png


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Neon Zombie2.png2 Neon Zombie2.png2 Neon Zombie2.png5 Neon Zombie2.png5 None
2 Neon Zombie2.png1 Neon Zombie2.png1 Neon Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
3 Neon Zombie2.png3 Neon Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png5 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
Stallia2.png is available.
4 Neon Zombie2.png2 Neon Zombie2.png4 Neon Flag Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png4 None First flag.
Punk plays.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
Chard Guard2.png is available.
5 Neon Zombie2.png1 Neon Zombie2.png3 Neon Zombie2.png3 Neon Zombie2.png3 Neon Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png5 None
6 Neon Zombie2.png1 Neon Zombie2.png1 Neon Zombie2.png1 Neon Zombie2.png5 Neon Zombie2.png5 Neon Zombie2.png5 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Neon Zombie2.png2 Neon Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png4 None
8 Neon Zombie2.png3 Neon Zombie2.png3 Neon Conehead2.png1 Neon Conehead2.png3 Neon Conehead2.png5 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Flag Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png5 None Second flag.
9 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png5 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
10 Neon Zombie2.png1 Neon Zombie2.png3 Neon Zombie2.png5 Neon Conehead2.png3 Neon Conehead2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png5 None
11 Neon Zombie2.png1 Neon Zombie2.png1 Neon Zombie2.png5 Neon Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png4 None
12 Neon Conehead2.png1 Neon Conehead2.png2 Neon Conehead2.png2 Neon Conehead2.png3 Neon Conehead2.png4 Neon Conehead2.png4 Neon Conehead2.png5 Neon Flag Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png5 None Final wave.


Cacti Wall

  • Place two columns of Cacti, one in the first and one in the third column.
  • Place your Chard Guards in the second column. These will take care of any stray bucketheads.
  • You can use your Stallias if you want, but they really are unnecessary.
  • Plant Food should be used on the Cacti in the first column.




  • The dialogue references how Cactus' ability has changed.
    • In the first game, Cactus shot spikes/thorns dealing less damage and grew to pop Balloon Zombie's spike.
    • In the second game, Cactus now pierces zombies, deals more damage, hides for ground damage and no longer pops balloons.

<poll> How would you rate Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 3's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>