Lost City - Day 7

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For the Chinese version of the level, see Lost City - Day 7 (Chinese version).
For the Chinese version of this level before the v1.8 update, see Lost City - Day 7 (Chinese version: pre-1.8).

Lost City - Day 7 is the seventh level of Lost City in Plants vs. Zombies 2. This level introduces the Parasol Zombie. There are three Gold Tiles on the lawn and they are all located in the fifth column. After completing this level, the player receives a money bag.


  • After several levels featuring Excavator Zombies, Red Stinger is more useful in this and the following levels as Parasol Zombie will block A.K.E.E.'s attacks.
    • The player will need a good defense against Parasol Zombie or it will keep eating their plants and make them risk coins for Power Ups.
  • Gold Tiles in this level are not viable for sun-producing plants. Wall plants prove to be more durable, but the player should watch out for Lost Pilot Zombies.
  • As with most levels in Lost City, planting mostly on the left side on the lawn is a tried and true strategy. The presence of Excavator Zombies will make planting and protecting plants on the right side of the lawn tedious. In fact, it is even unnecessary.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Adventurer Zombie2.png None
2 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png3 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
3 Adventurer Zombie2.png4 Excavator Zombie2.png4 None
4 Flag Adventurer Zombie2.png Excavator Zombie2.png2 Parasol Zombie2.png1 None First flag.
5 Adventurer Zombie2.png5 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png5 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png4 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png4 None
7 Adventurer Zombie2.png5 Excavator Zombie2.png3 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Adventurer Zombie2.png1 Adventurer Zombie2.png2 Adventurer Zombie2.png4 Adventurer Zombie2.png5 Adventurer Zombie2.png Flag Adventurer Zombie2.png Excavator Zombie2.png2 Parasol Zombie2.png2 Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Second flag.
Parachute Rain!
9 Adventurer Zombie2.png4 Adventurer Zombie2.png5 Excavator Zombie2.png5 Parasol Zombie2.png4 None
10 Adventurer Zombie2.png4 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png1 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png3 Buckethead Adventurer Zombie2.png2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
11 Adventurer Zombie2.png2 Adventurer Zombie2.png2 Adventurer Zombie2.png3 Adventurer Zombie2.png4 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png3 None
12 Adventurer Zombie2.png2 Adventurer Zombie2.png5 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png3 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png4 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png5 Flag Adventurer Zombie2.png Excavator Zombie2.png2 Parasol Zombie2.png2 Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Final wave.
Parachute Rain!


Strategy 1

Created by Pvzarif.
  • Required plants:
    • Sunflower2.pngWall-nut2.pngKernel-pult2.pngCherry Bomb2.pngRed Stinger2.pngA.K.E.E.2.pngStunion2.png
  1. Plant Sunflowers on the Gold Tiles.
  2. Plant one column of A.K.E.E.s, use the Plant Food for extra sun.
  3. Plant Stunions near zombies that are going to eat the Sunflowers, plant a Cherry Bomb near the Parsol Zombie.
  4. Plant a column of Red Stinger.
  5. Try planting a column of Kernel-pults.
  6. Use Cherry Bombs when zombies are close to your house (Use extra Plant Food for instant recharge).
  7. When the Final Wave comes, use remaining Plant Food on A.K.E.E.s.

Strategy 2

Created by Danielw104.
  • Required plants:
    • Sunflower2.pngLightning Reed2.png
  1. First, plant a row of Sunflowers.
  2. Plant a Lightning Reed in lanes where zombies show up.
  3. Keep on planting Lightning Reed in all columns (the strategy worked with three full columns).



<poll> How would you rate Lost City - Day 7's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>