Modern Day - Day 28

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Modern Day - Day 28 is the twenty-eighth level of Modern Day in Plants vs. Zombies 2. There are three Gold Tiles present. The objective for this level is that the player is required to produce 3000 sun. When this level is finished for the first time, the player receives a money bag.



The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Conehead Zombie2.png None
2 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png4 None
3 Balloon Zombie2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 None
4 Basic Zombie2.png1 Basic Zombie2.png2 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png5 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
5 Flag Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png1 All-Star Zombie2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 None First flag.
6 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 None
7 All-Star Zombie2.png1 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 None
8 Wizard Zombie2.png4 Balloon Zombie2.png2 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 None
9 Newspaper Zombie2.png1 All-Star Zombie2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 None
10 Flag Zombie2.png Pirate Captain Zombie2.png2 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png4 Wizard Zombie2.png1 Wizard Zombie2.png3 Wizard Zombie2.png5 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png2 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png4 None Final wave.


Plant defensive plants on Gold Tiles in the front. This will make the level a whole lot easier, thanks to the sun. Bringing stalling plants for the beginning, or starting ones, like Primal Potato Mine. Using Primal Sunflower or other sun producers in the first two columns will also make it easier.

Strategy 1

Required Plants: Cherry Bomb, Moon Flower, Snapdragon, Dusk Lobber, Primal Wall-nut, Primal Potato Mine, Blover (no power-ups, boosted plants, or lawn movers, but you will use all the plant food there is.)

Set up 2 rows of Moon Flower in the second and third column, but don't plant anything in the fourth row except a primal potato mine in the back. This will deal with the first zombie. When the next two zombies come, plant a primal potato mine to deal with the one in the top row, but stall the second one in the fourth row with a primal wall-nut in the fifth column, and use Blover when the balloon zombie reaches your Moonflowers When the Super-Fan Imp comes, plant a primal potato mine on the square on top of the primal wall-nut to deal with it and the zombie below. Start planting dusk lobbers in the first column and snapdragons in the fourth, as well as primal wall-nuts in the fifth. Use cherry bomb on clusters of wizards, and Blover on Balloon zombies. In the final wave, plant cherry bomb and refresh to plant again to deal with most, if not all, of the zombies. If there is still a newspaper in the first row, plant primal potato mine in the first column of the first row as backup, or let lawnmowers deal with it. By this time your objectives should be complete.




  • This is similar to Modern Day - Day 6 in terms of the following:
    • Both have objectives that require the player to produce a certain amount of sun.
    • Both have Wizard Zombies and Newspaper Zombies.
    • Both have Gold Tiles. In addition, two Gold Tiles on the third column from the right remain their position from Day 6.

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