Modern Day - Day 32

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Fools! Do you not value the validity of time? Care you not if one moment follows another? Moron! Ignoramus! Pot-wearer!

Dr. Edgar Zomboss

Modern Day - Day 32 is the thirty-second level of Modern Day in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Upon starting the level, a random Zombot from the first three worlds will be chosen, and the player will be armed with plants from the next world's Zombot battle, with several changes to suit the Zombot the player is required to fight. The Wild West fight introduces the player to the Cart-Head Zombie and Rodeo Legend Zombie if not counting the expansion levels of the mentioned world that are now epic quests. When this level is finished for the first time, the player gets a Mystery Gift Box.



Dr. Zomboss: It is presently a moment of your apocalypse!
Dr. Zomboss: Your reckless pursuit of an already-eaten taco has shattered all of time!
Dr. Zomboss: It falls to me to restore future, now, and past!
Penny: Can it be true, User Dave?
Penny: Has our quest ruptured the timestream itself?
Crazy Dave: Allow me to address your concern thusly:
Crazy Dave: *ahem*
Crazy Dave: TACOOOOOOO!!!!!


Dr. Zomboss: Fools! Do you not value the validity of time?
Dr. Zomboss: Care you not if one moment follows another?
Dr. Zomboss: Moron! Ignoramus! Pot-wearer!
Crazy Dave: It's not a pot, it's a handled basin!
Penny: I am concerned, User Dave. What if he speaks true?
Crazy Dave: I'm too taco-addled to care, Penny! FORWARD!


The difficulty of this level varies on the Zombot confronted during the battle, as well as most plants having their advantages and disadvantages.


Zombot Sphinx-Inator

  • This is a generally straightforward day. Only anchor you have with you is a spring bean; but you can simply use it against stalling the torches.
  • Legitimately since the firepower is just not good against a very tanky zomboss. Without using the Coconut Cannon and/or Cherry Bomb against Zomboss, you have LOTS and LOTS of time to setup your plants in the first phase; especially when Zomboss doesn't run over plants in the first phase. You'll only be able to have one Coconut Cannon in the queue/lawn, so use it wisely.
  • Use Cherry Bombs against the gravestones.
  • Unfortunately, Kernel-Pults won't be able to stop Zomboss, as always. It should serve as a small buffer against threatening zombies.
  • In the other phases, firepower is also not good against the tanky Zomboss as always. Save up your plant food and cherry bombs as its gonna be a painstakingly slow attempt trying to get Zomboss to reach the 3rd phase.
  • The amount of firepower is enough to kill the torch zombies by only making them pass 1 tile.
    • Speaking of 1 tile, fill the last column with Spikeweeds. You don't wanna get some of your plants eaten, don't you? Especially with no wall-nuts or tall-nuts.
  • In the 2nd/3rd phase, there is Gargantuars. But you know, we have Cherry Bombs, right? And the lawn is always filled to stall the gargantuars anyway. If you're just impatient you can use the Cherry Bombs to attack Zomboss to rush the fight.

Zombot Plank Walker

  • Place the Winter Melons on the leftmost column, since it is the safest against launched imps.
  • Place the Pea Pods on the second column since it is another safe column against launched imps.
  • Place the Split Peas near the Zombot so that it can attack launched imps backward.
  • Place as many Lightning Reeds as you can to destroy zombies even more.
  • Plant the Melon-pults on the third column to support plants in dealing splash damage.
  • Tall-nuts should be placed on either the fifth or sixth columns for defense.
  • Chili Beans should be used against ambushes or prioritize against dangerous zombies.

Zombot War Wagon

This battle is very hard, especially since Rodeo Legend Zombies spawn and Cart-Head Zombies replace Conehead Zombies. It is recommended to boost plants for this level, as it has the least amount of plants.




  • Plants used here are from the next world of the world they take place. For example, Wild West will have Far Future plants.
  • Despite not shown on the map, this level rewards a Mystery Gift Box. This also applies to Modern Day - Day 33.
  • As of the Wild West expansion, the Zombot War Wagon oddly spawns Cart-Head Zombies and Rodeo Legend Zombies despite neither of them appearing on Wild West - Day 25.
    • Likewise, Zombot Plank Walker can summon Gargantuar Pirates as soon as phase 1, whereas on Pirate Seas - Day 25, it only summons them starting from phase 2.
  • This is the first Modern Day level to feature veteran zombies from another world, which is the Cart-Head Zombie and Rodeo Legend Zombie in the Zombot War Wagon boss fight, with the second being Day 40 which features the Torchlight Zombie from Ancient Egypt.
  • Even though it is named Modern Day - Day 32, it takes place in the specific Zombot's world and also plays the specific boss' intro.
  • This level and the next two levels are references that time has started to rupture and that the player is being warped to the lawns of other times despite being in Modern Day.

<poll> How would you rate Modern Day - Day 32's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>