Wild West - Day 33

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Prior to the 7.4 update, Wild West - Day 33 was the 33rd day of Wild West. Upon completing the level, the player receives a money bag.

As of the 7.4 update, level expansions were removed from the world maps and placed into epic quests. Because of this, this level is no longer accessible from the map, and must be accessed when the epic quest is available.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Cart-Head Zombie2.png None
2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png Zombie Bull2.png None
3 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Cowboy Rally Zombie2.png Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png1 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png3 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png5 None First flag.
5 Pianist Zombie2.png4 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png1 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png3 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png4 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png5 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png5 None
6 Cart-Head Zombie2.png2 Cart-Head Zombie2.png4 Pianist Zombie2.png3 Poncho Zombie2.png+3 Poncho Zombie2.png+3 None
7 Prospector Zombie2.png3 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png3 Wild West Gargantuar2.png None
8 Cowboy Rally Zombie2.png Pianist Zombie2.png1 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png1 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png2 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png3 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png4 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png5 None Second flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
9 Prospector Zombie2.png1 Prospector Zombie2.png2 Prospector Zombie2.png3 Prospector Zombie2.png4 Prospector Zombie2.png5 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png3 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png4 None
10 Pianist Zombie2.png5 Prospector Zombie2.png1 Prospector Zombie2.png2 Prospector Zombie2.png3 Prospector Zombie2.png4 Prospector Zombie2.png5 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png3 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png4 None
11 Prospector Zombie2.png5 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png1 Wild West Gargantuar2.png5 None
12 Cart-Head Zombie2.png1 Cart-Head Zombie2.png1 Cart-Head Zombie2.png3 Cart-Head Zombie2.png5 Cowboy Rally Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png1 Prospector Zombie2.png2 Prospector Zombie2.png3 Prospector Zombie2.png4 Prospector Zombie2.png5 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png3 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png4 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png2 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png3 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png4 None Final wave.

Poncho Zombie2.png+ always has a metal grate


Strategy 1 (Contains gemium content)

Created by Anonymous230385
  • Use Gold Bloom when available.
  • The first zombie that appears is a Cart-Head Zombie, so feel free to use a Shrinking Violet on it to weaken it. Plant a Bonk Choy on the row it comes from.
  • Rodeo Legend Zombie appears in huge amounts in this level. At the second flag triggering, there will be a group of five of them appearing in all rows (but thankfully there's only one per row). By that point, it is strongly recommended to have a column of Bonk Choys after column three (going left to right). Unfortunately, these plants will have to act as a cushion to them. However, use E.M.Peach right before they hit the second column of Bonk Choys to buy some time. If unsuccessful, your defenses will be wiped (at least, that's what happened to me). If successful, you should have a good amount of Bonk Choys remaining.
  • At one point, it might be possible for a horde of Prospector Zombies to jump into column 1 to eat your sunflowers (or whatever plants you have there). Hopefully you have shovel boost by now so you can recover some sun if they are threatened.
  • Going left to right, use Hurrikale to send all zombies back to column 8 if several get close to column 1. This level has no lawn mowers, so all zombies have to be defeated by whatever plants you have.
  • There are only two Plant Food given in this level, so use one of them on Shrinking Violet at the end of the level, and use the other one wisely if you must.
  • So long as you keep the pressure on the zombies, this level is beatable. If necessary, don't speed up time (the turbo button on the upper right).


<poll> How would you rate Wild West - Day 33's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>