User blog:Lily8763cp/Random Blog - Confessions of PvZH plants

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This blog is the result of boredom. This is also meant to be a joke, but this is most likely not funny. I tried. Also, looking at these, I noticed a lot of these I made are sort of dark. Not trying to be that person but, it just happened.

The plants are listed in order of their appearance on the PvZH plants template.

PvZH Guardian Icon.png Guardian PvZH Guardian Icon.png

  • Potato Mine - "I tend to have a short fuse."
  • Small-Nut - "Everyone seems to laugh whenever I introduce myself. I don't get it."
  • Sting Bean - "For the last time, I'm not pregnant!"
  • Wall-Nut - "I tend to crack a smile too often."
  • Cactus - "I'm a bit of a p****." (Question, is the word that starts with "p" and ends with "ick" a bad word here? I don't want to get in trouble if I leave it uncensored.)
  • Jugger-Nut - "I have this armor, but I'm somehow weaker than before! What is this armor even made of?"
  • Pismashio - "Nobody seems to want me after they get Jugger-Nut. Is it my eyes?"
  • Sea-Shroom - "I'm a mushroom...yet I can only be near other mushrooms when I'm used by the fat Potato!"
  • Water Chestnut - "I actually do only 299 laps a day. I like to round."
  • Pear Cub - "One day I'm going to grow into a big Grizzly Pear! You'll see!"
  • Hibernating Beary - "I just want to sleep...zzz..."
  • Pea-Nut - "I have no idea how my parents made me."
  • Spineapple - "I'm a little overprotective of the little ones."
  • Steel Magnolia - "For just one day, I want to know how it feels to be soft."
  • Red Stinger - "I always need someone to be my scrapegoat to be my strongest."
  • Guacodile - "I keep being told to rename myself to Avocroco. All because I'm named after the wrong thing."
  • Mirror-Nut - "I always seem to hurt the other hero when I do my little celebration."
  • Prickly Pear - "These spikes are actually really hard to regenerate."
  • Grizzly Pear - "Ugh, nobody told me how hard it'd be to grow up. Now I just feel like attacking anything in my dang way..."
  • Smackadamia - "I can't tell you how many people have said my name the wrong way."
  • Tough Beets - "There's only one of me, why is there an "s" in my name?"
  • Poppin' Poppies - "One time, I got arrested for child abuse. I only got out because I told them my Lil' Buddies were all over the age of 6 months."
  • Soul Patch - "Nobody seems to be calm whenever I show up. It stresses me out."
  • Lil' Buddy - "When can I tell Poppin' Poppies I don't want to do this anymore?"
  • Hothead - "I have an explosive temper. SO WHAT IF I DO?"
  • Grave Buster - "I suffer from a grave addiction."
  • Doom-Shroom - "I can never hang out with anyone tough like me, or I'd blow them up by accident."
  • Wall-Nut Bowling - "We always seem to miss the highest pins."

PvZH Kabloom Icon.png Kabloom PvZH Kabloom Icon.png

  • Button Mushroom - "If one more person says I'm "as cute as a button" I swear..."
  • Poison Mushroom - "That one girl is after me. She's scary."
  • Shroom for Two - "This one Puff-Shroom will not leave me alone!"
  • Buff-Shroom - "Nobody wants my fitness tapes..."
  • Seedling - "I have Identity issues."
  • Wild Berry - "I like wolves more than plants. And I want to just...I'm going to go now."
  • Mushroom Ringleader - "This is hard to believe, but I'm lonely."
  • Poison Ivy - "I have this one itch that will NOT stop!"
  • Punish-Shroom - "I can't bear to see any of my fellow mushrooms get hurt...but all I can do is attack those that have already killed them!"
  • Zapricot - "People say I'm "Pikachu"'s a******. I have something to ask. What is a Pikachu?"
  • Pair of Pears - "Whenever I try to speak..."
  • Pineclone - "I turn others into mindless clones of me on accident. So I'm locked away. It's lonely in there."
  • Sergeant Strongberry - "I feel my berries should hurt the heroes with their original power. They seem to hate me for it...oddly."
  • Sour Grapes - "Why do I have an "s" in my name? Do I look like I have multiple faces?"
  • Bluesberry - "I actually prefer Heavy Metal. But I can't properly play a guitar."
  • Dandy Lion King - "I can't wait to be king!"
  • Poison Oak - "My poison ends up dripping in the sandwiches I make. So only Poison Mushroom and Poison Ivy can have a picnic with me. Shame, I want to eat with someone else!"
  • Grapes of Wrath - "Our facial surgery went horribly wrong, and now we look like this!"
  • Kernel Corn - "I got demoted? Why? Was I doing something wrong?"
  • Puff-Shroom - "This Shroom for Two guy will not leave me alone!"
  • Pear Pal - "...the other guy finishes it for me!"
  • Cherry Bomb - "We always seem to miss the hero. Hackers..."

PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.png Mega-Grow PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.png

  • Bonk Choy - "These Grow-Shroom spores keep ending earlier than they said they would!"
  • Party Thyme - "I got sick from eating cake on the ground once. I haven't got sick again though, and I still do it."
  • Pea Pod - "From experience, I can tell you that boulders hurt as much as rockets.
  • Peashooter - "I've been fighting in a war for 7 years. 7. Dang. Years.
  • Sweet Potato - "I love having a zombie in front of me. Someone to chat to! Though they seem to talk with actions. Violently."
  • Torchwood - "I get fired up easily."
  • Black-Eyed Pea - "That feeling you get where the zombies trick you so much, they blow you up with a rocket after boosting yourself."
  • Cabbage-Pult - "On one hand, I'm sad that no other pults came, but on the other hand, at least she's not here."
  • Doubled Mint - "I wish I could fly. But I never seem to evolve to flight."
  • Fire Peashooter - "Once again, I'm an upgrade, but once again, nobody uses me anyways."
  • Grow-Shroom - "I have the powders to boost anyone...but myself..."
  • Muscle Sprout - "I need friends, or I'm not strong. But they all seem to go so fast."
  • Repeater - "I keep repeating things. I keep repeating things. Wait what?"
  • The Podfather - "I like to make offers they can't refuse. Seriously, they can't."
  • Bananasaurus Rex - "I like seeing cards. They make me excited."
  • Re-Peat Moss - "I'm a very "tricky" sort of moss."
  • Skyshooter - "I only passed my pilot's test because I payed for the plane I crashed."
  • Potted Powerhouse - "To be honest, I'm really just stuck in this pot."
  • Whipvine - "I like to see the faces on the zombies when I move them against their own will."
  • Super-Phat Beets - "Why do I have an "s" in my name when I'm just one person? ...wait, you've heard this before, haven't you?"
  • Flourish - "..."
  • Espresso Fiesta - "We like to see others have fun! ...though they seem so tired afterwards."

PvZH Smarty Icon.png Smarty PvZH Smarty Icon.png

  • Admiral Navy Bean - "I'm in constant fear that this hat is going to crush me."
  • Shellery - "Why does Sour Grapes and Grapeshot seem to have a natural liking towards me? It's creepy."
  • Snowdrop - "Everyone just stares at me. I don't like it."
  • Weenie Beanie - "I just had a growth issue, ok?"
  • Lightning Reed - "Whenever I do something, it seems I cause some sort of shock value."
  • Snow Pea - "The Freeze Tag Wars...oh...they were bad times. I don't want to discuss it."
  • Cattail - "This hat is literally attached to my body. Help?"
  • Chilly Pepper - "I want to feel warm for just one day without melting."
  • Mayflower - "Hey, uh...important question. What's an Inkling? People say I sound like one."
  • Rescue Radish - "I seem to get a glare whenever I save someone. Why?"
  • Vanilla - "Sorry, I got nothing important to say."
  • Bean Counter - "I count everyday, and if I make just ONE mistake, I have to start all over!"
  • Carrotillery - "It's sort of lonely at the top. Nobody else from my country is here."
  • Navy Bean - "Can these people please stop messing with my DNA? It hurts!"
  • Snapdragon - "I finally got my wings, but I can't fly. *sigh*"
  • Winter Squash - "I'm more the summer kind of squash."
  • Jumping Bean - "I actually vault more than I jump."
  • Jolly Holly - "How does one do that upside down smile? I want to try it sometime!"
  • Smoosh-Shroom - "I truly am a hammerhead."
  • Threepeater - "We each prefer different things, so we never seem to do anything we all enjoy."
  • Brainana - "I need brains to become smarter. But I'm not a zombie, honest!"
  • Winter Melon - "I fire my melons, expecting to freeze something, but everything seems to go away so fast. Weird."
  • The Great Zucchini - "Aren't zombies cuter than bunnies! Look at them!"
  • Magic Beanstalk - "I don't know where any giants are. Sorry!"
  • Iceberg Lettuce - "Exploding into ice doesn't hurt actually."
  • Sow Magic Beans - "We have no idea where the 4th Magic Beanstalk comes from."
  • Spring Bean - "Isn't it fun to see your boosts just magical go away?"

PvZH Solar Icon.png Solar PvZH Solar Icon.png

  • Bellflower - "Everyone tells me to sleep somewhere else. Something about my body it seems."
  • Morning Glory - "I have to secretly take coffee from Coffee Zombie so I don't faint from tiredness."
  • Sunflower - "I'm probably the best sun producer you'll ever meet."
  • Fume-Shroom - "I got poked with a needle. That's why I got so thin. It sort of hurts."
  • Pepper M.D. - "Quick thing to say. I'm not a real doctor. My license is faked."
  • Sage Sage - "I can see the future...somebody will be admitting to having a mid-life crisis."
  • Mixed Nuts - "Our dating profile, we need one person to finish our car. 3 wheels currently here. Is that a bad pick-up line?"
  • Twin Sunflower - "If only we had separate bodies. Then we could be treated normally..."
  • Venus Flytrap - "No, I'm not gay, I was given this bow by my dear mother! I never want to take it off!"
  • Bloomerang - " I swear mate, these boomerangs never seem to go away, no matter how hard I try!"
  • Chomper - "Why does everyone hate on me? I'm trying my hardest! What do they want? it ok if I say I have a mid-life crisis right now? don't have to pity me!"
  • Magnifying Grass - "I'm a literal glass cannon."
  • Jack O' Lantern - "I just love to see the ashes of the zombies, it's calming."
  • Metal Petal Sunflower - "My favorite Plants vs. Zombies comic was Plants vs. Zombies: Petal to the Metal."
  • Power Flower - "I heal you using the life force of myself and other flowers around me. Don't worry, it's not THAT much."
  • Briar Rose - "Nobody hurts my flower friends and gets away with it. Nobody."
  • Laser Bean - "The staring contests I enter always seem to end with the opponent's eyes on fire."
  • Smashing Pumpkin - "Yeah, my favorite band is The Smashing Pumpkins. What of it?"
  • Three-Headed Chomper - "We feel that our name is dumbest thing. We prefer the term "hydra" over "three-headed"."
  • Toadstool - "I must move. Seriously, I just can't stand still!"
  • Cornucopia - "I hear voices from my cannon. But I can never recognize who's voice it is."
  • Squash - "I can't show any other emotion. It's a shame, because I'm happy most of the time."