Plant Personalities (Plants vs. Zombies 2/Premium)

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Heya fellow user, it's Serenity! And this time, it's my Headcanon personalities for Premium plants from Plants vs. Zombies 2 but i have some bad news that i'm not including plants from the first game, again.


==Power Lily2.pngPower Lily==

  • A great supporter who owns a Daycare, she is also a life coach who helps the young saplings and sprouts how to grow. She loves to help the young sprouts and saplings even when they are in trouble, she also does her best at giving Plant Food to you.

==Sweet Potato2.pngSweet Potato==

  • She is one of the sweetest plants that cannot hurt a fly, she is a little child who loves rainbows and wants to see a unicorn, but she has no luck to see it, she likes to wrote a heart and an letter "i". She had a crush on Garlic.


  • Toadstool is a teenage plant who frequently ribbits and loves to eat stuff just like her friend, Chomper, except she can only use her tounge to eat, she loves to eat Bugs as well the other insects, she wants to hop on her way like she could do. But she's not even a real frog.


  • A plant known as Strawburst who can change the size of his berry if he wants, and he himself just really like sizes, when he laughed sometimes, his BIG FAT brother will fall down from the sky, then this giant strawberry will EXPLODE in his wake.

==Electric Blueberry2.pngElectric Blueberry==

  • This berry likes to keep guessing, she is a little bit of a rockstar who prides herself for being eclectic as well as electric. She kinda dislikes Thyme Warp when he is near to her for a bit. Her brother is Electric Currant.

==Jack O' Lantern2.pngJack O' Lantern==

  • Jack O' Lantern is a plant who's known to be a Trickster, for him, things and stuff are scheduled to be seriously spooky when he's around. His favorite holiday is Halloween/Lawn of Doom, as he likes everything spooky and scaring the young plants and zombies. He has a crush on Ghost Pepper.


  • All of the grapes from Grapeshot are male, they occasionally think that they got a million catchphrases of exploding, but they only have three catchphrases. Their rivals are Cherry Bomb, Explode-o-nut, Bombegranate and maybe... Potato Mine?

==Cold Snapdragon2.pngCold Snapdragon==

  • The icy counterpart and a cousin of Snapdragon, who likes to fly, just like inside of his dreams, he can also breathe icy mist unlike his fire counterpart. He loves cold and frozen desserts as well. Compare his temperature with his fire counterpart's temperature and you'll see...

==Escape Root2.pngEscape Root==

  • Escape Root is a miner, who is "regularly" worried of plants who are in HUGE trouble, that he needs to help them. When the other plants put on a big surprise party for Escape Root last week, but he did his thing and suddenly he put a big surprise party... FOR THEM!

==Gold Bloom2.pngGold Bloom==

  • A child who is bright as she looks. Although she constantly gets bullied for a bit by a rude goth named Shadow Peashooter, she is happier and younger than her older sister, she has a slight personality change in the future though.

==Wasabi Whip2.pngWasabi Whip==

  • This plant named Wasabi Whip who wants to get the trick to proper whipping is all in the wrist, if he wants you to BE the wrist, actually, he don't have wrists. He is normally rivals with Bonk Choy as you must know who's better and who's not.


  • Kiwibeast's personality and attitude slightly reminded me of Purple Yam Cookie's(from Cookie Run) when the zombies get close to him or he see the zombies. He is trying to keep keel. He is the beast of the Temple of Bloom in Lost City.

==Apple Mortar2.pngApple Mortar==

  • A soilder named Apple Mortar, who's personality is a little similar to Arma-mint's, but less focus and a little more bossy, he himself want to stun zombies in three lanes when he'll show them. He is a older brother of A.K.E.E. but he had a big tension on Blastberry Vine and Imp Cannon.

==Witch Hazel2.pngWitch Hazel==

  • Witch Hazel is a witch, who loves magic and as well the mushrooms, mostly Puff-shrooms, she constantly likes to call Puff-shrooms her children, she's unsure how to proceed though. Then, all at once, she knew: Use magic, like, ALL THE TIME! She is rivals with Wizard Zombie.


  • He loves snipping so much, but he is usually a timid and weak young adult, and luckily, when he enters combat, he becomes a warrior who is brave and invincible at the same time. He is normally a friendly rival of Bonk Choy though.

==Missile Toe2.pngMissile Toe==

  • Missile Toe is gentle and playful, whilst in the other hand, she is generally shy and timid, and she is also slightly childish, she is a young adult who loves to play snowfight and treats Iceberg Lettuce like a child. She admires Winter-mint but she is having a huge, freezing tension on Firebloom Queen.


  • This plant actually loves Luck O' the Zombie/St. Patrick's Day because that is his most favorite holiday, he really likes to thought of really great endings for his novels as well. He is a cousin of Hypno-shroom but he won't understand them.

==Electric Peashooter2.pngElectric Peashooter==

  • He is a electric cousin of Peashooter who is also known as Electro Pea, just like Avocado Cookie, he is great at puns, as most of his puns can make somebody to laugh, but few of his puns aren't that funny, and there is the fact, Murkadamia Nut hates his puns so much.

==Holly Barrier2.pngHolly Barrier==

  • Holly Barrier would like to advise folks not to eat his berries, as they're poisonous when you eat them. All of his three berries are male and each one of them have a different personality, he also likes carols too.



  • Pea-nut knows that some folks have an aversion to him or his brother. He tries to be sensitive to their concerns and give them the space they need. Still, he can't help himself nor even his brother. These two brothers are cousins of Wall-nut and Peashooter.

==Homing Thistle2.pngHoming Thistle==

  • He is a somewhat sensitive and a serious plant, who is annoyed at Banana Launcher and Goo Peashooter, you'll have a risk about trying to pull one of the prickles on him, he does not like it even when you try and spray-paint his beloved rubber duck.

==Ghost Pepper2.pngGhost Pepper==


  • A young little plant who is actually talented.


  • This plant is chilling and he is the first chair trombonist in the Biennial Philharmonic Orchestra, who is a friend of Blover, and sometimes they had some pretty stiff competition to each other of who can blow away the most airbone zombies. He, sometimes is friends with Dandelion or his siblings.

==Fire Peashooter2.pngFire Peashooter==

  • Fire Peashooter is a fiery counterpart and cousin of Peashooter. She has a unexpected rivalry with Snow Pea but she sometimes had a crush on him.

==Lava Guava2.pngLava Guava==

  • TBA

==Shrinking Violet2.pngShrinking Violet==

  • TBA

==Electric Currant2.pngElectric Currant==

  • TBA