A Schooling at Zombie U

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HD Imp Worker Wrench.png
They can be tough nuts to crack.
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A Schooling at Zombie U is the tenth mission for the plant side in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. The main opposing zombie hero in this mission is Professor Brainstorm. This mission also features Impfinity and Rustbolt as opposing zombie heroes.

Plot (Spoilers)

Professor Brainstorm is teaching his zombies students how to eat more brains. He also shows his students his teleporter machine invention. Green Shadow, Spudow, and Grass Knuckles attempt to stop him, but things get complicated when the mad scientist summons zombie reinforcements. However, Spudow throws his head onto the teleporter, and Professor Brainstorm is seen punished in detention for his actions by writing on the chalkboard that he will not to teach zombies to eat brains.


Encounter Battle

PvZ Heroes logo.png
A Schooling at Zombie U - Encounter Battle
Enemy Nº of height lanes Nº of water lanes
Professor Brainstorm 1 1
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Teammate Battle (I)

PvZ Heroes logo.png
A Schooling at Zombie U - Teammate Battle (I)
Enemy Nº of height lanes Nº of water lanes
Impfinity 1 1
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Mini-Boss Battle

PvZ Heroes logo.png
A Schooling at Zombie U - Mini-Boss Battle
Enemy Nº of height lanes Nº of water lanes
Professor Brainstorm 1 1
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Teammate Battle (II)

PvZ Heroes logo.png
A Schooling at Zombie U - Teammate Battle (II)
Enemy Nº of height lanes Nº of water lanes
Rustbolt 1 1
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Boss Battle

PvZ Heroes logo.png
A Schooling at Zombie U - Boss Battle
Boss Mode
All of Professor Brainstorm's superpowers are Eureka.
Enemy Nº of height lanes Nº of water lanes
Professor Brainstorm 1 1
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Encounter Battle

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Encounter Battle AI Deck

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
This isn't a very strong deck. However, be careful of Cuckoo Zombie. Kite Flyer will cause Professor Brainstorm to draw more cards, however this is not a big deal. Paparazzi Zombie shouldn't be too hard due to not many Tricks being used in this deck.
Backup DancerH.png x4 Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Cardboard Robot ZombieH.png x4 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x4
Cell Phone ZombieH.png x4 Cuckoo ZombieH.png x4 ElectricianH.png x4 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x4 Kite FlyerH.png x4

Teammate Battle (I)

link=Impfinity 100px Teammate Battle (I) AI Deck

PvZH Sneaky Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
This deck isn't so hard, but there are a lot of Imps that have a very large amount of damage they can deal, such as Mini-Ninja, Fishy Imp, and Exploding Imp. Watch out for Cuckoo Zombie and Line Dancer Zombie.
Bungee PlumberH.png x3 ImpH.png x4 Mini-NinjaH.png x4 Smoke BombH.png x3 Conga ZombieH.png x4
Cuckoo ZombieH.png x3 Fishy ImpH.png x4 Hot Dog ImpH.png x4 Backyard BounceH.png x3 Exploding ImpH.png x4
Line Dancing ZombieH.png x4

Mini-Boss Battle

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Mini-Boss Battle AI Deck

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
This deck is slightly harder than the first due to the inclusion of Gadget Scientist, who causes all zombies in the Science tribe to do a bonus attack when played. The only zombies in that tribe in this deck are Cardboard Robot Zombie, Kite Flyer, and Electrician, and none of these are particularly dangerous. As always, be wary of Cuckoo Zombie.
Backup DancerH.png x4 Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Cardboard Robot ZombieH.png x4 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x4
Cell Phone ZombieH.png x4 Cuckoo ZombieH.png x4 ElectricianH.png x3 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x2 Kite FlyerH.png x4
Gadget ScientistH.png x3

Teammate Battle (II)

link=Rustbolt 100px Teammate Battle (II) AI Deck

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
Rustbolt's deck is probably the hardest so far. Sumo Wrestler can move plants into inconvenient lanes and lanes with Arm Wrestler, which will boost Arm Wrestler's damage and health. Landscaper can decrease the damage of a plant which can possibly make them more susceptible to Rolling Stone. However, this deck isn't that dangerous as there are no zombies that deal over two damage.
Arm WrestlerH.png x3 Baseball ZombieH.png x4 Cardboard Robot ZombieH.png x4 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x4 Rolling StoneH.png x3
Beam Me UpH.png x4 Cell Phone ZombieH.png x3 ConeheadH.png x4 Sumo WrestlerH.png x4 Kite FlyerH.png x3
LandscaperH.png x4

Boss Battle

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Boss Battle AI Deck

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
The final deck is much more dangerous than the other two of Professor Brainstorm's decks, as now he gets Zombot Drone Engineer and Hail-a-Copter, and he gets Eureka! during the first turn, which causes him to draw three random cards from the entire game. Zombot Drone Engineer can be disastrous paired with Gadget Scientist, as Gadget Scientist causes all Science zombies to do a bonus attack, and Zombot Drone Engineer causes all Science Zombies to get +1 damage when they harm a plant or Plant Hero. Hail-a-Copter will summon a 6/5 Copter Commando Imp, which is very dangerous, however due to the high cost of the Trick, it won't be played too often.
Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x4 Cell Phone ZombieH.png x4 Cuckoo ZombieH.png x4
Zombot Drone EngineerH.png x4 ElectricianH.png x3 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x3 Kite FlyerH.png x4 Gadget ScientistH.png x3
Hail-a-CopterH.png x3




  • The area this mission is set in Zombie U could be a reference to the U of Z map from Plants vs. Zombies Adventures.
    • In addition, in the first panel of the old comic strips for the mission, a banner reading "U of Z" can be seen.
  • In the arena for this mission, there’s 2 Super Brainz statues near the zombie hero.
  • The mission’s map & arena were drawn by Karin Madan.
  • This is the only mission with a comic that stayed exactly the same between the beta & final release, the only difference is the addition of subtitles & sound effects.
  • On the comic book cover, an apple with a similar design to the unused Apple from Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars can be seen.
  • The title of the issue is a reference to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D from the Marvel franchise.
  • The way Professor Brainstorm was punished at the end of the comic is a reference to writing lines, a punishment for students when they misbehave.
Plants vs. Zombies Heroes missions
Plants Side Mission Zombies Side
Impfinity's Wild Ride 01 Battle at the BBQ
Junkyard Ambush! 02 The Great Cave Raid
Ice Zombie Cometh 03 It Came from the Greenhouse!
IMPossible Mission! 04 Code Orange! Citron Invades!
Beware the Bewitching Zombie 05 KO at the OK Arcade
Attack of the Tentacles! 06 A Fight to the Finish Line
Dance-Off at the Disco 07 Everything's Coming Up Goats!
Zombopolis Apocalypse! 08 Menace on Molten Mountain!
Battle for the Belt 09 Mini-Golf Standoff
A Schooling at Zombie U 10 When Fungi Attack!
The Mechanical Menace Rises 11 Hot Lava Deadlock
Zombies on Ice! 12 Putt-Putt Rumble
A Fun-Dead Education 13 Mushroom Mayhem!
She Came From The Sea 14 The Foe with the Furious Fists
Haunting at Morbid Manor 15 Stormin' the Castle
Impfinity Rides Again 16 Attack of the Explosive Spuds!
Boom at the Backyard Brawl 17 Return of Chompzilla!
Return to Zombopolis 18 To the Moon!
Disco Inferno! 19 Game Time! Flame Time!
No Joke at the Junkyard 20 A Shadow Falls
Imps Alive! 21 A Hard Nut to Crack
A Grave Situation 22 All Fired Up
A Toaster Full of Trouble! 23 Danger at the Dojo
A Chilling Tale 24 A Taste for Zombies
Something Fishy at the Seafront 25 The Un-trustable Captain Combustible
Electric Boogaloo's Shocking Moves 26 The Spud Must Be Stopped!
The Problem with the Professor 27 Grass Knuckles Strikes Back
Attack of the Wrestle Maniac 28 Moon Madness!
Super Brainz Flies Again! 29 Shadow of the Peashooter
Part Imp! Part Machine! All Trouble! 30 A Thorny Situation
Dead or Alive Jive 31 The Sack of Seedling City
IMPfestation Ahead! 32 A Knight Like No Other
Doom from the Deep 33 Spudow Blows Up
Fracas at the Factory! 34 Nightcap's Trap
Can Anyone Stop the Super Zombie? 35 The Power of the Rose
The Smash Unleashed! 36 Big Mouth! Big Problem!
Chilled Out! 37 No Vacation at the Volcano
The Witch's Brew Bubbles Over! 38 Kick Grass!
Rustbolt's Revenge! 39 Playing with Fire
Brains in Danger! 40 Peel that Orange!
(Mission)RED Alert RED N/A