User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest Fan Fiction: Rescue the Gold Bloom

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Remember kids, don't get lost! You'll get into deep trouble! Fairy27 here for another EQ fan-fiction! Rescue the Gold Bloom is the third Epic Quest Fan Fiction being made. It was released on October 9, 2016.


Aloe and Kiwibeast are in the search of Aloe's quest locator, A.K.A. the Travel Log. Meanwhile, Gold Bloom gets into trouble from the primitive plants and zombies in Jurassic Marsh. Will the duo rescue her when receiving this "Epic Quest" from the Travel Log, while a certain zombie decides to be Aloe's quest rival?


(Jurassic Marsh)

Gold Bloom: *lost in its fields* Wh-where is everybody? I can't continue life without anyone!

???: Hey look!

Gold Bloom: St-stranger? Finally!

???: Yeah....NOT. *knocks Gold Bloom out by pushing her with peas which knocks out bunch of primitive trees* So what? You ain't a primitive! No help for you!

(3 days later after the previous fan fiction blog)

Aloe: Where is my "quest locator"?! It's been 3 days!

Kiwibeast: Don't go into rage now...

Aloe: ...Trying here.

(Bombegranate appears suddenly in front of the duo.)

Bombegranate: HEY!

Kiwibeast: WHOA! Oh, you. What now?

Bombegranate: Can you keep this log for a moment? *hands Kiwibeast...the Travel Log*

Aloe: *instantly gets the log instead* That's my quest locator! Tha-

Kiwibeast: Hold it, a log can't be!

Aloe: It is in a way! You'll see!

Kiwibeast: But it is just a log with shades and trying to be cool and, and, and....

Aloe: Somewhere in the log it was a list of quests! Hey pomegranate....

(Bombegranate was already out)

Bombegranate: (Never knew it contains quests but it was intended for my c-crush only! Eh....s-senpai? Is that the right term and let him n-notice?) *blushes while staying out of sight*

Aloe: ...nevermind. *checks the quests available in the Travel Log*

Rescue the Gold Bloom
Complete each step of this Epic Quest chain for an awesome reward. Mainly on Jurassic Marsh.
Rewards: ? pts



Memory Sight
Go to the center of Suburbia and memorize the pattern in a hidden slate found in that center!
Rewards: 20 pts



Tile Bundle
Let a gold tile in Lost City produce coins instead of sun!
Rewards: 25 pts


 Aloe: So it has detected Gold Bloom's location. That's a good sign. Kiwibeast: Shouldn't we go? Aloe: But I'm not in the right place where time travelling is present! It is, however, right in front of this house, inside! *enters* An empty one, yup.

Kiwibeast: No one lives here?

Aloe: Apparently, nothing here but a time portal. *activates it* Ready, let's get into it! *jumps into it*

Kiwibeast: *enters the portal as well*

(Shortly after this, a zombie also enters the empty house with the portal being on)

???: My Gem Jam quest is done from my Travel Log, and now for the rest...only two are available.

Primitive Lesson
Teach Jurassic Bully the moves to mess with the primitive plants a lot!
Rewards: 20 pts



Step It Up
Change the sound power in Neon Mixtape Tour to break in their insides with speakers!
Rewards: 25 pts


(??? also jumps into the portal)

(Jurassic Marsh)

Aloe: We're here!

???: Ooga-oog! (Translation: Get lost, you are not primitive!)

Kiwibeast: ...Translation please?

Aloe: This is Jurassic Marsh, it has primal things here that don't speak English! Also, that's Primal Wall-nut from the looks of it.

Primal Wall-nut: OOG! (Translation: TURN BACK NOW!)

???: Gah, gah, gah? (Translation: Who are these fellas?)

Primal Wall-nut: Oog-gah-hog! (Translation: Un-primitive "fellas", Primal Sunflower!)

Primal Sunflower: Gah?! (Translation: Not friends at all?!)

Kiwibeast: Whatever language both of you use!

Aloe: Don't even, Kiwibeast, don't even.

???: What's the deal? Oh, more plants not primitive?

Aloe: One primal plant can speak English?

???: I decided to learn that from the modern times, but I hate being modern! The jurassic age must live forever! Knock those two out!

Aloe: Well...I think you 3 missed 1 certain primal plant. There's supposed to be 4 of you.

???: Primal Potato Mine is not here yet?!

Primal Potato Mine: *rolls in the primal group* Che-che. (Translation: Got distracted by that golden unfolded flower you caught, Primal Peashooter.)

Primal Peashooter: Oh, forget that golden star! We got two modern plants here!

Primal Wall-nut: Grunt-o-grunt! (Translation: You start by shooting a pea!)

Primal Peashooter: *spits a primal pea at Kiwibeast*

Kiwibeast: Knocking me by 1 tile only? Pfft...!

???: *sees the battle* ...My waste of time, I better proceed. *bumps to a zombie while proceeding* A Jurassic Bully already?

Jurassic Bully: *punches the ground* What's a cool-looking zombie doing here? *lays down the ground*

???: (This is going to be hard.) You're going to be taught with your moves.

Primal Sunflower: *spits a sun which explodes at Aloe and Kiwibeast*

Primal Potato Mine: *explodes a lot at the duo*

Kiwibeast: Stop it...stop it....STOP IT RIGHT NOW! *rage builds, roars, and grows automatically to his 3rd stage*

Aloe: ...Might not be good.

Primal Peashooter: *spits a pea at Aloe*

Aloe: *counters the pea with his frying pan, aiming back at the primal group*

Primal Wall-nut: *protects the group, being sturdy*

Kiwibeast: *crushes the ground and charges at the primal plants*

Primal Peashooter: The ground!

Primal Potato Mine: Cru-cru? (Translation: What now?)

Primal Peashooter: The ground will split severely right about now!

(The Earth back then is of one land surrounded by the that the ground breaks, it is now split into several lands.)

Aloe: That was too massive...

Primal Peashooter: *angry* YOU SHALL P- *gets kicked into the sky* WH-WHAT?!

Primal Sunflower: *slight jawdrop* ...

Jurassic Bully: Was that it? So? *kicks the rest of the primal plants into the sky*

???: Good job for that cool move. *checks his Travel Log*

(Primitive Lesson Quest Complete! 20 points earned. You are now Rank 199! 950 points for Rank 200. New quests will appear soon.)

Kiwibeast: *still in rage, and is about to crush the ground again*

Aloe: You are not doing that! *flings a healing droplet at Kiwibeast to calm him down*

Kiwibeast: *inhaling and exhaling, then goes back to normal* Huff-puff....what did I miss?

Aloe: You splitting the ground to multiples, Jurassic Bully kicking out the primal plants because of...another quest completer?

???: Never seen a quest zombie completer? I've been working for years. Even though you're the same Aloe and Kiwibeast I met during my Gem Jam quest.

Aloe: The same Punk Zombie you are, then. Explains why you participated! I also am a quest completer and I am aiming as high as I can!

Punk Zombie: I wish you good luck....if you succeed. Now unto my way of my normal self! *goes back from the portal still activated*

Kiwibeast: Now what was that?

Aloe: Gee, I'm fine with that luck. He might be my quest completer rival! Anyway, enough of that! We should also proceed!

Kiwibeast: Hey look! Who's that?

(Gold Bloom is seen surrounded by 2 Raptors, and just woke up from unconciousness.)

Gold Bloom: *sees the Raptors* D-dinos?! *afraid* A-anybody here to help?!

Aloe: *smacks the 2 Raptors via frying pan* I'm here!

2 Raptors: *try to eat Aloe alive after the attack*

Gold Bloom: *stays in front of Aloe* You c-can't now! *gives a burst of light and sun to the Raptors, making them blind*

(Both Aloe and Kiwibeast did not look at the light)

Aloe: Shouldn't you done that earlier?

Kiwibeast: Aloe, is this the Gold Bloom?

Gold Bloom: I am, but you do know my problem, right, Aloe?

Aloe: OH. Development Personality Disorder. You don't want to do anything if you're alone. Anyways, let's go back to the present day.

(In Aloe's Travel Log: Rescue the Gold Bloom Epic Quest complete! Gold Bloom earned.)

Aloe: Wait, that was an "Epic Quest"?!

(To be continued)


  • This fan fiction blog's release date was delayed two times.
    • It was originally going to be relaesed at October 1, 2016, but was not done due to many activites.
    • When it was going to be released on October 8, 2016, the reason of it being delayed was because of a certain condolence.
  • The part where the ground was split into multiple lands is similar to the Pangea break-up, specifically the first phase.
  • Cold SnapdragonGrapeshot, and Perfume-shroom are the JM plants that did not appear.
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Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27