User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest fiction (Expansion Expert Saga): Pirate Seas Skirmish!

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A day after I've beaten the expansion itself! ...Although I feel too lazy. But I can't break the schedule again! ...Which I just did due to movie time.Fairy27 here and it's the Pirate Seas expansion fiction.


One zombie is about to become upgraded by Dr. Zomboss, relating to going back to the present. Meanwhile, only Spikeweed survived the seed packet raid done a while ago. Looks like the Epic Quest trio has business to do with the zombies aside from the Zombot Plank Walker 2.0! Can they even try?


During the Modern Times...

(It's a normal day in Suburbia. But suddenly, and slowly, events of this comic's plot but alternated one occur...but wait! What's a portal in the middle of a quiet street doing? A figure emerges from the portal and it was...)

Future-time Citron: To the present as told! And gonna get that Z-Mech somewhere as he escaped!

???: A request from an organization brought you here?

Future-time Citron: You have the same voice as I heard to go here!

???: That's because I am that voice and I'm Peashooter! Your enemy is somewhere on a factory. Proceed to the right with me! *uses Hyper and goes to that direction*

Future-time Citron: Gotcha, guy! *going to that direction*

(Two kids saw this, but the Peashooter. They are confused who is the Citron but they don't have time...)

Main Plot

- Pirate Seas -

(The proper plot starts in Pirate Seas, around 12 Midnight on its zone...and occuring after this fiction immediately.)

Aloe: *drops to the plank which almost breaks* Something happened already...sigh. Wish I could help them before it's too late.

Electric Currant: *eyes blink* How can you already tell? Zap!!!

Gold Bloom: Can anyone tell what time it is here...? Very dark.

Aloe: Clocks don't exist in this timeline yet!

???: Yarr! Ye may be very old but you won't be happy with parrots! *summons 3 parrots to attack the group*

Gold Bloom: Seems irregular! *bursts bunch of sun that the parrots flew away*

Electric Currant: *zapping the ???* You're defenzzzeless!

???: A simple Pirate Captain Zombie can't use 3 parrots to send plants to the water? Yarr! I must improve! *walks off*

(In his place, four Gargantuar Pirates and a ridiculous amount of Seagull Zombies appear.)

Aloe: *rolls eyes* That's two thousand seagulls!

Electric Currant: We have no choice, don't we?

Gold Bloom: And I need to recharge...

Shrinking Violet: ...Did all of you forgot me? *hiding in a barrel*

Gold Bloom: You can shrink so it would help us! Come on, I know you can!

Shrinking Violet: But I can't attack. The sun staff cannot function without sun! *about to get attacked by a Seagull Zombie* Whoa...!

(Suddenly, a barrage of butter defeated all Seagull Zombies. But the Gargantuar Pirates are still a problem.)

Gold Bloom: Who was that?

???: Stay away from the battlefield!

(Aloe, Gold Bloom and Electric Currant stay back, near Shrinking Violet's hiding spot.)

One Gargantuar Pirate out of the four: You again? You're done as meat!

???: Get a load of this Shuck Shot! *uses that technique, pushing the four Gargantuar Pirates to the water* The Kernel Corn ambush strikes the zombies again! *faces at the four plants* Get to your fighting positions, mates!

(Meanwhile, inside a pirate ship...)

Pirate Captain Zombie: I need improvements, matey! Or should yee be captain, Zomboss?

Dr. Zomboss: Mwahaha! I'll improve you!

Pirate Captain Zombie: Arr! Yee want to what?

Dr. Zomboss: Improve you to a Veteran Zombie, of course! I've already contacted someone to go to the present for a plan. You join him and I'll contact the third zombie! You're the only Veteran to do this, since you're a high class pirate!

Pirate Captain Zombie: *thinks about it for some time* ...Accepted!

Dr. Zomboss: Now you shall enter the machine! You will have fun being upgraded! After this seagull is about to do the same!

Kernel Corn: No giving up on training, cadets!

Electric Currant: Bzzt! This is not necessary! We can just fight casually!

Kernel Corn: Do you want to get buried by zombies, mate?

Electric Currant: Seriousnezzzts intensifies. *holding a barbell with electrical currents* Shrinking Violet: *checking every machine, sees spikes on one of them*Can anyone open this?

Aloe: *opens the machine and frees someone* Uh…hi, Spikeweed.

Spikeweed: Too rusty…and thanks! Looks like I’ll have to deal with visitors alone, but my business will not let me down!

Gold Bloom: Something’s coming at us, fast! *hears squawking*

Electric Currant: More parrots? Eazzt-y!

Kernel Corn: Hmm? A sign of a Pelican Zombie! That’s the second one spotted so far in Pirate Seas! I immediately destroyed the first one.

Gold Bloom: More like…tons of them. *counts 10 other Pelican Zombies*

Aloe: Might have to stay in cover for me. *almost gets sniped*

???: Think again, mateys! *shoots Spikeweed after getting hurt and trapped by him* You could mark this day that you almost caught… *ahem* …Captain Jack Sporerow!

Kernel Corn: You forgot your name! I am disappointed!

???: Serious mode, call me Captain Deadbeard! The other name, personal issues. *prepares to snipe Electric Currant who’s fighting the Pelican Zombies*

Kernel Corn: You have issues, mate! We fight in a duel, the rest of you, cadets, fight the Pelicans and the Plank Walker that’s about to emerge!

Spikeweed: Plank Walker? We already destroyed it!

Shrinking Violet: I feel like an idiot…I just remembered the name of the upgraded or leveled up zombies. They are Veteran Zombies! And the Zombots are all going to be 2.0, plus Zomboss is plotting something to…

???: Shut your mouth! *traps Shrinking Violet in a cage out of nowhere*

Aloe: The plank’s about to crash! Land on that nearby ship, everyone! *jumps to a small ship*

Electric Currant: You guyzzt… *does the same*

Gold Bloom: *does the same* This is small!

(Dr. Zomboss emerges from the water)

Dr. Zomboss: Meet my Zombot Plank Walker 2.0! No introduction needed! *shoots lasers like crazy*

Pelican Zombie #1: Squawk! *flies away, but not the rest of the Pelican Zombies*

Gold Bloom: Looks like that corn and Deadbeard also went away…good luck in the overseas!

Electric Currant: Don’t talk that, stay away from glowing lasers! Bzzt! *avoids* Aloe: We need a plan. This mini-ship cannot stay for long!

Dr. Zomboss: *very near destroying the ship* This is easy! Then I can make you to useless seed packets!

Spikeweed: *appears in front of the Plank Walker’s face* Wrong. *throws a jalapeno when it opens the mouth*

Dr. Zomboss: A jalapeno? Not the real one?! *jumps from the Plank Walker* How did you…

Spikeweed: Remember that first Plank Walker fight? Yup. You forgot. *frees Shrinking Violet from the cage* You’re free. But I’ll take you! *traps Zomboss with weeds and throws him to the water* Problem solved! Totally a skirmish!

Shrinking Violet: A jalapeno was its biggest weakness. Yes, nearly all Zombots have a weakness!

Aloe: How did we not think of the weakness sooner again?

- End of Main Plot –

Back at the Modern Times…

(Another portal appears at the back of a building…)

Kernel Corn: *arrives from there* The last-second letter brought us here!

Captain Deadbeard: Yarr! We barely started the duel! Kernel Corn: No complaints! We are doing that HERE!

Next Time…

- Jurassic Marsh

(Dr. Zomboss was checking a rock wall for something…)

Dr. Zomboss: *soaked with water* Aha! So there is something I missed during my first trip. Now I can have what I wanted, and take it away from history!


  • The joke name "Captain Jack Sporerow" is a wordplay with "Captain Jack Sparrow" from Pirates of the Carribean.
  • Speaking of pirates, the author has no knowledge of the pirate language. So the words would be bad in a sense.
  • Zombot Plank Walker 2.0's weakness being a simple jalapeno is a reference to how Jalapeno was the most useful plant to defeat it in Pirate Seas - Day 35.
  • The "Next Time" portion of the previous Expansion Expert Saga blog wasn't brought here. This is because the plot was slightly altered.
V · T · E
Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27