User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest fiction (Expansion Expert Saga): Futuristic Flower Fair

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Caution! Spoilers are in this fiction!

What do you think our future will be? My headcanon will partially show it here. Fairy27 here for the third Expansion Expert Saga. It's about the Far Future! But why the Spoiler alert? Because of an upcoming "thing". See trivia below.


Gold Bloom is curious about the future. The group goes to Far Future, but they stop by at the strange-looking flower that is thought to be a tree. It does not move neither, until an attack from the zombies occured to convert all plants into seed packets. Another battle against the Zombot of Modern Day, will they beat it again?


Last Time...

Dr. Zomboss: I'll take note on that! You'll see in the next world!!! *time travels to another world*

Shrinking Violet: That was... *blushes* I didn't think the shards aren't his thing!

Electric Currant: Zzzt, you're learning!

Bloomerang: *sighs* I can't believe it, he has Twin SunflowerCabbage-pult and Bonk Choy captured, same with a pink plant!

Parsnip: Snip, she's Blooming Heart! And I blame myself for forcing her to do so, snippie!

Gold Bloom: How many of us will get caught, I'm scared...

Aloe: We cannot be captured! We have to stop this plan!

Main Storyline

(The fiction starts in Ancient Egypt still, but the 4 plants are about to go to the next world.)

Bloomerang: *gives Aloe a Time Coin* You need help, mates? You'll need it.

Aloe: (I didn't even bring those.) Thanks. We'll travel so many worlds until the world's safe from seed packets-

Electric Currant: *steals the Time Coin* I'm deciding! Far Future! Zzzt! *activates, opening a portal*

Gold Bloom: The future? I want to see my future self! *jumps in, excited*

Shrinking Violet I'm not into this kind of the future...but we have no choice since I lead you three here...

(The other 3 plants jump in.)

Repeater: Good luck! Good luck!

Far Future, but 5 hours before the current event -

(An unknown peach plant is hiding behind a building, which is the Zombie HQ.)

??? #1: Test. *checks his radar* Can you hear me, Cauli?

??? #2: That nickname has yet to grow on me, E.M.Pea.

E.M. Peach: It's E.M.Peach! Don't make my name short! *ahem* Time to be serious, Caulipower. Retrieve the coverted seed packets! Then we can battle Zomboss!

Caulipower: And nothing else, I assume.

E.M. Peach: Now... *slight giggle* ...Get them from the distance!

Caulipower: Piece of cake.

- Inside the Zombie HQ - 

Shield Zombie: What to improve, what to improve... A part of my shield should be improved! But what part?

Caulipower: You. *hypnotizes Shield Zombie* Distract zombies.

Shield Zombie: Yes, boss.... *runs at other zombies*

Caulipower: Time to distract ALL of them.

(One of the monitors, Dr. Zomboss was watching.)

Dr. Zomboss: Pesky vegetable! I know what to do with him! Meanwhile, Blastronaut's on his way to the rest!

(5 hours later, in the Techno Fair...)

Gold Bloom: Future! *arrives first* I must see!!! *too excited that she ignored her disorder and runs further in the future*

Electric Currant: *just arrives with the rest* Typicalzzzt.

Aloe: Full of technology. And this is a fair for pete's sake! Someone said he'll ban all fairs in the present!

Shrinking Violet: *sees that the future is constantly changing between a world full of zombies or a technology-based world with people, plants and a few zombies* Uh-oh. It's based on our a-actions for the future...I don't like it either way...and now, chasing.

Aloe: For your info, Gold Bloom likes fairs, and hates being unfair. If she gets too excited and run off too far, she'll be in trouble! Chase her!

(Behind them...)

Blastronaut Zombie: Zomboss on the station, Blastronaut on the eye! They should be captured from behind. *follows them*

(At a long distance)

Gold Bloom: Here's the exit! Wait, where is... *disorder triggers, strangely after looking at a weird "flower" standing and floating* ...Uh...I h-hate being in here now... *sniff* I'm alone! *almost trembles* Anyone? Somebody?

???: Ugh, it's another visitor.

Gold Bloom: ...?

???: Oh! I should introduce myself. Infi-nut! I won't trick you, we Far Future plants are kind to visitors!

Gold Bloom: Are you sure? *points at a nut-like plant behind Infi-nut*

Infi-nut: The Forget-me-Nuts? He's one exception. One of the few exceptions.

Forget-me-Nuts: You talking? Hmph! *all walk away with a huge chunk of stone*

Infi-nut: A Stone Gargantuar that's not alive. Per- *out of battery and shuts down*

???: Out of battery again! E.M. Peach, do you follow?

E.M. Peach: Stop acting like that, Present-form Citron. Still wonder how your future self got to be cool.

Present-time Citron: What? Don't talk to me like that! And we should help the little plant!

Gold Bloom: I'm not little! ...I just am alone.

E.M. Peach: We could lend you a hand. Where's your home at?

Gold Bloom: Actually...

???: Hold it!

Gold Bloom: Aloe? I thought I ran too far... *sniff*

Aloe: We would never go too far.

Electric Currant: It's normal, we should have the eyezzzt on you! Zrrt!

Shrinking Violet: I really feel out of place, I should be the one comforted...but I can't tell everything about the plan yet...

E.M. Peach: More of you? I guess it's more of a group.

Gold Bloom: *looks at the "flower" floating by* Uh...

Present-time Citron: That vitamin C from that flower is present! But he will...

Blastronaut Zombie: Come to me, plants!!! *about to attack*

???: *jumps in the floor* Hi visitors! *blows full board

Blastronaut Zombie: WHAT THE F***?! *blown away to a long distance to the south*

Electric Currant: *stays Gold Bloom, Aloe and Shrinking Violet intact with his electromagnetism* Zap! Don't blow, clover, or rather Blover!

Blover: I thought you like wind. *stops* We met once, currant. Now twice. Who knows when next? I tend to be the lucky stunt plant.

E.M. Peach: You just blew Cauli away, which was the flower. And here he- *rolls eyes* Wait, I said Cauli. It really was him. He never stopped the zombies?!

Caulipower: *got back in no time* He would convert me into seed packets otherwise. I had no choice. The zombies are coming in the one you're stepping on.

Present-time Citron: *looks at the floor he and almost everyone is stepping on* Sap. What's wrong with it?

(Sap Spawn! Bunch of Jetpack Zombies and Mecha-Football Zombies just spawned.)

Electric Currant: What's wrong when Blover's around? What's wrong when we're on Power Tiles surrounded with mold colonies, zap?

Aloe: Talk big. I'm basically for melee range.

E.M.Peach: Thirteen Power Tiles. We're 7 of us, not counting Infi-nut since we need to change the batteries. *disables every Mecha-Football*

Shrinking Violet: Range it is! *uses the Sun Staff to shoot sun shards at zombies, piercing techno armor*

Aloe: *attempts to smack a Mecha-Football but his frying pan breaks* I'm out of attacking moves, everyone else?

Blover: *blows all Jetpack Zombies* Now, the Mecha-Footballs!

Gold Bloom: An Imp is jumping in? Easy!

Imp: Hard? *using a somewhat-looking cellphone* Call in! Mech! Destroy the area I'm on I do! *enters the mech that was just dropped* Doom shall win! *hits self from the glass and is about to press a button*

Blover: He's crazy, bro.

Imp in Z-Mech: What crazy? This baby will destroy- *mech is disabled* Huh?!?!?!

E.M. Peach: Thanks for the shoot, Future-time Citron!

Future-time Citron: *wink* What's not cool? That mech!

Present-time Citron: I really admire myself! Vitamin C you later to the ones going further! *shoots a plasma ball that destroys 3 Mecha-footballs*

Blover: Oh baby a triple!

Caulipower: This time... *grabs Shrinking Violet* You're needed. And another. *grabs Gold Bloom as well to the Zombie HQ*

Aloe: We can deal with this!

(Entrance of Zombie HQ)

Shrinking Violet: You definitely have a role. I had a strange dream about meeting you and it came true...

Gold Bloom: Any plans?

Caulipower: Look. *points CCTV camera* He's looking.

(The same Zombot from Modern Day is shown)

Dr. Zomboss: Welcome to another Tomorrow-tron! It's weaker than what you faced, 2.0!

Gold Bloom: So I can do this? *bursts sun but does nothing*

Dr. Zomboss: Almost all attacks are immune. Sorry, but not sorry! *spawns a Holo-Head Zombie*

Holo Head Zombie: Air! And plants. *attacks Gold Bloom but is hypnotized by Caulipower*

Caulipower: Attack Zomboss- *sees the zombie instantly vanquished* Plan B. Distract him. *charges up*

Shrinking Violet: Maybe I can... *tries to shoot sun shards but was already out of sun from earlier and didn't drain the sun coming from Gold Bloom* Can I even determine when?

Gold Bloom: Watch out!

Shrinking Violet: *sidesteps to avoid the glowing missiles* I won't be one of them!

Dr. Zomboss: Say no.

(Some time later, other plants come back to attack Zomboss, but the Future Citron and the crazy Imp with the Z-Mech are not present. Not even where they was.)

Present-time Citron: *fires a plasma ball at the Tomorrow-tron's glass* Enough!

Aloe: *just refreshed his droplet* Too much healing!

Electric Currant: Attackzzzt will full force!

(The attacks did nothing.)

Shrinking Violet: It's immune to almost all attacks!

Dr. Zomboss: That's right! To end it all! *about to press a button*

Caulipower: In reverse. *uses psychic powers to toss the Zombot off the skies*

Dr. Zomboss: Curses! Foiled again!!! *ting*

Gold Bloom: He's off, go to another world!

Caulipower: Not just yet. There won't be any time access starting now.

E.M. Peach: It's broken. Future Citron and Z-Mech Imp just entered a portal to the present while fighting and it somehow broke the ability to time travel! I'll fix it!

Blover: We Far Future plants will help. But I get the batteries first. Okay?

Electric Currant: Zap! Why not?

Gold Bloom: We do what we can do: Help!

Aloe: Let's keep what we can, guys!

Shrinking Violet: (Looks like what I dreamt is starting to combine it all. Meeting up 4 certain plants, but that one part is worrying me...)

Caulipower: I'll be off first. I have my ways. *floats away*

Shrinking Violet: Hey, wait up!

Sneak Peek for Next Time

(Pirate Seas)

Pirate Captain Zombie: Arr! Yee want to what?

Dr. Zomboss: Improve you into a Veteran Zombie, of course! I've already contacted someone to go to the present for a plan. You join him and I'll contact the third zombie! You're the only Veteran to do this, since you're a high class pirate!

Pirate Captain Zombie: *thinks about it* Accepted! Yee plants are of no match!

(Later on of the next Expansion Expert Saga fiction...)

Spring Bean: You failed. Nice.

???: Remember that this is the day you almost caught...

Coconut Cannon: The worker? Of course not. Wish you are one, because I'll need help!

???: No, it's Captain...

(//Spoiler alert, although it's already clear who it is. You can figure it out.)


  • Aloe's frying pan is broken in this fiction.
    • Due to this, it will no longer appear in the fictions happening after this. Aloe will be focused on healing temporarily.
  • The reason why the spoiler alert is present is because of the presence of Forget-me-Nuts and Stone Gargantuar.
    • Both are not fanmade characters. They are upcoming cards of PvZ Heroes.
    • The spoiled characters are originally going to be PvZ2 ones, but all should be in the proper worlds, and there are no new plants (Icy Currant is likely scrapped) coming by the time this is posted.
V · T · E
Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27