User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest Fan Fiction - Aloe, Salut!

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I know Gem Jam is first but I just had to do this quest first. Fairy27 here, and this is the first time I am doing this fan fiction blog thing. Fan Fiction Wiki exists, but that wiki seems inactive and not popular. This is going to be an Epic Quest series. First is Aloe, Salut! and the first episode of the series.


When a goal is set and time travelling had to be part of it, the three plants ended up getting separated from it acting wrong. In Lost City, the plants there are planning for an adventure, but when something blocks their way, they'll need something only Aloe can will the adventure go?


(Black screen)

???: Why do I feel like something's wrong?

???: What do you mean? Don't think that way! Try to think positively!

???: I think he might be right! Gah! It feels ripped!

???: We have a goal, though!

(The sight is going crazy, screen shows these three plants time travelling, but at one point they suddenly got separated.)

???: What? Where are the other two? *sees something in front of him* Uh....AH!

(Screen turns white, then black again. It now pans to a place and timeline called Lost City. Everyone there is up to adventures.)

Toadstool: Do you have the bucket list? This will be exciting!

A.K.E.E.: He doesn't do that however.

Red Stinger: Are we all up for adventure?

All other Lost City plants (Not counting this): Per usual!

Red Stinger: Let's start! Go to north!

(They all went to north, happy as ever...while doing so...)

Lava Guava: Hold up! Did any of us brought the map?!

(5 seconds of silence)

Stallia: Heh, I have it. You were all looking for it hardcore, right?

Endurian: You had to be a troll today, Stallia.

Red Stinger: *grabs the map* We are far from the destination.

Lava Guava: Are you serious?

Gold Leaf: I assume it'll take a couple of hours, specifically 5 hours. On a side note, you might as well generate sun if we reach night. *innocent face*

(Another 5 seconds of silence)


Gold Leaf: I just WISH we all could...

Toadstool: *wipes dirt* And for me, unless I chew things, I don't generate sun. *steps on a gold tile and generates sun* Guess what? I found a gold tile! Want to try?

Gold Leaf: Don't let go of that tile....

(Toadstool already steps out of the gold tile. She pushes A.K.E.E. on it but doesn't generate sun at the moment.)

Gold Leaf: ...Nevermind. Just wait a couple of seconds.

A.K.E.E.: You said it generates sun!

Toadstool: Why is it not working anymore? Oh well!

Endurian: Let's just continue.

(Hours passed. They are very near at the destination. On a side note, it's night.)

Toadstool: Boo! It turned night!

Lava Guava: Got a big deal with nighttime?!

Red Stinger: Don't even try, Lava Guava. Oh, and there seems to be 2 paths. *looks at map* Right is the way to go.

(They all went right.)

Lava Guava: Another dark path! *accidentally steps on something*


A.K.E.E.: What did you step, heh?

Lava Guava: Did you put that tile there?!

A.K.E.E.: But it may be you being careless.

Stallia: *yawns loudly* Huh? A flame tile?

(Flame tile activates and all got slightly burned.)

Endurian: It could've been worse.

(On the alternate path...)

Relic Hunter ZombieTemple of Bloom is on the other path?

Imp Porter: Yup. Says so.

Excavator Zombie: I saw the plants trying to go there, too! Can we just dig to get in there?

Relic Hunter Zombie: Could work. After all, there's a beast blocking the way. We can just dig through that beast and enter the temple!

Red Stinger: It's in sight! The Temple of Bloom!

Stallia: About time. *yawn* Folks need to slow down and smell spores for a bit in that temple.

Gold Leaf: But...something's there.

(There's something sleeping, in front of the temple.)

Endurian: He's blocking the whole entrance, you have to be kidding me. I don't want to lose my temper for that...

Lava Guava: Endurian, both of us have a short temper, mate.

Endurian: True, we can both get angry in a situation.

Lava Guava: Let's do it at the sa-

Toadstool: *tries to eat the beast*

A.K.E.E.: *jaw drop*

???: Mfff.... *opens eyes and glares at Toadstool*

Toadstool: *lets go* Oh hi.

???: *roars loudly, grows to his full stage* TEMPLE MUST BE GUARDED! *thumps the ground hard*

Red Stinger: TAKE COVER!

(All plants scatter)

Gold Leaf: What's that thing?

Stallia: I heard this thing is called Kiwibeast, who guards the temple. Other than that, I lack info! *yawn*

Kiwibeast: *starts thumping everywhere and is out of control*

Excavator Zombie: Almost there!

Relic Hunter Zombie: We'll get to the temple first! *manacial laugh*

(The zombies made it past the entrance through digging)

Imp Porter: We made it...but there's someone in front of us?!

???: *looking depressed* can I go there something I can do? *looks at the back*

(5 seconds of silence)

???: *gets frying pan and smacks all zombies* Luckily I have that...WHOA. *looks at the Kiwibeast* That may not help...I should at least try...

Lava Guava: Should we right now?

Endurian: Attempt! GO!

Endurian and Lava Guava: YOUR ATTITUDE IS STUPID! *both went mad and attack*

Stallia: I guess we should all attack! *spreads spores, yawns after*

Red Stinger: *PF effect*

Kiwibeast: *thumps everyone off* RRRRAAAAGGGHHH!

???: Hello.

Kiwibeast: *chrages at ???*

???: *flings healing droplet* Better?

Kiwibeast: *gets calmed down, goes back to his first stage* Your touchy...that droplet though!

Toadstool: Huh?

Gold Leaf: That was it? An aloe vera thing was the ONLY thing needed?

???: Hey! I'm Aloe! (I somehow got my activeness back again?)

Gold Leaf: I should've asked your name first....

(Every zombie who got smacked gets back up)

Excavator Zombie: YOU AND YOUR FRYING PAN!

Imp Porter: Backup!

(Zombies are summoned, and at the same time, it starts to rain)

Parasol Zombie: Brainz, brainz, all the wayz!

Endurian: More company, eh? *charges at the zombies*

A.K.E.E.: *PF effect* Go, ackee seeds, go!!!

Stallia: *slows zombies* Oh no you don't!

Toadstool: *eats some zombies* Tasty!

(While going to eat more, Toadstool steps on a boulder trap tile.)

Lava Guava: *emits lava* What's that rolling?!

Toadstool: That's.... *runs from the boulder*

(The boulder also makes zombies get crushed and plants running away too, except Aloe and Kiwibeast.)

Kiwibeast: Uhh, boulder?

Aloe: A Rolling Stone? No, that can't be right.

(Aloe and Kiwibeast look at each other.)

Both: Now what?

Red Stinger: Run!


Toadstool: I got distracted! Eek!

(The runaway plants end up getting crushed due to reaching a dead end.)

Stallia: Ah...that hurts badly...

Aloe: I'm not bothering about that temple...

Kiwibeast: Wait! You, from the future?

Aloe: From 2016. Why you ask? And who are you?

Kiwibeast: You got my respect, it's Kiwibeast. You can time travel inside the Temple of Bloom. Teleporter!

(Both teleported to the time travelling area of the temple.)

Kiwibeast: There's also a thing where you can rain healing droplets. Will you do so?

Aloe: Healing? Of course! I like to heal!

Kiwibeast: *activates healing rain and the time travelling portal* You ready? I'll go too!

Aloe: Yup! (...I better get going. I have to find the other two before proceeding to the goal.)

(Both jump in the portal)

Gold Leaf: Healing rain?

Endurian: We needed it after that boulder crushed us! But our adventure...kinda failed.

Red Stinger: Too bad! We should do it again next time.

Stallia: *yawns* Oh well....

(All Lost City plants then stares at Toadstool.)

(While time travelling back)

Aloe: (It's all on it...I have a partner, I got depressed when I got to Lost City early and I can't find a way to go back, then I look at the temple, then all stuff happen. It should all start, and at least I did my thing to Kiwibeast for the sake of myself. Back at my strength!)

(Plot ends here)


  • Jackfruit is missing in this blog, despite being a Lost City plant (Chinese Version).
  • The plot was originally going to be all Lost City plants on a cave, but all got injured. Aloe was supposed to hide in the cave, living in Lost City, as well, instead of being from the present day.
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Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27