User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest fiction (Premium Seeds section): Apple-lication of Gravity

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Previous Overall fiction: Another Attempt at Gem Jam

Next Overall and Section fiction: Rumors of Witch Hazel (Not out yet)

What did you expect? Fairy27 here for yet another Epic Quest fiction! This time it's the first one for the Premium Seeds section! The Apple Mortar Premium Seeds was first, so I thought about it, "Sure, why not make a new feature? And why not publish this on a certain date?"


This occurs exactly after the His Expert Quest in Modern Day fiction, and in the present.


Apple Mortar may be part of the military group, but he's also addicted to physics! The main topic he'll learn is gravity. Unfortunately, Nightshade got pushed into the huge bubble Bubble Flower made while Apple Mortar worked this assignment, leading to an adventure with gravity! Will they work together for this?


(The fiction starts in Suburbia. Apple Mortar is walking around, taking notes while doing so.)

Apple Mortar: What does gravity have to do with military? Time to go on that meeting area, dodging every dang obstacle! *keeps jumping*

(An hour later, in the meeting area...)

Apple Mortar: *almost falls asleep*'re here now, Bubble Flower?!

Bubble Flower: A second ago. You said about bubbles? Hey, if it's gravity lessons you want, I'm using bubbles at most times this time around! Nobody else will teach you! Heh!

Apple Mortar: Don't jinx it!

Bubble Flower: Oh please! It happens all the time! *makes a small and a big bubble* Now, look closely! Hold it, let me remove some electricity in here.

(Meanwhile, on the other side of the area...)

(It's the shadow plants! They're currently taking a break, but it just led to an argument. Soon.)

Dusk Lobber: I just got an idea! Here's the basic waifu steps!

Moonflower: I don't think we need to talk about this.

Grimrose: Not my taste. The zombies are strolling around and this could be bad.

Shadow-shroom: Can we thake that "waifu"?

Nightshade: Please no.

Dusk Lobber: Step 1. Get yourself a cute, comfortable and fluffy waifu pillow - buy in a mall or make one by yourself to make it better! *reveals a Nightshade pillow*

Moonflower: Whaaa...

Dusk Lobber: Step 2. Do sexual harassment, any kind, to that pillow! *does so* Then-

Grimrose: ...Look.

Nightshade: *tries to walk away* I'm out of here, I'm not into this topic!

Shadow-shroom: *jumps behind him and shouts* THURPRITHE!!!

Nightshade: *runs out of startleness* No, no, no! I don't want to be touched in a bad way, whoever did th-that...! Just no!

Grimrose: Way worse.

Apple Mortar: Hmmm...

Bubble Flower: Yeah! The small bubble floats easier, the big one barely can! But, that can make you get "in" the bubble! It'll lead you to experience!

Apple Mortar: I would like to not accept for now and thi-

Nightshade: STAY OUT OF MY WAY!

Apple Mortar: *unaware and gets hit by Nightshade, both into the big bubble* I regret nothing. I must get out of here, thank you very much!!!

(The other 4 shadow plants were chasing Nightshade, then they stopped.)

Moonflower: He brought trouble...

Grimrose: We shouldn't be here. I want to stare Nightshade with shame. *disappears*

Bubble Flower: OH NO! ...Wait, this can be good.

Shadow-shroom: OH GREY!!!

Dusk Lobber: HOLY SH**! ...And that was random, shadow.

(The big bubble starts bouncing, going to the north, up and down. It tries to lead them on another place, as the wind gets carried by.)

Nightshade: This is relaxing!

Apple Mortar: This is not! This is not the kind of lesson time I need! Although it kind of helps. *takes notes* The bubble's not being pulled. Probably because of weight.

Nightshade: Are you a f****** student? That's lame!

Apple Mortar: I don't even know what that f-word means. Anyways, it's part of military assignment and I'm not sure why! Probably because of how I attack. Also, I can already imagine your friends be like "We should murder that troublemaker! Give chance to Apple Mortar!"

Nightshade: Meanwhile your bubble friend be like "Why did you do this?! You must be trapped in there forever!"

Apple Mortar: I think you're itching for a fight. *launches an apple core at Nightshade*

Nightshade: *spins his purple leaves and slaps Apple Mortar a dozen times* This is what you get! *fires a purple leaf and pops the bubble by accident*

Apple Mortar: Look what you've done!

(Both are now falling!)

Apple Mortar: Okay, weight does matter here and I'm quite heavy right now!

Nightshade: Neither of us can fly, I think we'll have a crash landing and even get vanquished at the end!

Apple Mortar: Neither of us have faith as a result! (I just broke a policy...)

Apple Mortar and Nightshade: *both scream in fear*

(And a few seconds later, they did crash...on a tree.)

Nightshade: That really hurts... *hanging on a branch, which breaks, and falls to the ground*

Apple Mortar: *on the top of it* Well then.

???: Uh, why are you here?! Plants?! I can eat them!

Apple Mortar: Oops. *falls down to the ground* Ugh, where are we now?

???: I'm Pogo Zombie and this is the Breezy Jungle! I just happened to bounce on here, and ended up getting lost! I would just bounce you two repeatedly! ...If I had my pogo.

Nightshade: We don't want to really fight.

Pogo Zombie: Bleh! I would've gotten my sales right now! Guess it was my fault for the most part about this.

Apple Mortar: I was learning a bit more about gravity, but this guy pushed me and I got unaware, so it was a bit of my fault we end up here.

Pogo Zombie: About gravity? I just have a deal for you. If you two can bring back my lost pogo, I could say details. Only the two of you should do it!

Apple Mortar: I am in!

Nightshade: *sighs* Fine.

(Both Apple Mortar and Nightshade start walking in deep the Breezy Jungle.)

Nightshade: I should've said no! I am f****** stupid!

Apple Mortar: You must learn your manners and this is for my sake of staying in the Plant Military Army! I don't want to fail in the bronze class!

Nightshade: So you just started. You are a weakling that wants to get stronger!

Apple Mortar: I started 6 months, okay? And the starting class is beginner! You do not know what is the army all about!

Nightshade: Oh look, two rockets.

Apple Mortar: One made of metal, one made of pinecones? We'll deal with that later, the pogo is what we need to find!

Nightshade: *wears purple shades* Then I'll try to be cool at this. Yeah!

Apple Mortar: Sure. I think we're walking too far, it seems like we're going outside the Breezy Jungle. I mean, look at the grass, it looks more of the plains!

Nightshade: ...You are so right. *slaps Apple Mortar* You led me here.

Apple Mortar: Ugh, time to turn back.

(After 2 minutes...)

Nightshade: Man, even with those cool purple glasses, I still see sh**.

Apple Mortar: I swear to myself, that's the second word I have no clue what it is. I should catch up.

Nightshade: You do not know how I, as part of the shadow family, tend to swear mostly, except Moonflower!

Apple Mortar: Okay, you're referring to "swear" differently! We should not start an argument!

Nightshade: It already happened, mate.

Apple Mortar: *sighs heavily* This should not be worse. *climbs up a vine*

Nightshade: Vine nightmares...but this one's a legit vine!

Apple Mortar: I think we're exploring the entire thing. Look, that's no normal vine! Aren't you Magic Vine?

Magic Vine: Can't recognize me? Just climb up to see where to go next! Not only can magic be seen, a light may guide you! But that's a 50% chance!

Nightshade: *climbs up* There's nothing. What sh**** luck!

Apple Mortar: Stop it.

Nightshade: That's no ordinary tile. *steps on it, revealing more metal tiles* Nothing special!

Apple Mortar: Then what's with the triangular tiles?

Apple Mortar: Totally no forest fires.

Nightshade: This is a jungle for f***'s sake!!!

Apple Mortar: Do not let me fire an apple core at you this time!

Nightshade: Can shades be faded? We can't let the moon down!

Apple Mortar: Sounds something to fire shots on.

(Both are tired and are resting near a tree...)

Apple Mortar: The fact this adventure was fun surprised me.

Nightshade: I think I know what it feels like to be with a non-shadow plant. My life is almost complete!

Apple Mortar: Say that yourself. We should take a break before finding tha- *gets hit by a falling apple*

Nightshade: An apple getting hit by an apple. Apple-ception! I like it when stuff like that happens to the best of life!

Apple Mortar: Hmm...thinking about it twice, wonder why we fall? Gravity. But what's deep on it? Is it some kind of force? Ooh, I'm getting refreshed after that!

Nightshade: You can't be crazy. *looks above*  There goes the pogo.

Apple Mortar: That took a while! Back to that zombie!

Nightshade: Better let us not waste our time.

Apple Mortar: Get it going!

Pogo Zombie: You got it... *gets it* ...Fooled you all! Quick! *bounces way too fast to the exit*

Nightshade: NOT FAIR!

Apple Mortar: Hmph! We'll get you instead!

(The two starts chasing Pogo Zombie to the exit of Breezy Jungle, into the plains...)

Pogo Zombie: Chase in the night, took 5 hours, finally freedom!

Nightshade: *fires a purple leaf at Pogo Zombie only to miss* Shoot. I only have 1 left!

Apple Mortar: Loading up cores in the spot!

Pogo Zombie: Oh, you're too slow! *passes by a bubble* Okay, why are bubbles not attracted by the law of universal gravitation?

Apple Mortar: ...What law? *stops chasing*

Nightshade: Enough of that, now there's also graves! Zombies are about to spawn from there!

(The graves are spawning zombies...)

Apple Mortar: Fire the whore! I mean, that's really out of place. Really should not think fast, not even slowly! *launches apple cores at every gravestone*

Nightshade: I'm saving my last purple leaf, I'll continue the chase!

???: Or can we help per usual?

Nightshade: *gasps* Moonflower!

Moonflower: The rest didn't care, but I had to find you as soon as possible! *boosts Nightshade* I wanted more teamwork, but the same reason is to be said!

Nightshade: Thanks for the boost! Apple Mortar, you should chase that pogo guy!

Moonflower: And follow the tracks of the bubbles, Bubble Flower is trying to lead you the right way!

Apple Mortar: Alright, be there! *stops attacking and continues chasing Pogo Zombie*

Pogo Zombie: I think they lost track. *sees Apple Mortar still chasing* Oh darn!

Apple Mortar: Tell me that law, NOW! *launches an apple core and stuns Pogo Zombie*

Pogo Zombie: Ugh, fine. That law of universal gravitation is from Isaac Blewton, a specific plant who was a human before! ...I'm not kidding, but he's already dead. "Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points!" That's one line I can say!

Apple Mortar: *takes notes* You were helpful after all. *launches another apple core at Pogo Zombie* That's all, stay there. *moves on*

(After 10 minutes...)

Bubble Flower: Apple Mortar!

Apple Mortar: Bubble Flower! Thanks for the bubble guide!

Bubble Flower: The other 3 shadow plants went bored and left. It's just their own.

Apple Mortar: I didn't really learn what's gravity in the adventure. So, your turn!

Bubble Flower Let me talk in words. Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental interactions of nature, if you look that up. It is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass are brought toward one another, including planets, stars and galaxies. Everything is under the influence of this nature! Every planetary body is surrounded by its own gravitational field, so we can't just float forever unless you're a bubble or something like that! What's more...

(This took 30 minutes to explain the whole thing, but they're basically repeating basic words.)

Apple Mortar: *sarcastically* Thanks, I'll go home now. Really helped.

Bubble Flower: (I'm surprised!) You're making me blush, I'm grateful for that!

Apple Mortar: (Idea. I can just look at the surroundings and look at them by myself!)

(As for the shadow plants...)

Dusk Lobber: Expected as much! Really should've...

Nightshade: *slaps everyone* Just gravity. Nothing else.

Grimrose: Nothing interesting but normal gravestones for zombie info, from what I can tell.

Shadow-shroom: That's thik!

Moonflower: You mean "sick".

Nightshade: *takes off purple shades* It was good while it lasted! His cores apply gravity but I don't. I should be the one to blame in the first place! *sweatdrop as the enjoyment dies out* ...Let this end.

- End of fiction -


  • Before this blog got rewritten, the user had to make an April Fools joke to get the heck of it. There are parts that are even missing.
    • There was supposed to be a "poster sketch" for this, making a sign for the user to do the same on all Premium Seeds fictions.
    • This fiction lacked a timeline section and there should be one.
    • The part where Apple Mortar was about to get pushed in the big bubble by Nightshade wasn't supposed to be in slow motion and with the "To be continued" part.
    • The "end bonus" was supposed to not exist. Even then, Peashooter wasn't supposed to not appear in this blog.
    • It would be impossible for the user to make another fiction after one fiction of hers was fully released yesterday.
  • Despite the above trivia, this is also a preview for the upcoming full and proper version of this fiction.
  • The title of the fiction is a wordplay between "Apple", a popular fruit, and "Application of Gravity", which is a phrase.
  • "Dandrump" in the temporary end bonus is another term for Dandelion and the current America president, Donald Trump, but this term only applies to Dusk Lobber as all other plants don't believe in it. However, this end bonus is now removed.
  • The name Isaac Blewton is a wordplay of Isaac Newton and "blew".

Quick Poll

<poll>How does the cover art look? Looks pretty good, more like perfect!  Nice but you could improve a bit of it!  On average!  This looks dumb.  I think you should never do this again. The worst idea ever!  I think I'm dumb enough to not know what a "cover art" is. </poll>

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Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27