User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest Fiction (Premium Seeds Saga): The Four's Unto It

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Time for a twist in this Premium Seeds fiction. Yup, I said it. Fairy27 here for another EQ fiction, “The Four’s Unto It”!


This occurs at the same date as ‘’Pirate Seas Skirmish!’’ did.


‘’Missile Toe, Parsnip, Power Lily and Hot Date are suggested to live together for a week. The fourth day will be a tough one, since three out of four of them have their different schedules on that very day. Parsnip has to cut ribbons for a request, Power Lily has to visit children, and Hot Date has a planned date. Missile Toe on the other hand, wants them to be together...with a force. How will she do that?’’


(The fiction starts in a room with an air conditioner. Four plants are waiting, and an Intensive Carrot walks in the door.)

Intensive Carrot: Missile Toe, Parsnip, Power Lily and Hot Date. My suggestion? Hang out with each other, for a week!

Parsnip: Hang out with…and I just snapped it out! Snap!

Missile Toe: M-May I ask…w-why?

Intensive Carrot: I mean, your problems. Missile Toe stutters too often…

(Screen turns white and it visually shows Missile Toe walking along the streets after a few seconds. She meets some plants.)

Missile Toe: H-hi everyone…

Gold Magnet: The weakest “hi” I’ve been. Grab some gold, would ‘ya? Then feeling rich would be good!

Missile Toe: I’m not g-greedy!

(The screen turns back to the room.)

Intensive Carrot: Gold Magnet told me on that, and besides, you have Power Lily on the crew, who also has problems.

Power Lily: Me having problems?

(Screen turns white, and it visually shows Power Lily teaching the saplings how to be safe.)

Power Lily: Now, the most important thing is-

Sap-fling: To cause fire! *throws the candle to a house*

Power Lily: What did you do?! You just burnt a house! That won’t help you!

(The police enter the scene, and proceeds to arrest Power Lily)

Sap-fling: Bye, have fun in the jail for some time! *wink* And I told them that you did it.

(Screen turns back to the room)

Power Lily: Oh yeah, I need to teach more than just a lackluster one.

Intensive Carrot: The police told me. Next, Parsnip’s problem!

(Screen turns white, then it shows Parsnip on a factory…)

Parsnip: May I help you?

Metal Petal: Sure! Just don’t do anything with the red wires.

(Seconds later…)

Parnsip: Heh… *snips all wires then flees*

(Emergency sirens! The factory soon explodes, then the screen turns back to the room.)


Hot Date: Don’t talk about mine, it’s about dating problems, right? *wink*

Intensive Carrot: Obviously, due to Fire Peashooter no longer…you know.

(Missile Toe, Parsnip, Hot Date and Power Lily look at each other. Screen switches to the park, as they are still wondering how the four of them will work out.)

Power Lily: Why would I care for adults this deeply again?

Parsnip: Why would I want to snip a toe, a petal and a date?

Hot Date: Why would I try to date any of you?

Missile Toe: *rolls eyes* Am I the only one who thinks this is b-beneficial?

Power Lily: I partially do but we all have something to do. Like, we all have a schedule. Day 4 of this bonding, I can’t be here.

Parsnip and Hot Date: Same!

Missile Toe: Mine is at Day 5…I’m o-out of place…

Power Lily: Maybe you can wait, okay?

Missile Toe: No! I feel like I need t-to learn and m-mingle…and make friends!

Hot Date: Get a date, that’s what I’d suggest.

Power Lily: Hot Date…

Hot Date: Oh, fine.

Parsnip: Hey! We all have to fix our problems! Snap! *was about to snip a fountain of all things* Can’t do it to that!

Hot Date: …Oh you. Doing too much on the pirate ships, too! Parsnip: You can’t say you pirate that ship!

Hot Date: … *goes silent*

Power Lily: One thing we learned, Hot Date hates puns, which I also…hate.

Missile Toe: We can start by t-talking to e-each other!

Power Lily: Oh yeah! In different days, too!

(Day 2 and 3 were all conversations and nothing else. But on day 4…)

Missile Toe: *waiting in the park, bored* I forgot everyone else is busy… *shivers* N-Now what do I do…? *shakes head after getting that worried* I can’t sit here and d-do nothing! Th-there has to be a way, at l-least go for “level 2” of the bond! *walks out of the park and starts doing action*

(In a restaurant…)

Parsnip: *cutting many ribbons* What’s with these have to do with a restaurant?

Cattail: It’s necessary! It’s for a grand opening of the restaurant!!!

Parsnip: This is one moment I don’t want to snip. Snap!

Cattail: Oh, and you’re not the only one here doing a job. Tee-hee!

Power Lily: This is not the time and place to roam around, Puff-shroom!

Puff-shroom: I need food! I’m hungry! Not like a fight will solve it.

Cattail: (What I’ve thought of is working. Something to be amused for once!)

Parsnip: *still cutting ribbons* (Is this for confetti? Yuck, they stink.)

(Mini-bell rings.)

Cattail: What? I invite no other visitors. Get out.

(Outside the restaurant…)

Missile Toe: Never knew she would be this harsh on a season. *launches snowballs, freezing the entire restaurant except what’s inside* Alright, what should be done… *tackling the entrance hard, but ended up injuring herself*

Cattail: What the? *shakes head* Oh, hi!

(12 seconds later…)

Parsnip: When things go harsh for you, damn….Snap!

Power Lily: So you ALWAYS do that when a friend of yours is in trouble? You don’t trust anybody but that friend?

Missile Toe: Yes.

(Scene quickly shows Cattail being frozen along with the restaurant itself, then goes back to the three plants walking on the streets. Something is in front of them without noticing.)

Parsnip: *rolls eyes* That’s one giant zombie…

Power Lily: The Giga Gargantuar? Definitely- *almost gets smashed*

Parsnip: Worst part? Look! An outside date by you-know who! *snipping sounds*

Hot Date: *wink* It’s already dark, care to let me take you to my house, darling?

Ghost Pepper: Ahem. I prefer to be outside in the dark. And you’re dumbfounded, I’m leaving. *floats away*

Hot Date: No wait! I have something! Waaaiiit!!! *looks around*

Missile Toe: No time, we have a Gargantuar that’s about to smash Suburbia. A Giga one.

Hot Date: A Giga… *Screams then steps back*

Giga Gargantuar: Orders are orders! *smashing some buildings*

Missile Toe: Oh no, you don’t. We work t-together this time around! *charging a snowball*

Power Lily: I can speed up that progress! *creates a Plant Food*

Hot Date: You know, that thing cannot bite me.

Parsnip: What about this? *grins and rapidly snips the Giga Gargantuar but acts like nothing’s done* Oh snap!

Missile Toe: *uses the Plant Food* Send in, barrage of snowballs! *throws strong snowballs at the Giga Gargantuar*

Giga Gargantuar: Nothing stops with an upcoming invasion aside from myself! *about to crush everybody*

Hot Date: Eh, contributing. *burns the Giga Gargantuar*

Power Lily: I guess the three of you can continue- *sees the Giga Garagntuar fall in defeat*

Parsnip: That was awesome!

???: Ha! My trick worked in letting you all cooperate in a sense. *reveals himself* Of course, I’m Intensive Carrot.

Missile Toe: You were only…?!

Intensive Carrot: Yes! …Wait, I’m in a hurry. *drills away, leaving seed packets*

(Cricket sounds, with the four plants being confused)

Missile Toe: …A-At least our problems are gone, right? Not m-me but I think it’s n-normal. I d-don’t care anymore. *picks up the seed packets, giving them the rest*

(The rest leave out of confusion, but powered up)

Missile Toe: Guys… *sigh* Fine. *also uses the seed packets and leave like nothing happened*


  • Starting from this fiction, the Premium Seeds quest will be combined. The user has grown tired making this every week. However, fictions that are not part of the EQ series will be posted in random days.
    • The drawings will also not be added for many reasons. Laziness would count.
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Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27