User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest Fiction (Premium Seeds Saga): Rumors of Witch Hazel

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Previous Fiction: Apple-lication of Gravity

Next Fiction/s: Spikeweed Seeds! | Rock You Like a Hurrikale (Not out yet)

Don't ask why even though it's not Halloween. Blame the Premium Seeds sequence. Fairy27 here for the second fiction of the said saga, which is basically character blog fictions of Premium Plants. This one's Rumors of Witch Hazel!


This occurs the day after the Apple-lication of Gravity fiction timeline.


Any day can be scary, Halloween or not. In a dark, stormy night, saplings play along a dreaded land. They come ino the wrong place as the witch scares them off. However, the witch, known as Witch Hazel, has a soft side, unlike the rumors. Will the plants learn this soft side?


(One night of the next day, which is a stormy and dark one...)

Bloomerang: *appears from an Ancient Egypt portal* This is only temporary, and many saplings around. Delivery time, mates. *uses a skateboard nearby a wrecked house* One Easter-decorated Egg, coming right up to that plant.

(After a couple of minutes, when the doorbell's used...)

Zorrose: You were the delivery plant he meant. *cracks the easter-decorated egg* The special paintbrush. I'm not too drunk at the moment, but do you know that Strawburst, who just made a rumor I cannot trust this time?

Bloomerang: I'm surprised you are from the present time, and I know that plant quite little. What is this rumor you cannot trust, mate?

Zorrose: That rumor, well...

(The scene about Strawburst's latest rumor: It's about a mysterious witch that "vanquished" innocent plants in a night skies. Who's that witch, she's to be named Witch Hazel, living in a hut.)

Witch Hazel: *making something* This should work by that tiny blink. The zombies must be the allies against the magic rivalry by this point.

???: *knocking at the door* H-hello?

Witch Hazel: *opens* Yes?

???: C-can I stay here until the storm stops? I am c-cold-

Witch Hazel: Let her forced to be here. *summons mushrooms to make the unknown female plant bounce inside her house* I shall transform you! *turns her into a Puff-shroom* That Power Flower did not-

(The rumor talk gets interrupted by the thunder sound and the door broken.)

Zorrose: *sigh* Broken again. This is why I hate electricity a lot.

Bloomerang: I think I see someone. Reveal yourself! *at the same time, thinks about how bad the rumor could go*

???: Parties weren't that bad, but the storm definitely is! Strawburst am I and I seek shelter!

Bloomerang: *idea* Perfect timing.

Strawburst: It's about the Witch Hazel rumor, right? Hah, you must be so scared you wish it was not true! But it is! I saw it on my own eyes!

Zorrose: Show proof to that boomerang flower. I need to fix that door first. *burp* ...I lied about not really drinking to be drunk.

Bloomerang: Me? I need to go back to Ancient Egypt, but I can take time.

Strawburst: Fine, follow me to the north!

(The walk took 30 minutes to reach to a swamp with a hut on the middle.)

Strawburst: That's her house. Don't even! The size of it will matter! I need to go! *goes away*

Bloomerang: Hey! You didn't show proof! I'll just go on...

(Bloomerang walks to that hut, somewhat scared. There's way too many Puff-shrooms outside, playing in the dark, stormy night.)

Puff-shroom #432: Yay, someone to play with!

Bloomerang: I...hey! Stop it!

(All of the Puff-shrooms play with Bloomerang with joy, but the door opens with curiousity. The one who did it is obvious.)

Witch Hazel: What are you doing, little puffies?

Bloomerang: (Oh shoot, r-really?!)

Witch Hazel: ...Don't be afraid, flower. I mean no absolute harm. Why don't you sit in my hut that's serene? It's not scary despite the storm.

Bloomerang: ...Not scary at all. *sarcasm*

Witch Hazel: Oh! *gives a teacup for Bloomerang with tea on it* You could use it.

Bloomerang: *drinks it* You're not bad with this...taste. *still sarcastic*

Witch Hazel: Sigh, I wish I had actual children, not just Puff-shrooms. They're there to accompany me from Pumpkitch, my plant rival. I have a zombie rival, too, being Wizard Zombie.

Bloomerang: You can still get a husband while you're at it!

Witch Hazel: I had, but he died. I'm truly happy about it, he's really cruel at me. Look at me right now, I'm not like the one in the past. But it seems like I'm too old for children. The Puff-shrooms I create from magic really like me.

Bloomerang: Magic? Do you master magic immediately?

Witch Hazel: No. I had weak magic and tried hard to master it. Pumpkitch kept mocking me and accidentally made me master said magic. Now I'm on my way to transform targets into better mushrooms.

Bloomerang: I could help... (She isn't bad at all. So much for the sarcasm I made two times a while ago.)

Witch Hazel: This does not require an ally. I can do it myself. Don't worry.

Bloomerang: Uh, okay? Then...

Witch Hazel: Prepare yourself. Things aren't going the way it would look like. A disaster is about to come.

Bloomerang: Prepare... *remembers* Right! I need to get going, sorry if I need to do so in a rude way! *exits hurriedly, part of the door breaks*

Witch Hazel: No problem about that. *pulls out a magic book, only to drop some sort of seed packets of herself* What's this? Premium Seeds, about that powered tale? *touches all 100 of them, and feels stronger than before*

Puff-shroom #924: *blinks* What's that, mom?

Witch Hazel: I'm not a mother, but I can treat you that way, dear. *uses magic on a dummy and transforms into a stronger Puff-shroom* Let's see how this one lasts...

Puff-shroom #1001: I...I exist!

Witch Hazel: ...! This one's more lively! *thinks about the "Premium Seeds" as 100 Apple Mortar Premium Seeds drop out of another magic book* So the two magic books I bought are for them. I must seek for the other plant. 1001st Puffie, take care with the rest. *teleports*

(Bloomerang reaches where the Ancient Egypt portal is, but before that...)

Bloomerang: *stares at Strawburst* Last sentence of mine today here: Your rumor is a lie, mate. *enters portal, which closes*

Strawburst: WHAT?! Then those kids will still...

Witch Hazel: *appears in front of Strawburst* You're the one who tried to scare children away. You shall pay.

Strawburst: I...I said nothing!

(From the background, Apple Mortar walks back to his house after writing down another note, then sees the situation.)

Apple Mortar: Did I hear it correctly? The rumor was a lie?!

Witch Hazel: Yes. I never cause harm unless it's an accident or a rival of mine. Also, you must be Apple Mortar. Take these, it'll make you stronger. *gives Apple Mortar 100 Premium Seeds of himself*

Apple Mortar: *touches all of them, feeling stronger than before* I feel powered up, but permanent! *fires apple cores at both Strawburst and Witch Hazel, which deals 2.5 NDS, and that's stronger than before*  How's it?

Witch Hazel: I've been hurt with this once, now twice but stronger. It makes us...level up.

Strawburst: Level up? Gah, I must find my Premium Seeds! Must be back! *runs away for them, unaware of other plants overhearing the rumor is a lie and chase him*

(Apple Mortar and Witch Hazel giggle at each other.)

Witch Hazel: You remind me of my husband who passed away, before his personality changed. That Premium Seeds was my purpose, I shall go back. I finally learned what is the mystery all about.

Apple Mortar: I don't know you well, but we will meet again!

(Witch Hazel teleports back.)

(At the hut...)

Witch Hazel: I'm back, puffies.

All of the Puff-shroom (Except the main one, obviously): Mommy! Can we play?

Witch Hazel: At any time, dear puffies, then story time. In a way, I do have children, and in a family. But now my magic will be put to a PvZ war in the future. I shall train harder. *makes her hut glow* Then my puffies can experience my test soon as it is marked.

(Meanwhile, in Zorrose's house...)

Zorrose: *heavily sighs, then burps* Making the door look right takes forever, longer than finding puzzle pieces to power up! *burps again* Ugh, then again puzzle pieces are quite easy to spot.


  • This is the third consecutive time a blog fiction is split into to parts in terms of editing to make it complete. The first two are Another Attempt at Gem Jam and Apple-lication of Gravity.
  • While Witch Hazel and Apple Mortar use the Premium Seeds to power up (AKA level up), Zorrose uses puzzle pieces to do the same. This references the Plant Leveling System of both the International and Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2, the former requiring seed packets, while the latter requiring puzzle pieces.
    • In fact, both plants use 100 of them, which is the reward of their Premium Seeds Epic Quests.
    • Zorrose mentioning puzzle pieces are easy to find is because PvZ2 Chinese version is an MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) game and most of the rewards are puzzle pieces.
  • This fiction shows the fact Witch Hazel is partially based on Rosalina, a character from the Mario franchise. The part of it is how Witch Hazel treats the Puff-shrooms as her children, like how Rosalina treats the Lumas as the same thing.
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Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27