User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest Fiction (Modern Lives Section): Beghouled Blitz

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Nice to note, I have an actual schedule for this fiction series now. It's every Saturday, but on late nights in my timezone. I also need to update all the other section blogs, though -_-. Fairy27 here for the 5th installment of the Epic Quest series, Beghouled Blitz! At least I played Bejeweled Blitz quite a while lately.


A game competition that only Electric Currant received as an Epic Quest. He must strive for victory and claim the gold! However, a tournament for a first-timer isn't easy with the known gamers for him being the 123rd Sunflower, Arcade Zombie, and Barrel Roller Zombie. Will he take the victory?


(The fiction starts in the Ti-)

Electric Currant: Shut up for nowzzz, imaginary talker! *stares in front of the screen* I need to figure out why is this house called the Timely House at first!

Aloe: In reality, that's a placeholder name. Nobody knows what this house is from, but it is special. They say it's from the family of...well, the said house name.

Gold Bloom: Shouldn't we go out by now?

Aloe: Right, but Electric Currant will have to complete his Epic Quest. Ours is just normal ones.

Electric Currant: Zap! It's a game tournament! I have never played the Beghouled game series even, so I'm going all-out blind! ...Almost. I played Beghouled Blitz once!

Gold Bloom: You'll be fine! You said you need money and that's the competition to go!

Electric Currant: I'll make you both proud if I winzzz? In! Going out!

Aloe: The area where it'll hold place is at least not far from here. Good luck!

(Ocean Kale Arcade, or the OK Arcade for short)

(Electric Currant has signed in for the game tournament, and is about to practice before 30 minutes pass)

Electric Currant: Bzzt! Looks like I have to use electricity to use the controls! *sees a Sunflower beside him* And already, it won't be that easy to win!

Sunflower #123: *wearing red goggles, but has the normal Sunflower appearance aside from that* I'm definitely going to win! Even that winner from the first one!

Electric Currant: (Szzzecond time this tournament is held or after that? I better not make a conversation for now!)

Sunflower #123: *looks at Electric Currant for a bit* A noob here? (Who knows, he might impress me! Then again, I love anyone who's electrical! I don't know why!) No problem! Unlike that arcade geek on my other side!

Arcade Zombie: You said? I'll make you regret that, I swear! After this guy will be stopped, too!

Barrel Roller Zombie: What?! I'll roll your face after I beat you!

Sunflower #123: Both of you will be beaten! I am the best plant player here! Aside from the champion first year!

Barrel Roller Zombie: This is the second time this tournament will be held, why would you say that now to your face?

Arcade Zombie: I am the best overall! Fights aren't my type, but games are!

(The trio began to argue)

Electric Currant: (My fazzze or face has started this, sigh!)

(30 minutes later, all contestants are in the waiting area)

Hurrikale: Welcome to the 2nd Beghouled Blitz Tournament! Cheers from the crowd, I'm Hurrikale, the owner of the Ocean Kale Arcade! First, we get into the rules...

(40 boring minutes later...)

Hurrikale: ...And that was the- *sees majority of the audience plants and zombies sleeping* HEY! *sighs* Looks like the opening will be next... The list of contestants are here on the clear screen behind me! *shows them* Plants will face each other, same for zombies each other. Both sides will be held at the same time for the usual 1 minute. That is, until the Finals and the Champion Defense round! *shuffles the contestants* And here you go, time to go on stage!

Electric Currant: Against Dandelion as my opponent and I'm first! Zzzt!

Sunflower #123: My battle is going last! Yeah!

Arcade Zombie: Nothing will beat my skills against a mere zombie opponent I'll face! I'm going first against Jurassic Imp!

Barrel Roller Zombie: Says the one who gets his butt kicked by said Imp in an actual fight! Rolling over that would be nice!

Sunflower #123: Says the one who literally cannot roll a barrel for an hour as promised!

Electric Currant: This arguement is killing me, zap! Augh!

(The first few contestants enter the stage for their battle)

Hurrikale: On the plants side, we got Electric Currant vs. Dandelion! On the zombies side, we got Arcade Zombie vs. Jurassic Imp! Who'll make it to Round 2? You got 1 minute, go!

Electric Currant: No using boosts feels borzzzing! Ack, this zapping sound is also killing me! *makes a Peashooter match of 4, creating a "Flame Plant"* On a Peashooter, eh? More like a Fire Peashooter now!

Dandelion: Mix and match! Mix and match! *makes a Puff-shroom match of 5, making a Hyper-Cubical Plant* Match to the Puff-shroom! *uses said Gem Plant to destroy all Puff-shrooms on the field*

Electric Currant: I better be zzzerious!

Arcade Zombie: Coin Plant matched! *makes a Cabbage-pult match of 3 with said Coin Plant*

Jurassic Imp: Let's get going!!!

(After the timer is out)

Hurrikale: Electric Currant and Arcade Zombie win!

Electric Currant: Close one!

Dandelion: On the plus side, it shows proof that first-timers don't get lucky! Unless he's also a first-timer, then so much for that!

Arcade Zombie: 1,000,000 points out of your 100,000. Get good.

Jurassic Imp: *Too salty to speak and runs away*

(Last round batch for Round 1: Sunflower #123 vs. Power Lily and Barrel Roller Zombie vs. Ra Zombie)

Sunflower #123: Blazing Speed is on! *makes so many matches on that period* I'll domi-

Hurrikale: Time out, so as the arcades say! Sunflower #123 wins! *looks at the zombies bracket* Barrel Roller Zombie also wins!

Ra Zombie: Good game, ra.

Barrel Roller Zombie: At least you're not a jerk!

Power Lily: I tried...


Hurrikale: It's on! Whoever loses will get 5,000 coins, but whoever wins get to go to the Finals! Electric Currant vs. Sunflower #123, and Arcade Zombie vs. Barrel Roller Zombie!

Sunflower #123: I can't believe he made it this far! He did make me interested!

Electric Currant: Bzzt! Don't start a "vocal war" here!

Arcade Zombie: This very moment, I'll take it!

Barrel Roller Zombie: You are just plain talk. Get over it.

Hurrikale: One minute, GO!

Sunflower #123: *matches so much that the Ignition Meter is already half-way for her* Focus on that!

Electric Currant: That fast! Ack, I better make a comeback! *makes a Lightning Reed match of 5, creating a Hyper-Cubical Plant* And match! *uses it on Puff-shrooms, destroying them, and makes another match of 5 in return* I have made a Hyper-Cubical-ception! *said "ception" is stopped* Or not, zap!

Sunflower #123: Almost at Blazing Speed...come on! Then it would be fun!

Arcade Zombie: *makes a Peashooter match of 4, creating a Starfruit Plant* Starry match we go!

Barrel Roller Zombie: OH COME ON! You are dominating already?! If only Rare Plants can be used...

Arcade Zombie: Not allowed per rules!

Electric Currant: Multi-peater Plant will be good right about nowzzz! *uses a Flame Plant to match, making an explosion* And I'm not that far now!

Sunflower #123: You just caught up, look at my screen! Blazing Speed activates! *makes crazy matches*

Electric Currant: *uses the Multi-Peater Plants to multiply his score, catching up*

Barrel Roller Zombie: *uses one Hyper-Cubical Plant to get rid of Peashooters* Yeah! ...Oh no! The timer!

Hurrikale: Time out! The ones who'll be at the Finals... *reveals results* ...Are Sunflower #123 and Arcade Zombie!

Electric Currant and Barrel Roller Zombie: AW MAN!

Electric Currant: Thinking aboutzzz it, not surprised! But I hoped for it, and I get no penalties! (Except Aloe won't be that happy.)

Barrel Roller Zombie: But I wanted to battle...ugh!

Arcade Zombie: Too bad, my 2,000,000 points will refuse that offer. And it did!

Sunflower #123: I am impressed by the performance! Being a noob going to an expert already!

Electric Currant: I am zzzt- Err, surprised myself! I had fun, and I'll take the 5,000 coins!

Sunflower #123: We don't talk much... *blushes* Oh! Blushing is normal for me! I'll be preparing myself now, you can watch my performance in the meantime!

(Finals, Sunflower #123 vs. Arcade Zombie)

Hurrikale: And Arcade Zombie wins with a close lead!

Sunflower #123: Sigh, you won! Looks like you'll be facing that plant. You can troll me all you want, but I'll regain my gaming powers!

Arcade Zombie: It's all thanks to my won't fall down!

(Champion Defense round)

Threepeater: *all heads together* Gaming expert!

Hurrikale: The champion vs. Arcade Zombie! GO!

(After 1 minute)

Hurrikale: We have a NEW champion, Arcade Zombie takes it!

Threepeater Right Head: We confess...leftie, did you turn off the Cheat Chip again? Or, you normally cheated?

Threepeater Left Head: I wanted to do the latter! Err..about the Cheat Chip, it was retrieved back.

Threepeater Middle Head: SAY WHAT? You always cheat!

Arcade Zombie: I take the throne now! Face it! This improvement will help our defenses! ...It should be.

Hurrikale: This ends the tournament! See you in 3 years for the 3rd one!

(Electric Currant goes back, meeting Aloe and Gold Bloom again, who are worried)

Electric Currant: I... *Travel Log is on the Alarming State* Wait, what is this danger, zzt?!

Gold Bloom: You played fair, that's the thing. But take a look!

Aloe: The quest adventure will's the starting point of the expert experiences!

Gold Bloom: 5 quests on your part won't be enough!

Electric Currant: The consalation prize of 5,000 coins should helpzzzt, right?

Aloe: Potentially, keep it for now.

- End of Fiction Blog -


  • The Beghouled Blitz gameplay in this fiction is the actual Bejeweled Blitz and the PvZ Beghouled combined.
  • Some of the special gems are plants in this fiction.
    • Multiplier Gem is referred as "Multi-Peater Plant", with the shape of a Threepeater.
    • Flame Gem is referred as "Flame Plant", with the appearance of a flaming random plant, commonly a Peashooter.
    • Hypercube is referred as "Hyper-Cubical Plant", with a prism-like appearance of a sprout.
    • Star Gem is referred as "Starfruit Plant", with the shape of a Starfruit.
    • Coin Gem is referred as "Coin Plant", with the shape of a Marigold.
    • Rare Gem is referred as "Rare Plant", but is not featured due to the rule of no using them.
  • Electric Currant breaks the 4th wall at the beginning of the fiction, by complaining why is the house called the "Timely House" at the screen. However, the name is a placeholder, as told by Aloe, because the true name was never known.
  • The ending marks the start of the Mission Expansion Section (Might be a Saga later on).
  • Hurrikale is the owner of the arcade due to the name of said arcade, which is the Ocean Kale Arcade, or OK Arcade for short.
    • This, however, was originally going to be a secret, with Blover replacing him, since he is not known to be a gamer.
  • This is the second time Aloe's frying pan never appeared. The first is the Gem Jam fiction.
  • Sunflower #123 is forshadowed to be Solar Flare in the future, being a gamer and wearing the red goggles.
  • Sunflower #123's first opponent was originally Jalapeno, but due to Mexican text issues and how Google Translate does not translate the proper grammar, it was changed to Power Lily. Someone, recommend me a better translator, please.
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Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27