User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest fiction (Modern Lives Section): Another Attempt at Gem Jam

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Still need to do this first before the Premium Seeds one. Sigh. Fairy27 here for all the remaining Gem Jams combined fiction, Another Attempt at Gem Jam!


This fiction occurs after the entire Expansion Expert Saga, but before the events of all other PvZ games that occured before Plants vs. Zombies 2.


For Escape Root, the first Gem Jam ended up in a failure. However, he set things up this time in a simple way. Aloe, Gold Bloom and Electric Currant test this, in a chase for 125 gems total. Will they succeed?


(The fiction starts the Epic Quest Trio inside the car, going to the Seedsation Street.)

Power Lily: Being a driver and have some plants with me. Oh, how it feels like to use a Plant Taxi!

Gold Bloom: This is our first time riding this...eek!

Electric Currant: Not as shocking I thoughtzzzt, but the cold in something full of leaves! This is natural, I'm sure of it!

Aloe: Feels relaxing after a long adventure and many revealations. We deserve this kind of break! Power Lily is taking us to a resort!

Gold Bloom: Maybe a bit of vocal music works better.

Aloe: *hums Zombies on Your Lawn*

(3 hours later...)

Power Lily: We're here! Seedsation Street! Not in a resort, you're just invited to a plant obstacle course!

Electric Currant: Say what, zap?

Escape Root: Hello, it's me! Got that surprise at you! I know you never signed up for this, but this course is more of a "beta". The name is, of course, Gem Jam!

Gold Bloom: Eh? What's an obstacle course?

Escape Root: You know, getting past obstacles and courses to win a big prize. Being in a team is so common nowadays. How about a solo one? Brings the old times! The gem prize is 125, sure, but I'll improve it if possible! Don't want another failure, so this is now plant-exclusive!

Aloe: Trying to not mess up, I see now. I get another attempt at this!

Power Lily: I know I'm more of a co-host, but you're set for this?

Escape Root: Hours ago! Let's get riiight...into what we should do! Wait, better call in the others.

- Course #1: Bowl Over the Sand -

Escape Root: You think this is simple bowling! Nope, you're using bulbs, not from the Bowling Bulb, but replica ones. Bowl over appearing weasels, but target that moving pin out of 10! Every contestant's on separate sections in this! You only have 2 minutes!

Gold Bloom: *gulp* I should've n-not...but I need to try.

Aloe: Bowling...this will be tough.

Electric Currant: I like thizzt sporzzztz! This shall be fun to me! Zap!

Escape Root: Ready? BEGIN!

Aloe: *throws 2 bulbs, but gets gutter ball on both* Really.

Gold Bloom: Heavy and light, light to go! *throws one bulb, pops 1 weasel but misses the moving pin* That feels cheating a-already! *throws another one, hits the moving pin* Yay! I'm in!

Power Lily: Only 10 seconds, not bad.

Escape Root: We already have our first contestant hitting the moving pin and good to go! Enter the teleporter nearby!

Electric Currant: Are you serious, zap? *throws 2 bulbs by now, hitting 10 weasels* Points.

Power Lily: Let's see how the other contestants do.

(On other sections, time passes by...)

Starfruit: I think I made a bad choice joining this! Ahhh! No wait, can't get crazy! *hits the moving pin* Into the next part!

Squash: Oh this is unfair!!! I need to squash because of this!

Aloe: Keep getting gutters... *finally hits the moving pin* I'm moving!

Electric Currant: So many weasels are blocking, zzzt! *keeps hitting them* Points are worthless in this one and it's annoying!

Escape Root: It's getting longer and there's only 20 seconds to spare! Will the others make it?

(By the last second...)

Aloe: *bulb hits the moving pin and a weasel* Got it!

Squash: YES. Win! *hits the moving pin and 3 weasels in one bulb*

Escape Root: Time's up! All who didn't get to hit the moving pin with the bulb, it's game over!

Electric Currant: I DIDN'T EVEN...zap! I'll leave this and spectate, then!

Gold Bloom: Yeah! I ain't afraid of being alone since that long adventure!

(Suddenly, CRASH!)

Power Lily: We got a problem! A horde of Gargantuars just appeared!

Deep Sea Gargantuar: Aquatic smash!

Wild West Gargantuar: You are no match of us Gargantuars! Those plants in the course are trapped so you can't send them here!

Escape Root: The two of us, in a fight against eleven Gargantuars. Eleven.

Power Lily: *counts* Only ten.

(Back at the course...)

Modern Gargantuar: Must smash this!!!

Aloe: Excuse me, you're outnumbered.

(Screen shows the Modern Gargantuar surrounded by...five plants. The rest are scared, or don't want to come close.)

Modern Gargantuar: Five will do for smash! Must destroy to pieces!

Aloe: I'll stay back. I can't even attack!

Gold Bloom: Gee, we're all together but Electric Currant who is forced to the exit.

Starfruit: Better if I had more teeth and a hoverboard! ...I left the hoverboard I stole from Blover the entire time.

Gold Bloom: Blover had a hoverboard! Cool if we seen it when we were in the future!

Starfruit: Ruined it! Just needed a rocket.

Squash: I'll just straight up squash you!!! *squashes the Modern Gargantuar's head*

Sweet Pea: You know I'm here to participate and not fight, right? *attacks with rainbows anyways*

Gold Bloom: Forgot you existed.

Sweet Pea: Then you're not sweet at all! You hurt my feelings! *gets squished by the Modern Gargantuar*

Modern Gargantuar: Warned you! Smash!!!

Aloe: *heals Sweet Pea* That heal should make you feel better.

Sweet Pea: Aw, thanks!

Starfruit: Fine, I'll finish him off. *shoots stars like crazy after eating a stored Plant Food at the Modern Gargantuar, which falls in defeat*

Power Lily: *gives one Plant Food* Here!

(The Gargantuars keep smashing Escape Root.)

Escape Root: Stop smashing me like a flat pie!

Mummified Gargantuar: Be buried into the sand and the dreadful pyramid like what I did!

Gargantuar Pirate: Walk in the plank outside!

Rodeo Gargantuar: Abused by candy and my rodeo!

Sloth Gargantuar: Get these Yeti Imps to itch you so much!

Porter Gargantuar: Discover how death feels for you when you're surrounded by us!


Dark Ages Gargantuar: Get embarrased like how I did by people!

Hair Metal Gargantuar: Play the chords for me!

Jurassic Gargantuar: I'll break logic from you, I even learn English!

Deep Sea Gargantuar: Can you drown by the 10 of us?

Escape Root: All of you talk too much! *eats a Plant Food and spawns 2 Grapeshots that explode* Get out of here!

(The Gargs are thrown out to the course after the explosion.)

Escape Root: Now stop slacking around, contestants who are still here!

Cabbage-pult: No longer afraid. Celebrate cabbages right here! And!

All contestants: GET THEM!

(All Gargs are beaten up to get vanquished.)

Aloe: That felt refreshing after saying that aloud.

Gold Bloom: When we're all together. It's like from before!

(All who failed course #1 return back.)

Electric Currant: Zzzt, is it over?

Escape Root: *appears in front of the contestants* Oh no! The whole obstacle course is ruined because of them! *sigh* This needs to fix, it'll rise again someday!

Power Lily: The second course is broken, so you can't continue. However, this will be a reset so all who failed can try again!

Electric Currant: Zap! Yes!

Gold Bloom: Better practice bowling!

Aloe: We can agree with that. Except...what now? Do the normal quests, of course! Let's do this!


  • This fiction has multiple "firsts".
    • This is the first fiction that requires the user to separate this into "parts" in the sense where upon the making it is incomplete, and continue the next time around. The reason in this fiction is that the user lacked time to type the entire thing in one night.
    • This is the first fiction that has the timeline section, which needs to be present to prevent confusion when does the fiction take place in the user's headcanon. 
    • This is the first fiction that occurs after the Expansion Expert Saga.
    • This is the first fiction that is based on two Epic Quests, which are Gem Jam 3 (First course having bulbs, for a certain step) and Gem Jam 4 (Gargs appearing).
  • Gold Bloom stating that she forgot who Sweet Pea is relates to certain players forgetting Plants vs. Zombies Adventures and most plants in it. Sweet Pea is one of those PvZ Adventures plants.
  • This was originally going to have an RP counterpart, but this got scrapped.
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Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27