User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest Fan Fiction - Gem Jam

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The adventure goes into...gem jamming?! Or is it a hunt for gems? Fairy27 here, and gonna make it carefully, well, hopefully, for the second Epic Quest Fan Fiction, Gem Jam.


For gem grabbers, a set of challenges would do. Aloe and Kiwibeast are interested, as if the gems may be useful in the future. Then again, Escape Root's course set contains Sudden Death (staying too long or failing a challenge will let it activate). Will the duo make it alive?


(Aloe may have consider about going back to his time and did it, with Kiwibeast now on his side, in Lost City times, last time. The present time having just modern technology, characters being lazy, and all related stuff in the PvZ world, just like in real life?)

Aloe: Do the plants and zombies feel tired about this modern world? I mean, laziness, technology, no more cooperation, used to it a lot.

Kiwibeast: Was it always like this?

Aloe: Yes! Not throughout history though.

Kiwibeast: What will you do now?

Aloe: Eh, gonna go t-

A crowd of plants and zombies: START THE SET! START THE SET! *more like chanting*

???: 3, 2, 1...ENTER!

Aloe: Away from the road!

(When Aloe and Kiwibeast step away from the road, the crowd started to run through the road)

Crowd of plants and zombies: ALL FOR ONE OF US!

Aloe: What was that for?

Kiwibeast: And who is this?! *goes near ???*

???: What did I, Escape Root, do to you? Nothing! This is a race to those who can get the treasure first!

Aloe and Kiwibeast: What treasure?!

Escape Root: Get that "treasure" from this challenge set to know about it! It may be a delight for you.

Kiwibeast: I don't trust you.

Escape Root: Chill! This challenge set has 6 courses! One involving flipping panels with good memory, one involving passing through the sticky ground, one involving falling objects, one involving freezing wind, one involving passing through rolling stuff, and one that I won't tell a hint!

Aloe: Alright, seems simple. We'll participate.

Kiwibeast: Wait, what?!

Escape Root: With that, go! Be warned because deaths are common!

Aloe: Whatever you say.

(Both take on. First challenge requires good memory, flipping panels until all of them are broken through matching their symbols.)

Newspaper Zombie: Pretty sure I got this right. *flips a panel but does not match the other flipped panel* This is my 3rd strike... *suddenly explodes himself after committing 3 strikes*

Aloe: Oh, geez.

Kiwibeast: *looks on a tree, the wood has writings* "Commit 3 failing attempts, or as what I call 'strikes', from this challenge or you die from sudden explosion. Sudden death!"

Aloe: This has to be "do or die". *flips one panel with the clover symbol* Clover? *flips another panel which is another clover* That's a good sign.

(The flipped panels broke)

Kiwibeast: Look!

(The remaining panels switch positions)

Aloe: Shoot. They switch. *fails to find a match and therefore commits a "strike"*

Kiwibeast: One panel was a bucket and the other was a pylon on that time. Different symbols?

Aloe: This will take time!

(The symbols are all clover, bucket, pylon, skull, sun, and heart. Getting two strikes overall, they managed to break all panels within 7 minutes.)

Aloe: Got it. Next one please!

(Second challenge has the ground cover with sticky goo. And hidden traps.)

Message says: "Try to spot the hidden traps, and avoid them. May cause trouble. Get through in this sticky situation and never get stuck forever."

Kiwibeast: Just goo? Pfft. *runs through the sticky ground without getting slowed down and stuck but suddenly stops*

Aloe: *slowed down drastically* This is too sticky!

???: around here? *about to get vanquished by surrounding spikes and is hurt*

Kiwibeast: You...look cute. Alright! *thumps the ground hard, goo has no effect on him, and breaks the spikes*

???: Th-thank you! You are awsome! I'm Bombegranate!

Kiwibeast: Kiwibeast here, and just be safe from now on... *proceeds rushing towads the end of the sticky road*

Bombegranate: Yeah...I better quit the challenge for my sake. *quits the challenge, then suddenly blushes when looking at Kiwibeast for a glance*

Aloe: Calm down with the dashes, Kiwibeast!

(This continues. 3rd challenge...)

Aloe: Falling sun? *sun explodes in front of him* Or not!

(...About to not get tricked by the "exploding sun". And ultraviolet rays too.)

(4th challenge)

Kiwibeast: F-freezing winds are chilling me out...!

(Arrows are being shot)

Aloe: DODGE!

(Freezing winds in an attempt to freeze plants and zombies AND massive arrows? Wow.)

(5th challenge)

Kiwibeast: Crush the rocks! *crushes the rocks while climbing up*

(Never be flattened by the rocks! And in a hill!)

(Final challenge)

Aloe: Nothing around?

(Everything is not visible)

Kiwibeast: Fine... *was walking around when he bumps something* ...? *thumps the ground*

Invisible Screen Door Zombie: Sound waves? *gets pushed off*

Aloe: Oh. Everything's invisible. Blind mode!

Kiwibeast: So that?

Aloe: We can bump things easier, my idea!

(Both Aloe and Kiwibeast start to act like blind plants to the invisible zombies...which there are only 5 of them. They also bumped to various things like a shovel, a paper, etc.)

Aloe: I'm pretty sure... *gets kicked* Huh?

Punk Zombie (Not invisible): Got a problem with that *gets an invisible bag that is shiny* Must be the treasure!

Kiwibeast: Someone already got it?!

Aloe: Not for- *gets kicked continuously*

Punk Zombie: Not getting it! This is mine! Hahahaha!

Kiwibeast: I'll retrieve it! *tries to but also gets kicked*

Punk Zombie: Time to open! *opens the bag*

Aloe: No!

(It contains...1 gem.)

AloeKiwibeast, and Punk Zombie: WHAT? ONE GEM ONLY?!

Punk Zombie: That's b******t! F**k your challenges!!!

(Escape Root appears from the ground)

Escape Root: *laughs maniacally* Surprise! *has the bag that has 49 gems* Want the 50 gems? Get it!

(Aloe, Kiwibeast and Punk Zombie get upset at Escape Root and pushes him off the edge, and Aloe gets the 49 gem bag)

Escape Root: Falling off again! *ting*

Punk Zombie: And never give challenge sets like that!!!

Kiwibeast: I knew we should have not trusted him!

Aloe: Well, that's 50 gems. Let's get out of here.

(In the fields)

Aloe: The reason why I went in the challenge set was because I want to challenge myself just in case, not for the reward.

Kiwibeast: Yeah, what's the use?

Aloe: ...Let's just give those 50 gems. *gives them to Punk Zombie* You wanted it, right?

Punk Zombie: Yes for reasons! I need them for reasons! Thanks! Oh don't have fists.

Aloe: Nevermind that. At least you got it.

Punk Zombie: Job here is done! *goes ahead*

Aloe: Gonna go now! *goes ahead too*

Kiwibeast: Heading off?

(Bombegranate appears again and sneaks up at the back of Kiwibeast)

Bombegranate: HEYO!

Kiwibeast: Ah!

Bombegranate: Oh please, we just met each other...

Kiwibeast: Why did you do that?

Bombegranate: Because...oh scratch it. You didn't accept the gems? And the challenge was definitely not worth it? All I got.

Kiwibeast: Yup, that.

Bombegranate: All those I need to confirm. Now, me goes bombs away! See you! *goes*

Kiwibeast: Yeah...ha, ha.... *slightly blushes* Er...whoa! Wait for me, Aloe!

(The Gem Jam challenge was a surprise, and the adventure continues...)

Aloe: At least plants and zombies are starting to be active on activities, finally!


  • It is likely that both Bombegranate and Kiwibeast have a crush on each other.
  • The amount of challenges was reduced from 10 to 6 to prevent this from getting too long.
  • This is the first time Aloe's frying pan never appeared. The second is the Beghouled Blitz fiction.
  • This episode's script was strangely planned first instead of the Aloe, Salut one.
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Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27