User blog:Fairy27/Epic Quest Fiction (Expansion Expert Saga): The Egyptian Quest is Hers!

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The link to GamesterD's version of this, but the Ancient Egypt part of it.

I'm catching up to Epic Quests, guys XD. Don't worry about being behind, because summer's coming on my part, meaning that the schedule will also be on another day aside from Saturdays! Fairy27 here for the Ancient Egypt Expansion quest!


The plan has escaped to Ancient Egypt. Dr. Zomboss has awoken the upgraded powers of a number of zombies and has made them more aggressive against the plants! Will they surpass those zombies in a dusty battle and rescue Blooming Heart from being converted into seed packets?


Last Time...

Shrinking Violet: *sees a bag that was dropped by Zomboss* One of the Storage Bags...this has the 100 seed packets of Hot Date...!

Electric Currant: That guy's horrible! Bzzt!

Aloe: In conclusion, we have to go to the other worlds. Where should we go first?

Shrinking Violet: Ancient Egypt. Why? It has the simplest Zombot upgrade. That should do...

Gold Bloom: We'll have that portal ready!

Aloe: It's still morning, so we can go today!

Main Storyline

Gold Bloom: Got everything covered?

(The fiction starts inside the "Timely House", as the plants are preparing the portal to Ancient Egypt.)

Shrinking Violet: All set! (Now, this should be the portal I can fight back zombies. I hope.)

Aloe: As per usual, it's up for business! Let's go!

Electric Currant: Bzzt! And it must stop there!

(The 4 of them jump in)

(Ancient Egypt, on the other hand, Grave Buster was just finished busting graves, Repeater is on the lookout, and Iceberg Lettuce is...complaining.)

Grave Buster: Crush them! Destroy them!

Iceberg Lettuce: It feels so hot...

Grave Buster: This place is always hot!

Repeater: Let's PEAlieve that we're moving to a pyramid.. Let's PEAlieve that we're moving to a pyramid.

Iceberg Lettuce: *sighs* Roses are red, violets are blue. I thought Explorer Zombie can be stopped easily, then I saw that torched version of him. *sees said zombie from afar*

(During the conversation, the 4 arrived in front of them.)

Grave Buster: Holy sweet visitors!

Repeater: They could be done for like that previous one. They could be done for like that previous one.

Electric Currant: Whatzzz? Only 3?

Iceberg Lettuce: *still looking at the scorched figure* Anytime now...

Gold Bloom: You mean...

Shrinking Violet: That's a max leveled zombie! From an Explorer to a Torchlight!

Grave BusterRepeater, and Iceberg Lettuce: A leveled WHAT?!

Torchlight Zombie: You heard that right! Burn from my drought, since a torch isn't enough! I would even use my body on you all!

Iceberg Lettuce: You freeze! *freezes Torchlight, then eventually reforms back*

Aloe: *smacks Torchlight's head away* He's done.

Shrinking Violet: Let me explain...

(5 minutes later)

Grave Buster: ...They could be in danger. Get them before it's too late at the pyramid!

Gold Bloom: What pyramid? There are like, 10 of them from here.

Repeater: *shoots peas on the pyramids, only to see them move*

Electric Currant: Moving pyramid headzzz?!

Pyramid-Head Zombie #1 - 10: Crush them, but air required...!

Ra Zombie: *appears behind Pyramid-Head #1* Surprise. plants. As commanded by Zomboss, you'll have to surrender, ra! We'll force you to!

Aloe: We will need company. One of us has to proceed!

Shrinking Violet: I'll go! *steals Ra Zombie's sun staff and fires a sun shard at him, vanquishing him* I want to be the one going!

Aloe: You're just...

Shrinking Violet: I have not told you everything! I can fight now! *runs to a pyramid that's not a Pyramid-Head*

(While doing so, more Pyramid-Head Zombies spawn for the rest.)

Iceberg Lettuce: I'm reformed and we have to deal more? Accepted.

(Entrance of the pyramid)

Shrinking Violet: *looks closely* ...Bloomerang and other zombies?

Bloomerang: Sssh! I'm trying to focus against camel wannabes!

Camel Zombies: You said?

Shrinking Violet: *notices 3 Cherry Bombs beside Bloomerang* Vanquish them by that? *throws one, making it so that only 15 Camel Zombies left*

Bloomerang: Whoa... I think I saw it. *throws another one; 7 left*

Shrinking Violet: You can throw the last one.

Bloomerang: *does so, but one Camel Zombie remained* ...I'm done with my life, mate.

Camel Zombie: Now you get to be with others for seeds!

Bloomerang: ...Screw logic. *throws a boomerang at said zombie, vanquishing him*

???: Who dare to defy logic?!

Shrinking Violet: It's him!

Dr. Zomboss: *appears on a sandstorm* Behold, the Zombot Sphinx-inator 2.0! Your dreams will be crushed with this one!

Bloomerang: It's just the two of us. Now what?!

(Suddenly, a plant appears and destroys one of the arms of the Zombot.)

Shrinking VioletParsnip! You came like you promised!

Parsnip: Snip, I keep it, snip! Snip, everything is snippy!

Bloomerang: Crickey, we get a chance! *throws 8 boomerangs at the Zombot*

Dr. Zomboss: Say that to graves! *spawns 1,000 graves*

Shrinking Violet: *fires sun shards at 500 of them*

Parsnip: Snip, I deal the graves, snippie!

Dr. Zomboss: Zombies will say sorry on you, Parsnip! *fires missiles rapidly, and is about to launch another button*

Shrinking Violet: *fires sun shards at Zomboss's hand and the buttons* Say that to the buttons. *sees Bloomerang and Parsnip hit by the missiles* ...Thankfully they aren't glowing.

Bloomerang: Missiles are... *shakes head*

Dr. Zomboss: I'll just launch- *gets his hands being hit by various projectiles this time*

Repeater: We're back! We're back!

Aloe: I'm afraid you're outnumbered.

Dr. Zomboss: *cannot summon zombies due to the buttons broken* Curses, foiled again!

Parsnip: Snip, you'll never win!

Dr. Zomboss: I'll take note on that! You'll see in the next world!!! *time travels to another world*

Shrinking Violet: That was... *blushes* I didn't think the shards aren't his thing!

Electric Currant: Zzzt, you're learning!

Bloomerang: *sighs* I can't believe it, he has Twin SunflowerCabbage-pult and Bonk Choy captured, same with a pink plant!

Parsnip: Snip, she's Blooming Heart! And I blame myself for forcing her to do so, snippie!

Gold Bloom: How many of us will get caught, I'm scared...

Aloe: We cannot be captured! We have to stop this plan!

Sneak Peek for Next Time

(Far Future)

E.M. Peach: *slight giggle* ...Get them from the distance, cauli!

Caulipower: Piece of cake. *sneaks in to the Zombie Centre*

E.M. Peach: He'll be fine, and he can hack! I'll join the hack too! Heh-heh.


  • As said from previous fiction, Iceberg Lettuce's line on the first part is one of those made-up Roses are Red poems.
  • In the transcript found in the notebook, Cabbage-pult was mistakenly referred as "Cabbagepult", and a bolpen was used on that time.
  • The part where Cherry Bombs have to be used is basically Ancient Egypt - Day 34 in a nutshell when the user played it (Except Power Zap was used and not a boomerang, of course).
  • Parsnip appeared because he was used in the Boss Fight (Expansion).
V · T · E
Epic Quest Fictions by Fairy27