User blog:GamesterD/Plants Vs .Zombies 2 Saga:Power Plants

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Welp, blame Pop Cap for this revival. If you haven't started, read the first PvZH Saga here. GW2 sagas are here. PvZ2 belongs to here. PvZH and PvZ2 links are in my userpage.


  • Surburbia, Dave's Lawn*

Chomper: *Next to Cactus*You know, it's been a while the zombies have attacked us traditionally.

Cactus: I know that Chomper. But I'd rather be striking things without them noticing.

Chomper: You always say that. Peashooter did mention that he asked Zomboss for stronger zombies such as some Brickhead.

Cactus: Peashooter better learn that things will not go well if he continues this.

Chomper: Speaking of Peashooter, where is he?

Cactus: I think he and Sunflower are in the Valenbrainz party with Blooming Heart and that....thing.

Chomper: I know what you're talking about. I do know Wall-nut and Potato Mine are off living in that giant mansion some of us live now.

Cactus: Sigh. *Walks toward Dave's House*I heard Penny found more gems in the timeline so I'm going off to get them with some others.

Chomper: OK bye!

  • Zombie HQ*

Dr. Zomboss: *In a giant machine with more machines inside of it*Done!*Wipes the sweat off him*Now I can continue on Project Paradox. Those blasted Heroes are healing up so this is my time to strike! ZOMBIES, ATTACK!

  • Ancient Egypt*

Penny: *Arrives from a portal*We have now arrived in Ancient Egyp...

Cactus: *Crashes through her window*SHUT UP!

Snow Pea: You need to chill out gal.

Cactus: Call me that again and I'll stuff my thorn in your throat.

Cabbage-pult: You really do need to chill out.

Cactus: Alright. We just need to find this gem box.

Imitater: *Notices something and tries to point it out with no avail*

Grave Buster: I think it's in that giant pyramid that say "TODALLY NO GEM BOCS HERE".

Cactus: Let's go in.*Rushes toward the pyramid*

Imitater: *Rolls his eyes and follows the plants not knowing there's some zombies appearing behind hin*

  • Back at Modern Day*

Dr. Zomboss: *Peaking over a bush looking at the plants*There they are. Upgraded zombies, are you ready?

Rally Zombie: I'm always ready!

Brickhead Zombie: Mff!!!

Sunday Edition Zombie: Let me finish this comic book.*Zomboss grabs it from him*HEY!

Dr. Zomboss: Now, if you don't attack the plants, I'll burn this paper up.

Sunday Edition Zombie: Fine. *Rushes towards the plants*FOR ZOMFIELD!!!

Tall-nut: What the?*Sunday Edition reaches him and start eating him*You Newspaper Zombies are too weak for me even when enrag...*Get's eaten*

Chomper: What the...*Sees Sunday Edition charging at him*HOLY MOTHER OF ROOTS!*Eats the zombie barely*This is harder to chew than most Newspaper Zombies.

Brickhead Zombie: *Stumbles out of the bushes*MFF!!!Bangs his head on Grimrose knocking the plant unconcious*

Nightshade: HEY!*Tries to slap him but it does nothing*Why isn't this doing anything?

Rally Zombie: *Rushes out of the bushes*BECAUSE WE'RE IMPROVED!*As he moves towards the plants, an army of zombies start to charge at the plants*

Chomper: Gulp! *Shouts at the other plants with his mouth full*WR UNDRE ACACK!*Swallows*I SAID WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!

  • Back at Egypt*

Cactus: It's not in here.

Torchwood: You know I'm not the greatest lighter of all time. You should've brough Planturn.

Cactus: I chose you for the peas.

Snow Pea: Me and Repeater are the only peas!

Cactus: ...Fudge. Anways, let's go!

Cabbage-pult: Has anyone seen Imitater?

  • Everyone stares at each other*

Cactus: Everyone, back!

  • Everyone goes back where they came from to find a zombie with a pyramid on his head holding Imitater near an Explorer Zombie fully on fire*

Iceberg Lettuce: Let the potato go.

Pyramid-Head Zombie: Mff!!!

Torchlight Zombie: My friend says that we will burn this potato to death if you come near here.

Cabbage-pult: OK, first off, we respawn anyways. Second of all, you're saying that in front of 4 freezing plants.

Torchlight Zombie: Uh...*Notices Snow Pea, Iceberg Lettuce, Hurrikale, and Cold Snapdragon*Poop.*Get's frozen and vanquished by the said plants*

Cactus: *Beats up Pyramid-Head Zombie*Gosh that was tough. *Pulls up Imitater to his feet*Are you OK?

Imitater: *Nods and points at a direction*

Cactus: Huh?*Looks at that direction and sees that there is a gem box there*Well, we found it. Now let's go without any trouble.*Rushes towards the box only to step on a button hidden in the sand*Ah for great golly mechs.*Jumps out of the way before a Sphinx-inator comes from the sand and blasts the gem box in the air*

Penny: I have yet to locate the gem box.*The gem box lands right on top of her*Oh...

Dr. Zomboss: Fools! You have fallen to my obvious trap! Now prepare to tremble against my Sphinx-inator 2.0!

Cabbage-pult: We beat you once, we can beat you again!*Grabs some Plant Food*ATTACK!*Uses Plant Food himself to launch a ton of cabbages at the zombot only for the zombot to dodge them all and spawn 10 Pyramid-Heads*WHAT THE...

Dr. Zomboss: There's a reason why it's called 2.0 plants. And your friends from the other worlds with receive the same treatment!

Cactus: Other worlds?

Dr. Zomboss: You think I didn't just attack this world did you? No. You see I am a robot clone. And there are 9 more of me in different worlds taking care you pesky weeds. Currently, I'm attacking the Pirate Seas and Far Future right now. Jurassic Marsh is next and Modern Day is hanging by your little friend.

Cactus: Chomper...*Thinks to herself*You better not be eating hot dogs right now Chomper*

  • Modern Day*

Chomper: *Eating a Hot Dog Imp*TASTY!

Nightshade: DUDE, INCOMING!

Chomper: YEEP!*Dodges a Super Fan Imp that explodes* This defending isn't easy when only me, you, Dusk Lobber, Moonflower, Shadow-shroom, Fume-shroom, Spikeweed, Stallia, Winter Melon, Twin Sunflower, Chili Bean, Snapdragon, and Chard Guard are the only ones avaliable to fight here.

Moonflower: True.

Twin Sunflower: Yeah, I don't like this.

Chomper: Exactly!*All-Star charges at him knocking him all the way into a garage crashing through a door*

All-Star: Bullseye!

Dusk Lobber: GET HIM!*All the plants start attacking the zombie*

All-Star: Oh boy.*Puts up shield and runs away*

Winter Melon: Dammit he got away.

  • In the garage*

Chomper: *Wakes up near some busted pinatas*Ugh...I don't feel so good. I gotta get back to battle so...*Get's out fo the garage door only find all the zombies have been defeated*So the attack is over?

Chard Guard: Looks like it. Now, no one press a button.

Shadow-shroom: Why?*Spits some poison on a button that says :TOADALLY NUT DA BUTT ON DAT SUMONS DA ZOMBUTT".

Everyone else: ...why?

  • Suddenly the Tomorrow-tron pops from the sky with Zomboss on the top*

Dr. Zomboss: It is I, Doctor Egdar George Zomboss. Here to announce that all of time is mine!

Winter Melon: We beat you once, we can beat you again!

Dr. Zomboss: Oh...have you beat the Tomorrow Tron 2.5?!!? Or as I like to call it, the Temperal-tron Mark 1!

Chomper: Uh, guys. I'm pretty sure none of us are familiar with this thing.

Dr. Zomboss: *Notices Chomper*You. I should've known. It's a good thing I reinforced my metal to be Chomper proof.

Chomper: Shut up and bring it on!

Dr. Zomboss: Say your prayers!*Get's hit by a spike*Oww!

  • Everyone looks where the spike came from to see Cactus on a rooftop*

Cactus: *Holding a ton of gems*Your Sphynx-inator was useless thanks to Parsnip by the way*

Dr. Zomboss: I should've added more armor on that thing....never less, die!

Cactus: Try me. *Shoots a ton of spikes but non do anything*What?

Dr. Zomboss: Well well well, looks like my armor is stronger now. So what will you do?

Chomper: I'm gonna puke...*Barfs out some purple thing that sticks on the Zombot causing it to malfunction*

Dr. Zomboss: WHAT!??! Your little purple barf thing is no match for me!*The controls explode on his face*

Cactus: *Turns toward Chomper*When did you learn to do that?

Chomper: I don't know?!!? But that gives me an idea.

Moonflower: Any plan is good. What is it?

Chomper: Distract that zombot for me k?*Digs underground*I'll get him.

Dusk Lobber: Since when can he do that?

Cactus: Chomper can dig underground for a while. Some of the troops did that to steal a treasure chest.

Dusk Lobber: Ah...OK. *Looks at Zomboss*You are going down.*All the plants start shooting at the zombot*

Dr. Zomboss: Why you little midgets!*Starts his controls again and fires a missle at them*Take this! And...*Attempts to press another button only for it to manufacture*What the...*Notices Chomper behind him barfing down on the legs*YOU....*The zombot flips over from the purple stuff*


Cactus: *Using Plant Food becoming blue*Got this.*Shoots a ton of lasers that slice through the legs*It's over Zomboss.

Dr. Zomboss: Curses. It looks like it's time for even more zombie-upping. Perhaps adding...don't think now Zomboss. Get out now!*Presses a button that teleports him away*

Moonflower: I believe Chomper is out hero now.*All the plants except Cactus and Spikeweed lift Chomper up in celebration*

Chomper: Come on, Cactus helped.

Cactus: Your welcome. Oh and by the way, there are some problems in the Pirate Seas and Far Future. We need to take care of those worlds straight away.

Chomper: You bet I can take care of them.*The two walk towards Penny with them holding "hands"*

The End


  • In the garage*

Peashooter: *Notices that there are some pinatas smashed*So someone go stronger eh...

Sunflower: Come on, you know that whoever did this did it with good intentions.

Peashooter: With this power? Do you want to repeat the same incident a while ago?

Sunflower: No but...*Notices Peashooter is holding a book they got from Dark Ages*Wait, are saying...

Peashooter: Yes, *Opens the book revealing a picture of a Peashooter running and jumping fast and forming into a gattling and another picture with a Sunflower with a beam of light and firing a laser*We need to up our game a different way.