Scientist (Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare)

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For other uses, see Scientist (disambiguation).

Scientist is a playable zombie class in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare and Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. He is the healer class on the zombie faction, but his secondary functionality is for scouting and picking off enemies at close range.


Stickerbook description

The Scientist's technical wizardry allows him to warp in close to his enemies, where he can cause the most damage. He can also drop a Zombie Healing Station for himself and his teammates.

In-game description

His close-range Goo Blaster and all-new Heal Beam of Science make for a crazy fun combination!

AI health

  • Easy: 60
  • Normal: 80
  • Hard: 100
  • CRAAAAZY: 120


Primary weapon

The Goo Blaster is the primary weapon of the Scientist. The facts below apply to a fully upgraded weapon.

  • The base close range damage per hit is 43 and the critical is 73.
  • The max DPS at close range is 99.5.
  • The middle range damage per hit is 33 and the critical is 43.
  • The max DPS at middle range is 30.0.
  • The long range damage per hit is 22 and the critical is 33.
  • The max DPS at long range is 30.0.
  • The ammo in a clip is 6.
  • The reload time is 2.2 seconds.
  • The projectile speed is slow.
  • The weapon is semi-auto.
  • The bloom is low.


Left abilities
Sticky Explody BallGW1.png
Sticky Explody Ball
Sticky Explody Ball is an explosive ball which explodes when an enemy plant is in a meter radius. It deals 50 damage.
Mega Heal BombGW1.png
Mega Heal Bomb
An alternate ability of Sticky Explody Ball, Mega Heal Bomb is a huge ball like the Sticky Explody Ball with a bigger radius. Heals all zombies in its radius by 50 health.
Sticky Cheetah BallGW1.png
Sticky Cheetah Ball
An alternate ability of Sticky Explody Ball, Sticky Cheetah Ball is orange in color with black spots, deals 75 damage.
Center abilities
With Warp, the player teleports a few meters forward in a straight line. The player deviates upward to go upstairs, small fences, etc.
Energy WarpGW1.png
Energy Warp
An alternate ability of Warp, Energy Warp allows the Scientist to transform into pure energy (he is invincible in this state). The Scientist is able to travel freely but cannot jump or attack. It also gains a small speed boost.
Cheesy WarpGW1.png
Cheesy Warp
An alternate ability of Warp, Cheesy Warp has the same use as Warp but deals 30 damage to all plants after reaching its destination.
Right abilities
Zombie Heal StationGW1.png
Zombie Heal Station
The Zombie Heal Station heals all zombies within its radius.
Armored Heal StationGW1.png
Armored Heal Station
An alternate ability of Zombie Heal Station, Armored Heal Station heals at a slower rate than the Zombie Health Station, and self-destructs the same time as the Zombie Heal Station. Its incredible size allows players to jump on it to get to most buildings.
Cheetah Heal StationGW1.png
Cheetah Heal Station
An alternate ability of Zombie Heal Station, Cheetah Heal Station heals at a faster rate, but also self-destructs faster.

Left abilities
Heal Beam of ScienceGW2.png
Heal Beam of Science
The Heal Beam of Science is the Scientist's first activatable ability. Similar to Heal Beam, it will heal any zombie targeted by it, healing faster the closer the Scientist is to the healed target.
Zombie Heal StationGW2.png
Zombie Heal Station
The Zombie Heal Station heals all zombies within its radius.
Armored Heal StationGW2.png
Armored Heal Station
An alternate ability of Zombie Heal Station, Armored Heal Station heals at a slower rate than the Zombie Health Station, and self-destructs the same time as the Zombie Heal Station. Its incredible size allows players to jump on it to get to most buildings.
Armored Bling StationGW2.png
Armored Bling Station
The Armored Bling Station is a reskin of the Armored Heal Station and therefore has no difference other than appearance.
Center abilities
With Warp, the player teleports a few meters forward in a straight line. The player deviates upward to go upstairs, small fences, etc.
Energy WarpGW2.png
Energy Warp
An alternate ability of Warp, Energy Warp allows the Scientist to transform into pure energy (he is invincible in this state). The Scientist is able to travel freely but cannot jump or attack. It also gains a small speed boost.
Right abilities
Sticky Explody BallGW2.png
Sticky Explody Ball
Sticky Explody Ball is an explosive ball which explodes when an enemy plant is in a meter radius. It deals 50 damage.
Mega Heal BombGW2.png
Mega Heal Bomb
An alternate ability of Sticky Explody Ball, Mega Heal Bomb is a huge ball like the Sticky Explody Ball with a bigger radius. Heals all zombies in its radius by 50 health.


Garden Warfare

Description about the Scientist's weapon upgrades in GW

Perfect Rapid Reloader

A perfect rapid reloader is the most optimized and energy efficient way to reload quickly.

Higher Capacity Goo Tanks

Goo tank capacity increased resulting in more ammo capacity.

Zomboss Enhanced Goo

Zomboss enhanced goo scientifically designed to cause more damage and tastes better too!

Garden Warfare 2

Health Regeneration Delay.png
Health Regeneration Delay Upgrade

This upgrade decreases the delay before health regeneration begins!

Zoom Upgrade.png
Zoom Upgrade

This upgrade increases the zoom distance of your primary weapon!

Health Regeneration.png
Health Regeneration Upgrade

This upgrade increases how quickly your health regenerates!

Speed Upgrade.png
Speed Upgrade

This upgrade allows you to move faster!

Reload Upgrade

This upgrade decreases your reload time!

Ammo Upgrade.png
Ammo Upgrade

This upgrade increases the number of times you can fire before reloading!

Damage Upgrade.png
Damage Upgrade

This upgrade increases your primary weapon damage!

Health Upgrade.png
Health Upgrade

This upgrade increases your maximum health!



Playing as the Scientist takes a bit of practice. You need to know when to retreat, when to heal yourself and your team, and when to attack. A good loadout for offensive scientist use is the Warp ability, the Armored Heal Station, and the Sticky Explody Ball. Try to keep an eye out for any flanks you can in the plants defenses. Doing so can catch the enemy off guard, disrupting whatever it is they were doing.  Also try to have two Warps available on you before you try to attack. Use the first warp to get close to your target, and the second warp to flee if you need to. Heal. Repeat. Also be sure to heal any teammates you can. Useful healing abilities for the Scientist include the Mega Heal Bomb and the Zombie Heal Station.


One of the key factors when engaging a Scientist is the range you engage them. Depending on the type of Scientist, be it an Astronaut or a Chemist, you will want to be either a long or medium distance from him. Since the Scientist and his variants achieve maximum damage at close range, you want to keep a good distance when engaging. Try not to let the Scientist get too close to you, as that is when he becomes a real threat. 

Effective counters to the Scientist include the Cactus, the Citron, the Torchwood, the Peashooter and the Chomper.

Team Vanquish

In this mode, Scientists are vital to the team's success, as they revive much faster than other zombies. Reviving a zombie subtracts a point from the other team, so because of this, the Scientist should try reviving every vanquished zombie he sees. The Scientist should try sticking their Sticky Explody balls onto zombies that get close to plants, like the All-Star. If the Scientist is in a combat situation, he should warp closer to the offending plant in order to get more damage. Scientists are easy prey for the Peashooter, as they move very quickly, and are hard to hit. Cacti are dangerous at long range but the Goo Blaster makes short work of them at close or mid range. This class is useful against Chomper, as Chompers need to get close to deal damage, the Scientist Zombie deals more damage than Chomper at close range, so they should take advantage of getting Gooped, and shoot down the carnivorous plant when they get close.

Gardens & Graveyards

The Scientist has two possible roles in this mode: being the zombie team's Medic or a fast-moving close-range attacker. The Scientist's high damage at close range makes it a good class for assaulting the garden since the plants have to stand within the garden's capture zone to block the capture, which forces them to come close to you, allowing you to gun them down. Keep track of your teammates' health and deploy Zombie Heal Stations near groups of injured zombies. If you wish to maximize your healing power, use the Mega Heal Bomb to provide healing more liberally.

At longer ranges, the Scientist is highly vulnerable to the Cactus, Stay behind cover and use Warp to avoid the Cactus' line of sight. Once you enter close range combat with the Cactus though, the Scientist can make short work of it.

Peashooters are a little harder to deal with, they can use rooftops like the Foot Soldier to avoid close range combat while attacking you with their superior range and they have Hyper which allows them to, should they be forced into close range combat, avoid your shots while retaliating with their splash damage. Sunflowers are merely a nuisance at long range since their weapons suffer from a noticeable damage fall-off and at close range, their below-average attack power makes them weak at self-defense.

It is at mid range where they are dangerous since if they can keep out at an arm's length distance from themselves, they will be able to deal large amounts of damage to you while your weapon's damage fall-off will play against you. Forcing plants into cramped corridors and tight spaces allows you to use your high close range power to gun them down almost regardless of their health.

Balancing changes

Post beta

  • Velocity was increased from 7 m/s to 7.45 m/s.

Related achievements

Stuck on You PSN.png
Stuck on You
As a Scientist, Vanquish 10 Players with the Sticky Explody Ball
Hunting Season PSN.png
Hunting Season
Vanquish 100 Soldiers, 100 Scientists, 100 Engineers and 100 All Stars


Plants vs. Zombies Wiki has a gallery for Scientist.
Visit this page to see it.

In other languages

Please note that only official translations are used.

Language Name Description
United States of America English Scientist
Traditional Chinese 科學家
France French Scientifique
Germany German Wissenschaftler
Italy Italian Scienziato
Japan Japanese サイエンティスト
Poland Polish Naukowiec
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Cientista
Spain Spanish Científico



  • He bears a striking resemblance to the Lightning Gun Zombie from Sky City in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2.
  • Scientist creates his own technology, that Dr. Zomboss patents.
    • This effectively means that the Scientist's primary weapon, as well as all his ability items, are made by the Scientist himself.
  • The Scientist is one of the three zombies which starts with their Y/2/Triangle button ability, the other being the Foot Soldier and the All-Star.
  • In Garden Ops, he has a special wave called For Science where he and all of his variants (except for Dr. Chester) appear.
  • When the player is standing on top of a Heal Station, burrowing Chompers cannot always eat them and sometimes, they can. It is unknown whether or not this is a glitch or just game mechanics. This works better with the Armored Heal Station due to it being larger than the default.
  • When a Scientist character obtains a damage upgrade, the weapon model will change to appear more advanced.

Specific to Garden Warfare

  • He has the most abilities out of all characters with a total of nine abilities.
  • The Scientist's Goo Blaster used to deal up to 83 critical damage at close range, but was changed in the Tactical Taco Party DLC.
    • The changes made in the DLC are to ensure it never exceeds 73 critical damage due to the weapon "being stronger than intended."
      • The Scientist's long range non-critical damage was also reduced from 33 to 22.

Specific to Garden Warfare 2

  • He can now also heal zombie bosses (Gargantuar, Giga Gargantuar, Mech Gargantuar, Disco Zombie, Yeti Zombie). However, since the player cannot see their HP on display, like with the other zombies, the player use the Heal Beam of Science, and the boss will have +2 HP constantly healing it. The player would know once the boss is fully healed if there is no more +2 HP healing.
    • This same concept also applies to the Sunflower.
    • If the Scientist heals a Mech Gargantuar, the player will only heal him by 1 HP instead of 2.
  • He can now revive all zombies at 100% of HP from 50% of health.
  • His irises are a lot bigger. This is because of the goggles he wears producing a magnifying effect, making his eyes look bigger than normal.
  • He is one of the two classes in Garden Warfare to have a Legendary variant in the sequel, the other being the Chomper.
  • All Scientist variants (excluding Dr. Chester) have special weapon skin names that are considered different Scientist blaster names ("Crocophin Blaster" is an examples), as some are Rare appearances and some are Super Rare appearances.
    • When equipping a Scientist variant's weapon skin, then exiting the Customization Booth, it will say the same primary weapon name and the shooting particles of it, despite the weapon skin name.
V · E
Zombies (Shooter games)
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare zombies
Playable Classes
Soldiers Foot Soldier · Camo Ranger · Super Commando · General Supremo · Tank Commander · Arctic Trooper · Sky Trooper · Centurion
Engineers Engineer · Welder · Painter · Mechanic · Electrician · Plumber · Landscaper · Sanitation Expert
Scientists Scientist · Chemist · Physicist · Dr. Toxic · Astronaut · Marine Biologist · Archaeologist · Dr. Chester · Paleontologist
All-Stars All-Star · Baseball Star · Rugby Star · Hockey Star · Cricket Star · Goalie Star · Wrestling Star · Golf Star
Boss Mode Dr. Zomboss
Foot Soldier Zombie Stink Cloud · Rocket Jump · ZPG · Super Stink Cloud · Rocket Leap · Multi-Rocket
Engineer Sonic Grenade · Zombot Drone · Jackhammer · Proximity Sonic Mine · Rocket Drone · Turbo Jackhammer
Scientist Sticky Explody Ball · Warp · Zombie Heal Station · Mega Heal Bomb · Energy Warp · Armored Heal Station · Sticky Cheetah Ball · Cheesy Warp · Cheetah Heal Station
All-Star Imp Punt · Sprint Tackle · Dummy Shield · Long Bomb · Ultra Tackle · Shield Decoy
Boss Mode Superb Zomboss Radar · Zomboss Healing Station · Cone Strike · Reviving Brainz BBQ
Spawnable Zombies Browncoat Zombie · Conehead Zombie · Buckethead Zombie · Flag Zombie · Newspaper Zombie · Screen Door Zombie · Coffin Zombie · Outhouse Zombie · Exploding Imp · Map Pirate · Barrel Pirate · Backup Dancer · Vampire Zombie · Heal Zombie · Yeti Imp
Garden Ops
Bosses Disco Zombie · Yeti Zombie · Gargantuar · Giga Gargantuar · Baron von Bats
Normal Chieftain · Berserker · Giga Imp · Zombomb · Pirate Zombie · Conehead Pirate · Buckethead Pirate · Screen Door Pirate · Imp Pirate · Treasure Yeti · Exploding Imp Fan
Others Zombot Turret
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 zombies
Playable Classes
Soldiers Foot Soldier · Camo Ranger · Super Commando · General Supremo · Tank Commander · Arctic Trooper · Sky Trooper · Centurion · Park Ranger · Scuba Soldier
Engineers Engineer · Welder · Painter · Mechanic · Electrician · Plumber · Landscaper · Sanitation Expert · Roadie Z · AC Perry
Scientists Scientist · Chemist · Physicist · Dr. Toxic · Astronaut · Marine Biologist · Archaeologist · Paleontologist · Zoologist · Computer Scientist
All-Stars All-Star · Baseball Star · Rugby Star · Hockey Star · Cricket Star · Goalie Star · Wrestling Star · Golf Star · Moto-X Star · Tennis Star
Imps Imp · Lil' Drake · Pylon Imp · S.H.R.IMP · Z7 Imp · Party Imp · Scallywag Imp
Z-Mechs Z-Mech · Drake Mech · Pylon Mech · Bling Pylon Mech · S.H.R.IMP Mech · Z7 Mech · Party Mech · Scallywag Mech
Superheroes Super Brainz · Cozmic Brainz · Electro Brainz · Toxic Brainz · Party Brainz · Breakfast Brainz
Pirates Captain Deadbeard · Captain Cannon · Captain Flameface · Captain Sharkbite · Captain Partyman · Captain Squawk
Others Hover Goat-3000 · Mecha Cat · Stinky Goat
Foot Soldier Zombie Stink Cloud · Rocket Jump · ZPG · Super Stink Cloud · Rocket Leap · Multi-Rocket
Engineer Sonic Grenade · Big Bolt Blaster · Jackhammer · Proximity Sonic Mine · Turbo Jackhammer · Bedazzled Bolt Blaster
Scientist Heal Beam of Science · Warp · Sticky Explody Ball · Zombie Heal Station · Energy Warp · Mega Heal Bomb · Armored Heal Station · Armored Bling Station
All-Star Imp Punt · Sprint Tackle · Dummy Shield · Long Bomb · Ultra Tackle · Shield Decoy · Future Dummy
Imp Gravity Grenade · Robo Call · Impkata
Z-Mech Missile Madness · Explosive Escape · Robo Stomp · Dragon Swoop · Wing Flap · Pylon Mine · Drag Race · Water Cyclone · Shrimp Jump · Biotic Pull · Zomni-Blade · Crusty Gigabomb · Peg Leg Kata
Super Brainz Super Ultra Ball · Turbo Twister · Heroic Kick · Super Multi Ball · Super Guided Ultra Ball
Captain Deadbeard Barrel Blast · Parrot Pal · Cannon Rodeo · Looty Booty Barrel Blast · Future Parrot Pal
Hover Goat-3000 Damage Buff Booster Beam · Mega Awesome Laser · Tubular Turbo
Mecha Cat Kitty Pounce · Furball Frenzy · Kitty Fury · Tail Powershot
Stinky Goat Goat Scratch · Goat Jump · Goat Bleat
Spawnable Zombies
Gravedirt of Summoning Browncoat Zombie · Conehead Zombie · Buckethead Zombie · Flag Zombie · Newspaper Zombie · Screen Door Zombie · Coffin Zombie · Outhouse Zombie · Heal Zombie · Exploding Imp · Karate Zombie
Build-a-Bot Mr. Toasty · Mr. Freezy · Mr. Toxic · Gatling Bot · Breaker Bot · Rocket Bot · Boxer Bot · Mr. Electro · Explody Bot · Loudmouth Bot · Hide-n-Shoot Bot · Uplink Bot · Dr. Heals
Bosses Baron von Bats · Disco Zombie · Gargantuar · Giga Gargantuar · Gargoatuar · House Gargantuar · Mech Gargantuar · Treasure Yeti · Yeti Zombie · Zen Sensei · Captain Smasher · Sasquatch · Yeti King
Top Zombie Dr. Patient · Dr. Fizzician · Z-Mech 11011-3 · Ol' Deadbeard · Super Duper Brainz · Gene Error · Dr. Daul Fin
Others Zomburger Artist · Backup Dancer · Vampire Zombie · Berserker · Giga Imp · Zombomb · Pirate Zombie · Conehead Pirate · Buckethead Pirate · Screen Door Pirate · Imp Pirate · Map Pirate · Barrel Pirate · Yeti Imp · Zombot Turret · Exploding Imp Fan · Sasquatch Imp · Future Imp · Robo-Zombie
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville zombies
Playable Classes
PvZ BfN Attack Class Icon.png Attack Foot Soldier · Imp (Z-Mech) · Super Brainz · 80s Action Hero · Electric Slide
PvZ BfN Defend Class Icon.png Defend Captain Deadbeard · All-Star · Space Cadet (Space Station)
PvZ BfN Support Class Icon.png Support Scientist · Engineer · Wizard
Swarm TV Head
Foot Soldier Super Stink Cloud · Rocket Jump · ZPG
Imp Gravity Grenade · Robo Call · Impkata
Z-Mech Missile Madness · Explosive Escape · Bionic Bash
Super Brainz Turbo Twister · Hyper Jump Thump · Super Ultra Ball
80s Action Hero Dynamite Dodge · Rocket Ride · Can't-Miss-ile
Electric Slide Funky Bouncer · Outta Fight! · Disco Tornado
Captain Deadbeard Barrel Blast · Parrot Pal · Anchor's Away
All-Star Imp Punt · Sprint Tackle · Dummy Shield
Space Cadet
Space Station
Space Cadet
Solo Gravity Smash · Station Inflation · Big Bang Beam
Passenger Asteroid Shield · Escape Pod · Hands-On Torpedo
Space Station Space Force · Escape Pod · Crater Maker
Scientist Sticky Healy Thingy · Warp · Healing Hose
Engineer Bullhorn Swarm · Heavy Helper · Double Time
Wizard Zee-lixir · Spell Disaster · Co-Star
TV Head Commercial Break · Yeti, Set, GO! · Overheated Dinner
Spawnable Zombies
Range Rocket Bot · Gatling Bot · Hide-n-Shoot Bot · Mr. Electro
Support Dr. Heals · Loudmouth Bot
Melee Boxer Bot · Explody Bot · Breaker Bot
Gravedirt of Summoning
Melee Buckethead Zombie · Outhouse Zombie · Screen Door Zombie
Range TV Head · TV Buckethead
Support Heal Zombie · Yeti Imp
Battle Leaders Basecoat Bert · Captain Cozplay · Cap'n Sharklunch · Charnado · Dr. Spork · Just Brad · Red Janet · Rolleeta · Sgt. Plaid Attitude · Shadez 2 Cool · The Advertiser · Woofzy
Bounty Hunt
Town Center Byte Knight · Captain Featherbrainz · Shock Wheelz Crew
Mount Steep Bomby Dearest · Ninjimp · Tiny
Elusive Foes
Town Center Fantastico · Pack Rat · Squiddy Shaw
Mount Steep Dig Wig · Mag Pete-O · Safety Stan
Bosses Baron von Bats · Disco Zombie · Gargantuar · Major Problem · Mech Gargantuar · Olds Cool · Treasure Yeti · Yeti Zombie · Zen Sensei · Zombomb
Quest NPCs Bart Barian · Big Boy Gang Leader · Brainstorming Zombies · Brick Fistmissile · Cleatus · Cookie · Dr. Nurse Doctor · Dr. Real Doctor · Dummy · Hugh D. Votee · Izzy · Monkey · Norm Alguy · Otto Do · Peg Legpuller · Power Cora · Seabasstian · Tim · Winston
Others Bouncer Bot · Browncoat Zombie · Conehead Zombie · Exploding Imp · Goat · Miner Problem · Robo-Zombie · TV Conehead