Other events (Plants vs. Zombies 2)

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This is a list of minor events that have appeared in Plants vs. Zombies 2.

Big Brainz

Big Brainz was first celebrated on September 30, 2016 and featured zombies from both Player's House and Modern Day being showcased with comically large heads. The event also showcased the new premium plant, Apple Mortar, as the associated plant for the event.

In 2021, the Big Brainz Event returned, celebrating some of the plants' recent achievements after attending summer school with Dave. The event started on August 16 and ended on September 25 with featured plants being Snow Pea, Snapdragon and Chomper.

In 2023, this event returned in a much smaller format, as it did not have Piñata Parties or a Thymed Event, and was only seen in the shop.

Associated plants


Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival is an event that started on September 27, 2021 and ended on October 6, 2021 with featured plants like Apple Mortar, Bombegranate, Imp Pear and Stickybomb Rice.

In 2023, the Harvest Festival event would return, starting from September 15 and ending on September 25. It featured Grapeshot, Bombegranate, Stickybomb Rice & Solar Tomato.

Associated plants


Lunar Zoo Year

Lunar Zoo Year is an event that started on February 1, 2022 and ended February 8, 2022 celebrating the Lunar New Year with an exclusive Thymed Event, introducing Tiger Grass as the event's associated plant. The event returned in both 2023 and 2024, featuring Bun Chi and Dragon Bruit respectively.

Associated plants



Improve-mint is an event in Plants vs. Zombies 2 where every Power Mint and their seed packets are for sale in the store. Daily mint rewards are x2 and they have halved cooldown. It is celebrated once every 16 months for 1 week, but it has no piñata parties.

The 1st Improve-mint event was on September 2018, when not all Power Mints were fully released and only Fila-mint, Reinforce-mint, Bombard-mint, Arma-mint, Contain-mint, Spear-mint, Pepper-mint and Enchant-mint were available.

The 2nd Improve-mint event was on January 2020, and that time all released Power Mints were available, except Enlighten-mint, because she was being offered in an Arena season.

The 3rd Improve-mint event lasted from May 24, 2021 to June 2, 2021; this time, all 14 Power Mints were available, including Enlighten-mint (though her piñata included 10 of her seed packets and costed 20 gems, due to being the only Power Mint that has never costed mints).

Associated plants


Children's Day (China only)

Children's Day was first celebrated on May 22, 2016. It was an event exclusive to the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2 which celebrated Children's Day. It featured exclusive event zombies as well as introducing a new monthly special plant, Angel Starfruit. The event ran from May 22th to May 28th and rewarded the player with Angel Starfruit on the last day, provided they've played the earlier days.

In the 3.1.1 update, the event was celebrated once again with the Children's Playpark Secret Realm, bringing with it variants of the basic zombies, Gargantuar and Imp, and a new Elite zombie, Bumper Car Zombie.

Associated plants

Associated zombies


Time Twister

Time Twister was first celebrated on May 26, 2016 and featured exclusive Piñata Parties centered around zombies appearing out of portals in various worlds outside of their own, such as Far Future, Frostbite Caves, and Jurassic Marsh. The event also showcased the newly added plant Wasabi Whip as the associated plant for the event, as well as exclusive costumes for Cabbage-pult, Bonk Choy, and Melon-pult only obtainable through the exclusive Piñata Parties.

Associated plants



  • The event gets its name from a scrapped world for Plants vs. Zombies 2 that eventually became Modern Day.

Gargantuar Week Parties

Gargantuar Week was first celebrated on July 16, 2014, showcasing Piñata Parties that always featured Gargantuars in them.


See also

Beghouled Beyond

Beghouled Beyond was first celebrated on July 29, 2016. The event featured exclusive Beghouled Piñata Parties showcasing both Aloe and new exclusive plant Kiwibeast. Later years saw the return of these exclusive parties, as well as Kiwibeast.

Associated plants


Extreme Super Challenge Week

Starting on August 8, 2014, Piñata Parties have had some of the hardest parties ever created. Its description was "Piñata Party Extreme Super Challenge Week! Our hardest mash-up levels all week long."


The Chosen Ones Party Week

Starting on August 25, 2014, Piñata Parties were determined by players on which parties should be played for that week. Its description was "The Chosen Ones! Player faves all week long!"


Imp Week Parties

Imp Week was first celebrated on September 10, 2014. The event featured Piñata Parties all featuring Imps in them. Its description was "Imp Week is on!, Nothing short of amazing. Limited time."


Chicken Week Parties

Chicken Week was first celebrated on September 18, 2014. The event featured exclusive Piñata Parties all featuring Zombie Chickens in them. The event's description was "Chicken Week is on!, Limited time. Win big clucking prizes."


1st Zombiversary PvZ2

Starting on September 26, 2014, Piñata Parties have been chosen by game developers, its description was: "Celebrate year one with studio favorite Parties throughout Oct 2"


Backyard Brain Bowl

Backyard Brain Bowl was first celebrated on December 6, 2014. The event featured exclusive Piñata Parties all featuring Mecha-Football Zombie. In 2016 the event was celebrated again and reintroduced previous Parties as well as showcasing All-Star Zombie along with Mecha-Football Zombie.


Progressive (Archived content)

The first Progressive Piñata Parties started on April 15, 2015. It was an event sponsored by the insurance company Progressive. For the event, all Piñatas and prize screens were colored with the main colors of the company; white, blue and orange. Also, Señor Piñata was replaced with a big, blue letter "P" piñata. For the duration of the event, all the money prizes were doubled and the first replay of every party has been made free. An animated redesign of Flo, a fictional character appearing in more than 100 commercials for Progressive Insurance and portrayed by the actress Stephanie Courtney, also made an appearance on the party banner and prize screen, posing and smiling to the screen, thus advertising Progressive Insurance.

As of an unknown update, all code relating to this event was wiped from the game's files, likely due to Progressive's partnership expiring.


Heroes Event (Archived content)

The Heroes Event is an event that went by in 2016, from November 2nd to November 14th, and showcased Piñata Parties based on Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. Each Piñata Party started with a comedic cutscene involving Green Shadow, Solar Flare, Wall-Knight, Super Brainz, Impfinity, or Electric Boogaloo.

Three new costumes based on Plant Heroes were added. Peashooter, Sunflower, and Wall-nut were also intended to wear limited time costumes based on Green Shadow, Solar Flare and Wall-Knight respectively for the duration of the event; however due to an ongoing programming error regarding their limited time costumes, the said costumes weren't actually displayed.

As of an unknown update, the sprites for the lawn, NPCs and zombies were completely removed from the game's files for an unknown reason, with the costumes for each of the plants being the only addition to remain.


See Heroes Event/Dialogue.


V · T · E
Major Recurring Valenbrainz · Luck O' the Zombie · The Springening · Birthdayz · Summer Nights · Lawn of Doom · Fall Food Fight · Feastivus
Minor Recurring Other events (PvZ2) · Other events (PvZ: BfN)
Thymed Events Food Fight (Bonanza!, Bonanza! (2023), Bonanza! (2024)) · Feastivus (2022, 2023, 2024) · Backyard Big Top (Act II, Extravaganza) · Lunar Zoo Year (2023, 2024) · Luck O' the Zombies (2023, 2024) · The Springening (2023, 2024) · Birthdayz (Happy, Celebrations!) · Summer Nights (2023, 2024) · Lawnbowl I (II, III) · Tomb Tangled! · Harvest Festival (2023, 2024) · Lawn of Doom (2023, 2024) · Mega Gatling Pea's Winter Adventure · The Zombosseum (II, III) · Big Beach Brawl (2024) · ZCorp Takeover · Tombastic Adventures
Other Endless Challenge · Festivals · Weekly Event · Passion Field · Ice Hockey Battle · Milestone Events