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My favorite pages

My Plants vs. Zombies game(s)

My Plants vs. Zombies games:

  • Plants vs. Zombies. Tbh if this game were to generate a little new content once in a while, such as 5 levels every week, PvZ original will completely outclass pvz2. I suppose EA made a business-smart choice there. Unfortunately, pvz and pvz2 players will suffer because of this.
  • Plants vs. Zombies 2

More Pages which I like

My Pvz & Pvz2 Guide

  • All plants will be considered.
  • This list shows each plant's usefulness in both normal levels and survival modes. Zen garden mode is not included.
Tier Description Plants
S You should always consider these plants in a level. Sunflower1.png Sun-shroom1.png Pumpkin1.png Gloom-shroom1.png Cattail1.png Winter Melon1.png Cob Cannon1.png Spikerock1.png Imitater1.png
A+ These plants powerfully and effectively cheese off the undead. Cherry Bomb1.png Doom-shroom1.png Squash1.png Jalapeno1.png Melon-pult1.png Twin Sunflower1.png
A These plants may not be the best, but can easily wipe off most of the undead. Fume-shroom1.png Puff-shroom1.png Scaredy-shroom1.png Ice-shroom1.png Tall-nut1.png Torchwood1.png Starfruit1.png Magnet-shroom1.png Gatling Pea1.png
B Never ever underestimate these plants, they're quite powerful too! Potato Mine1.png Snow Pea1.png Repeater1.png Threepeater1.png Kernel-pult1.png Garlic1.png
C Fair. Wall-nut1.png Chomper1.png Hypno-shroom1.png Spikeweed1.png
D Below average. Peashooter1.png Split Pea1.png Cabbage-pult1.png
E Rendered obsolete. Sea-shroom1.png Cactus1.png Marigold1.png Gold Magnet1.png
Environment Modifiers < Grave Buster1.png Lily Pad1.png Tangle Kelp1.png Blover1.png Plantern1.png Flower Pot1.png Coffee Bean1.png Umbrella Leaf1.png
  • What I like about this franchise is that all plants have their unique function (e.g. to counter certain zombies/give coins), including those in the E tier. I would give their balancing a 10/10.

  • Only adventure-mode obtained plants will be ranked.
  • This list is based on how these plants, when at level 1, perform in adventure mode levels (excluding survival endless).
  • The remaining plants not included are world-specific, Environmental Modifier plants (e.g. Thyme Warp2.png )
Tier Description Plants
S You should always consider these plants in a level. Dusk Lobber2.png>Primal Potato Mine2.png>Moonflower2.png
A+ These plants powerfully and effectively cheese off the undead. Winter Melon2.png=Primal Peashooter2.png
A These plants may not be the best, but can easily wipe off most of the undead. Snapdragon2.png>Primal Wall-nut2.png>Magnifying Grass2.png>Sun-shroom2.png=Primal Sunflower2.png>Laser Bean2.png>Blover2.png
B+ Never ever underestimate these plants, they're quite powerful too! Chard Guard2.png>Nightshade2.png>Celery Stalker2.png>Infi-nut2.png >Cherry Bomb2.png>Melon-pult2.png
B Solid ; packs a punch. Banana Launcher2.png>Coconut Cannon2.png>Red Stinger2.png=Grimrose2.png=Fume-shroom2.png>Spikerock2.png>Kernel-pult2.png
C+ Above average. Shadow-shroom2.png=Puff-shroom2.png>Twin Sunflower2.png>Chili Bean2.png=Tall-nut2.png>Phat Beet2.png>Iceberg Lettuce2.png=Stunion2.png=Stallia2.png
C Fair. Potato Mine2.png Pea Pod2.png Citron2.png Tile Turnip2.png Guacodile2.png Rotobaga2.png A.K.E.E.2.png
D Mediocre. Sunflower2.png Bloomerang2.png Repeater2.png Spikeweed2.png Threepeater2.png Sun Bean2.png Bowling Bulb2.png Endurian2.png Intensive Carrot2.png
E Below average. Peashooter2.png Cabbage-pult2.png Bonk Choy2.png Split Pea2.png Pepper-pult2.png Spore-shroom2.png
Bottom 3 I'm sorry... Lightning Reed2.png Magnet-shroom2.png Garlic2.png

From here, it can be seen that:

My Pvz2 TOP 15 plants (at level 1)

  • 1. Dusk Lobber2.png
  • 2. Primal Potato Mine2.png
  • 3. Moonflower2.png
  • 4. Primal Peashooter2.png
  • 4. Winter Melon2.png
  • 6. Snapdragon2.png
  • 7. Primal Wall-nut2.png
  • 8. Magnifying Grass2.png
  • 9. Sun-shroom2.png
  • 9. Primal Sunflower2.png
  • 11. Laser Bean2.png
  • 12. Blover2.png
  • 13. Chard Guard2.png
  • 14. Nightshade2.png
  • 15. Celery Stalker2.png


  • 16. Infi-nut2.png
  • 17. Cherry Bomb2.png
  • 18. Melon-pult2.png

My Pvz2 TOP 9 worst plants (at level 1)

I don not recommend using these 9 plants at all costs, unless if you're forced to use them.

  • 9. Spore-shroom2.png
  • 8. Pepper-pult2.png (unless if freezing winds are involved, do not use this plant!)
  • 6. Split Pea2.png
  • 6. Bonk Choy2.png
  • 4. Cabbage-pult2.png
  • 4. Peashooter2.png
  • 3. Magnet-shroom2.png
  • 2. Lightning Reed2.png
  • 1. Garlic2.png

  • Only adventure-mode and gemium obtained plants will be ranked. With Shadow Peashooter2.png and Explode-O-Nut2.png as the only exceptions.
  • This list is based on how these plants, when at level 5, perform in penny pursuit highest difficulty levels.
  • The remaining plants not included are world-specific plants (e.g. Thyme Warp2.png )
  • Zombies here are much tougher than in regular levels, hence instants, stalling plants and enchant-mint plants are better than pure damage inflicting plants like peashooters or nightshades. The weakness about enchant-mint plants is of course, the Healer Zombie2.png.
  • Since zombies come in large clusters, plants that deal splash damage/attack multiple enemies at a time are even more useful than in regular levels and to some extent battlez.
Tier Description Plants
S You should always consider these plants in a level. Blover2.png Primal Potato Mine2.png Moonflower2.png Shadow Peashooter2.png Explode-O-Nut2.png
A+ These plants powerfully and effectively cheese off the undead. Sun-shroom2.png Chard Guard2.png Stallia2.png Primal Peashooter2.png Hurrikale2.png Shrinking Violet2.png
A These plants may not be the best, but can easily wipe off most of the undead. Winter Melon2.png Tile Turnip2.png Bowling Bulb2.png Primal Sunflower2.png Squash2.png
B+ Never ever underestimate these plants, they're quite powerful too! Laser Bean2.png Infi-nut2.png(especially when combined with Reinforce-mint2.png) Dusk Lobber2.png Grimrose2.png Lava Guava2.png Ghost Pepper2.png
B Solid ; packs a punch. Kernel-pult2.png Cherry Bomb2.png Chili Bean2.png Puff-shroom2.png Fume-shroom2.png Rotobaga2.png Celery Stalker2.png Jalapeno2.png Hypno-shroom2.png (beware of Healer Zombie2.png )
C+ Above average. Potato Mine2.png Twin Sunflower2.png Spikerock2.png Sun Bean2.png Red Stinger2.png Primal Wall-nut2.png Fire Peashooter2.png
Special For special scenarios. Magnet-shroom2.png (If tons of Centurion Zombie2.png appear, I'll give it a C+) Intensive Carrot2.png (used with Hypno-shroom2.png or Explode-O-Nut2.png etc. eatable plants strategies) Pea-nut2.png (best used in zomboss battels, when combined with Reinforce-mint2.png and Blover2.png )
  • The rest are unfortunately outclassed and mostly useless plants. (But it's still best to keep an open-mind)
  • But always consider the 3 special plants as well!
  • 15. Tile Turnip2.png
  • 14. Winter Melon2.png
  • 12. Squash2.png
  • 12. Bowling Bulb2.png
  • 11. Shrinking Violet2.png
  • 10. Hurrikale2.png
  • 9. Sun-shroom2.png
  • 8. Stallia2.png
  • 7. Chard Guard2.png
  • 6. Primal Peashooter2.png
  • 5. Primal Potato Mine2.png
  • 4. Moonflower2.png
  • 3. Blover2.png
  • 2. Explode-O-Nut2.png
  • 1. Shadow Peashooter2.png

  • I don't create an "overall" tier list for pvz2 (I did the level 1 plants one with some hesitation as I find tier lists gives me a restrictive mindset and hence I cannot create a diverse range of good strategies).
  • Instead, I will share my go-to plants and combos:
  • Explode-O-Nut2.png

I use this plant at almost every level, except at dead man's booty, icebound battleground (I use Hot Date2.png instead), tiki-torcher (I use Infi-nut2.png ) and certain levels with an infestation of Excavator Zombies and Torchlight Zombies (unless if winter melon is used.)
  • Shadow Peashooter2.png and Moonflower2.png (with occasionally Conceal-mint2.png and Dusk Lobber2.png)

Works wonders for most adventure mode levels as shadow pea has no weaknesses as all (besides being needed to be powered-up by moonflower) and certain arena levels.
But shadow pea showcases its true power during necromancy ambush of tough, machined health zombies, as it can reliably insta-kill them. It also can drag down some zombies at the start of the level (only when powered by moonflower, ofc.), making it outclass Nightshade2.png at the start of fast-paced levels (with moonflower as the sun-producing plant).
Shadow pea is usually used as a supporting plant as it pierces through the whole column and slows zombies down simultaneously, while dealing more damage and costing less sun than Laser Bean (at level 1). Very versatile plant!
  • Sun-shroom2.png and Shine Vine2.png (and Enlighten-mint2.png )

Replaces Moonflower if it is un-viable to pack moonflowers and shadow plants together (e.g. in certain levels on big bad butte/with mold colonies/where portals spawn too close to the sun producers as shine vine can also generate a little sun from the zombies' corpses)
Also used in some cases if I'm not planning to use shadow plants.
  • Primal Potato Mine2.png

A reliable instant (which particularly can be planted in a checkerboard formation in certain last stand and arena levels) to blow up large groups of zombies and graves. Can be used to start a level too. A must in pyramid of doom and Arthur's challenge, in my opinion.
Unfortunately it may not be (as) good (as it usually is) in Neon Mixtape Tour as Glitter Zombies crush it, even if it's just armed, and Hair Metal Gargantuar's sonic blasts will kill it without the explosion.
  • Spear-mint2.png (best used in tandem with Laser Bean2.png)

Acts as my Gold Bloom2.png. (since I don't have this plant)
But it also has additional effects like popping hamsterbralls, spawned spikerocks dealing huge damage to zombies etc. Generally a powerful mint family to have in arena. (particularly if more pf and power tiles are present to activate laser bean's powerful plant food effect as well.)
I use this all the time in dead man's booty.
  • Winter Melon2.png (can be used with Winter-mint2.png)

A powerful plant in endless zones, in particular levels with Torchlight Zombies, Explorer Zombies and groups of zombies with tough health (where it will act as a support to slow zombies down to let high-damage inflicters like Banana Launcher do their work), while slowing down the overall pace of the level.
Has good synergy with plants like Primal Peashooter2.png, Chard Guard2.png (they group zombies together) and Laser Bean2.png. (it kills weaker zombies which winter melon need not waste its valuable projectiles on, a notable combo in arthur's challenge) For these 3 plants, Winter Melon becomes the main attacker.
  • Blover2.png strategy: With Chard Guard2.png, Primal Peashooter2.png, Reinforce-mint2.png, Stallia2.png (level 5 and above) and Goo Peashooter2.png (only for boosterama)

Valuable in certain arena tournaments, when few but tough zombies (along with raptors) spawn. Support plants like a high levelled Laser Bean (and not Shadow Peashooter in general, as zombies take longer to reach the Chard Guards, and time is valuable in arena) kills off weak zombies which can be killed easily without the blover. Can also be used in Penny's Pursuit if there are few but tough zombies.
It's noteworthy to mention that Reinforce-mint is good enough on it's own, especially when used with Infi-nut (barrier stops ALL zombies except Mecha-Football Zombie and in some cases Barrel Roller Zombie, especially Fisherman Zombie's fishing hook) and Pea-nut (best used in certain arena boss fights, especially against the dark dragon, or if you can spam tons of pea-nuts before the match otherwise pea-nut's slow recharge may be a burden).
  • Beginner strategy: Magnifying Grass2.png, Snapdragon2.png, Primal Wall-nut2.png, Laser Bean2.png, 2 columns of sun producers (usually at C3 and 4, dig away one column later for snapdragons/laser beans) and instants/Puff-shroom/stalling plants.

Reliably completes most levels of adventure mode (even against Fisherman Zombies! Ofc, puff-shroom and lily pad are the keys.) And (perhaps) a good strategy for certain harder eclise levels. (those without crazy objectives, that is!)
But this is called "beginner" strategy as it may not work against tougher zombies in arena and penny's pursuit, as one column of laser beans and 2 column of snapdragons (and vice versa) may not be enough to finish them off.
Nevertheless, do not underestimate this strategy. It handles fast-paced hard/expansion levels with ease. Sme levels where this strategy shines on are Modern Day - Day 7 and Modern Day - Day 41.
  • Bowling Bulb2.png (usually if level 3 and above, unless if it's due to its plant food effect) (used in tandem with Appease-mint2.png)

Powerful attacker with powerful plant food effect. But it has many flaws. Some examples include the infamous strategy-killer Jester Zombie, making the level progress way too quickly (you wouldn't want that for fast paced adventure mode and penny's pursuit levels), has problems dealing with zombies on rows 1 and 5 etc. But the main problem is that most players foolishly use this plant with other crowd controlling plants like Shadow Peashooter, then wonder why their bulbs aren't functioning optimally. The truth is that bowling bulb is best used with other high damage plants like Starfruit + Appease-mint or Fire Peashooter (icebound battleground strategy, unless if weasel hoarders are present) .
Best used in arena, particularly in some zombot tournaments with ton of plant food.
  • Tile Turnip2.png

Best used in plant-food scarce, but sun aplenty situations. (E.g. goo peashooter's tournament)
Some plants it can be used with to increase attacking firepower include laser bean, bowling bulb, iceberg lettuce (stalls zombies to slow down the pace of the game, which is helpful in endless zones. Kernel pult can also do this, though), shadow shroom and primal potato mine.
A good choice in certain zombot tournaments, particularly those with a ton of sun. Also viable in endless zones.
  • Hurrikale2.png

A must in most penny pursuit levels (as it blows zombies back from reaching the unfortunate end of your lawn, before chilling'em for a while, particularly in those levels with endless waves) and certain arena levels (prevents zombies from reaching lawnmowers/destroying your plants as those will result in heavy penalties, besides a compromised defense that can decapacitate fewer zombies)
Can be used in tandem with Squash and/or Primal Potato Mine.
  • Starfruit2.png (higher levelled)

It attacks fast (enough to deal with Zombie Chickens), does decent damage, has a decent sun cost and when boosted by Appease-mint be prepared to see stars in your new enlightenment of pvz2 (and more on the zombies' heads too). Can be occasionally used in arena and penny's pursuit.
But what starfruit truly shines at is its multi-directional, long ranged (sth. Rotobaga unfortunately lacks) attack, hence planting them on planks at pirate seas levels or planting them behind certain portals which spawn annoying zombies are highly viable strategies. It also serves as a reliable garg-thrown imp killer, making this plant a powerful choice in endless zones (imo it outclasses rotobaga, snapdragon and phat beet, and let's not mention bonk choy, shall we?).
The main disadvantage of starfruit would be its awkward firing pattern, making it hard to use to attack specific zombies you want it to attack (hence starfruit is a better crowd controller).
  • Squash2.png (at least level 3)

This instant's specific use is to stall certain specific high health zombies (especially gargs), while simultaneously dealing at least 270 peas worth of damage on them. What makes squash even more noteworthy is that at higher levels (I think level 5, at least), after squash finishes its stomping attack, a new squash will be reloaded just in time for another squash to be planted to continuously stall high-health threats at one row (It also stalls nearby zombies on the same row as the squash attacks the garg again and again). Best used when few high health zombies appear at a time, or on zomboss in arena as squash is not a reliable crowd controller.
In adventure mode and penny's pursuit, squash can kill the starting zombies for 25 sun (if counting sun refund from shovelling). Squash truly shines when zombies are congregated together on a 1x1 tile, so plants like Primal Peashooter and Kernel-pult make perfect sense to support squash.

Other stuff

<gallery> PVZIAT Winter Melon Watered Costume.gif|This is nice.|link=