User blog:Starfruity/PvZ in PvZ2 Format

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So what if PvZ was in the format of PvZ2? As in mini-games part of the main path, Gargantuar levels, 25 levels per world, going through worlds in any order, Zomboss levels at Day 25, Premium plants, and such. So here we go.

Plant Notes

  • All the Premium plants in PvZ2 are also Premium here.
    • Coffee Bean is also a Premium plant.
  • All plants have their same sun costs from PvZ1.
  • Any upgrade plants from PvZ1 are now their own plant, and cost the same as the upgraded plant plus the upgrade itself (ex. Gatling Pea is 450 sun).

Front Yard

Day Number Level from PvZ1 Reward for beating level
Day 1 Level 1-1 Sunflower
Day 2 Level 1-2 Cherry Bomb
Day 3 Level 1-3 Wall-nut
Day 4 Level 1-4 Shovel Power (lets you use shovel; looks like one of the Shovel Boosts from PvZ2)
Day 5 Level 1-5 Potato Mine
Day 6 Level 1-6 Mystery Gift Box
Day 7 Slot Machine Day Note
Day 8 Modified Level 1-10 (only plants already earned, Gargantuar added.) World Key
Day 9 Level 1-7 Money bag
Day 10 Level 1-8 Lawn of the Dead (Endless Zone)
Day 11 Seeing Stars Repeater
Day 12 Level 1-9 Puff-shroom
Day 13 Level 2-1 Sun-shroom
Day 14 Level 2-2 Money bag
Day 15 Portal Combat Fume-shroom
Day 16 Level 2-3 Grave Buster
Day 17 Level 2-4 Mystery Gift Box
Day 18 Level 2-5 Twin Sunflower
Day 19 Level 2-6 Scaredy-shroom
Day 20 Level 2-7 Money bag
Day 21 Beghouled Ice-shroom
Day 22 Level 2-8 Doom-shroom
Day 23 Level 2-9 Mystery Gift Box
Day 24 ZomBotany Gatling Pea
Day 25 Boss battle with Zombot Mk. 1 Front Yard Trophy
Player's House on the Front Yard map

Crazy Dave's speeches

For the most part, they're the same, but some levels have them added.

Day 7 (Slot Machine)

What's more fun than fighting zombies?

Fighting zombies with a SLOT MACHINE!

Day 8 (Gargantuar Battle)


Greetings Homeowner,

Special couriers have been dispatched to retrieve your brains.

Please have your release forms signed before their arrival.

Sincerely, Dr. Edgar Zomboss.

Crazy Dave:

Cool, that Mr. Boss guy wants your autograph!

Wait, that's not a good thing.

Day 11 (Seeing Stars)

Hey, what's that star outline doing on your lawn?

Let's fill it with Starfruit and see what happens!

Day 15 (Portal Combat)

Looks like you're lawn has become unstable.

Get ready for some portal combat!

Day 21 (Beghouled)

Hey neighbor! Ever played Bejewled?

I love Bejewled! Why?


Day 24 (ZomBotany)

You know how sometimes zombies are plants?

This is one of those times!

Day 25 (Zombot Mk. 1 battle)


Homeowner, You have failed to submit to our rightful claim.

Be advised that unless you comply, we will be forced to take extreme action.

Please remit your home and brains to us forthwith.

Crazy Dave:

Uh oh, he's here.

Listen though, I know his weakness.

You have to hit him in the pancreas!

No, wait, that was a different guy.

Back Yard

Day Number Level from PvZ1 Reward for beating level
Day 1 Level 3-1 (Lily Pad is pre-selected and locked due to it not being available yet) Lily Pad
Day 2 Level 3-2 Threepeater
Day 3 Level 3-3 Tangle Kelp
Day 4 Level 3-4 Watery Grave (Endless Zone)
Day 5 Level 3-5 Mystery Gift Box
Day 6 Level 3-6 Spikeweed
Day 7 It's Raining Seeds Pool Note
Day 8 Modified Level 3-10 (only plants already earned, Gargantuar added.) World Key
Day 9 Level 3-7 Money bag
Day 10 Level 3-8 Tall-nut
Day 11 Level 3-9 Sea-shroom
Day 12 Level 4-1 Mystery Gift Box
Day 13 Invisi-ghoul Plantern
Day 14 Level 4-2 Cactus
Day 15 Level 4-3 Blover
Day 16 Level 4-4 Money bag
Day 17 Level 4-5 Money bag
Day 18 Zombie Nimble Zombie Quick Split Pea
Day 19 Level 4-6 Gloom-shroom
Day 20 Level 4-7 Pumpkin
Day 21 Level 4-8 Magnet-shroom
Day 22 Level 4-9 Mystery Gift Box
Day 23 Level 4-10 Money bag
Day 24 Bobsled Bonanza Cattail
Day 25 Boss battle with Zombot Mk. 2 Back Yard Trophy

Crazy Dave's speeches

For the most part, they're the same, but some levels have them added.

Day 7 (It's Raining Seeds)

Uh oh, it's raining.

Looks like all of our seeds are soaked.

I guess we'll have to use whatever the clouds have in store for us!

Day 8 (Gargantuar Battle)

Coming soon!

Day 13 (Invisi-ghoul)

Hey, what happened to all the zombies?

Oh, good, they're just invisible.

Wait, that's not a good thing!

Day 18 (Zombie Nimble Zombie Quick)

Zombie nimble, zombie quick.

Zom jump over the candlestick!

Day 24 (Bobsled Bonanza)

Coming soon!


Coming soon!


There are three packs: Vasebreaker Intro, Backyard Challenge Pack, and Rooftop Challenge Pack. Every pack takes place in the night version of that world. In the Backyard Challenge Pack, there is a long wooden plank placed across the pool forming one regular lane in its place. The levels had to be rearranged in order for them to work in other worlds. Gargantuars are NOT in the purple Gargantuar vases from PvZ2, but there is still a Vase Gargantuar with cracked regular vase shards on it.

Plant Modifications

Some plants work differently or are replaced.

  • Reverse Repeater - Can shoot down the slope of the Roof.
  • Peashooter - Replaced by Cabbage-pult in the Rooftop Challenge Pack.
  • Flower Pot - Comes with any plant placed in the Rooftop Challenge Pack as a result of the Pot Power (see below). The Flower Pot also disappears instantly when the plant is eaten.
Level in PvZ2 Level from PvZ1 Reward for beating level
Vasebreaker Intro Vasebreaker (level) Money bag
Vasebreaker Intro: To the Left To the Left Money bag
Vasebreaker Intro: Third Vase Third Vase Pot Power (Automatically puts plants into Flower Pots on the Roof in Vasebreaker!)* / Vasebreaker Endless*
Backyard Challenge: Scary Potter Scary Potter Money bag
Backyard Challenge: Hokey Pokey Hokey Pokey Money bag
Backyard Challenge: Ace of Vase Ace of Vase Pot Power (Automatically puts plants into Flower Pots on the Roof in Vasebreaker!)**
Rooftop Challenge: Chain Reaction Chain Reaction Money bag
Rooftop Challenge: M is for Metal M is for Metal Money bag
Rooftop Challenge: Another Chain Reaction Another Chain Reaction Vasebreaker Endless**

*This is assuming any pack can be played after Vasebreaker Intro is completed. Since there are only 2 packs currently in PvZ2, I have no way of knowing.

**This is assuming the packs must be played in chronological order. Since there are only 2 packs currently in PvZ2, I have no way of knowing.

I, Zombie

Coming soon!

Almanac Entries

Coming soon!