User:Jesus Valdes Aran/Sandbox/2

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This is my version of my best and worst plants and a version from 2022.


Dishonorable Mentions

Aloe2.pngSpikeweed2.pngPuff Shroom2.pngIntensive Carrot2.pngPeashooter2.png

  • Aloe: Takes 999999999999999999 years to heal and in hordes is useless. Just plant one Wall-Nut on top of another one with an upgrade that we unlocked in the Wild West and that's it. The only good synergies it has are with Chard Guard, Garlic, Kiwibeast and possibly the new two plants Blockoli and Buttercup.
  • Spikeweed: Decent against chickens, weasels, pianists and barrel rollers, but not with anything else. Now outclassed by Iceweed.
  • Puff-shroom: While it's understandable why the nerf at this plant, it doesn't take away from the fact that they ruined it in this game.
  • Intensive Carrot: You will very rarely need it. Only cost effective with expensive or slow recharging plants because with cheap plants is just a waste of sun.
  • Peashooter: Who uses this plant when there are already a million plants that shoot?

#20 - Pea Pod Son

Sling Pea2.png

It's not a bad plant at all, but it's not good either. While in levels with few zombies it's decent, if there are too many, it will be almost random and in those conditions the plant becomes disgusting.

And if we compare it with Homing Thistle, this one is much worse since its damage is lower and is also useless against Parasol Zombies and the worst thing is that it cannot benefit from the Torchwood being a common pea. Even with those it's a bit better than Pea Pod sometimes.

#19 - Eat it


As defensive plant it costs a lot (Balanced though) and for the attack it has isn't worth it either as it shoots slightly slower than a Peashooter. But hey, it still has that extra damage and recharge faster than a Wall-nut.

To top it off, years ago it cost real money and tell me, Who the hell would pay for a plant that is literally a mix of two free plants and from early game? In addition, it's no longer the only defense-attack plant in existence. The little good thing about it is that can be combined with its own mint and with the Torchwood plus the Pea Vine together, Nothing else otherwise.

#18 - OKE! OKE!

Hocus Crocus2.png

It's wrong in so many ways that I don't even know where to begin... Good choice with Enchant-mint though.

BTW, if you use it against chickens and weasels, you're screwed.

#17 - Burn into the hell!


Here's an "upgrade" to Pepper-pult with Chard Guard's ability at the same time. Looks great at first glance but the few damage, the long recharge it has and its irrelevant plant food, make it here.

#16 - Endurian Launcher

Holly Barrier2.png

As a general rule of video games, the upgrade will always be better than the original version. And this one is an upgrade to Banana Launcher only this time it launches berries with the Endurian function. And well, the rule also applies here... right? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Here the supposed upgrade is much worse than the original because the ammunition is more limited and it's not like Banana Launcher or Missile Toe that recharges theyself. No. You have to plant it on top to make it attack again and to add salt to the wound, Holly Barrier has 15 seconds recharge. All this for a premium plant.

And it's only necessary to see one thing, and that is that Endurian (And yes, that I said it was better than the Pea-nut, doesn't mean that Endurian doesn't suck) doesn't look at all great like a premium improvement. The same applies to the Murkadamia Nut, which is a meh plant. I don't understand why it's considered OP if it's not even close to it.

#15 - And the defense?

Blastberry Vine2.png

The first vine that they introduced and well I would say it's not bad to a certain point, oh but what's wrong? It has much less toughness than it should and its projectiles hardly does any damage. If it were a plant that could be obtained in the Adventure Mode somehow, maybe I wouldn't complain too much about this plant, but being a seasonal and seedium plant, it makes it much worse. All other existing vines are much better. It slipped my mind that its recharge is a bit slow for what it does.

For a while I exaggerated and considered it the worst plant in PVZ 2, but then I realized that there are worse because at least this one serves to add some DPS without taking up so much space on the board but not enough.

#14 - Are you kidding me?


I'm not going to waste my time to talk about the damage of this plant, since even at maximum level it barely kill chickens. But it works in a similar way to an edible plant only this time is to download a powerful chain attack to the zombies. To get you out of trouble isn't bad because it can affect other lines but if we talk about major threats we have to remember that most don't eat, if we want to kill them we will have to make another zombie to eat it and hope for luck to hit the one we need to hit, so it is very impractical.

The truth is, I think it's better to stop fooling around and take another better option like these ones, and more so because the second one is the closest in terms of range of action.

#13 - Teleportation

Escape Root2.png

I remember back in 2016 (At my 12 years old lol) I loved this plant, as it sounded great to swap plants. But today, I just can't see how. But well, my tastes are not relevant right now.

Well, what can I say about this plant? It's understood that it's made to make you swap plants and give you an explosive in return, the problem is that there are almost no plants that are worth doing this. Why don't they just put it out of gems already? Only really useful in Save Our Seeds levels.

Is a fun plant to use though.

#12 - Recharge that lasts twenty thousand years


Its slow recharge is the most annoying thing about this plant. That's all. Doesn't matter how much recharge it has because outside of Frostbite Caves it's not great either.

#11 - Useless and forgotten


It's still better than a Wall-nut as it has more thoughness and also stops flyers zombies. But what's the point of having more toughness if there are a lot of zombies in this game that don't eat anyway? Besides that, stopping flying zombies is totally outclassed by Infi-nut (Much cheaper with plant food) and Blover.

#10 - Cabbage-pult downgrade

Blooming Heart2.png

Its design is so cute, but cuteness doesn't mean utility (The same applies with Guacodile and Aloe). In hordes this plant is a tremendous piece of shit and its increased damage is barely felt. Melon-pult or something more consistent is better.

F for those who bought it only to have become seedium years later.

#9 - Crystal defense


Just like the Puff-shroom, they ruined this plant in this game. Undoubtedly, Garlic is much worse with such low thoughness and recharge that takes an eternity, but unlike the Puff-shroom, this one doesn't justify nothing the nerf. Sweet Potato while still bad, absolutely outclass it.

#8 - Cute =/= Useful


Bad. That's all I have to say.

#7 - Zombie Drug


Same or worse than in the first game, it's so hard to take advantage of the hypnotized zombie. The only good thing is its plant food but many more but it also has its downside, is only useful for one line and if there's a Gargantuar or too many zombies in that line (Above all chickens or weasels), they may end up destroying it. Caulipower is much better.

#6 - Nostalgia pandering

Tangle Kelp2.png

For this case the truth only exists for nostalgia, in PVZ 2 is much worse because the water is much more limited due to the low tide. Just use Potato Mine or Squash instead.

#5 - The bouncy plant

Spring Bean2.png

This shouldn't come as a surprise to nobody, this plant is pure crap and useless. Since they eliminated its combo with Blover, no one uses this plant outside its world.

#4 - Lag: The plant


I honestly have not been able to find a real use for it or an occasion where it's better than Moonflower or Gloom Vine. Of course it serves to boost the damage of the plants in its family, but what good is that if it's only temporary? Even boosted, it isn't as good offensively.

Oh and the stun cloud with gas hardly does any damage. The latter, although it is to some extent subjective, if you place several of these, your cell phone will lag, I don't know if it has been fixed and I'm not really interested.

#3 - How to waste your gems

Electric Currant2.png

Here I don't know what they were thinking. At first glance you see it and think it is interesting (And I don't blame you, I also came to think that way when I met it), but in practice it's very different, basically it can only be used with Garlics, Sweet Potatoes or Hot Dates and some plant that slows down because otherwise it's useless. Even the buff they gave it didn't help.

#2 - Idiot smile

Sun Bean2.png

If you talk to me about sun producer plants, this is definitely the worst one out there and for two reasons. First you have to make sure you make a zombie tough enough to eat it to earn as many suns as you can. Second, it has a limit of suns that it can give you and this doesn't increase even when you level it up, I don't exactly know how much it gives you but it is certainly very short if we add the 50 suns invested in this plant.

Maybe it would be decent in its world since no suns fall from the sky, but in the others it's simply outclassed by everything.

#2 - Much luxury, little utility

Gold Leaf2.png

Behold people, the worst plant in PVZ 2. Give me at least a good reason to ever use Gold Leaf, with its abysmal recharge, uselessness in game's environment, and pointless limitation of where you can use it. You even get it at the END of this world, making it even more useless.

I have nothing more to say, Gold Leaf earns its place as the worst plant in PVZ 2.


Dishonorable Mentions

Bowling Bulb2.pngDraftodil2.pngGloom Vine2.pngParsnip2.pngHeadbutter Lettuce2.pngTurkey-pult2.pngTorchwood2.png

  • Bowling Bulb: At level 1 & 2 is decent but not the best. But at level 3 is so great especially in bosses battles in Penny's Pursuit.
  • Draftodil: Best assisting plant. Best used against Imps, Chickens and Weasels and has a great combo with Shrinking Violet.
  • Gloom Vine: Very underrated plant. Can be used instead of the Moonflower especially in Ultimate Battle levels and its damage, it becomes effective, not the same as Gloom-shroom though.
  • Parsnip: This plant is Guacodile's concept done right. If the zombies overrun your defenses it will charge at them and the damage it does is significant and its plant food is just amazing.
  • Headbutter Lettuce: Is almost OP with its high and frequent damage and fast recharge. It also throws butter, outclassing Kernel-pult in this point.
  • Turkey-pult: Great against Gargantuars and knowing how to combine it can do many things but I understand that they just nerfed it in this update against bosses battles but I am not totally sure about that.
  • Torchwood: I remember when it was real money, it sucked and now..... It's free and they gave it quite a few better changes, making it worth it. It serves as a nut, damages zombies on contact, increases the damage of peas and if eaten it will explode like a Jalapeno. It's just awesome, and if that wasn't enough it warms plants for Frostbite Caves and on top of that they put it in the Appease-mint family, the same one as the peas, you can't ask for more.

#20 - Ugly but useful

Imp Pear2.png

I think it's a mix of Chili Bean and an unit Shrinking Violet (This will be discussed in the #19). The effect it has of turning zombies into Imps is quite powerful no matter how strong or leveled they were. To top it off, its cost is zero and its recharge time is 5 seconds, all this at level 1. Can you imagine that?

It has only one problem and the biggest one of all is that it only works with zombies than can eat plants (Unless it's for its plant food) and that's why it isn't so high.

#19 - Wimp Maker

Shrinking Violet2.png

If you have 100 gems and you're considering buying a plant, I would definitely recommend this one. Its power is so high that it can transform threats into nothing, all this for an cheap cost and a 15-second recharge and to top it off, it has the same area as a Cherry Bomb. Its plant food is sublime and thanks to all this, it's extremely useful in Endless Zones and harder Penny's Pursuit levels.

#18 - Cherry Bomb with Steroids


It's like a Cherry Bomb but much better since you are not only affecting the zombies within its 3x3 blast area, but also the entire line plus the other grapes that have considerable damage and by chance will do something, but you can certainly get rid of a handful of zombies and it can take care of that annoying Imp that left a Gargantuar behind.

Speaking of Gargantuars, it's worth noting that you can also kill a Gargantuar with one shot if you place it in the same tile as him. Of course, Heath Seeker does something similar and with faster recharge, but doesn't mean that Grapeshot doesn't rock.

#17 - Bubblegum Plant


Gumnut is Tall-nut's concept but a thousand times better. Of course, this one is a single-use plant, but is otherwise compensated. First it has a relatively fast recharge of 12 seconds and for a defense it's quite low. In addition, the gum's thougness is 8000! It means that the zombies will hardly do anything with the chewing gum. And unlike Tall-nut, this one is absolutely effective even against with zombies than can't eat plants (Examples are Gargantuars and Mecha-Footballs) and to top it all off, it disables their powers, forcing them to eat.

And with Reinforce-mint is just amazing. Its only problem is that it becomes useless in levels with Z-Mechs but should not be overlooked otherwise.

#16 - Gods of electricity

Lightning Reed2.pngElectric Peashooter2.png

And now, we have the two best Fila-mint plants that have something in common, both in heaps in the lawn are excellent and do almost massive damage. While the Lightning Reed is easier to obtain, is cheaper and is admittedly better against armored zombies (Like Brickheads and Knight Zombies), Electric Peashooter is better in versatility and in attacking the entire line.

Both can kill chickens and weasels with one hit. My only complaint about the Electric Peashooter is that plant food is atrociously bad but no problem otherwise.

#15 - Energy for levels

Primal Sunflower2.pngSun-shroom2.png

As in the previous position, both are tied because they are very similar in practice. Sun-shroom is more cost efficient and makes a great combo with Enlighten-mint (Like a pseudo-Gold Bloom) while Primal Sunflower is required more in difficult levels where zombies appear from the beginning level.

#14 - Fast Freeze but PVZ Version

Stickybomb Rice2.png

Apple Mortar but better (The Apple isn't bad, just that with this one they got more potential out of it). Its projectiles paralyze the zombies for a certain period of time and do decent damage and its totally effective against Jester Zombies and Parasol Zombies, something extremely rare for an Arma-mint plant. Its cost and recharge are perfect for what it does.

#13 - Cup of coffee turned plant

Solar Sage2.png

I consider it at the free alternative of Gold Bloom. Its sun cost is non-existent and its recharge is somewhat slow and fast at the same time. By placing it you can make the zombies turn into monks and give you sun until they leave the board and if that isn't enough, they are immune to any kind of damage and recently can be planted on Big Wave Beach without the need to place a Lily Pad first. I would actually say it's even better than Gold Bloom, is like a cereal or a cup of coffee for the levels.

#12 - Queen of Sun Producers


I would even say that it is the best sun producer because if it's boosted it gives us 100 sun, which would be equivalent to a Twin Sunflower but cheaper, even without shadow plants it would still be good because with the typical double columns of Sunflowers you boost them all and thus get ten Twin Sunflowers faster and cheaper than using Twin Sunflowers themselves.

Its plant food is awful though.

#11 - Threepeater at half the price

Dusk Lobber2.png

I will not say much, but I will say that this plant is simply very good especially when it's boosted because this way we have a Threepeater of 150 cost sun and also has a small but significant area damage, with a mediocre recharge though. Best of all, it's free for the adventure mode.

#10 - GOD of Sundae

Cold Snapdragon2.png

If the Snapdragon wasn't so bad (In fact, he's a decent plant), well this one that is an ice-based version and slows down is much better. For starters, its recharge and cost are the same than the original counterpart, but here it feels very little for what this plant does and its ice power means that zombies will take more damage or even die before reaching the Snapdragons and while not same as powerful as Pokra, it can stand on its own. Making it a viable option in Endless Zones and in almost any situation.

#9 - Hacker Plant


It's the super-upgraded version to the Shadow-shroom. Poisons zombies in a huge 3x5 area and stuns for a good 50 damage and if that were not enough, the poison lasts until the zombie dies, that is to say, it lasts forever. It's definitely a cool plant, so much so that with this plant you can pass difficult Penny's Pursuit levels without so much trouble.

8. Caulipower
7. Primal Potato Mine
6. Pea Vine
5. Shadow Peashooter
4. Imitater
3. Explode-o-vine
2. Pokra
1. Blover