
From Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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Plants-Vs-Zombies.png This user has been playing Plants vs. Zombies since 2010.
PVZA.png This user has been playing Plants vs. Zombies Adventures since 2012.
[default to 250]px
A Zombotany
Vital statistics
Title Zombie + Plant + Botany = Zomplantany
Gender Male
Race Zombies and Plants
Abilities Shot a Plants with pea
Faction Undead and Flora
Health 10
Level After Unlocking Minigames
Status Live in a world games
Location Plants Vs. Zombies

Why My Username is Zomplantany?

Why My User is Zomplantany? Because this my idea, Zomplantany have three name portmanteau. Namely Zombies, Plant, and Botany. Like a ZomBotany. Or, I just edit a name Minigames ZomBotany to ZomPlantany.

My Info in Plants vs. Zombies


Second Life.png This user has beaten Adventure Mode 3 time(s).
PVZA.png This user was at Park-n-Perish in Plants vs. Zombies Adventures.


LastStandEndlessTemplate.png This user has completed 5 flags in Last Stand: Endless.


VaseBreakerTemplate.png This user has achieved a streak of 81 in Vasebreaker: Endless in Plants vs. Zombies.
IZombieTemplate.png This user has achieved a streak of 40 in I, Zombie: Endless.
SurvivalEndlessTemplate.png This user has completed 68 flags in Survival: Endless.

Hate and Favorite Arena


Almanac GroundDay.jpg This user's favorite area is Day.
Almanac GroundPool.jpg This user's favorite area is Pool.
Almanac GroundRoof.jpg This user's favorite area is Roof.


Almanac GroundFog.jpg This user's least favorite area is Fog.
Almanac GroundNight.jpg This user's least favorite area is Night.

Zen Garden Mode

ZenGarden.png This user has collected 48 Zen Garden plants.
Tree of Wisdom1.png This user's Tree of Wisdom is 1690 feet tall.

About My Favorite

My favorite pages

My favorite Plants

Plants Vs. Zombies

Normal Plants
Melon-pult1.png This user's favorite plant is Melon-pult.
Repeater1.png This user's favorite plant is Repeater.
Torchwood1.png This user's favorite plant is Torchwood.
Grave Buster1.png This user's favorite plant is Grave Buster.
Lily Pad1.png This user's favorite plant is Lily Pad.
Jalapeno1.png This user's favorite plant is Jalapeno.
Tall-nut1.png This user's favorite plant is Tall-nut.
Sunflower1.png This user's favorite plant is Sunflower.
Giant Wall-nut1.png This user's favorite plant is Giant Wall-nut.
Giant Marigold1.png This user's favorite plant is Giant Marigold.
Giant Sunflower1.png This user's favorite plant is Giant Sunflower.
Magnet-shroom1.png This user's favorite plant is Magnet-shroom.
Plantern1.png This user's favorite plant is Plantern.
Cactus1.png This user's favorite plant is Cactus.
Upgrade Plants
Cattail1.png This user's favorite plant is Cattail.
Gold Magnet1.png This user's favorite plant is Gold Magnet.
Gatling Pea1.png This user's favorite plant is Gatling Pea.
Spikerock1.png This user's favorite plant is Spikerock.
Winter Melon1.png This user's favorite plant is Winter Melon.
Twin Sunflower1.png This user's favorite plant is Twin Sunflower.

Plants vs. Zombies 2

Sunflower2.png This user's favorite plant is Sunflower.
Twin Sunflower2.png This user's favorite plant is Twin Sunflower.
Pea Pod2.png This user's favorite plant is Pea Pod.
Power Lily2.png This user's favorite plant is Power Lily.
Tile Turnip2.png This user's favorite plant is Tile Turnip.
Bonk Choy2.png This user's favorite plant is Bonk Choy.
Bloomerang2.png This user's favorite plant is Bloomerang.
Winter Melon2.png This user's favorite plant is Winter Melon.
Melon-pult2.png This user's favorite plant is Melon-pult.
Tall-nut2.png This user's favorite plant is Tall-nut.
Infi-nut2.png This user's favorite plant is Infi-nut.
E.M.Peach2.png This user's favorite plant is E.M.Peach.
Iceberg Lettuce2.png This user's favorite plant is Iceberg Lettuce.
Lightning Reed2.png This user's favorite plant is Lightning Reed.
Snapdragon2.png This user's favorite plant is Snapdragon.
Chili Bean2.png This user's favorite plant is Chili Bean.

My Favorite Zombies

Buckethead Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Buckethead Zombie.
Screen Door Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Screen Door Zombie.
Newspaper Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Newspaper Zombie.
Football Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Football Zombie.
Dancing Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Dancing Zombie.
Zomboni1.png This user's favorite zombie is Zomboni.
Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Pole Vaulting Zombie.
Ladder Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Ladder Zombie.
Snorkel Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Snorkel Zombie.
Balloon Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Balloon Zombie.
Dolphin Rider Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Dolphin Rider Zombie.
Digger Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Digger Zombie.
Pogo Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Pogo Zombie.
Bungee Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Bungee Zombie.
Gargantuar1.png This user's favorite zombie is Gargantuar.
File:Giga Gargantuar1.png This user's favorite zombie is Giga Gargantuar.
Catapult Zombie1.png This user's favorite zombie is Catapult Zombie.
Dr. Zomboss1.png This user's favorite zombie is Dr. Zomboss.

My Favorite Minigames

My Favorite Plants vs. Zombies Soundtrack

My Plants vs. Zombies game(s)

My Plants vs. Zombies Screenshot

My Plants vs. Zombies DS Screenshot