User blog:GloweySpecs/PvZ Port Ideas

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Place for me to vent out porting ideas because I am terribly impulsive and I do not have the Skillz to create original art for PvZCC pages.

Please note: these ideas were not made the intent of viable or "good" in the games they are made for. The main philosophy of these creations are "if this were in this game, how would it act?"

Plants vs. Zombies 2

Plant Ability Plant Food Family
Doom-shroom1.png Explodes and vanquishes zombies in a large range, and then recharges for a minute. Creates a massive explosion and defeats all zombies on-screen but needs to recharge for a long time/leaves a crater that can't be planted on for while. Bombard-mint familyicon.png
Coffee Bean1.png Instant use, speeds up the attacks of all plants in a 3x3 area. N/A Contain-mint familyicon.png
Umbrella Leaf1.png Blocks lobbed projectiles and airdropped zombies in a 3x3 area. Grows larger leaves allowing her to protect in a 5x5 area. Reinforce-mint familyicon.png
Gloom-shroom1.png Slowly gloops zombies in a 3x3 area. Gloops deal poison damage. Heavily gloops in a 5x5 around themself. Ail-mint familyicon.png
Gold Magnet1.png Attracts nearby metal objects and turns them into coins. Can attract Excavator Zombie's shovel. Attracts all metal objects on-screen and turns them into gold coins. Contain-mint familyicon.png
Future StarSE.png Shoots chilling ice stars in five different directions. Fires a barrage of massive ice stars that freeze zombies they hit. Winter-mint familyicon.png
Sweet PeaA.png Shoots wads of gum down its lane, momentarily gumming zombies. Can permanently gum zombies when they approach. Attracts zombies from other lanes when they are close by. Spawns a large ball of gum that rolls down her lane, attracting zombies from adjacent lanes and gumming them. Contain-mint familyicon.png
Shadow FlowerGW2.png Lobs a damaging projectile at zombies which then turns into collectable sun. Fires three high damaging projectiles at the three closest zombies to the house, which then turns into collectable large suns. Arma-mint familyicon.png
Metal PetalGW1.png Blocks off zombies with her metal body, and slowly produces sun as a bonus. Gains armor that doubles her health, produces a quick burst of sun. Reinforce-mint familyicon.png
Toxic ChomperGW1.png Breaths a toxic gas, poisoning zombies in a 2x3 area. Eats zombies when they get too close. Eats all zombies in a 3x3 area in front of her, barfs back a 3x3 toxic cloud that lingers for quite a while. Ail-mint familyicon.png
Armor ChomperGW1.png Swallows more zombies and has high enough health to block zombies, but takes longer to chew zombies. Gains armor and vacuums up six zombies in his lane. Reinforce-mint familyicon.png
Iron CitronGW2.png Charges up more slowly but deals more damage. Has high enough health to block zombies. Fires an extremely high damaging projectile that explodes upon contact and deals damage in a 3x3 area. Reinforce-mint familyicon.png
BlueberriesAS.png Lobs short ranged gobs of blueberry juice down lane they're in and the lanes both above and below them. Lobs a short ranged barrage of blueberry juice down the lanes they fires in. Appease-mint familyicon.png
Canta-pultAS.png Lobs high damaging cantaloupes over obstacles and shields. Fires a volley of strong cantaloupes at every zombie on screen. Arma-mint familyicon.png
Droplet ShooterAS.png Fires water peas at zombies ahead, which deal splash damage in a 3x3 area. Direct projectile can extinguish flames. Fires a barrage of splash damaging water peas. Appease-mint familyicon.png
Frostbolt ShooterAS.png Fires penetrating ice arrows that can damage multiple zombies and chill them down. Fires a high damaging arrow that pierces its entire lane and freezes all zombies it damages. Winter-mint familyicon.png
LycheeAS.png Explodes in a 3x3 area. Deals less than Cherry Bomb, but costs less and recharges faster. N/A Bombard-mint familyicon.png
Melon Slice PitcherAS.png Lobs melon slices that deal splash damage in a 3x3 area. Fires a volley of melon slices at every zombie on screen. Arma-mint familyicon.png
Orchid CactusAS.png Orchid Cactus devours zombies whole, but is vulnerable while chewing. Produces one Plant Food after swallowing. doesn't like plant food plant food yucky why do you think it spits it out Enchant-mint familyicon.png
Sago PalmAS.png A Wall plant that damages zombies that cannot be jumped over. Gains armor that doubles its health and deals more damage. Reinforce-mint familyicon.png
CauliflowerAS.png Fires low damaging cauliflower puff ahead at zombies for a cheap price. All Smalliflowers create duplicates towards the front of in the same column. Appease-mint familyicon.png
Infi-Tall-nutAS.png Has more health than an Infi-nut, less health than a Tall-nut. Can't be jumped over, regenerates its health over time. Creates a column covering force field. Reinforce-mint familyicon.png
Triplet SunflowerAS.png Produces three times as much sun as a Sunflower. Produces 350 sun at once. Enlighten-mint familyicon.png
Water DragonAS.png Deals damage ahead of itself in a 3x3 area ahead of itself, can only be planted underwater. Does a powerful attack in a 3x3 area ahead of itself. Enforce-mint familyicon.png
OnionAS.png Harmlessly explodes in a 3x3 area, diverting all zombies in said area into different lanes. N/A Ail-mint familyicon.png
Banana SplitH.png Throws chilling scoops of ice cream that splits into two weaker projectiles that travel diagonally. When destroyed splits into two Split Bananas that fire weaker scoops of ice cream. Winter-mint familyicon.png
Winter SquashH.png Squashes all zombies in a 1x1 area in front of her, freezes/chills in a 3x3 area around zombies squashed. Randomly squashes two different zombies on the screen. Winter-mint familyicon.png
Ketchup MechanicH.png Attacks zombies with her wrench when they're close by. Heals surrounding plants in a 3x3 area when no zombies are present. Rapidly overheals plants in a 3x3 area, shoots globs of ketchup in front of her that push zombies back. Enforce-mint familyicon.png
Cold Slaw3.png Lobs chilling frozen heads of cabbage at zombies, slowing them down and extinguishing fire. Fires a volley of frozen heads of strong cabbage at every zombie on screen. Winter-mint familyicon.png


Plants vs. Zombies Heroes

This one I got more ideas for

Plant Tribe(s) Cost & Stats Ability(s) Rarity Description
PvZH Guardian Icon.png Guardian
AcornBfN.png Nut Plant 2SunPvZH.png
When a Nut is played, this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png.

When played: Conjure a random Tree plant.

Uncommon TBA
Calm ChuckSE.png Trick 2SunPvZH.png All Plants get +3HeartPvZH.png. Uncommon TBA
Garlic DroneGW2.png Root Plant 4SunPvZH.png
2PvZH Truestrike Icon.png
PvZH Truestrike Icon.pngBullseye

When played on Heights:
This gets +2StrengthPvZH.png/+2HeartPvZH.png.

Rare TBA
Hard-nutA.png Nut Plant 4SunPvZH.png
5PvZH Armored Icon.png
PvZH Armored Icon.pngArmored 2
PvZH Kabloom Icon.png Kabloom
A.K.E.E.2.png Fruit Plant 1SunPvZH.png
1Weird unused PvZH icon.png
Weird unused PvZH icon.pngOvershoot 2. Uncommon TBA
Flower Pot1.png Flower Plant 2SunPvZH.png
Weird unused PvZH icon.pngOvershoot 3

a Plant played on this gets Weird unused PvZH icon.pngOvershoot 3.

Rare TBA
Goo Peashooter2.png Pea Plant 3SunPvZH.png
2PvZH Anti-Hero Icon.png
PvZH Anti-Hero Icon.pngAnti-Hero 3. Uncommon TBA
JalapenoAS.png Fruit Trick 4SunPvZH.png Do 2 damage to each Zombie. Rare TBA
Carrot RocketO.png Root Plant 4SunPvZH.png
3Weird unused PvZH icon.png
Weird unused PvZH icon.pngOvershoot 3. Rare TBA
Pineapple-pultO.png Fruit Plant 5SunPvZH.png
6Weird unused PvZH icon.png
Weird unused PvZH icon.pngOvershoot 5. Super
PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.png Mega-Grow
Coffee BeanAS.png Bean Trick 2SunPvZH.png Give a Plant DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike
Conjure a Bean card.
Uncommon "Eggs and grits a-lickity-split!"
Reverse Repeater2.png Pea Plant 3SunPvZH.png
DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike, Damages you lul Token TBA
Latte BeanAS.png Bean Plant 4SunPvZH.png
When played: Give a Plant DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike Rare TBA
Tile Turnip2.png Root Environment 4SunPvZH.png When a Plant enters this lane, it does a Bonus Attack. Rare TBA
Mocha BeanAS.png Bean Plant 6SunPvZH.png
Plants next door get DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike. Super
PvZH Smarty Icon.png Smarty
Amber GemmaBfN.png Pea Plant 4SunPvZH.png
A Zombie gets -3StrengthPvZH.png. Rare Smooth as resin, hard as amber.
Droplet ShooterAS.png Pea Plant 4SunPvZH.png
Splash Damage 2
All Splash Damage plants get +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and +1 Splash Damage.
Rare Sure to make a splash at any showdown.
Banana Dancer2.png Banana Tree Plant 6SunPvZH.png
Start of turn:
a Zombie.
She and Bird of Paradise are fierce rivals in the jungle entertainment scene.
Thyme Warp2.png Leafy Trick 9SunPvZH.png Bounce all Zombies on the board. Super
".emoh uoy ekat ll'ew dna su htiw emoc tsuj
,gnorw uoy staert tsuj dlrow eht nehw dnA"
Hurrikale2C.png Leafy TBA Bounce a Zombie, it comes back PvZH Frozen Icon.pngFrozen. TBA TBA
PvZH Solar Icon.png Solar
Aloe2C.png Cactus Plant 2SunPvZH.png
When played:
Heal for 3 damage.
Uncommon TBA
BeeshooterBeta.png Animal Pea Plant 2SunPvZH.png
2PvZH Strikethrough Icon.png
PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough Uncommon TBA
Gold Bloom2C.png Leafy Flower Trick 2SunPvZH.png You get +1SunPvZH.png for the rest of the game. Uncommon TBA
Super ChomperGWE.png Flytrap Plant 6SunPvZH.png
Flytrap evolution:
Defeat a Zombie with 6StrengthPvZH.png or less.
Meet the Chomp, that can't be stomped.
Dino-Roar Grass2.png Animal Flytrap Plant 6SunPvZH.png
Zombies cannot activate their Dino-Roar Abilities.

Dino-Roar: Destroy a Zombie here.

Legendary TBA
Sunflower QueenGW2.png Flower Plant 6SunPvZH.png
Start of Turn: You get +1SunPvZH.png for each Plant. Legendary Sunflower Queen believes that her royal subjects should not go unrecognized.


PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian

  • Acorn: Wanted to freestyle a plant idea, Drek'TharSuperSword suggested doing Acorn.
  • Calm Chuck: I really love Calm Chuck and I will make it my business to make sure none you forget that he exists.
  • Garlic Drone: I wanted to reference her connection to Cactus by giving her PvZH Truestrike Icon.pngBullseye, and also give her Amphibious due to her being able to fly. The "When played on Heights" ability is meant to make the player decide if they wanna use her in the water as a "Better Sting Bean" or if they wanna go for the damage boost and get that sweet 4PvZH Truestrike Icon.png damage. And as for how she has a PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow ability despite being PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian? Well, there's already a Guardian plant with a Mega-Grow ability already in the game!
  • Hard-nut: Felt fitting.

PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom

PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow

PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty

".* neaB ylleJ ni shgual *" ,tseb ti tup pc3678yliL sA :praW emyhT ▪︎

  • Hurrikale: Idea made sense, can't decide if he should be a trick or a fighter.

PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar

Plants vs. Zombies 3

Plant Ability Plant Food Tacobility Categories Type
Shots home in on the closest zombie to the house, zombies attacked are slowed down. Rose-tinted! Goatify:
Turns all zombies it her lane and adjacent lanes into goats.
Zombies attacked by Rose take more damage from plants.
Earthy Damage Icon.png
Slows all zombies that walk over it. Does heavy damage to pushed Obstacles. Iciclicious! Chillsaw:
Fires a freezing sawblade down it's lane, dealing damage to zombies and pushing them back.
Deals more damage and breaks more obstacles.
Rapid Fire
Chilling Damage Icon.png