Wall-nut Hills

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Wall-nut Hills Day
Wall-nut Hills Night

Wall-nut Hills is a map used in the Gardens & Graveyards mode in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare and Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. In the first Garden Warfare the map is also playable at night.

In Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfareif the game is installing or updating, then the player will be able to free roam this map until the installing/updating is complete.

Map description

The zombies just found out about Crazy Dave's sweet mansion and want to take it over. If the Plants can't stop them, Dave will be living on the streets!


  • Backyard
  • Treehouse
  • Playground
  • Garden
  • Estate
  • Pool
  • Mansion


NOTE: Teleporter locations are as they are in relation to the zombies' spawn area, not the plants'.




  • Engineers should build teleporters to help lessen the walking distance between gardens and use the Zombot Drone's Cone Strike to clear out plant-filled gardens.
  • Scientists should use their Zombie Heal Station to support zombies capturing the gardens.
  • Foot Soldiers controlling the rooftops can give the plants a hard time moving and, most importantly, defending.
  • All-Stars can mess up enemies at mid to close range (preferably the latter), but due to the relative openness of this map, Cacti are a considerable threat.



  • Peashooters can use the roofs of the nearby houses to gain a height advantage. Use this to help seek out zombies who stray from the group and spot Engineers trying to set up teleporters. You should also use his Hyper ability to sprint to the graveyard and ambush the zombies there.
  • As a Cactus, one of the longest sight lines for this garden is the alley running horizontally to the garden. Use this to your advantage and snipe zombies attempting to flank around the point or spawn camp. Bear in mind that this method is often looked down upon, as it does not give the zombies a fair fighting chance.
  • The houses offer cover from most attacks, giving Sunflowers an easier time surviving attacks to heal allies.


  • The graveyard does not offer much cover, meaning Cacti are one the most significant threats here, yet it is also vast, meaning you may have a chance to flank the plants and attack them from nearby rooftops.
  • The graveyard is very wide, giving Peashooters and Cacti a clear line of sight to attack you from afar. Spread out, but once you make it through the graveyard, link up with teammates and cover their weaknesses.
  • Stand behind the wall in front of the garden to quickly capture the garden. Most plants overlook this spot as they cannot see you very well.

Teleporter locations

  • Location A: On the far left side of the garden, near the map edge, next to a yellow house just outside the graveyard area.
  • Location B: On the far right side of the garden, just outside the graveyard, in a small clearing near the broken wall.



  • Most of the routes to the garden provide limited cover. Chompers will have to be extra sneaky in maneuvering, as there are very few ways to get behind enemy lines without being spotted.
  • Due to the lack of cover, zombies will often crowd around buildings or behind vehicles. This gives Peashooters a great opportunity to use his Chili Bean Bomb.
  • The lack of cover can give skilled Cacti free rein to hunt for zombies, yet this is true only if your team can maintain their defense.


  • Cacti will often use the treehouse as a point to snipe. Use the Engineer's Zombot Drone to clear them out, but be careful: there is minimal cover for your drone to use. Alternatively, sneak behind the plants, sneak into the treehouse, clear it out, and take it yourself. Watch out, as this will not work against attentive plants.
  • Foot Soldiers have access to some good sniping spots not far from spawn. Employ counter-sniping strategies to suppress, harass, and defeat Cacti to obtain range superiority, then start picking off plants near the garden.
  • Peashooters using Pea Gatling and Sunflowers using Sunbeam can often be seen rooted in the ground of the treehouse. Take them out with the Foot Soldier's ZPG or Multi-Rocket.
  • The Treehouse is one of the most essential gardens to use your Dummy Shields on as All-Star. Your fellow zombies will need the cover while moving between buildings.
  • Do not crowd up the rooftops, as this makes you susceptible to splash damage and Power Cacti, in addition to depriving your team of a potential attacking class.
  • Like the Backyard, stand behind the wall in the front of the garden to quickly capture it.

Teleporter locations

  • Location A: On the backyard of a house located on the far left side of the map, slightly away from the garden. There are two Zombot Turrets on the road near the house in question.
  • Location B: On the front yard of a yellow house located to the left of the garden on the zombie side of the road that goes past the objective. This location is vulnerable to plant attacks, so be careful.



  • The playground has many different directions to attack from. Use Peashooters on the roofs and Garlic Drones to scout out incoming threats.
  • Retreating underneath the playground bridges can provide safety. However, remember to watch out for zombies up on the playground compound's upper levels.
  • The central road is rarely used by zombies due to its relative openness, meaning Cacti become less effective here. If you do see zombies on this road, snipe them while they make their way towards the playground.
  • Chompers, especially Spray-Chompers (Fire Chomper, Toxic Chomper, etc.), can effectively defend this garden as there is plenty of cover to hide behind, and the zombies are forced to engage in close-range combat, in which the Chomper excels.


  • The playground has one of the longest runs in the map. Make sure to have a teleporter available at all times.
  • The left side of the playground (zombie view) has a covered slide, useful for sneak attacks. Watch out for Potato Mines here.
  • This garden is very congested. Therefore, Chompers can become problematic, but there is much cover nearby. This garden's congestedness makes Cone Strikes effective, as most plants will not have a clear shot at the sky. Still, keep moving to lessen the chances of being shot down.
  • There are still rooftops that qualify for Foot Soldiers and sniping, so use them.
  • Due to the close-quarters nature of the garden, skilled All-Stars and Scientists will be the most effective classes at assaulting it.
  • For massive plant groups, use Imp Punts and Long Bombs.
  • There is a balcony to the left of the garden that overlooks the garden. Use this to bombard/snipe the garden. Beware of plants behind you, as they will spawn not far from this point.
  • Standing inside the lower half of the turquoise swirly slide (or behind it) can help capture the garden faster.

Teleporter locations

  • Locations A: On the parking area in front of a large beige house with a blue roof, both located to the left of the playground and the garden.
  • Location B: Behind a blue house located on the right side of the road that runs down the hill to the playground. This location is comparatively closer to the garden.



  • Zombies can come from all sides, so use Tallnut Battlements and Iron Maidens to set up cover.
  • Spikeweeds and Potato Mines are somewhat ineffective, as this garden is open to enemy fire from almost all angles, allowing zombies to destroy them quickly.
  • Getting sniped by Foot Soldiers is expected in this garden, so Cacti and Peashooters will have to work hard to avoid shots from Foot Soldiers on the rooftops.
  • Chompers are extremely ineffective here since there is next to no cover. Still, once a zombie enters the garden, he is susceptible to your close-quarters power. The Armor Chomper has higher health, giving you some protection against long-range attacks, but his slower movement speed makes you an easy target without cover or support.


  • As mentioned above, sniping is very popular in this garden; use it as a Foot Soldier. Watch out, however, as Cacti also do this often, so you may have to take them down before you can start dismantling the defenses in the garden.
  • The zombies should attack in small groups from multiple directions and utilize Spawnable Zombies.
  • Given how congested this garden is, Bamboo Shoots appear very commonly here, so watch out for them.
  • This garden has very little cover. Use Imp Punt, Long Bomb, ZPG, and Multi-Rocket to take out groups of plants.
  • There are four little corners where you can stand in to capture the garden faster.

Teleporter locations

  • Location A: In the backyard of a house located just behind the left side of the playground. This location has a plant spawn point on the left (towards the Estate) so watch out for attacks from that side.
  • Location B: Located near a blue house that is basically behind the garden. This location is rather challenging to reach and set up in as it is located very close to the plants' spawn (just a few meters away), and it is a long way there that does not have much cover.



  • The roof of the estate is an excellent vantage point. Both teleporter locations can be shot from here. The balcony below the roof is also an excellent vantage point for plants that cannot reach the roof.
  • When on the roof, be careful, as skilled zombie snipers can attack you from their spawn. The roof is also susceptible to drone strikes, so be ready to escape quickly.
  • All-Stars will often try to charge up the middle route. Use Spawnable Plants and Tallnut Battlements coupled up with Peashooters and preferably Sunflowers for healing to help shut the central route.
  • Be aware of the two flank routes:
    • One flank route is to the left and contains a teleporter location. It is open, meaning Cacti can achieve some degree of efficiency, yet Peashooters patrolling the estate's roof and balconies should monitor this route and attack any zombies on it on sight.
    • The other flank route is located to the right, and while it is rarely used, it should be monitored nonetheless, as letting a team of zombies through here past your central defense can cause heavy damage.


  • The right path provides some cover and is excellent for attacks from behind. However, there will often be plants watching the route, so be on your guard.
  • The central route should not be taken unless Foot Soldiers eliminate plants from vantage points since the lack of cover means that even All-Stars cannot reliably make it through without sustaining heavy damage.
  • This garden has a very long walk to cover, so keep the teleporters active to increase your chances of success.
  • There is a spawnable turret close to the garden and the estate itself. If you are an Engineer variant, try to build it if your team develops a firm hold on the garden. Plants jumping off the roof will often not notice the attack from behind if it is constructed.
  • Take out Peashooters using Pea Gatling on the rooftops with the ZPG or Multi-Rocket.
  • This garden has minimal cover, so stand behind the boat or on top of it to capture the garden faster.

Teleporter locations

  • Location A: Located in a large open front yard in front of a large yellow house on the left side of the garden, near the gates that open after the objective is capped.
  • Location B: In a pavilion located in a grassy downhill area on the right side of the garden. This location is open to enemy fire from the roof of the houses that are next to the objective, so using a drone to scout ahead is recommended.



  • Zombies will often funnel through to your general right, which goes up a staircase and a small gate. Use Tallnut Battlements, Potato Mines, and Spikeweeds to shut them down.
  • There are still a few vantage points for Peashooters to use, and the central building provides a good place for Cacti, yet the garden is still very open, and sniping is not as easy here as on the estate.
  • Chompers can still defend the garden, yet the lack of cover makes it challenging. Despite that, this garden is one of the easier ones to defend as a Chomper.


  • Potted plants coupled with Tallnut Battlements will often block the main routes into the pool area. Take them out to help your fellow zombies.
  • The garden itself is not very well covered. Use any cover you can find to your advantage to keep far-off enemies from killing you while capturing the garden.
  • The All-Star's Dummy Shield can be very useful in this garden as cover is very limited, and any extra cover will be helpful.
  • There is a wall behind the garden where you can stand behind to capture the garden more quickly.

Teleporter locations

  • Location A: Located on a large open front yard on the left-hand side of the map, not far away from the large road.
  • Location B: Essentially the same as mentioned above but located a little further away, nearly on the other side of the garden.

Crazy Dave's Mansion


To win, you need to prevent five zombies from entering the mansion for five minutes.

  • The open sightlines that the wide slope where the Wall-Nuts roll provides are very useful for sniping as Cacti, but that is true also for your enemies. As a Sunflower, try to provide healing to them to give them an edge against Foot Soldiers.
  • Stop the zombies from getting five zombies in the mansion. Deploy Spikeweeds, Potato Mines, and Tallnut Battlements in front of the door to stop zombies from entering. 
  • Goop-Shroom and spawnable Ice plants should be used here. Both will severely cut down on the zombies' ability to move while trying to get in.
  • Scientist and his variants are the most significant threats here, as the Energy Warp allows them to bypass almost all defenses (Tallnut Battlements being the only exception). You can also stand in front of the Scientist to block him while using Energy Warp.
  • Check the lawn everywhere. There will always be zombies trying to sneak around or use abilities to get in quickly, primarily via the staircase on the left (plants' view) side of the house.
  • If using Boss Mode, deploy Coconut Spotting Stations, especially near the left and right of the Tallnut Cannons. Spotting incoming enemies (especially Scientists) is very valuable to your team.
  • Peashooters can use Hyper or Super Pea Jump to get on top of the overhead fence in both cases with the teleporter. From there, you can use a hole to shoot through at the teleporter in addition to dropping Chili Bean Bombs. If any Peashooters are already doing that, support them with Potato Mines, Tallnut Battlements, and healing from Sunflowers.


To win, you need to get five zombies in the mansion before five minutes run out.

  • Scientist and his variants have the best chance of getting into the mansion, as the Energy Warp gets him past all defenses and makes him immune to the instant kill from the Tall-nut Cannons.
  • The Engineer's Jackhammer is almost equally good and allows you to harm plants along the way, yet is riskier, as you are vulnerable to damage and can tread over Potato Mines or Spikeweeds.
  • Avoid the bridge in front of the mansion while using Energy Warp; the narrow passage makes you susceptible to being blocked.
  • The staircase on the right (zombies' view) side of the mansion can be an excellent way to enter as plants tend to ignore it (unless they catch a zombie attempting to enter the mansion that way) and mainly use the top floor for sniping, allowing you to sneak behind, get some kills, and enter the mansion. Vanquish any Spawnable Plants before entering the mansion.
  • Potted Plants (especially Goop-shroom and Ice-shroom) can be a pain to eliminate. Try to take them out to clear the way for your fellow zombies.
  • Foot Soldiers can Rocket Leap into the mansion, Engineers can use their Jackhammers to dodge shots, jumping over and demolishing Tallnut Battlements, and All-Stars can Sprint Tackle into the mansion, although with the latter, be careful to avoid charging into Spikeweeds or Potato Mines.
  • Often there will be plants huddled in front of the bottom entrance. As an All-Star, clear them out the Long Bomb or Imp Punt. Doing so also destroys any Spikeweeds, Potato Mines, or Tallnut Battlements in the blast radius.
  • The Jackhammer is quite helpful in demolishing Tallnut Battlements and Iron Maidens as there can sometimes be a barrier of them blocking the doorway, making entry hard. The Jackhammer can solve this problem since it instantly destroys any Tallnut Battlements you run into if you jump on them.
  • As with Engineers, the teleporter is now a top priority since the distance to the mansion door is exceptionally long. However, if the plants are causing you difficulties, it can severely confuse them if you sneak past them into the mansion.

Teleporter locations

  • In a compartment located either to the left or right of the area where the Tall-Nut Cannons are.

Note to zombies

Once you capture each garden, you must get five zombies into the mansion before time expires. Getting a fifth zombie in after the time has ended will not count, earning the plants a defensive victory.



If the Plant team successfully defends Crazy Dave's mansion until the time runs out, fireworks shoot out and explode in the air. The plants earn 200 coins for defending the mansion.


If the Zombie team successfully gets 5 of their allies (including themselves) into the mansion, a zombie storm cloud appears on top of the mansion, the same storm cloud as those that appear over captured gardens. A bolt of lightning will then strike the statue of Crazy Dave visible on the right side of the main entrance, destroying it. Only its hand, two feet, and saucepan helmet will be left behind.


In other languages

Please note that only official translations are used.

Language Name Description
United States of America English Wall-nut Hills
Traditional Chinese 城牆堅果山丘
France French Arpents des noix
Germany German Wallnuss-Hügel
Italy Italian Colline di noci
Japan Japanese ウォールナッツヒル
Poland Polish Orzechowe Wzgórza
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Colina das Nozes
Spain Spanish Colinas Cáscara-rabias

Please note that only official translations are used.

Language Name Description
United States of America English Wall-nut Hills Night
France French Arpents des noix de nuit
Germany German Wallnuss-Hügel – Nacht
Italy Italian Colline di noci di notte
Japan Japanese 夜のウォールナッツヒル
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Colina das Nozes (Noite)
Spain Spanish Noche de colinas Cáscara-rabias


  • If the round ends at Crazy Dave's Mansion, any players present on the bridge that leads to the main entrance will be seen by all players. Any plant or zombie can do almost anything while on the bridge, such as making gestures and moving around, but it is slightly hard since the player will be in the same view as everyone else.
    • This is a very popular practice of some players staying at the bridge exclusively near the end, completely ignoring their normal duty during the final seconds to be there to be seen by everyone.
  • In the installation/updating phase of installing or updating Garden Warfare, if you try to go to Crazy Dave's Mansion, there is an Easter egg in which a gray vase is located in the front of the gate. If you break that vase, a Yeti Zombie will come out and try to vanquish you, but you can also vanquish it. Also, Browncoat Zombies may appear when you break the vase. If you are vanquished, you can still respawn and try to switch characters and proceed to the mansion again, where the Yeti Zombie and some Browncoat Zombies are still waiting for you until you vanquish them.
    • Before the Suburbination DLC, however, the vase originally had a question mark on it, similar to the vases in the original Plants vs. Zombies.
    • You can also get outside this map with the cannon near the second garden (the treehouse).
  • This is one of two maps with the most areas out of all the maps in Gardens and Graveyards, with seven different areas to capture/defend, with the other being Main Street.
  • If you (as a zombie) enter the mansion, you will freeze in place for a short delay while being immune to damage, then instantly respawn. Entering the mansion does not count as an actual death, but it will still reset vanquish streaks. Dr. Zomboss can also be heard laughing, and you can then hear the death sound of your character before respawning.
  • There is a bug that occurs when you get this map in a Gardens & Graveyards or Mixed Mode game from the multiplayer menu, where is a chance that the game will freeze on the loading screen. This bug only applies to the PS3 version of the game.
    • This glitch can only happen if the game is currently taking place in the second, third, fourth, or fifth garden.
  • As said by PopCap in a Twitch stream, this map was originally named Suburbia.
  • It is possible, as the Peashooter, to use Hyper or Super Pea Jump and jump on the mansion roof.
    • Doing so can be highly advantageous on your side, especially with Agent Pea, as it allows you to see everything, starting from the pool.
    • It is possible to do so with the Cactus as well, but it is much more difficult as you must use the Garlic Drone method.

Garden Warfare 2 only

  • On February 7th, 2019, the official Plants vs. Zombies Twitter tweeted that Wall-nut Hills would be returning to Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 since it is a fan favorite map. It first appeared as a Super Mix Mode in the Mystery Portal, then was permanently added to the Turf Takeover map rotation.
    • Justin Wiebe has also confirmed that certain characters like Citron and Imp are unplayable on this map due to some areas in the map where they would get stuck.
  • In Garden Warfare 2, you can only play as one of the original 8 classes on this map. However, you can still play as the new variants, such as Scuba Soldier.
  • In Garden Warfare 2, near each garden, the Defender Bot that the Engineer can build is actually the Zombot Turret from Garden Warfare.
    • When the bot is upgraded to tier 2, it does not become the tier 2 bot from Garden Warfare, but instead a broken and glitch-prone tier 3 bot.
  • In Garden Warfare 2, there was a bug where the loading screen would say "Suburban Flats" instead of "Wall-nut Hills". This was later fixed.
  • In Garden Warfare 2, there is a bug where the gardens will play their respective Seeds of Time music (e.g. the Backyard will play the Entrance music, the Treehouse will play the Dinoland music, etc.). This bug has not been fixed.
  • This map, along with the night versions of Seeds of Time and Great White North, are the only maps that cannot be played in private and solo play for the Multiplayer Portal.
  • This map is the only Gardens & Graveyards/Turf Takeover map in Garden Warfare 2 to have 7 objectives.
V · T · E
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare maps
Multi-game mode Chomp Town · Crash Course · Garden Center · Jewel Junction · Port Scallywag · Sharkbite Shores · Suburban Flats · Zomboss Estate
Gardens & Graveyards Cactus Canyon · Driftwood Shores · Main Street · Wall-nut Hills
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 maps
Team Vanquish Z-Tech Factory · Frosty Creek · Time Park · Colizeum · Lunar Landing · Zen Peak · Boney Island · Sandy Sands · Aqua Center · Frontline Flats · Backyard Battleground
Turf Takeover
Gardens & Graveyards Seeds of Time · Great White North · Wall-nut Hills
Herbal Assault Moon Base Z · Zomburbia · Zombopolis
Trials of Eternity Trial of Shooty-Shooty · Trial of Recollection · Trial of Hot Doom · Trial of Balance
Other Backyard Battleground · Infinity Time
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville maps
Team Vanquish Colossal Fossil · Daisy Drive · Funderdome · Pressure Pier · Rocky Flats · Ruiny Ruins · Z-Tech Factory · Z-Tech Oozevoir
Turf Takeover Loggy Acres · Peachy District · Goopy Gully · Turning Point · Preserve Pastures · Tourist Trap Island
Battle Arena Funderdome
Neighborville Dave Manor · Giddy Park · Zomboss HQ
Town Center Sundrop Hills · Up-Down-Uptown · Pressure Pier · The Sewers · Funderdome · Shady Garden
Mount Steep Olde Town · Rocky Flats · Steep Mines · Rock Bottom
Weirding Woods Camp Near-a-Lake · Stirring Swamp · Z-Tech Factory · The Heartwood