Steam Age - Day 13

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They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Steam Age - Day 13 is the thirteenth level of Steam Age in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. After completing this level, the player receives a money bag.

In Normal mode, the player has to reach 2000 points.


(Crazy Dave and Penny appears)
Crazy Dave: That's a lot of sewers! I have trypophobia!
Penny: The detector shows that plants and zombies will pop out from the sewers.
Crazy Dave: Is there a trampoline down there?
Penny: No.
Penny: Knocking on zombies will increase your score, knocking on plants will deduct your score. Beat the level by reaching a set amount of score.
Penny: Spending coins will give you a Power Doubler Mallet which gives double the amount of score when hitting zombies.
Penny: Spending gems will give you a Power Super Doubler Mallet which gives double the amount of score no matter what is being hit.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leaves)



In hard mode, the player has to reach 4200 points.




  • This is the only level to have white stripes around the sphere, despite the fact that there are other several levels in Steam Age that are Brain Busters.
    • It might be because this level features the exclusive Brain Buster of the current world.


<poll> How would you rate Steam Age - Day 13's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>