Renaissance Age - Day 7

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This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.

Renaissance Age - Day 7 is the seventh level of Renaissance Age in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. This level introduces the Marble Mounds and the Sculptor Imp Zombie. When this level is finished for the first time, the player gets coins.

In Normal mode, the player has to beat the zombies at Level 1.


This level introduces the Sculptor Imp Zombie. These little zombies will make sure that you won't be able to kill them easily with their ability to free a zombie from a Marble Mound. There are also new types of statues, ones containing Buckethead Aristocrat Zombies, and ones containing Perfume Zombies. Powerful plants should be used to destroy the statues.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Aristocrat Zombie2.png None
2 Aristocrat Zombie2.png Aristocrat Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
3 Sculptor Imp Zombie2.png2 Sculptor Imp Zombie2.png3 Aristocrat Zombie2.png None First flag.
Level turns to night.
4 Aristocrat Zombie2.png Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2.png None
5 Aristocrat Zombie2.png Aristocrat Zombie2.png Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2.png Buckethead Aristocrat Zombie2.png Flag Aristocrat Zombie2.png None Second flag.
6 Aristocrat Zombie2.png Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Sculptor Imp Zombie2.png1 Sculptor Imp Zombie2.png4 Sculptor Imp Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Aristocrat Zombie2.png None
8 Aristocrat Zombie2.png Aristocrat Zombie2.png Buckethead Aristocrat Zombie2.png None
9 Aristocrat Zombie2.png Aristocrat Zombie2.png Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2.png Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2.png None
10 Aristocrat Zombie2.png Aristocrat Zombie2.png Aristocrat Zombie2.png Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2.png Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2.png Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2.png Flag Aristocrat Zombie2.png None Final wave.


  • Use Hurrikales to push back newly-freed zombies.
  • Since the Sculptor Imp Zombie is an imp, Shrinking Violet will easily dispose of it.


In hard mode, the player has to defeat leveled-up zombies.


Just like in the previous level, upgraded zombies and statues are ingredients for a recipe of disaster. Level up your plants to easily kill them.


  • Just like in normal mode, any strategies used there will most likely succeed with leveled-up plants.


<poll> How would you rate Renaissance Age - Day 7's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>