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They can be tough nuts to crack.
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In the normal mode of this level, the player has to beat an easy version of the level.
The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Start by spam-planting Puff-shrooms as a temporary defense. The one at the entrance can be upgraded, but the rest shouldn't, as the space should be saved for more powerful plants.
Snapdragon has a lot of potential in this level, as lane-range plants are usually more effective against zombies going horizontally in their lane, and there are only five tiles where that can happen. In fact, it's actually a good idea to fill up as much as the lawn as you can with Snapdragons.
In hard mode, the player has to beat a harder version of the level.
Like most Brain Busters in this version, the hard mode of this level is a completely different level. This level features three minibosses: Jester Zombie, Dark Ages Gargantuar, and Wizard Zombie, leading up to the final boss, the Wolf Zombie, who aside from having ridiculously high health, can blow away your plants and speed up zombies. As it's the final Fright Theater level, it's the most difficult, so the player would need a good strategy to beat this level.
(under construction)
Puff-shrooms should be planted at the entrance for an early defense, and they should quickly be upgraded to Fume-shrooms. They can also be spam-planted everywhere, but upgrading those into Fume-shrooms is unwise. Fume-shrooms should also be placed in R1 and they should quickly be upgraded to Laser Beans.
The first pack of Imp Wolves should be quickly destroyed by planting in the back. While Snapdragon is more effective it's expensive, while Lightning Reed is cheaper and can be upgraded into Melon-pult which will be more useful later on. A mixture of those can be used, and the player should use Plant Food if necessary.
Now you can just keep filling up the lawn and upgrading your plants. The rest of the middle T-shaped patch should be completely filled with Snapdragons, while C8R2 and C9R2 should have Split Peas (upgrading to Starfruit is optional). Just don't upgrade your Melon-pults to Citrons just yet, as Citron does poorly against hordes.
If your Plant Food bar is full, use one to attack the minibosses.
How would you rate Dark Ages - Night 20 (Chinese version)'s difficulty?
Very hard
Somewhat hard
Somewhat easy
Very easy