Far Future - Day 17 (Chinese version)

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This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.
For the international version of the level, see Far Future - Day 17.
For the level before the v1.8 update, see Far Future - Day 17 (Chinese version: pre-1.8).

Far Future - Day 17 is the 17th level of Far Future in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. The player is given an objective to not spend than 1500 sun. When this level is finished for the first time, the player gets coins.

In the normal mode of this level, the player has to defeat the zombies at level 1.


This level can be a bit struggling with the objective given. The player cannot spend more than 1500 sun, which is not a lot of sun for the player to use. Because of this, using expensive plants like Winter Melon or Citron are not recommend to use. Even worse, the Mecha-Football Zombie, which is very effective at breaking your defenses apart, makes its first appearance here. Luckily, there is only one Mecha-Football Zombie in this level. The Shield Zombie is present, so using cheap plants that can defeat this zombie quickly like Lava Guava is recommended.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Future Zombie2.png None
2 Future Zombie2.png None
3 Future Zombie2.png Future Conehead Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png None
5 Future Zombie2.png Future Zombie2.png Future Zombie2.png Future Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Future Conehead Zombie2.png1 Future Conehead Zombie2.png5 Shield Zombie2.png3 None
7 Future Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Carries 1x Plant Food.
Bot Swarm!
8 Future Conehead Zombie2.png Future Conehead Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
9 Future Zombie2.png2 Future Zombie2.png2 Future Zombie2.png4 Future Zombie2.png4 Shield Zombie2.png3 None
10 Future Zombie2.png3 Future Conehead Zombie2.png Future Conehead Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
11 Future Conehead Zombie2.png Future Conehead Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
12 Future Flag Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png1 Mecha-Football Zombie2.png5 Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Final wave.
Bot Swarm!

Saving sun to use for Blover can be helpful to take out huge hordes of Jetpack Zombies or Bot Swarms.



In hard mode, the player has to defeat the zombies at level 2 or above.


The player must choose plants that are cheap but powerful enough to defeat the leveled-up Shield Zombie and Mecha-Football Zombie, with most of them being Level 3 now (if you are playing in the world order from left to right). As it is leveled up, trying to actually destroy Shield Zombie's shield is not recommended. Leveled-up plants, Blover and E.M.Peach are proven to be very useful here.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Future Zombie2.png None
2 Future Zombie2.png None
3 Future Zombie2.png Future Conehead Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png None
5 Future Zombie2.png Future Zombie2.png Future Zombie2.png Future Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Future Conehead Zombie2.png1 Future Conehead Zombie2.png5 Shield Zombie2.png3 None
7 Future Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Carries 1x Plant Food.
Bot Swarm!
8 Future Conehead Zombie2.png Future Conehead Zombie2.png Shield Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
9 Future Zombie2.png2 Future Zombie2.png2 Future Zombie2.png4 Future Zombie2.png4 Shield Zombie2.png3 None
10 Future Zombie2.png3 Future Conehead Zombie2.png Future Conehead Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
11 Future Conehead Zombie2.png Future Conehead Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
12 Future Flag Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png1 Mecha-Football Zombie2.png5 Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Final wave.
Bot Swarm!


By leveling up the plants needed to beat a leveled-up Gargantuar Prime, this should not be a problem. Below is an another detailed strategy for beating this level easily.

  • A strategy that makes use of zero-sun plants.
  • Required plants:
  • Plant as many Puff-shrooms as you can. As it costs 0 sun, you will not have to worry about the objective. Plant Iceberg Lettuces at the back whenever possible. Continue planting and replacing the disappeared ones.
  • You may want to plant the Kiwifruits on the Power Tiles whenever possible, so save sun for them.
  • Use E.M.Peach to encounter Bot Swarms, as well as disabling the Shield Zombie and Mecha-Football Zombie for a while and Blover to encounter Jetpack Zombies.
  • When ready, immediately use Plant Food on Puff-shroom to finish the Bug Bot Imps, Shield Zombie and Mecha-Football Zombie all at once

