From Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
A plague has swept this era.
This article is about content that is no longer available. As such, it is archived.
Three Fights With Skeleton Demon 2-4 was the fourth level of Three Fights With Skeleton Demon in Plants vs. Zombies: Journey to the West. It was a conveyor-belt level. To earn all three stars, the player had to complete the stage, not let the Flying Imp steal the star which was located at the back of the lawn on one of the lawn mowers, and not to lose any lawn mowers.
The level already gave the player all the counters for the corresponding threats in the level. However, their planting space was still limited to only half the lawn, and the level was quite long as well.
It was recommended to use plant at least one column of Snow Pea, Split Pea and Fume-shroom to counter the different kinds of zombies. In the very last part of the levels zombies appeared in groups often with Football Zombie absorbing damage and often needs to be dealt with by instant kills. Scaredy-shrooms are redundant because of the abundant supply of Snow Pea and Split Pea. Pumpkins should be used wisely as using Doom-shroom leaves a crater which lowers the number of already scarce usable tiles and destroys the Pumpkin at the same tile which is low in amount, too. As Doom-shroom lowers the number of usable tiles and can clog the conveyor belt, it should be planted and quickly shoveled when necessary. Hypno-shrooms and Squashes should be saved for use when needed.
Plants vs. Zombies Journey To The West - Three fight with Skeleton Demon 2-4