User:Pmhpc/Encyclopedia (PvZ2)

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This shows the exact damage, speed, and any other numbers for Plants vs. Zombies 2.

Plants' encyclopedia


  • Times are in seconds.
  • All plants, even those that are invincible, are vulnerable to theft or explosions.
  • Attacks are per projectile.
  • Range is based on the grid.
Plant Image Health point Attack Range Function interval Recharge time Characteristics Sun cost
Peashooter Peashooter2.png 300 20 Full row 1.5 5 Shoots peas at zombies. 100
Sunflower Sunflower2.png 300 n/a n/a 20 5 Produces 50 sun about every 20 seconds. 50
Wall-nut Wall-nut2.png 3600 n/a n/a n/a 20 Protects other plants behind it. 50
Potato Mine Potato Mine2.png 300 1800 0.5 15 20 Kills all zombies in the same square, needs time to arm itself. 25
Cabbage-pult Cabbage-pult2.png 300 40 Full row 3 5 Lobs cabbages that bypasses ground obstacles 105
Bloomerang Bloomerang2.png 300 20 Full row (Max Targets: 3) 3 5 Throws boomerangs that deal damage to zombies twice 175
Iceberg Lettuce Iceberg Lettuce2.png N/A N/A 0 10 20 Freezes a Zombie 0
Grave Buster Grave Buster2.png 300 N/A N/A 3 (to destroy a gravestone) 10 Removes a gravestone 0
Bonk Choy Bonk Choy2.png 300 15 1.5 0 5 Punches near Zombies quickly. 150
Repeater Repeater2.png 300 20 Full row 1.5 5 Shots two peas 200
Twin Sunflower Twin Sunflower2.png 300 N/A N/A 20 10 Produces 100 sun every 20 seconds 125
Kernel-pult Kernel-pult2.png 300 10 (kernel)
20 (butter)
Full row 3 5 Throws kernel at zombies, ocasional chance of throwing immobilizing butter 100
Snapdragon Snapdragon2.png 300 30 3x2 1.5 5 Throws closed range flames on the three rows in front of it. 150
Spikeweed Spikeweed2.png One smash or popable object 20 0.5 1.0 5 Cannot be eaten, does damage to zombies that steps on it, pops barrels and pianos. 100
Spring Bean Spring Bean2.png 300 N/A 0 N/A 20 Bounces a Zombie one step back or to the water if possible 50
Coconut Cannon Coconut Cannon2.png 300 900 (direct)
300 (splash)
Full row 16 5 Throws high damage coconuts with splash damage. Needs recharging between fires. 400
Threepeater Threepeater2.png 300 20 3 full rows 1.5 5 Shoots peas in the lane above, below and its lane. 300
Spikerock Spikerock2.png three smashes 40 0.5 0.5 5 More powerful version of Spikeweed who takes 3 smashes to be destroyed 250
Cherry Bomb Cherry Bomb2.png Infinite 1800 1.5 N/A 35 Explodes and deal heavy damge on zombies around it 150
Jalapeno Jalapeno1.png infinite 1800 full line 1.0 50 Kills all zombies in its row. 125
Spikeweed Spikeweed1.png one smash 20 0.5 1.0 7.5 Cannot be eaten, does damage to zombies that steps on it, pops tires. 100
Torchwood Torchwood1.png 300 40 (target)
14 (splash)
n/a n/a 7.5 Doubles the damage of all peas that passes through it, adds splash damage in the same square of the zombie hit, uncovers fog in about 1.25 squares in cardinal directions around it. 175
Tall-nut Tall-nut1.png 7200 n/a n/a n/a 30 Stronger than a Wall-nut and cannot be vaulted over. 125
Sea-shroom Sea-shroom1.png 300 20 3 1.43 30 Aquatic and nocturnal, shoots spores to zombies three squares away from it. 0
Plantern Plantern1.png 300 n/a n/a n/a 30 Uncovers fog in a 5x7 area. 25
Cactus Cactus1.png 300 20 full line 1.43 7.5 Deals damage and pops balloons. 125
Blover Blover1.png infinite n/a n/a 0.5 7.5 Blows away fog and all Balloon Zombies. 100
Split Pea Split Pea1.png 300 20 full line 1.43 7.5 Shoots one pea forwards and two peas backwards. 125
Starfruit Starfruit1.png 300 20 five directions 1.43 7.5 Shoots stars in five directions. 125
Pumpkin Pumpkin1.png 3600 n/a n/a n/a 30 As strong as a Wall-nut and can be planted over another plant. 125
Magnet-shroom Magnet-shroom1.png 300 n/a 3.5 15 7.5 Nocturnal, attracts metal items on zombies in a three square radius. 100
Cabbage-pult Cabbage-pult1.png 300 40 full line 2.9 7.5 Lobs cabbages over the roof. 100
Flower Pot Flower Pot1.png 300 n/a n/a n/a 7.5 Allows a plant to be planted on the roof. 25
Kernel-pult Kernel-pult1.png 300 20 (kernel)
40 (butter)
full line 2.9 7.5 Lobs corn kernels that do light damage and butter that does normal damage and immobilizes zombies for three seconds. 100
Coffee Bean Coffee Bean1.png infinite n/a n/a 1.0 7.5 Can only be planted on sleeping mushrooms, wakes sleeping mushrooms. 75
Garlic Garlic1.png 1050 n/a n/a n/a 7.5 Diverts zombies that bites it to the lane above or below. 50
Umbrella Leaf Umbrella Leaf1.png 300 n/a 1.5 n/a 7.5 Bounces off all Bungee Zombies and basketballs on or around itself. 100
Marigold Marigold1.png 300 n/a n/a 24 30 Drops silver and gold coins. 50
Melon-pult Melon-pult1.png 300 80 (target)
30 (splash)
full line 2.9 7.5 Lobs melons that heavily damages groups of zombies. 300
Gatling Pea Gatling Pea1.png 300 20 full line 1.43 50 Shoots four peas at a time, upgrade of Repeater. 250
Twin Sunflower Twin Sunflower1.png 300 n/a n/a 24 50 Produces 50 sun about every 24 seconds, upgrade of Sunflower. 150
Gloom-shroom Gloom-shroom1.png 300 20 1.5 1.9 50 Shoots fumes four times per second, shoots in all squares on or around it, penetrates shields, upgrade of Fume-shroom. 150
Cattail Cattail1.png 300 20 full screen 1.43 50 Aquatic, shoots two spikes to zombies at any lane, pops balloons, upgrade of Lily Pad. 225
Winter Melon Winter Melon1.png 300 80 (target)
30 (splash)
full line 2.9 50 Lobs frozen melons that damages and slows groups of zombies, upgrade of Melon-pult. 200
Gold Magnet Gold Magnet1.png 300 n/a full screen 10 50 Attracts money, upgrade of Magnet-shroom. 50
Spikerock Spikerock1.png nine smashes 20 0.5 1.0 50 Does damage twice per second to all zombies that step on it, takes in nine smashes, upgrade of Spikeweed. 125
Cob Cannon Cob Cannon1.png 300 1800 full screen,
36.41 (reload)
4 (land)
50 Click or tap on it to target where to launch a corn cob, upgrade of two horizontal adjacent Kernel-pults. 500
Imitater Imitater1.png 300 ? n/a ? ? Duplicates a seed slot, creating a whitened copy of each plant. ?