User blog:Ballistic Planet/Ballistic Planet's Top 20 Best, Worst, Most, and Least Favorite plants in Plants vs. Zombies 2

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So, this what three people have been waiting for. It's my Quadruple threat this time around, now updated with proper opinions on the NMT plants (and let's just say, it's not gonna go over well). Anyways without further a do, lets move onto the rules.


Firstly, what's the difference between Best, and Most Favorite? (And by extension, Worst and Least Favorite)

The Best plants are in my opinion, the best plants in the game, but the best plants may not be my most favorite

My Most Favorites are the plants that I personally enjoy the most. This list factors in design, costumes, and personal experiences. Ofcourse, the Least Favorite and Worst list are a similar situation.

The worst plants are the plants I think suck to use in this game.

My Least Favorites are the plants that I hate using, and have personal gripes with. However making this list a list of 20 was hard, as I only actually really hate 8 plants in this game, so the other 12 are minor gripes. Let's get onto the real rules.

  1. Firstly, double dipping IS allowed. If double dipping wasn't allowed, there wouldn't be enough plants for these lists. So this means a plant can show up on multiple lists. Enough said.
  2. These lists are ALL personal opinion and subjective. While you may hate the plants I put here, I quite enjoy them. To each their own.
  3. Conjoined entries ARE allowed, and they are frequent.
  4. Gold Leaf, Thyme Warp, E.M.Peach, Tangle Kelp, Lily Pad, Spring Bean, Hot Potato, and Grave Buster are not allowed on my Best and Worst lists.
  5. I'm stealing the naming thing from Milesprower2, and I'm not giving it back >:D

Let's get onto the first list, Top 20 Best Plants.

Best Plants

#20 Colonel Pult

Obligatory joke. But besides that, Kernel-pult is a very good early staller, when he wants to work. If Kernel-pult works, then he's an insane plant, stalling the first zombie in his lane permanently. If he doesn't work, well, you're a sitting duck, and that's why he's at #20.

#19 The alliance

Red Stinger is a good plant. In the back, he's a great shot plant and early killer. In the middle, he sucks. In the front, he can get work done, as he's fairly tanky. But Red Stinger I feel is most useful in the back as the early killer, but he works well around the map. No AOE without plant food does bring him down, though.

#18 The most basic staller

Iceberg Lettuce is the original staller. The ability to stop a zombie early to get early sun is a great thing, and Iceberg Lettuce, for a time, was the best one. And if you don't have the more advanced stallers, Iceberg Lettuce is still very good. Just don't take this plant into Frostbite Caves.

#17 The Piercing Squad

The first conjoined entry, and oh boy it's a doozy. All these plants have their own merits, which I'll list right now.

Cactus: The ability to be almost undestroyable is a really good feature, and Cactus has just that. Cactus also has the range advantage over Fume-shroom, and the attack speed advantage over Laser Bean and A.K.E.E.

A.K.E.E.: A.K.E.E. is the worst plant in this group. He doesn't really have any advantage over the other plants in this entry, I just put him here because he does the same thing as these other plants.

Fume-shroom: Fume-shroom is the cheapest plant here, and has an attack speed advantage over Laser Bean and A.K.E.E. Great on tight budgets, as well as relevant in all stages of the game. And for a plant that costs 125 Sun, that's good.

Laser Bean: Has the range advantage over Fume-shroom, but doesn't attack as fast, and costs nearly 1.75 x as much.

#16 RNG the game

Electric Blueberry certainly nails the "WOW!" factor. I mean, it can instantly kill Gargantuars! If Gargantuars don't come in heavy numbers, then this thing is the thing to stop them easily. However, this things targeting system is absolute crap, and it's recharge is also bad. But I think this plant has potential, especially vs a small number of gargs on a tight budget.

#15 The firing Squad And me too guys :(

Banana Launcher and Coconut Cannon take #15 on this list. They both do similar things, so I'll list the advantages they have over each other.

Banana Launcher: Has the range and Damage advantage.

Coconut Cannon: has the sun cost, and attack speed advantage. These are easier to spam.

Strawburst: Has versatile damage, and when fully grown, better than Coconut Cannon. Also lobbed.

I think all of these plants are pretty good, but ofcourse, there's still better.

#14 The Supercharger

Tile Turnip takes his place on this list here because he can make levels REALLY easy once set up. If you have a column of these with Banana's on top of them, that's a screen wipe for just one plant food. However, he takes A LOT of sun to get setup, and that might not be something you have.

#13 Chomper MK2

This is powercreep. With a bit of support, Toadstool can win levels on their own. I beat the entirety of Lost City part 2 with just Toadstool and instants, and the instants weren't the only ones doing the work. If you have three columns of these, they will shred through zombies. The extra sun this gives you is a nice bonus, but that range advantage just makes this plant insane.

#12 The upgraded Stallers

These plants can set your level up, or let you fall. Stunion and Stallia are incredible at keeping zombies at bay, and helping out your other plants. Here are the advantages:

Stunion: Actually stops zombies, and a whole bunch of them!

Stallia: Sun cost, and can slow in a 3x3 area.

I think both of these plants are good, but there's still better.

#11 The twins

Twin Sunflower gives you more sun longer, but you lose so much value if you plant this early, which you kind of have to. This plant gets the job done well as a sun producer, but it's just not the best one in my opinion.

#10 Little brother

Melon-pult is a great plant until you get Winter Melon. His damage is proficient, and he can work well on a budget. He is fairly expensive though. But he's definitely a step above Coconut Cannon and Banana.

#9 The "Yung" Volcano

Lava Guava's idea, while not the most unique, is definitely interesting. Basically he's a reverse Ghost Pepper, doing the explosion first and then the AOE DOT (Area of effect damage over time). While good in a lot of situations, he doesn't synergize will with freezing plants, and he doesn't have the range of Ghost Pepper.

#8 The mighty dragon

As a close range fighter, this plant takes the cake. Easily spammable, and does very proficient damage for his sun cost. However, he is a close range plant, so without support he might get run over. Still, I find this plant to be VERY good.

#7 The gatekeeper

Chard Guard is really good. He knocks zombies that come close away, and he knocks them back very far. He also doesn't care about Gargs or Football Mechs, he'll just knock them away. This plant is the gatekeeper to your lawn, and he will protect you reliably.

#6 The spooky ghost

Compared to Lava Guava, I'd rather use Ghost Pepper. Ghost Pepper does her damage first, and then explodes. She can be used in Big Wave Beach, she can be used with freezing plants, she can be used in so many strategies, and I love Ghost Pepper for her versatility.

#5 The Blow Hards

These plants are amazing. Hurrikale is my personal stalling plant of choice. He has a nice cooldown, and can destroy an entire lane of zombies, something Stunion and Stallia can't do all of the time. While Jalapeno does kill all the zombies, Hurrikale has a better cooldown, and can reset situations that you might not have been able to get out of.

Blover is good in a different way. Blover completely annihilates so many Zombies, that some worlds would be a nightmare without him. While Blover's use is limited to 5 worlds, (Pirate Seas, Far Future, Frostbite Caves, Lost City, and Neon Mixtape Tour) Blover use in those worlds is so good, that he deserves to be up here.

#4 Chaboof!!

This plant is almost mandatory. Cherry Bomb can instantly clear out 3 lanes of Zombies, and it can be almost ANY zombie. If there's a swarm of incredibly tough zombies, then this what you need.

#3 Life itself

Power Lily gives you such an advantage it's not even funny. Almost essential as a booster, Power Lily's support on almost any plant in the game makes her a diverse and strong plant. Mandatory if you want to go far in Endless Zones.

#2 The light in the darkness

Wow. They jacked up Sun-shroom. Sun-shroom as a sun producer gives you the most value. He's cheap, but can produce A LOT of sun for you, and all just for a measily 25 Sun. Incredible.

#1 The plant god

Yeah, it's true. In my opinion, Winter Melon is the best plant in the game, and for good reason. He's got the damage, he's got the utility, but most importantly, he has AOE splash damage. This plant can win levels on his own, and can really change the way you play the game. It'll take a lot to outdo Winter Melon.


By definition, Imitater is the best plant in the game, because he's all the plants.

The Worst

Here we go. You guys will agree with A LOT more of what I have to say here.

#20 The bell pepper

This plant has such a long recharge, it's just not worth. You can really only use this in one world, and even in that word it's not completely necessary. However, it's not the worst thing ever, but it's bad.

#19 Highly unsatisfactory jams

I thought I would like this plant, but nope. He doesn't do any damage, and he doesn't have much use besides countering one of the easiest zombies to kill in the game, the Boombox Zombie. Snapdragon ranges him, and although Phat Beet can deal damage from behind, it's not very good damage. His critical attack seldom happens, and when it does, it's unnoticeable. I'm not sure how they found a way to make Gloom-shroom worse, but they did.

#18 The candle in the darkness

This plant is completely unnecessary. You don't need to use him, Sun-shroom should be enough.He still can get value if you use him, but the value just isn't worth the seed slot you waste on this adorable thing.

#17 The Magic Combo

Or should I say the fail combo. You spend 800 sun for 10 damage, with no AOE. And when the zombies come out and swarms, you just lose with this strategy. This strategy can work, but it needs so much support, and you need so much sun it's just not worth it. Not to mention how badly this strategy handles Gargs.

#16 s'Not OP

Snow Pea worse than Fire Peashooter AND Repeater. Why? Well Fire Peashooter has the same ability (or inability) to deal with chickens. but has double the damage. Repeater deals with Chickens better. Snow Pea can't deal with chickens, and doesn't have the AOE or damage to keep up with the Zombies. You can use this early, but I think a stun would be more worth than a slow that isn't even AOE. Not the worst thing, but definitely not the best.

#15 The wheels on the bus

The heads take too long to recharge, and often times this plant is just a sitting duck. It has AOE, but is far too unreliable to be worth it. It's DPS is complete trash, but if this plant somehow works, it can destroy zombies. Still, not very good.

#14 The "Heavy" Hitter

This has good damage, but that damage is focused on one zombie, and that zombie will generally be low on health, because it hits the front most zombie. It will seldom hit the zombie you want it to, and because of that, it just falls. No AOE, slow attack speed, bad plant.

#13 The Offensive Defense

Wow, these plants are, interesting? They each have their own problems that make them spectacularly awful.

Pea-nut: For 100 more sun than a Wall-nut, you get damage so insignificant, it makes Snow Pea laugh with giddy. Not worth the extra 100 Sun over Wall-nut.

Endurian: This plant as FAR too little HP to be worthwile, and it only hits zombies in front of it. Would be so much better if it hit in a 3x3 area, like chinese Endurian.

#12 The fail ham radio operator

Bro, that's not a call sign. He does no damage. He has AOE, but it doesn't matter when you 20 Shot a basic Zombie. His gimmick was to deal with chickens, but he's not even the most efficient plant to do that with. No gimmick no damage, no plant.

#11 The Siamese twins

They brought this plant back to counter a zombie, but most of the time you won't even need this plant to deal with that zombie. You can just kill it before he jumps. However, you could use this plant if he can jump. Besides being a counter to one zombie, he's just a Peashooter.


Oh yeah NO! Seriously, this plant is just bad. Snapdragon does what it does for half the sun cost, and he only loses out on range and minor attack speed. Threepeater just doesn't do anything in this game, and when you see him you think "Ugh a better plant could've been here".

#9 The chinese wannabe

Words cannot describe how much I HATE this plant, but I'll go into that later. Dandelion is just awful. Attack speed so bad that Snapdragon laughs at it, A sun cost that's just not worth it at all, and a recharge that's just pure crap. However, if you can somehow get a strategy going around this, then he could POTENTIALLY wreck. Still, it's just not worth it.

#8 The reject

Literally all the plants in the piercing squad outclass this thing. The attack speed and damage it provides are just awful, it's just a Peashooter on steroids. Which isn't very good, at all.

#7 The Basic Duo

Peashooter and Cabbage-pult are weak compared to other plants, but it's because they're designed to be early use plants and not plants to use later on. You'll use these plants for a bit and then move on to something more useful later. However if we compare them to other plants, they just don't keep up. Yeah, it's not really fair to put them here, but I did because they're weak.

#6 My brother's favorite

As much as I and my brother like Guacodile, he's useless. There's nothing he adds to a strategy, and his rushing attack only barely scratches zombies. His peashooting effect is non-existent because the zombies will just get to him before any meaningful damage happens. He sucks at the jobs he's trying to do. Just don't make me use this.

#5 The purple people eater

Chomper is in a whole new league of bad in this game. The zombies come out faster and harder than ever, and Chomper just sits there chewing. He has no range, and the zombies will just walk up to him and kill him before anything meaningful happens. Please, just buy Toadstool and forget about this thing.

#4 The OG Freebie

For both you and the zombies. Puff-shroom does nothing in this game due to all the stalling plants you have available now. He can deal with early graves, and can stall gargs, but more than likely you'll use it for the first few zombies and then have it get overwhelmed. Horrendous, please actually use that seed slot.

#3 The boxer

Bonk Choy wins the bronze for crappiest plant, and it's not hard to see why. Melee rage, damage that is almost non-existent when actual zombies start coming out (He can't even kill a Conehead on his own), and all this for something 150 sun, 50% more costly than a Peashooter? Nope, nope. Go away. I used to like you, but now you're dead to me.

#2 The hypnotist

This plant hardly makes any impact. Sometimes, the wrong zombie will bite the Hypno-shroom, thus giving you the wrong zombie on your side, and wasting a cooldown. It essentially destroys one zombie and gives you a moving meat wall. Not very exciting. It's plantfood effect is very good, and that saves it from the bottom, but I'd rather stall the zombies or instantly kill them then have this useless thing in my arsenal.

#1 The fan service

And this just goes to show PopCap can't even balance their own game properly. This plant is useless. After diverting two zombies TWO FRICKIN ZOMBIES, it goes to it's first degrade. Zombies take two bites to divert, and they nerfed his recharge. They took everything about a plant I personally liked in Plants vs. Zombies 1, and removed all of it entirely. You can't be strategic with this thing, because it dies to quickly. His plant food, while decent, isn't something I've used very often, because there's always better options. In fact, there's always gonna be better options then this thing, and it takes the #1 spot. This thing makes Sweet Potato look like a great plant. Sweet Potato didn't even make this list.

#0? Again?

Again, by definition, Imitater is both the best and worst plant in the game.

Top 20 Favorite

While good and bad are judged how I found the plant's effects to be, favorites has more going into it. Favorites are also judged by design, costumes, and personal experiences are more weighted.


Inside jokes aside, Celery Stalker has touched me in good ways. While not entirely good, his concept is at the very least unique. A plant that waits patiently for his pray, and then he does sufficient damage to them. My only grips with this plant are its reaction delay (3 Seconds? why does this exist? And why is this an editable value?), and the fact that it can be crushed while hidden. But still, this plant is fun!

#19 The sucker

Personal experience. This plant has actually saved me when playing endless, so I have a bit of love towards this plant. I also love his design, it's humorous. While not very good either, I still like this plant a fair bit.

#18 The alliance

First plant to double-dip. I love using this plant. But there's not much to say that I haven't said when he's in the best list. However, I love the Robinhood costume, and his design is nothing for me to scoff at either.

#17 The aerial denial blowhard

I've had a great experience with Blover. With the increasing amount of ways for zombies to get airborn, Blover stops them dead in their tracks. He's on this solely because of his killer effect, but it's so detrimental sometimes I just can't not use it.

#16 Classic Spudow!!!

Potato Mine. Was actually pretty close to making my best plants list, but was off by just a bit. For an effect, it's so deceptively simple, but so effective. Newer players will learn restraint with this plant, and even if you have premiums Potato Mine is still a viable alternative. For other factors, I think he's cute, and his mask costume is really cool.

#15 Chaboof!!

New name for the section for this plant, but Cherry Bomb's effect is also detrimental. It's hard not to use this plant, it's just so dang effective at clearing out hordes. I also like his design and Gangster costume. Cherry Bomb is just super effective!

#14 Side B savior

On my first go around, I hated Neon Mixtape Tour Side B. I thought it was hard to find a strategy using the best plants. So for my second go around, I wanted a cheap offensive shooter. I tired A.K.E.E., but he wasn't cheap enough. So I tried Fume-shroom. And he exceeded expectations. I loved using Fume-shroom in PVZ1, but I thought PVZ2 (minus 3.4.4) just wasn't Fume-shroom's game. However, since Fume-shroom carried my booty out of NMT, and he was a plant I loved in PVZ1, I put him here. I love his design, but not so much his costume.

#13 Swell Fruit!!

Adorable! This plant, though gimmicky, is fun to use. I may not like the colour yellow, but Starfruit makes it work well! I don't like his accessible costume, but his hidden costume is very nice!

#12 The Melon Lobbers

Though there designs are pretty much the same, I think I like Winter Melon's just slightly more. But both of these plants are very good options. Melon-pult is good on tight budgets, or if you don't have Winter Melon. Both do great damage and are effective. I love there design and costumes. And I love that they're in this game.

#11 The spooky ghost and The "Yung" Volcano

Though their effects are inverses of eachother, they're still both awesome in my eyes. I like Ghost Pepper's effect more, but I like Lava Guava's effect more. Ghost Pepper might be my old namesake, but she has A LOT of competition now days. Lava Guava might be slightly less useful, but he's good.

#10 The self cloning machine

Spore-shroom is just awesome. His effect is just awesome, however insignificant the damage is. His design is pretty good, and I like his costumes. I do wish he was a defensive plant though, because the cloning effect is kind of useless. Still though, I was hyped for him, and he did not disappoint!

#9 The light in the darkness

Sun-shroom is back! As a sun producer, I always preferred Sun-shroom, and so he's here! He's adorable, and his costume his funny. He's extremely cost efficient, almost to the point of inbalance. Still an awesome plant!

#8 The Autonomous Katapulting Ejecto Emitter

A.K.E.E. is cool! He's confident, and is pretty effective. Though the worst of the piercing squad, he's definitely the best in design. I love his military hat costume. In fact, the Lost City plants have the costumes that I didn't think I would like, but I like them. A.K.E.E. will always have a place in my heart for awesome he's been. But now, it's time to get onto the ones that I knew would be on this list.

#7 The advanced stunner

Stunion is here! Although I don't know what made me have him as my second favorite plant (even over Hurrikale O.O (spoilers)) for the longest time, He's here on the list. His effect is very good, and if I need a stalling plant and I'm not in Neon Mixtape Tour, or if I need another one besides Hurrikale, I'll pick Stunion. I like his design, and his radio operator costume great! This guys is what a ham radio operator should be!

#6 The revamped prickly

YAY PRICKLY!!!! Cactus was pretty bad in the first game. You used her for one level, and basically got rid of her for Blover. Since her gimmick is gone, they had to completely rework her. So what did we get out of this? A great piercing plant! At first, I thought this plant was bad, but I gave her a chance, and I definitely see why people rave about her. Her effect is very nice, and while I don't like her design and Jean Jacket costume, I love her workout costume! All in all, I've had a great time with this plant, so she definitely deserves a place here for impact.

#5 The gatekeeper

So besides the best section, what more can I say? This plant was almost essential in stopping lowtides, (though Imitater was very helpful with that, and Infi-nut is a great option vs. those to) and I like his design. His costumes are also pretty good. I love this plant, and he'll continue to be a force that I use.

#4 The Autumn leaf

Gold leaf has awesome costumes. I especially love her Ice Cream costume. Her design is also very cool looking to me. In terms of use, Gold Leaf is actually quite overpowered. The sun tiles are a ridiculously good asset to have, but you won't be using them outside of Lost City, so you won't notice.

#3 Chomper Mk 2

Toadstool is great! Awesome design, great costumes. I've had many a good experience with her, such as beating the entirety of Lost City with her, and I find her to be quite good. When they remade Chomper, they buffed the heck out of him.

#2 The lane blowhard

Hurrikale! I love this plant! He has saved my butt so many times. Back when Hurrikale was hidden the code, I tried to get him. I also knew nothing about hacking, so keeping him was a struggle. But when he came out, (and when he was able to be used consistently) he was a permanent asset to my strategies. His effect to essentially nullify one lane is great! I love his design and costume as well! Whelp, number 1 is a conjoined entry, so let's go.

#1 Cob Cannon 0.5 and Warp Thyme

I like these plants equally, but they're here for different reasons.

Banana Launcher: Personal experience, I love his effect, his voice, (Banana is adorable!), his design, his costume, EVERYTHING! Though I know not many other people like this plant, I stand by him as my personal favorite. Tied with:

Thyme Warp: CUTE! Cutest plant in the game in my opinion. Though his effect is overpowered, and he's pretty much an extra plant, I still love this plant. His costumes are ok, but nothing special. Also, his animation is pretty bad. But still, I love him.

Least Favorite

Coming Tommorow, when I'm not tired. Stats will come too.