Epic Quest - Jack O' Lantern!

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They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Flag Zombie 3.png
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Gold Bloom.png
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Formerly Premium Seeds - Jack O' Lantern!

Premium Seeds - Jack O' Lantern! is an Epic Quest that features 5 steps of the Premium Plant Quest for Jack O' Lantern. It lasted from October 23rd, 2018 to October 30th, 2018, October 21, 2019 to October 28, 2019, May 20 2020 to May 27, 2020. The reward is a Premium Piñata that contains 50 Seed packets, each 10 seed packets for a world/premium plant. (Before 2020 the reward was 60 Seed packets for Jack O' Lantern and 5,000 Coins).

Step 1

This level combo is all about attacking in stalling, Jack O' Lantern is your main attacking plant however he would need to recharge to damage strong zombies such as: Buckethead Zombies, Pharaoh Zombies, and Gargantuars. Kernel-pult would be helpful in stalling zombies and damage weak zombies. however the butter effect has a rare chance, which is why you need to plant multiple ones to ensure that they can stall zombies. Infi-nut can also stall zombies to, but groups of Barrel Roller Zombie can easily crush them, so use Jack O' Lantern to easily destroy them. When Gargantuars come, constantly attack and plant Jack O' Lanterns to easily destroy him. Use Plant Food on Kernel-pult to stall them or Jack O' Lantern to deal damage.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Mummy Zombie2.png3 Imp Monk Zombie2.png3 None Kernel-pult2.png is available.
2 Mummy Zombie2.png Imp Monk Zombie2.png None Infi-nut2.png is available.
3 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png5 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None
4 Flag Zombie2.png Pharaoh Zombie2.png3 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None First flag.
5 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png4 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None
6 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png2 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None
7 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png3 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None
8 Flag Zombie2.png Pharaoh Zombie2.png2 Pharaoh Zombie2.png4 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None Second flag.
9 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png5 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None
10 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png3 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None
11 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png1 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png4 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None
12 Flag Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png3 Imp Monk Zombie2.png None Final wave.

Note: Conehead Mummy2.png, extra Mummy Zombie2.png and Imp Monk Zombie2.png appear at random.

Step 2

This level is mostly filled with ambushes from: Swashbuckler Zombie, Bug Bot Imp, Lost Pilot Zombie, and Relic Hunter Zombie. So stalling them is a necessity, plant Wall-nuts in area's where these ambush zombies would spawn, so that they won't be a problem. They can easily be defeated by Jack O' Lantern, however Relic Hunter Zombie has a bit of tough health. Lightning Reed should be used to damage the zombies that appears here, Octo Zombie can easily wrap up Wall-nuts, however since Lighting Reed has splash damage it can damage octopus and zombies at once. Magnet-shroom will be very helpful in removing Buckets from Buckethead Zombies, making Lighting Reed more easier to defeat them. Use Plant Food on Jack O' Lantern to damage zombies.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png None Wall-nut2.png is available.
2 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png2 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png4 None Lightning Reed2.png is available.
3 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Flag Zombie2.png Relic Hunter Zombie2.png1 Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png First flag.
Bot Swarm!
Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Relic Hunter Zombie2.png Relic Hunter Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Parachute Rain!
Magnet-shroom2.png is available.
5 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png2 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png5 Octo Zombie2.png1 None
6 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Flag Zombie2.png None Second flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Octo Zombie2.png3 Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Parachute Rain!
Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Relic Hunter Zombie2.png1 Relic Hunter Zombie2.png3 None
9 Flag Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Relic Hunter Zombie2.png1 Relic Hunter Zombie2.png2 Relic Hunter Zombie2.png2 Relic Hunter Zombie2.png3 Relic Hunter Zombie2.png4 Relic Hunter Zombie2.png4 Relic Hunter Zombie2.png5 Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Bug Bot Imp2.png Final wave.
Bot Swarm!

Step 3

Spore-shroom is given as the only main attacking plant here, so you should plant as much as you can to easily win the level. However, Troglobite and Excavator Zombie can easily make spawn Spore-Shroom crushed or dug out of the lawn, so you have to defeat these zombies fast. Endurian is a good staller, keep in mind that Zombie Parrot summoned from Pirate Captain Zombie can easily steal plants, so if you have plenty of plants, they can easily destroy Zombie Parrot. Jack O'Lantern should be planted behind Endurian since it can easily attack lots of zombies when they are being grouped up and being stalled, keep in mind that Imp Dragon Zombie is immune to Jack O' Lantern so you have to use other attacking plants. Deep Sea Gargantuars can easily crush Endurian, so try defeating him fast with Jack O'Lantern. Use Plant Food on Spore-shroom to easily destroy and replace zombies with Spore-shrooms.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Mummy Zombie2.png Imp Dragon2.png None
2 Excavator Zombie2.png3 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
3 Flag Zombie2.png Mummy Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Mummy2.png2 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Conehead Mummy2.png1 Conehead Mummy2.png2 Conehead Mummy2.png3 Conehead Mummy2.png4 Conehead Mummy2.png5 Troglobite2.png1 Troglobite2.png4 None
5 Mummy Zombie2.png2 Mummy Zombie2.png3 Excavator Zombie2.png2 Excavator Zombie2.png3 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Flag Zombie2.png Pirate Captain Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png5 None Second flag.
7 Troglobite2.png2 Troglobite2.png3 Troglobite2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Conehead Mummy2.png1 Conehead Mummy2.png5 Buckethead Mummy2.png1 Buckethead Mummy2.png5 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png2 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png3 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
9 Flag Zombie2.png Conehead Mummy2.png1 Conehead Mummy2.png5 Imp Dragon Zombie2.png1 Imp Dragon Zombie2.png2 Imp Dragon Zombie2.png3 Imp Dragon Zombie2.png4 Imp Dragon Zombie2.png5 None Third flag.
10 Troglobite2.png1 Troglobite2.png5 Excavator Zombie2.png2 Excavator Zombie2.png4 None
11 Buckethead Mummy2.png2 Buckethead Mummy2.png4 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png3 Troglobite2.png3 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
12 Flag Zombie2.png Conehead Mummy2.png2 Conehead Mummy2.png4 Imp Dragon Zombie2.png1 Imp Dragon Zombie2.png3 Imp Dragon Zombie2.png5 Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png3 Troglobite2.png2 Troglobite2.png4 Excavator Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png3 Excavator Zombie2.png5 None Final wave.

Note: All Troglobites only push 1 block; extra Mummy Zombie2.png, Conehead Mummy2.png and Buckethead Mummy2.png appear at random.

Step 4

Use the pre-planted Sunflower's to earn extra Sun to plant more Sunflower before planting other plants. Jack O' Latern is not only helpful because it can easily destroy multiple zombies at once such as, Camel Zombies but it also can protect plants from the freezing wind so that they don't freeze, they also block Hunter Zombie snowballs from freezing plants. Jack O' Lantern is also a very important plant because Peashooter is the only other attacking plant, Jester Zombie and Excavator Zombie can block or deflect his projectiles which can be a issue, luckily Jack O' Lantern can easily destroy them, you can also use Stunion to stall them. Which should also be used on Wizard Zombie before he transform plants into sheep, Wall-nut can also be helpful in stalling zombie but keep in mind Excavator Zombie and Troglobite can easily crush Wall-nut without eating them, making them useless. Disco-tron 3000 can summoned Disco-Jetpack Zombies which can easily overwhelm plants, Jack O' Lantern alone will take a while to destroy him and Stunion can't stall him because he is a Mechanical zombies, so use Wall-nut to stall him. Use Plant Food on Jack O' Lantern to damage groups of zombies or Sunflower to gain a good amount of sun.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Freezing wind Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png3 None None
2 Basic Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png5 None None
3 Basic Zombie2.png1 Basic Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Flag Zombie2.png None None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png4 None Lane: 5
5 Basic Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png3 None None
6 Flag Zombie2.png Jester Zombie2.png1 Jester Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png1 None None Second flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Camel Zombies2.png+1 Camel Zombies2.png+4 Hunter Zombie2.png2 Hunter Zombie2.png2 Hunter Zombie2.png5 Hunter Zombie2.png5 None None
8 Excavator Zombie2.png3 None Lane: 1
9 Flag Zombie2.png Jester Zombie2.png2 Jester Zombie2.png4 Wizard Zombie2.png5 Hunter Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png3 Hunter Zombie2.png3 None None Third flag.
10 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Camel Zombies2.png+2 None None
11 Disco-tron 30002.png2 None None Carries 1x Plant Food.
12 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Flag Zombie2.png Troglobite2.png- Excavator Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png None None Final wave.

Note: Camel Zombies2.png+ carries 4 segments. Troglobite2.png- pushes one frozen block

Step 5

This level is very-quick paced, so stalling zombies will be very helpful. Use Stallia to stall zombies such as, Bug Zombies and his variants and Zombie Bull since they can easily charge through your lawn, they can also be used against Surfer Zombie to drop his Surfboard. Puff-shroom should be used for the first few waves so you can have time to set up your lawns, they are also helpful against Tombstones, eventually destroying them. Jack O' Lantern should be used as the main damaging plant, try your best to recharge it and don't waste flames on weak zombies such as: Mummy Zombies or Conehead Zombies as they can easily be defeat by Puff-shrooms. Barrel Roller Zombie and Pianist Zombie can easily crush plants, so you have to destroy them fast with Jack O' Lantern, Explorer Zombie can easily burn plants, so stall him then defeat him with Jack O' Lantern. Mostly all the zombies should be defeated by Jack O' Lantern, however Mecha-Football Zombie has high health, so you have to constantly damage him, use any additional Plant Food on Jack O' Lantern to easily destroy him, Plant Food should also be used on Puff-shroom to regain their spawn time rate.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Mummy Zombie2.png1 Mummy Zombie2.png2 None Puff-shroom2.png and Stallia2.png are available.
2 Mummy Zombie2.png3 Mummy Zombie2.png Conehead Mummy2.png1 None
3 Flag Zombie2.png Mummy Zombie2.png Bug Zombie2.png2 Bug Zombie2.png4 Bug Conehead Zombie2.png3 None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Mummy Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png2 None
5 Conehead Mummy2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Surfer Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Flag Zombie2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Explorer Zombie2.png1 Explorer Zombie2.png2 Explorer Zombie2.png3 Explorer Zombie2.png5 None Second flag.
7 Mummy Zombie2.png Zombie Bull2.png1 Zombie Bull2.png3 Zombie Bull2.png5 Mecha-Football Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Imp Cannon2.png2 Bug Zombie2.png1 Bug Zombie2.png1 Bug Zombie2.png1 None
9 Flag Zombie2.png Pianist Zombie2.png2 Pianist Zombie2.png4 Mecha-Football Zombie2.png3 Surfer Zombie2.png4 Surfer Zombie2.png5 None Third flag.
10 Flag Zombie2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Barrel Roller Zombie2.png1 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png4 Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Lost Pilot Zombie2.png Final wave.
Parachute Rain!

Note: Mummy Zombie2.png, Conehead Mummy2.png, and Buckethead Mummy2.png spawns at random.