He is based on the eponymous plant in Plants vs. Zombies 2 with the same name and appearance. But unlike his counterpart, Primal Potato Mine is only able to damage one zombie in his lane upon being destroyed.
His description is a reference to The Land Before Time, an animated movie series created by Don Bluth about dinosaurs.
Class: Guardian
Tribe: Root Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When destroyed: Do 3 damage to a Zombie here.
Set - Rarity: Colossal - Uncommon
Card description
Hidden long ago in Hollow Earth, Dinosaurs ran rampant in The Land Before Mine.
Update history
Update 1.22.12
Added to the game.
Primal Potato Mine is comparable to Bonk Choy in that he can remove many 3-health threats on turn 1, such as Arm Wrestler and Quickdraw Con Man, and since he activates his ability when destroyed, your opponent can't do much about him. He does not have the Team-Up trait and is outclassed by many other options, but he's still superior to Potato Mine in most situations.
Primal Potato Mine is a powerful removal card early on in the game that can destroy tough 1-brain zombies such as Iron Boarder and Arm Wrestler, so it is advised to treat him with caution.
Although there is nothing you can do if your opponent plays him to intercept a zombie on turn 1, you can either play cards that either move or bounce it like Backyard Bounce or Sumo Wrestler (only move if a vital zombie will be destroyed) or a disposable zombie to basically waste him if Primal Potato Mine is on an empty lane a bit later in the game, although most smart players will only front zombies with this card.
Plants vs. Zombies Wiki has a gallery for Primal Potato Mine.