Spring Into Action - Level 1
Spring Into Action - Level 1 is the first level in the Spring Into Action event in Penny's Pursuit. It is an Arena level, and has bonus objectives and zombie swaps, similar to other Penny's Pursuit levels.
This level can be hard due to Tomb Raiser Zombies and even Gargantuars.
Bonus Objectives
Mild Bonus Objective
- Score to beat 3,000,000
Spicy Bonus Objective
- Score to beat 4,000,000
- Destroy 30 gravestones
Extra Hot Objective
- Score to beat 6,000,000
- Destroy 30 gravestones
Strategy 1: Conceal Mint Plants
Created by ZooWeeMinecraft
Difficulty: Spicy (2 Jalapenos)
Plants used:
If you don't have Murkadamia Nut, then use Shadow-shroom.
Recommended Perk: Penny Shield
The Setup:
Place 4 Moonflowers so that the first 5 columns from the left are powered. You only need 4 Moonflowers to do this. Then place Shadow Peashooters on the leftmost column and start the level.
After a wave or two use Conceal-mint to power up the plants and hopefully get a lot of sun from the Moonflowers. Then place more Shadow Peashooters and place Murkadamia Nuts in the middle column where the Penny Shield is. When the Tomb Raiser Zombies and the Gargantuars start to come in, use the Shrinking Violets and Cherry Bombs. The Shrinking Violets are very effective here as they prevent the Gargantuars from using their Imps. Make sure to use Conceal-mint when it recharges again. At the end you should have the grave busting objective complete and have 3 to 4 million points.